Form 10-306 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (Oct. 1972) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Washington., D.C, COUNTY: NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES District of Columbia INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NFS USE ONLY FOR FEDERAL PROPERTIES ENTRY DATE (Type all entries - complete applicable sections) iOV 19/3 Godey Lime Kilns AND/OR HISTORIC: ______Washington Lime Kilns STREET AND NUMBER: Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway at 2?th and L Streets, N.W. CITY OR TOWN! CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: Congressman Washington, D.C Walter E, Fauntroy, D»C. District of Columbia 11 District of Columbia 001 CATEGORY ACCESSIBLE OWNERSHIP STATUS (Check One) TO THE PUBLIC District Q Building (SfPublic Public Acquisition: I | Occupied Yes: Site jSfStructure Q Private | | In Process HH Unoccupied | | Restricted d Object Q Both [~1 Being Considered | | Preservation work f^fUnrestricted in progress a NO PRESENT USE (Check One or More as Appropriate) | | Agricultural [~] Government (Zl P°rk Q Transportation I | Comments [ | Commercial |~~| Industrial [~~| Private Residence f~l Other (Specify) [~1 Educational [~1 Military [ | Religious Historic exhibit [ | Entertainment | | (Museum | | Scientific Department of the Interior, National Park Service^ REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS: (If applicable) STREET AND NUMBER: National Capital Parks 1100 Ohio Drive, S.W CITY OR TOWN: STATE: Washington, D.C. District of Columbia COURTHOUSE. REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC: National Capital Parks STREET AND NUMBER: 1100 Ohio Drive, S.W. CITY OR TOWN: STATE: Washington, D.C. District of Columbia TITLE OF SURVEY: Historic American Buildings Survey DATE OF SURVEY: Federal State County DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: Library of Congress S( NATIONAL STREET AND NUMBER: 1st Street and Independence Avenue, S.E 'j ^ CITY OR TOWN: COB.EV Washington, D.C. District of Columbilr -[2$ Good-..-.-" Q3 G3 Unexposed Original Site Eiltt®;:&PB:;©iiyajia|iei^ominated:-^ ^WO:^QQ^S^ ^rBe^ay?i^ta^^^i^:jQB.e ^xDrner -,oi ^ 6n of at !j^ Ca;na ^^ t&e^a^/^fxMe Carial^ Air , ' ^- for tlie - V : _, fe^worfe^^^:^ PERIOD (Check One or More as Appropriate) | | Pre-Columbian [~"| 16th Century | | 18th Century 20th Century [~] 15t^ Century [~~| 17th Century ^3§^9th Century SPECIFIC DATE(S) (If Applicable and Known) AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Aboriginal r~~| Education | | Political [_J Urban Planning | | Prehistoric Q Engineering O Religion/Phi­ Q Other ("Specify; O Historic [3v] Industry losophy | | Agri cu Iture I | Invention | | Science [ | Architecture I| Landscape Q Sculpture [H Art Architecture | | Social/Human­ JT~I Commerce I| Literature itarian | | Communications | | Military || Theater | | Conservation [U Music | | Transportation STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE The Godey Lime Kilns were an important part of the thriving mid-19th Century commercial life of Georgetown. The manufacture and sale of lime at this site was conducted from 1864 to 190?. The lime industry can be traced back^as far as 1830 in the Washington area, and William H. Godey started his lime business in another location in about 1858 and moved to the present kilns in 1§6U; the address was then known as 27th and L Streets, N.W. Godey was in partnership with John A. Rheim in 1865 Z and 1866 , and then he was on his own until his death in 1873 After o Godey's death his family continued to operate the kilns. In 189? the business was taken over by John McL. Dodson who operated the kilns u until 1907? when the kilns were closed. Z) Qi Today, the Godey Lime Kilns are in a atate of partial restoration,this I- work having been completed by January 1, 1967. UJ UJ JAjii^4;(W ^3^^IS ^ LATLTUDIE- AWELtoNSIT4j;bE EQO1?B1 MATES AND tGNSITUDE COemBIN ATEES / , ^^THfe^ENTER POiri*;JCtR; ^PROPERTY A RECtAN6U,E uTOCAfJNG Tl-LE PROPERTY- Or liESiS LSewjnds Sfconiis gr«»»s"':. o Seconds lJegr»«B v Minures Secoads :£P PR<?*lM AIE; AC REA GE Q F: NO1WNA T:EC PROPER TY: JU ee^itlpEjeeeutiye^Met l;t5-?"5-» ^hereby tifte 0ff ieet Kat^pee;n ailpv^3 f0 preset ihe ijcjfelijatipn tp"the«Stafe Rtf- its yg^ibance*^lTfie feijoni-f eyei M signifijeaflee: is. _- '~-'_ j^l Natiahaf~. r~3 Stalre-: _ .„_ 7 . ^f$t$?iaftite "-Y--," Date i^&^Mu^ Keeper ofTThe National Regisfer "*, ••*' - ,\ In \ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FORM 10-301 A NATIONAL PARK SERVICE (6/72) NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORM (Type all entries - attach to or en close with photograph) 1. NAME COMMON AND/OR HISTORIC NUMERIC CODE (Assigned by NFS) Godey Lime Kilns Washington Lime Kilns ^wr £, /?/J 2. LOCATION STATE COUNTY TOWN District of Columbia District of Columbia Washington STREET AND NUMBER /' \ \5' Ll_ .[{L// /\ Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway at 2?th tret s> IVED » N ' 3. PHOTO REFERENCE >lO\ PHOTO CREDIT DATE -;- SEP 1 4 ^r. GATI VE FILED AT Rational Capital Parks ."- NATIONA! ational Capital Parks 1100 Ohio Drive, S.W. April, !9?s REGIST:. t100 Ohio Drive, S.W. 4. IDENTIFICATION ^ Av ^/ DESCRIBE VIEW. DIRECTION, ETC. View shows the marker placed in front of the remains of the Godey Lime Kilns GPO 932-009 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FORM 10-301 A NATIONAL PARK SERVICE C6/72> NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORM (Type all entries - attach to or en close with photograph) 1. NAME COMMON AND/OR HISTORIC NUMERIC CODE (Assigned by NPS) Godey Lime Kilns Washington Lime Kilns 2. LOCATION STATE COUNTY TOWN District of Columbia District of Columbia , Washington STREET AND NUMBER Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway at 2?th and L Streets, N.W. 3. PHOTO REFERENCE PHOTO CREDIT DATE NEGATIVE FILED AT Helen Dillon April 1973 National Capital Parks 1100 Ohio Drive, S.W. 4. IDENTIFICATION DESCRIBE VIEW, DIRECTION, ETC. ^jjj/o^ View is of the highest remaining segment of the ruins of the Lime L-ins.pRECEIVEDrpr^,r n'''^\^\ The arched doorway was formerly the oven entrance •f-iy;-\ sft; REGISTE /Cr *& GPO 932.009 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FORM 10-301 A NATIONAL PARK SERVICE (6/72) NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORM (Type all entries - attach to or en close with photograph) 1. NAME COMMON AND/OR HISTORIC NUMERIC CODE (Assigned by NFS) Godey Lime Kilns Washington Lime Kilns 2. LOCATION STATE COUNTY ,--f' , "Q 1 T"7/"\ TOWN District of Columbia District of CoZtiijiblitl'"ji' - / 'NWashington STREET AND NUMBER / Eock Creek and Potomac Parkway at 27th and'^t'Streets,MwW.SEP i* - 3. PHOTO REFERENCE -m\,n\ —NATION /\;WJ — t;ii— —————————— PHOTO CREDIT DATE \\ REGISTF NE'&AtlVE FILED AT Helen Dillon April 1973 .Tjfational Capital Parks XV^ lv^ VllOO Ohio Drive, S.W. 4. IDENTIFICATION DESCRIBE VIEW, DIRECTION, ETC. View shows the remaining wall of the Lime Kilns in relation to the Whitehurst Freeway GPO 932-009 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FORM 10-301 A •; S NATIONAL PARK SERVICE 16/72) * " NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORM (Type all entries - attach to or en close with photograph) 1. NAME COMMON AND/OR HISTORIC NUMERIC CODE (A sel&ted by NPS) Godey Lime Kilns Washington Lime Kilns 2. LOCATION STATE COUNTY TOWN District of Columbia District of Columbia WashinRto STREET AND NUMBER /^ \^ L 1 ///jT^V^ Rock Creek and Potomac Pafckway at 27th and/I^treet^L, ~^XX. 3. PHOTO REFERENCE .•_.'' Cl.R \£\ PHOTO CREDIT DATE —— t '"^r ^ J I^VtATIVE FILED AT -^ wj ;;jcipy neg. 1973 at NCPC c'entuntp,:;^ early 20th I\ L li LS ; 4. IDENTIFICATION ^> i~^V DESCRIBE VIEW, DIRECTION, ETC. / • „ <- \ \ <J>/ Godey Lime Kilns when still in operation from the west across the canal, GPO 932-009.
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