ACOE. 1976. Flood Plain Information: Camp Verde and Wet Beaver Creek; Vicinity of Lake Montezuma, Yavapai County, Arizona. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles. 27 pages. RIPARIAN; VERDE RIVER. Agenbroad, L. D., et al. 1981. Investigations of small, man-made impoundments on the hydrology of the lower Oak Creek drainage area, Coconino and Yavapai counties, Arizona. Northern Arizona University, Department of Geology, 67 pages. TD395 .A26. HYDROLOGY; VERDE RIVER. Ahlstrom, R. V. N., et al. 1995. Environmental and chronological factors in the Mesa Verde-Northern Rio Grande migration. CC97 .E85 J68 14: 125. BIOTIC CHANGE; MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK. Anderson, T. W. 1995. Summary of the southwest alluvial basins, regional aquifer- system analysis, south-central Arizona and parts of adjacent states. U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1406-A. 33 pages. GROUNDWATER; SALT RIVER; VERDE RIVER. study all south of Flagstaff. Anonymous. Trend analysis of selected water quality constituents in the Verde River basin, central Arizona. UA, Government Documents: I19; 42/4; 90-4128. VERDE RIVER; WATER QUALITY. Anonymous. 1942. Pioneering in the Verde valley. Scenic Southwest: 3. AGRICULTURE; LIVESTOCK; VERDE RIVER. Anonymous. 1954. Pioneer stories of Arizona's Verde valley. Verde Valley Pioneers Association, Camp Verde, AZ. 219 pages. AGRICULTURE; HISTORY; LIVESTOCK; VERDE RIVER. Anonymous. 1970. The taming of the Salt. Salt River Project Communications and Public Affairs Department, Phoenix. HISTORY; SALT RIVER; VERDE RIVER. A collection of biographies of pioneers who contributed significantly to water development in the Salt River Valley. Anonymous. 1973. Flood damage report on the storm and flood of 17-21 October 1972 - Gila River basin above San Carlos. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles. AGUA FRIA RIVER; COLORADO RIVER; FLOOD; GILA RIVER; LITTLE COLORADO RIVER; SALT RIVER; SAN PEDRO RIVER; SANTA CRUZ RIVER; VERDE RIVER. Anonymous. 1979. Action program for resolution of livestock-riparian conflicts on the Salt River and Verde River. USFS, Region 3, Tonto, Prescott, and Coconino National Forests, 129 pages. LIVESTOCK; RIPARIAN; SALT RIVER; VERDE RIVER. Anonymous. 1981. River otter reintroduction planned for Verde. Wildl View (SK51 .W58): 4. OTTER; RESTORE; VERDE RIVER. Arizona Rivers Coalition. 1991. Arizona rivers: lifeblood of the desert. Arizona Rivers Coalition, Phoenix. 197 pages. VERDE RIVER; WILD AND SCENIC. Averitt, E., et al. 1994. An assessment of the Verde River corridor project in Arizona. Land Urb Plan (NIC; ASU QH75 .A1 L262x) 28: 161-178. VERDE RIVER. Baker, M. B., Jr. 1982. Hydrologic regimes of forested areas in the Beaver Creek watershed. USFS, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ft. Collins. General Technical Report RM-90. US Docs A 13.88:RM-90. HYDROLOGY; VERDE RIVER. Juniperus osteosperma. Site located between Happy Jack and Verde River. Inherently low water yield in Utah juniper sites limits any increases from vegetative manipulations. Baker, V. R. 1987. Fluvial paleohydrology of the southern Colorado Plateau, Arizona and Utah. Pages 18-19 in R.H. Hawkins, F.J. Wobber, and E.P. Springer, eds. Remote sensing-arid lands workshop. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Washington, D.C. COLORADO PLATEAU; ESCALANTE RIVER; HYDROLOGY; KANAB CREEK; PALEOHYDROLOGY; SALT RIVER; VERDE RIVER. Baldys, S., III. 1990. Trend analysis of selected water-quality constituents in the Verde River basin, central Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4128. 59 pages. VERDE RIVER; WATER QUALITY. Baldys, S., III, and J. A. Bayles. 1990. Flow characteristics of streams that drain the Fort Apache and San Carlos Indian Reservations, east-central Arizona, 1930-86. U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4053. 59 pages. HYDROLOGY; VERDE RIVER. Baldys, S., III, and H. W. Hjalmarson. 1994. Effects of controlled burning of chaparral on streamflow and sediment characteristics, East Fork Sycamore Creek, central Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4102. 33 pages. FIRE; HYDROLOGY; VERDE RIVER; WATER QUALITY. Barrett, P. J., and O. E. Maughan. 1995. Spatial habitat selection of roundtail chub (Gila robusta) in two central Arizona streams. SW Nat (QH1 .S745) 40: 301-307. (RJ). GILA ROBUSTA; VERDE RIVER; XYRAUCHEN TEXANUS. Wet Beaver and Fossil creeks of the Verde River. Barstad, J. 1988. The Verde River sheep bridge and the sheep industry in Arizona. Gerald A. Doyle and Associates, P.C., Phoenix. LIVESTOCK; VERDE RIVER. Bartlett, K. 1942. Notes upon the routes of Espejo and Farfan to the mines in the 16th century. F791 .N65 17: 21-36. LITTLE COLORADO RIVER; MINING; VERDE RIVER. Bell, W. A. 1869. New tracks in North America. Chapman and Hall, London. 564 pages. COLORADO RIVER; GILA RIVER; HISTORY; SALT RIVER; SAN SIMON CREEK; SANTA CRUZ RIVER; VERDE RIVER. BLM. 1959. The public land records. Bureau of Land Management, Washington, D.C. Footnotes to American history HISTORY; VERDE RIVER. Bond, M. E., and R. H. Dunikoski. 1977. Impact of second-home development on water availability in north central Arizona. Arizona State University Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Tempe. DEVELOPMENT; GROUNDWATER; SALT RIVER; VERDE RIVER. Boner, F. C., et al. 1992. Water-resources data for Arizona, water year 1991. U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Data Report AZ-91-1. 411 pages. COLORADO RIVER; GROUNDWATER; HYDROLOGY; LITTLE COLORADO RIVER; VERDE RIVER. Boner, F. C., et al. 1991. Water resources data, Arizona, water year 1990. U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Data Report AZ-90-1. 381 pages. COLORADO RIVER; GROUNDWATER; HYDROLOGY; LITTLE COLORADO RIVER; VERDE RIVER. Bonomo, T. 1996. Public involvement and consensus building in the Verde River watershed in central Arizona. Pages 230-236 in D.W. Shaw and D.M. Finch, eds. Desired future conditions for southwestern riparian ecosystems: bring interests and concerns together. USFS Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins. General Technical Report RM-272. COMMUNITY-BASED CONSERVATION; DECISION-MAKING; VERDE RIVER. Bronson, L. G. 1978. Cowmen on the Verde. J AZ Hist (SC: F 806 .A762) 19: 261-282. LIVESTOCK; VERDE RIVER. Brown, J. G., and D. R. Pool. 1989. Hydrogeology of the western part of the Salt River valley, Maricopa County, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4202. HYDROLOGY; SALT RIVER; VERDE RIVER. Brown, T. C., and M. M. Fogel. 1987. Use of streamflow increases from vegetation management in the Verde River basin. Water Res Bull (GB651 .W315) (v.1-17 in stacks, others on fiche) 23: 1149. VERDE RIVER. Byrkit, J. W. 1978. A log of the Verde: the taming of an Arizona river. J AZ Hist (SC: F 806 .A762) 19: 31-54. COLORADO PLATEAU; DAM; VERDE RIVER. Caillou, A. 1990. Jerome and the Verde Valley: legends and legacies. Thorne Enterprises, Sedona, AZ. 278 pages. LIVESTOCK; MINING; VERDE RIVER; YAVAPAI. Campbell, C. J., and W. Green. 1968. Perpetual succession of stream-channel vegetation in a semiarid region. Q11 .A72 A23 5: 86-97. COLORADO RIVER; ELEAGANUS; PECOS RIVER; RIO GRANDE RIVER; RIPARIAN; SALT RIVER; TAMARIX; VERDE RIVER. Chamberlain, S. A. 1975. Fort McDowell Indian Reservation: Water Rights and Indian Removal, 1910-1930. F591 .J65 14: 27-34. APACHE; VERDE RIVER. Christensen, K. M. 1984. Habitat selection, food habitas, movements and activity patterns of reintroduced river otters (Lutra canadensis) in central Arizona. Thesis, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, OTTER; VERDE RIVER. Coalition, Arizona Rivers. 1993. Arizona rivers, lifeblood of the desert : a citizens proposal for the protection of rivers in Arizona. 119 pages. SC: GB1224.A6 A75 1993. COLORADO RIVER; GILA RIVER; SALT RIVER; VERDE RIVER. Creef, E. D., and R. W. Clarkson. 1992. Movement patterns and habitat use of razorback suckers (Xyrauchen texanus) in the Verde River, Arizona. Pages 63. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council. XXIV. VERDE RIVER; XYRAUCHEN TEXANUS. Davis, Owen K. 1987. Palynological evidence for historic juniper invasion in central Arizona: a late Quaternary perspective. Pages 120-124 in R. Everett, ed. Pinyon-juniper conference. USFS, Intermountain Research Station, Logan, UT. General Technical Report INT-215. HISTORY; PINYON-JUNIPER. Pollen records from the Verde Valley show woodland expansion coincides with introduction of livestock. Pinyon & sagebrush declined while juniper increased. Duncan, F. L. 1990. Long Mesa fire 1989. Fire effects and cultural resources: an annotated bibliography. On file at Mesa Verde National Park Research Center. BIBLIOGRAPHY; CULTURAL RESOURCE; DOUGLAS FIR; FIRE; MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK; PINYON-JUNIPER. Eason, N. J. 1966. Fort Verde: An Era of Men and Courage. Fort Verde Museum Society, Camp Verde, AZ. HISTORY; VERDE RIVER. Ely, L. L., and V. R. Baker. 1985. Reconstructing paleoflood hydrology with slackwater deposits: Verde River, Arizona. Phys Geogr (G1 .P48) 6: 103-126. FLOOD; PALEOHYDROLOGY; VERDE RIVER. Ely, L. L., et al. 1993. A 5000-year record of extreme floods and climate change in the southwestern United States. Science (Q1 .S35) 262: 410-412. BILL WILLIAMS RIVER; BIOTIC CHANGE; CLIMATE; ESCALANTE RIVER; FLOOD; HYDROLOGY; PALEOHYDROLOGY; PARIA RIVER; SALT RIVER; SAN PEDRO RIVER; VERDE RIVER; VIRGIN RIVER WATERSHED. Erdman, J. A. 1970. Pinyon-juniper succession after natural fires on residual soils of Mesa Verde, Colorado. BYU Sci Bull, Biol Ser (CSEL: QH1 .B863) 11 (2): 1-26.
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