![Meðunarodno Saksofonisticˇko Natjecanje International Saxophone](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MEÐUNARODNO MEÐUNARODNO SAKSOFONISTICˇKO SAKSOFONISTICˇKO NATJECANJE NATJECANJE INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SAXOPHONE SAXOPHONE COMPETITION COMPETITION ACADEMY OF MUSIC ZAGREB ACADEMY OF MUSIC ZAGREB SPRING 2024 JUNE 5 - JUNE 10 2021 4. Archive downloaded in Adolphesax.com 3. MEĐUNARODNO SAKSOFONISTIČKO NATJECANJE JOSIP NOCHTA ZAGREB, 5.6. - 10.6.2021. Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 3rd INTERNATIONAL SAXOPHONE COMPETITION JOSIP NOCHTA ZAGREB, June 05 - 10 2021 University of Zagreb Academy of Music Archive downloaded in Adolphesax.com 3. međunarodno saksofonističko natjecanje Josip Nochta održava se pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske 3rd International Saxophone Competition Josip Nochta is held under the high patronage of Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia Održavanje 3. međunarodnog saksofonističkog natjecanja Josip Nochta omogućuje 3rd International Saxophone Competition Josip Nochta is supported by Ministarstvo kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia Gradski ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sport Posebnu zahvalnost za suradnju i pomoć zaslužuju Our special thanks for the collaboration and help goes to Zagrebačka filharmonija The Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra Adolphesax.com, la web del saxofón kao i sponzori i donatori nagrada navedeni u katalogu as well as the sponsors and donators of the awards listed in the catalogue Umjetnički ravnatelj natjecanja / Artistic Director of the Competition Dragan Sremec Počasni odbor natjecanja / Honorary Board of the Competition Dalibor Cikojević, Mladen Janjanin, Saša Nestorović, Marina Novak, Dragan Sremec, Daniel Duran Lumbreras Produkcija i organizacija / Production and Organization Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu University of Zagreb Academy of Music Archive downloaded in Adolphesax.com 4 Prvo održavanje nekog međunarodnog The first time an international competition Dragi prijatelji i kolege saksofonisti, Dear friends and fellow saxophonists, 5 natjecanja obično pozdravljamo kao do- is held, we usually greet it as a welcome izuzetno mi je zadovoljstvo što se ponovo I am very pleased that we have, once brodošlu inicijativu, drugo uspješno odr- initiative, the second time such events is u velikom broju nalazimo u Zagrebu na again, gathered in a large number here žavanje istog takvog događanja pokazuje successfully held, it shows that the orga- Međunarodnom saksofonističkom natje- in Zagreb, at the International Saxophone organizatorovu ozbiljnost dok treće izdanje nizer is serious, while the third edition may canju Josip Nochta. Competition Josip Nochta. već možemo smatrati dokazom tradicije u already be seen as demonstrating a tradi- Naš susret je prilika da u ovim teškim pan- Our meeting is an opportunity to show, in promicanju izvrsnosti. tion of promoting excellence. demijskim trenucima pokažemo spre- these harsh pandemic times, a readiness Upravo tako je Međunarodno saksofoni- That is precisely how the International mnost za povratak pred publiku do kojeg to return in front of audiences, which will stičko natjecanje Josip Nochta postiglo svoj Saxophone Competition Josip Nochta has će, nadam se, uskoro doći. happen soon, I hope. ugled na međunarodnom umjetničkom earned its reputation on the international 2014. godine, na devedesetu obljetnicu In 2014, on the twentieth anniversary of i obrazovnom zemljovidu u samo sedam artistic and educational map in only sev- rođenja profesora Josipa Nochte, prvog the birth of professor Josip Nochta, the godina proteklih od svog prvog izdanja en years since its first edition was held in profesora saksofona na Muzičkoj akade- first professor of saxophone at the Acad- održanog 2014 godine. Čestitam umjetnič- 2014. I would like to congratulate the art miji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i jednog od naj- emy of Music of the University of Zagreb kom ravnatelju natjecanja i njegovom pro- director of the competition and his pro- većih promicatelja klasičnog saksofona u and one of the greatest promoters of clas- ducentskom timu na tom postignuću te za- duction team on such an achievement ovom djelu Europe, a istodobno na dvje- sical saxophone in this part of Europe, and, hvaljujem svim mnogobrojnim partnerima and thank numerous partners on their stotu obljetnicu rođenja Adolphea Saxa, at the same time, on the two hundredth na doprinosu i pomoći bez koje se ovaj me- contributions and help, without which this genijalnog graditelja glazbenih instrume- anniversary of the birth of Adolphe Sax, đunarodni događaj ne bi mogao ostvariti. international event would not be possible. nata, pokrenuto je u Zagrebu Međunarod- an ingenious musical instrument maker, Od 5. do 10. lipnja 2021. ponovno svi s ve- From the 5th to the 10th of June 2021, all no saksofonističko natjecanje Josip Noch- International Saxophone Competition seljem očekujemo mnogobrojne izvedbe of us will, once again, be happily expect- ta. Cilj ovog natjecanja je internacionalna Josip Nochta was established in Zagreb. natjecatelja pristiglih u Hrvatsku s raznih ing many performances of the competi- promocija mladih talenata kao i hrvatskih The aim of this competition is the interna- strana svijeta. U ime organizatora natje- tors coming to Croatia from different parts kompozicija napisanih za saksofon. tional promotion of young talents, as well canja, Muzičke akademije Sveučilišta u of the world. In the name of the organizer Zahvaljujem mojim dugogodišnjim prija- as Croatian compositions written for the Zagrebu, srdačno pozdravljam sve sudio- of the competition, the Academy of Music, teljima, kolegama i velikim umjetnicima saxophone. nike natjecanja, umjetničke suradnike te University of Zagreb, I would like to greet koji su značajno doprinijeli razvoju sakso- I would like to thank my long-time friends, renomirane članove stručnog ocjenjivač- all participants in the competition, art as- fona, što su se odazvali pozivu za sudjelo- colleagues and great artists who have kog suda uz želju za ugodnim boravkom sociates and renowned expert members vanje u radu žirija, a posebno zahvaljujem considerably contributed to the devel- u Zagrebu. Doduše, ovoga puta će publika of the jury and wish them a pleasant stay sponzorima bez kojih ne bismo mogli opment of the saxophone, for accepting nastupe natjecatelja moći pratiti uglavnom in Zagreb. However, this time the audi- ostvariti ovaj zahtjevni projekt. Svim na- the invitation to take part in the jury, and putem objavljenih internetskih poveznica ence will be able to follow the participants tjecateljima želim puno uspjeha i ugodan I would especially like to thank sponsors ali, uz ponovno sudjelovanje orkestra Za- mostly via links published online but, boravak u Zagrebu. without which we could not have real- grebačke filharmonije u finalu, siguran sam thanks to the participation of the Zagreb ized this demanding project. To all partici- kako će uzbuđenja te uživanja u umjetnič- Philharmonic Orchestra in the finals once Dragan Sremec pants, I wish a lot of success and a pleasant kim dosezima biti u izobilju tijekom cijelog again, I’m sure that there will be an abun- Umjetnički ravnatelj natjecanja stay in Zagreb. natjecanja. dance of excitement and enjoyment in the artistic achievements throughout the Dragan Sremec Igor Lešnik competition. Artistic Director of the Competition dekan Muzičke akademije Igor Lešnik Dean of the Academy of Music Archive downloaded in Adolphesax.com 6 Josip Nochta rodom iz Antunovca kod Josip Nochta was born in Antunovac near 7 Bjelovara (1924.), pohađao je Srednju Bjelovar in 1924. He attended secondary glazbenu školu u Zagrebu, a klarinet je di- music school in Zagreb and graduated plomirao na Akademiji za glasbo u Ljublja- from the clarinet program of the Academy ni gdje je 1972. kod Mihe Gunzeka završio of Music in Ljubljana. In 1972, he complet- i specijalizaciju. Po povratku u Zagreb po- ed the specialization program under Miha staje solist Opernog orkestra HNK, 1957. Gunzek at the same institution. After re- godine prvi klarinetist Simfonijskog or- turning to Zagreb, he became the soloist kestra RTV Zagreb, a 1960. dobiva mjesto of the Croatian National Theatre Opera Or- solista orkestra Zagrebačke filharmonije. chestra, the first clarinetist of the Zagreb Nochta se rano ogledao i na koncertnom Radio Television Symphony Orchestra in podiju kao solist i komorni glazbenik pa je 1957, and the soloist of the Zagreb Phil- postigao zapažene uspjehe kod kuće i u harmonic Orchestra in 1960. Nochta also inozemstvu. Kritičari su isticali profinjenu developed a soloist and chamber music muzikalnost, virtuozno svladavanje instru- career, achieving great success both lo- menta i tehničku dovršenost njegova svi- cally and internationally. Critics praised ranja. Od 1973. godine član je Zagrebač- his sophisticated musical talent, virtuoso kog duhačkog kvinteta s kojim je ostvario playing and perfected technique. In 1973, više od 900 javnih nastupa, snimio nekoli- he became a member of the Zagreb Wind ko nosača zvuka i brojne trajne snimke za Quintet, performing with the ensemble potrebe HRT-e. Vidno mjesto u njegovom more than 900 times and recording sever- repertoaru zauzimali su domaći skladatelji al albums, as well as numerous recordings pa je zahvaljujući njemu u drugoj polovici for the purposes of the Croatian Radio dvadesetog stoljeća hrvatska literatura za Television. He included Croatian compos- klarinet obogaćena vrijednim djelima. ers in his repertoire and greatly
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