ŽILINSKÁ UNIVERZITA V ŽILINE Fakulta prírodných vied Katedra anglického jazyka a literatúry DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCA 2006 Jana Marcinková Irony in the novel Master Georgie written by Beryl Bainbridge Diplomová práca Jana Marcinková Žilinská univerzita v Žiline Fakulta prírodných vied Vedúci diplomovej práce: doc. PhDr. Stanislav Kolá ř, CSc. Konzultant: PhDr. Gabriela Boldizsárová Komisia pre obhajoby: Katedra anglického jazyka a literatúry Stupe ň odbornej kvalifikácie: magister Dátum odovzdania práce: 2006-04-15 Žilina 2006 ČESTNÉ PREHLÁSENIE Vyhlasujem, že som túto diplomovú prácu napísala samostatne s použitím uvádzanej literatúry. Žilina 2006 POĎAKOVANIE Chcela by som sa po ďakova ť mojej konzultantke PhDr. Gabriele Boldizsárovej za jej ochotu, trpezlivos ť a usmernenie pri písaní tejto diplomovej práce. ABSTRAKT Témou tejto diplomovej práce je irónia v historickom románe „ Master Georgie “ britskej spisovate ľky Beryl Bainbridge. Formálne je rozdelená do dvoch hlavných kapitol. Prvá, teoretická čas ť, obsahuje tri podkapitoly. V prvej z nich sa zaoberáme smerom postmodernizmus a jeho vplyvom na sú časnú spolo čenskú situáciu. Sústredíme sa predovšetkým na myšlienku, že v sú časnosti už neexistuje uzavretý výklad života a celková koncepcia univerzálneho. V druhej časti je objasnený vplyv postmodernizmu na literatúru. Medzi hlavné zmeny patrí napríklad poh ľad na realitu a úloha rozpráva ča, pri čom nesmieme zabudnú ť na iróniu, ktorá predstavuje k ľúčový prvok v rámci postmoderného textu. V tretej podkapitole charakterizujeme pojem irónia a jeho rôzne formy, pri čom zis ťujeme, že v sú časnom postmodernom období je použitie irónie mnohonásobné, či už v rámci textu, alebo re či. Druhá, praktická čas ť sa zaoberá analýzou novely „ Master Georgie “ z poh ľadu irónie. V priebehu tejto analýzy si všímame nielen jeho obsahovú, ale aj formálnu stránku, pri čom vychádzame z tvrdenia, že irónia stavia do juxtapozície zdanie a realitu. To znamená, že to, čo sa stane, bude opakom toho, čo o čakávame. Cie ľom tejto diplomovej práce je dokáza ť, že komplexnos ť rozoberaného diela je vytvorená prostredníctvom prenikajúcej irónie. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 7 1 THEORETICAL PART 9 1.1 Postmodernism and social situation 9 1.2 Postmodernism and literature 17 1.3 Forms of irony, irony and postmodernism 22 2 ANALYSIS OF NOVEL MASTER GEORGIE 29 2.1 Summary of the plot 29 2.2 Irony in the novel Master Georgie 31 2.2.1 Plate 1. 1846 33 2.2.2 Plate 2. 1850 40 2.2.3 Plate 3. 1854 46 2.2.4 Plate 4. August 1854 52 2.2.5 Plate 5. October 1854 57 2.2.6 Plate 6. November 1854 62 CONCLUSION 68 RESUMÉ 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY 77 INTRODUCTION This thesis deals with analysis of the novel Master Georgie written by Beryl Bainbridge from an interesting point of view. This special aspect is irony. The author Beryl Bainbridge is one of the British popular novelists. She was born in Liverpool on 21 November 1934 and got educated at Merchant Taylors´ School. Bainbridge spent her early years working as an actress at Liverpool Repertory Theatre, before she published her first novel. She has been short- listed for the Booker Prize four times and she has won the Whitbread Prize three times. The author is known for her psychologically bright portrayals of lower-middle class life. A number of her novels are set in her native Liverpool and the first two chapters of the novel Master Georgie are not an exception either. The author often uses her own experiences that can be the reason why her work has attracted so wide readership. Beryl Bainbridge is a wonderful observer of human folly and self-deception, she uses witty language and what is left unsaid is often as important as what is. The readers of her novels have to pay attention to her every word and it is useful if one also has a sharp ear for irony that is one of the significant features in Beryl Bainbridge´s novels. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the novel Master Georgie from the point of view of irony, that means to find out what kind of irony occurs in every of the six chapters of this novel. Besides, the illustration of the figures of verbal irony, dramatic irony or irony of fate, etc. we try to clarify also the formal irony as a stylistic method that is therefore associated with the above mentioned technique of saying as little and meaning as much as possible. Furthermore, coming out from the analyses of her previous novels that have been done by Swedish critic Elisabeth Wenn ı, our aim is to examine whether the characteristic features of her previous novels occur in the novel Master Georgie as well. We would like to show that the complexity of this novel is produced through a permeating irony. We particularly try to focus on the negative construction that ironically works to attach and upset realistic appeal and we also try to target the reader in order to find out if he or she is distanced by the presentation or invited to experience the process of narrated events. Moreover, we concentrate on the opposition between the ideal and the actual; it means the contrast between transcendence and separation, or entrapment. To show and highlight these viewpoints is a partial intention of this work along with the statement that the ironic interplay in the novel Master Georgie reveals a commitment to the needs of the individuals and to the cultural necessity of shared interpretative systems. This thesis is divided into two main chapters. In addition to the analysis of the novel, which represents the practical part of this work, the theoretical part illustrates the connections between postmodernism and social situation and postmodernism and literature. We will also outline the forms of irony and the relationship between this technique and postmodernism. Each of this part is very important for the analysis of the novel Master Georgie , in order to understand the chosen theme better. 1 THEORETICAL PART 1.1 Postmodernism and social situation In recent years, it has become quite fashionable to talk about the term postmodern and its derivatives postmodernism and postmodernity. Therefore, they require careful elaboration before being used in a history of social thought. It is certain that postmodernism is very difficult to be defined. However, it can be described as a set of ideas that has only emerged as an area of academic study since the middle 1980s. We can say that this movement is a concept, which appears in a wide variety of disciplines or areas of study, including art, architecture, communications, film, music, literature, sociology, philosophy, technology and fashion. The term itself entered the philosophical lexicon first in 1979, with the publication of work "The Postmodern Condition" written by Jean-Francois Lyotard. Postmodernism derives from postmodernity which Lyotard characterized as "a culmination of the process of modernity towards and accelerating pace of cultural change". (www.en.wikipedia.org)1 According to this, postmodernism as a cultural movement is an aspect of postmodernity and predates itself as a theoretical discipline by many years. When exactly modernism began to give way to postmodernism depends on the observer. Post-modern debate centred on whether or not we had reached the end of modernity. One of the approaches, which come from history and sociology, contrasts postmodernity with modernity. Modernity refers to a set of philosophical, ethical and political ideas, which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism. It can be seen both as an economic change which results from the Industrial Revolution and as an ideological change resulting from the French Revolution. As we have mentioned earlier, it is very hard to decide what is modern and what is not. 1 < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmodernism> However, we can say, that the modern era is generally associated with the European Enlightenment, which began in the 18th century. As the intellectual and cultural interest grew, such thinkers as Jean Francois Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard, Frederic Jameson and Jacques Derrida proposed the epoch of Postmodernity with its own political, economic, and cultural ideals and practices. Contemporary theory started to be preoccupied with the emergence of a new epochal shift. While modernity refers to the certain ideas, postmodernity refers to the social condition. It means our way of life is changed. It mostly concerns the changes in organization of our ways of life, but there is a change in ways how we experience reality as well. It is certain that there is a great sense of the coming to an end in many ways today. For our nation it can be the end of Communism, there can be the end of social class, the end of ideology and so on. There is no doubt that we are living in a new era now, which can be called postmodernity, but to describe the intellectual reactions to this term we have to think about postmodernism. Specifically, it refers to the ways that people, mainly academics, visual artists and writers, response to the conditions of Postmodernity. Postmodernists view society as something that can no longer be explained as functioning truly in one way for all time and being. Based on these views, society is everywhere constantly changing, and for this reason cannot be explained by the universalizing theories advanced by modernity. There are many rapid changes in the late twentieth century, sometimes we might think of them as bewildering. However, every time something new emerges, the old one must go aside. In other words, every aspect of life reacts one upon another in the context of an emerging new social world. We can say that this change means revolution in every aspect of social life from technology to the arts, politics, economics, theology, human perception, etc.
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