October 2008 Volume 17, No. 9 www.aps.org/publications/apsnews 21st Century Campaign Nears Goal APS NEWS and Needs Your Support! A PublicAtion of the AmericAn PhysicAl society • www.APs.org/PublicAtions/APsnews (See insert) Energy Efficiency Crucial to Achieving Energy Security Members Elect Barry Barish and Reducing Global Warming, States APS Report as next APS Vice-President Tapping wasted energy from miles per gallon mileage for cars needs because they require sig- APS members have elected in physics from the University of inefficient automobiles, homes and and other light-duty vehicles by nificant scientific and engineering Barry Barish, Linde Professor of California, Berkeley. He joined businesses is equivalent to discov- 2030 and the elimination of energy breakthroughs in several critical Physics Emeritus at Caltech, as the faculty at Caltech in 1963. ering a hidden energy reserve that from fossil fuels in new residential areas. the Society’s next vice president. Among his noteworthy experi- will help the United States improve buildings by 2020. The study also calls on Congress Barish will assume the office in ments were those performed at its energy security and reduce glob- and the White House to increase January 2009. At the same time, Fermilab using high-energy neu- al warming, an APS study panel has spending on research and develop- Curtis Callan of trino collisions to concluded. ment of next-generation building Princeton Univer- reveal the quark Their report, Energy Future: technologies, training scientists sity will become substructure of Think Efficiency, states that the key who work on building technologies president-elect, and the nucleon. In the to unlocking the efficiency poten- and supporting associated national Cherry Murray of 1980s, Barish initi- tial is developing policies that will laboratory, university and private- Lawrence Liver- ated an internation- put technology into the marketplace sector research programs. Addition- more National Lab- al effort to build a and developing new technologies ally, it recommends that lawmak- oratory will serve sophisticated un- through applied and basic research ers develop policies that address a as APS president derground detector in the public and private sectors. HOWAMERICA CANLOOK WITHIN TO wide-array of market barriers that for 2009, succeed- (MACRO) in Italy ACHIEVEENERGYSECURITYAND REDUCE GLOBAL WARMING The study panel concluded that discourage consumers from adopt- ing 2008 APS pres- in the emerging increased energy efficiency, par- ing investment in energy-efficient ident Arthur Bien- field of particle as- Barry Barish ticularly in the transportation and technologies, especially in the high- enstock of Stanford trophysics. Barish building sectors, will help eliminate ly fragmented building sector. University. Barish became Principal US reliance on foreign oil and re- It also states that the federal The American people need lead- will be president-elect in 2010, Investigator of the Laser Inter- duce greenhouse gas emissions that government should broaden its re- ership from the Congress and the and will serve as APS president ferometer Gravitational Wave contribute to global warming. search, development and demon- next president on this issue, said in 2011. Observatory (LIGO) project in Most recommendations address- stration programs, particularly in Nobel Laureate Burton Richter, In other election results, Kate 1994 and served as Director of ing high fuel costs focus on either the areas of batteries for conven- chair of the study committee and Kirby of the Harvard-Smithso- the LIGO Laboratory from 1997 increasing the supply of oil or find- tional hybrid vehicles, plug-in hy- director emeritus of the Stanford nian Center for Astrophysics was to 2005. He is currently the Di- ing a substitute fuel, but the APS re- brids and battery electric vehicles. Linear Accelerator Center. Both selected as the new chair-elect of rector of the Global Design Ef- port offers a practical roadmap with The report credits automakers for Senators McCain and Obama have the APS Nominating Commit- fort for the International Linear short-term and longer-term solu- devoting resources to the devel- outlined plans for improving en- tee, which has the responsibility Collider (ILC). In October 2002, tions for reducing demand through opment of hydrogen fuel cell and ergy efficiency and defining the im- of selecting a slate of candidates Barish was nominated to the cost-effective efficiencies that find plug-in hybrid vehicles, but con- portant role new technologies will each year to run for APS office. National Science Board, which public and political acceptance. cludes that they are not a solution play in our energy future. The next Nergis Mavalvala, a professor of oversees the National Science The report provides a path to 50 to the nation’s short-term energy REPORT continued on page 5 physics at MIT, and Jorge Pullin, Foundation (NSF) and advises Horace Hearne Chair in Theo- the President and the Congress retical Physics at the Louisiana on policy issues related to sci- LHC Start Up was a Long Time Coming State University, were elected as ence, engineering, and educa- By Kate McAlpine the accelerator ring on general councilors. tion. September 10th, and Barish earned his PhD in 1963 ELECTIONS continued on page 7 Kate McAlpine is a science collisions are expected writer with the ATLAS collabora- before the year is out. Three Women Receive Blewett tion at CERN and a former sci- If you think of the ence writing intern at APS. She project as a mara- Scholarships in 2008 has recently received a lot of thon, I’ve been run- By Nadia Ramlagan attention for her video, “Large ning alongside for the Hadron Rap” (Check it out on last mile. Work on the Three women have been se- YouTube). Here she gives her LHC started in the lected by the APS Committee on impressions of the startup of the early 1980s, and of- the Status of Women in Physics LHC and the months leading up ficial planning began as the recipients of this year’s M. to it. in 1984–five years be- Hildred Blewett Scholarship: Ya After more than two decades fore its predecessor in Li of Hampton University, Fir- of planning, over a decade of the tunnel, the Large Courtesy of CERN ouzeh Sabri of the University of digging and building, the Large Electron-Positron col- lowering of the final element YE( -1) of the compact Memphis, and Janice Guikema Hadron Collider and its detec- lider, had even start- muon solenoid (CMS) detector into its underground of Johns Hopkins University. The experimental cavern tors are finally complete. The ed up. But from late Blewett scholarship is a one year first beam of protons ran through October last year, I LHC continued on page 4 award of up to $45,000 that is in- Ya Li tended to enable women scientists love reading all kinds of scientific to return to physics research after articles. Being a scientist has al- Four APS Members Receive National Medal of Science having to interrupt their careers ways been my dream, ever since I Four APS members are among vania, Charles Slichter of the Uni- energy generation from fusion, for family reasons. Recipients can was a child,” Li says. the recipients of the 2007 Na- versity of Illinois, Urbana-Cham- dating of artifacts, and nuclear use the funds for expenses related In 2003 she moved to Jeffer- tional Medal of Science, and one paign, and David Wineland of the medicine.” to child care, salary, and travel, son Lab in Virginia to work on APS member is among the recipi- National Institute of Standards Slichter was cited “for estab- equipment, and tuition fees. her dissertation, studying dual- ents of the 2007 National Medal and Technology received the 2007 lishing nuclear magnetic reso- Born in Wenzhou, China, Ya ity in meson electroproduction. of Technology. The awards honor National Medal of Science. nance as a powerful tool to reveal Li received her undergraduate “The most exciting thing about the nation’s top scientists and in- El-Sayed was cited “for his the fundamental properties of degree in physics and masters de- Jefferson Lab is that they have a novators. contributions to our understand- molecules, liquids and solids, en- gree in condensed matter physics high luminosity electron beam, President Bush presented the ing of the electronic and catalytic abling the development of numer- from Tongji University in Shang- which is great for studying the medals in a ceremony at the properties of nanostructures and ous modern technologies.” hai. She then came to the United structure of matter on the nucleon White House on September 29. nanomaterials.” Wineland was cited “for his States and received another mas- scale,” Li explains. After stopping APS members Mostafa El- Ajzenberg-Selove was cited outstanding leadership in the sci- ters degree from the University of her career for a few years, she is Sayed of Georgia Institute of “for her contributions in nuclear ence of laser cooling and manipu- Houston. currently resuming her graduate Technology, Fay Ajzenberg-Sel- physics that have advanced re- lation of ions, that have had mul- “I have always been good at studies at the nearby Hampton ove of the University of Pennsyl- search into applications including MEDAL continued on page 7 mathematics and physics, and I BLEWETT continued on page 6 2 • October 2008 APS NEWS Members This Month in Physics History in the Media “It’s not a stable black hole that “If all the molecules of air in the could swallow the universe. It’s un- room where you’re sitting would October 1958: Physicist Invents First Video Game stable, so it explodes right away.” suddenly cross to one side, you n October 1958, Physicist William Higinboth- represented by just two lines, one representing the Yongsheng Gao, California would not have any air to breathe.
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