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They meet the requirements of the State IRecords Committee concerning “the photographic reproduction of public records,”—Approved under N.J.S.A. 47:3-26. It is the expressed intent and purpose of this government agency to destroy or otherwise dispose of the original records microphotographed herein. This destruction or disposition of the records on tjhis reel is only to be accomplished after inspection of the microfilm to insure completeness of coverage. Date: if Authorization: m l S ig n a tu re Ignatufe of Microfilm Supervisor Signature of Camera Operator 4 CAMERA OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE DATE h i m f h 3 jjL UL \REEL N U M B E R ----- :---------- ---------- ---------- THESE RECORDS AM E^ FILMED FOR (name of agency): ■— ______ _ _ TUk MiUAaAu $r*M SMA: ____j_______ RECORDS TITLE TM E -bTJf ¥ T.... — ~ ----- T NUMBER OF IMAGES________ _______ . __________ INDEXING DATA « BEGINS WITH Q. / 9 9 7 ____________________________________ ENDS WITH MISSING DOCUMENTS ----------- --- ------------------------------------------\ CAMERA NUMBER _ J !L 1 £ J __________ The above records were microfilmed by the (name of agency) ARCHIVAL MICROGRAPHICS, INC. I hereby certify that the microphotographs appearing in this reel of film are true and accurate copies of the original documents described above. 11 O F M L L B U R N A N D S H O R T H I L L S Fou n d ed ir± 188& Volume 111,Number 1 Thursday, January 9, 1997 . , 50 Cents Hochberg Committee chooses bid for judgeship Becker, McDermott Elaine Becker was unanimously concluded, said she was confident the vice chairman's post. in doubt re-elected chairman of the Mr. McDermott would “do a good “I’m sure Tom (McDermott) Township Committee Tuesday job” and the “vote speaks for will serve Millburn Township By Jamie Rudarman night, but unanimity was not in itself." well,” Ms. McNett said. But, she evidence when the Committee ' M r. H orbatt, wJ kj, w ith the said, she did not believe Mr. Hor­ U.S. Attorney and township selected its 1997 vice chairman. exception of the mayor, is the batt was “interested in pursuing” resident Faith Hochberg's hopes of Through a 3-to-2 vote, the Com­ Committee’s senior member, the vice chairman’s post. She becoming a federal judge appears mittee named Thomas C. McDer­ described the election of Mr. explained her vote in opposition to i to have been quashed. mott vice chairman. McDermott as “the normal politi­ Mr. McDermott's election by The Stewart Road resident, New The vice chairman’s position cal process” and added he. felt saying: Jersey’s highest-ranking Federal was held last year by William R. other Committee members had “You have to vote your con­ law enforcement agent, was Horbatt. “substantially more experience” science. I'm proud of my nominated for the sought-after Vbtes in opposition to the than the newly-elected vice record—the tradition of seniority judicial post last year by then Sen, naming of Mr. McDermott as vice chairman. ; . § has served Millburn WeU in the Bill Bradley. But her nomination ___. „ ________ ____B chairman were cast by Mr. Horbatt Mr. McDermott is beginning his, stalled in the Senate, then expired VICE CHAIRMEN, PAST AND, PRESENT—Tension second year as a Township Com­ and Mary McNett. Affirmative In addition to the electiorof the mittee member -and has seniority in October when Congress was evident on the faces of both William Horbatt votes were cast by Mayor Becker, community’s leadership for the only over Mr. Bate. Ms. McNett adjourned for the year. (left) and Thomas McDermott as Township Com­ Salvatore J. Bate and Mr. new year, Tuesday's organization And now it appears Sen. Frank McDermott. ■ is beginning her second, 3-year mittee members cast their ballots for vice chairman. meeting was highlighted by the Lautenberg will nominate someone Committee term while Mr. Horbatt Under state law, the chairman annual state-of-ihe-township else for the position. has been a member of the Com­ and vice chairman o f a township address by Mayor Becker (see mittee for four years and the A spokesman for Sen. Lauten­ committee also hold the titles of Page 4) and shorter statements mayor is a 5-year Committee berg said the Senator was looking mayor and vice mayor of a made by Ms, McNett and Mr. incumbent. at a number of people, including Pre-K registration municipality. Bate following swearing-in Ms. McNett, in her after- Ms. Hochberg, but no decision No member of the Township ceremonies which marked the was imminently forthcoming. Committee made any statement meeting comments, indicated dis­ “We’re still in the process,’’ the during the course of the meeting as appointment she did not receive Continued on Page 2 spokesman said of the Senator’s begins January 31 to why they were voting for or nomination process. against Mr. McDermott or- why The spokesman declined to iden­ Applications for the public February 24 at the Education Cen­ they were not returning Mr. Hor­ tify who might be nominated for school pre-kindergarten program ter. batt to the vice chairmap’s post. the post, but according to pub­ are now available. Registration is Non-special education young­ Mayor Becker, after the meeting lished reports Sen. Lautenberg’s due by January 31. sters already enrolled in the pro­ list reportedly includes Cynthia gram do not have to reregister but To enter the program, which are asked to confi(nytheir place by Jacob, the president of the New serves a mix of special education Jamuuy 31. Jersey State Bar Association, U.S. and regular education students, Magistrate Freda Wolfson and Students placed on last year’s, 50 named youngsters must tfe between three waiting list do have to register for Essex County Superior Court and five years old as o f October 1, this year’s lottery. Judge Katharine Sweeney Hayden. 1997. Ms. Hochberg didn’t return The township’s special education to town several phones calls seeking com­ No tuition is charged for the students are automatically eligible ment. program, but admission is limited for the program and are placed She initially was nominated for for regular education students and after an evaluation by the district’s positions special services department. Continued on Page 8 is filled, by a lottery to be held There are currently sjx preschool More than 50 town residents sessions held at Deerfield and were appointed to positions on Hartshorn .schools, three in the municipal boards and commissions morning and three in the by Mayor Elaine Becker and the afternoon. Children attend class Township Committee at Tuesday four days a week. Frida* is night’s 1997 organization meeting Staff photo by Jamie Rudarman devoted to parent-teacher cotuer- o f the com m unity’s governing SIGN THERE—Bernie Grieco, center, Of Bernie's ences, parent workshops, family body. Motors on Millburn Avenue, signs a petition being activities and staff development. Tuesday’s meeting also saw the Circulated by Concerned Citizens for Flood Control Admission to the program does Committee appoint its legal and (CCFC). Flanking Mr. Grieco are CCFC co-founders not guarantee placement in one administrative staff for the new elementary school p r ,another, nor year. Sherri DeRose and Peter Waldman. Standing at the does it guarantee placement in the Although the meeting did not see rear is Clinton Factory outlet owner Steven Franklin, morning or afternoon sessions. the assignment by Mayor Becker An open house for parents of of liaison and overview roles for interested applicants will be held at individual members of the Hartshorn School Wednesday from Township Committee, the mayor Civic groups meet 7 to 8 p.m. in the preschool room. did announce she and Com- Parents of applicants may also mitteewoman Mary McNett would visit the classrooms, but are asked continue to serve on the Planning to make appointments first. Board and Ms. McNett would con­ tonight on flooding Applications are available at the tinue in her role as the township's Education Center, 434 Millburn representative to the Joint Actions which this municipality in M aplewood, Springfield and Avenue, or by calling the special Meeting—the regional sewage might take to alleviate Rahway Union. services department, 376-3600, association. Fiver flooding will be the subject Actions suggested to alleviate extension 250. Liaison and overview assign­ tonight of a jo int meeting of the flooding include raising the To visit the classrooms or attend ments will be discussed, Mayor Wyoming and South Mountain Millburn Avenue, Vaux Hall Road the open house, call Deanne Git- Becker said, among Committee civic associations. and Morris Avenue bridges, ner, 376-3600, extension 294.
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