, CANADIAN TRANSLATION OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES No. 4986 Overview of mercury contamination in the Quebec environment Appendices by C.E. Delisle • Original Title: Vue d'ensemble sur le mercure dans l'environnement quebecois. Annexes From: Environ. Can., Rapp. anal. econ. tech., Rapp. EPS-3-QR-78-1, 119 p. 1978 Department of Fisheries and Oceans Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Center St. John's, Nfld. 1983 123 pages typescript c-r r-A- 5 eYe 1155952 EC F:2. ENVIRONMENT CANADA Environmental Protection Service OVERVIEW OF MERCURY CONTAMINATION IN THE QUEBEC ENVIRONNENT APPENDICES Economic and technical analysis report Report No. EPS-3-QR-78-1 Ecological Protection Division March 1978 1155952 p 2 Publication distributed by the Environmental Protection Service of thkDepartment of Fisheries and the Environment - - Ottawa KlA OH3 Report No. EPS-8-QR-78-1 Printed by the Department of Supply and Services Catalogue No.: EN40 3121 1978 F ISBN 0-662-90105-3 Wepartment of Supply and Services 1155952 p 3 .J INTRODUCTION The following appendices contain the data relating toiehe various subjects covered in the study entitled Vue d'ensemble sur le me rcure dans l'environnement québecois (Overview of mercury contamination in the Quebec environment), by M C E Delisle. Representing the sum total of data compiled on mercury in the various components of the Quebec environment, these appendices are of vital importance to anyone seeking detailed information as to the nuMber of analyses conducted; recorded averages, minima and maxima; and corresponding bibliographical references. These data are presented by either or both site and drainage basin. 1155952 p 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS - • Iritroduction List of abbreviations APPENDIX 1 Codification of Quebec drainage basins APPENDIX 2 Zones of industrial influence .APPENDIX 3 Aquatic invertebrates Families or species of recorded aquatic invertebrates APPENDICES 4 to 9 Fish species studied APPENDIX 4 Eso cidae family APPENDIX 5 Percidae family APPENDIX 6 Salmonidae family APPENDIX 7 Centrarchidae family, , Percidae family, , Acipenseridae fami ly APPENDIX 8 Catostomidae family APPENDIX 9 Marine fish APPENDIX 10 Waterfowl Bird species studied --- -- APPENDIX 11 Aquatic and land -mammals Species of mammals studied APPENDIX 12 Aquatic vegetation APPENDIX 13 Sediment -- surface and at 10 on depth APPENDIX 14 Surface water • APPENDIX 15 Subsurface water, rainwater, snow APPENDIC 16 Bibliographical references MAP 1 Drainage basins MAP 2 Zones of influence 1155952 p 5 MAP 3 Aquatic invertebrates MAP 4 Northernpike , muskellunge Walleye ;MAP. 6 Salmonidae MAP 7 Bass, perch, sturgeon MAP 8 Catostomidae MAP 9 Ca4in, smelt, herring, plaice, halibut, mackerel, cod, tuna, ocean perch MAP 10 Waterfowl MAP 11 Aquatic and land mammals MAP 12 Aquatic vegetation MAP 13 Sediment -- surface and at 10 cm depth MAP 14 Surface water MAP 15 Subsurface water, rainwater, snow 1155952 p 6 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS - • arithmetic mean 4. 2_ cm • centimetre •cp • weighted an 2 km • square kilonEtre LG-1 •. La Grande-1 Dam LG-2 •. La Grande-2 Dam m •. metre max : maximum or -maximal 2 ni square mile min • minimum or mdnimal MRN Ministère des Richesses naturelles (Quebec dep't of natural resources) • number (in statistical terns) ppb • parts per billion ppm • parts per million 1155952 p 7 .) APPENDIX 1 - CODIFICATION OF QUEBEC DRAINAGE BASINS* *Ministre des Richesses naturelles du Québec (Quebec departnent of natural resources) 1155952 p 8 QUEBEC DRAINAGE BASINS "' . . • Cogfication Regora Number 1, Cascapédia 01 10 2 Matapédia 01 15 3 Madawaska 01 17 4 Chaudière 02 34 5 Bécancour 02 40 6 Nicolet 03 01 7 Saint-François 01 31 8 Yamaska 03 03 9 Richelieu 03 04 10 Rouge 04 02 11 Du Lièvre 04 06 12 Gatineau 04 08 13 Coulonge 04 13 14 Noire 04 14 15 Dumoine 04 19 16 Kipawa 04 26 17 Des Outaouais (sup.) 04 30 18 L'Assomption 05 22 19 St-Maurice 05 01 20 Batiscan 05 03 21 Sainte-Anne 05 04 22 Chicoutimi 06 10 23 Chamouchouane 06 19 24 Mistassini . 06 21 25 Péribonka 06 22 26 Portneuf 07 04 27 Betsiamites (Bersimis) 07 07 28 Aux Outardes 07 10 29 Manicouagan 07 11 30 Aux Rochers 07 19 31 Sainte-Marguerite 07 21 32 Moisie 07 23 33 Manitou 07 30 34 Magpie 07 35 35 Saint-Jean 07 . 36 36 Romaine • 07 38 37 Aguanus 07 47 38 Natashquan 07 49 39 Musquaro 07 51 40 Olomane 07 54 41 Étamaniou Ô7 56 ----n--0=m•- fie9r. eple-71,n‘Irk-nvt•Re Arre e ---eer ermee."1"wre` 1155952 p 9 (cont l d) éodeication Region i Nunber 42 Du Petit Mécatina 07 57 43 Saint-Augustin 07 61 44 Saint-Paul 07 66 45 Harricana 08 01 46 Missisicabi 08 03 47 Nottaveay 08 07 48 Broadback 08 08 49 De Rupert 08 10 50 Pontax 08 11 51 Jolicoeur 09 04 52 Eastmain 09 06 53 Du Vieux-Comptoir 09 11 54 Du Castor 09 23 55 La Grande Rivière 09 27 56 Roggan 09 33 57 Vauquelin 09 35 58 Grande Rivière de la Baleine 09 38 59 Petite Rivière de la Baleine 09 42 60 À l'Eau Claire 09 45 61 Nataspoca 09 50 62 Boniface 09 55 63 Kongut 09 60 64 Innuksuac 09 61 65 Mariet 09 66 66 Polemond 09 69 67 Kogaluc 09 70 68 De Povungnituk 09 73 69 Kovic 09 83 70 Foucault 10 02 71 Déception • 10 03 72 Arnaud 10 20 73 Aux Feuilles 10 27 74 Aux Mélèzes 10 36 75 Caniapiscau 10 37 76 False 10 38 77 À la Baleine 10 40 78 Mucalic ' 10 41 79 Tunulic 10 44 80 George 10 48 81 Koroc 10 50 area. *The àbove basins all exceed 2,592 km2 (1,000 mil_ Je 1155952 p 10 ' 6 - MAP 1 DRAINAGE BASINS 1155952 p 11 APPENDIX 2 ZONES OF INDUS TKIAL INFLUENCE 1 1155952 p 12 ZONES OF INDUSTRIAL INFLUENCE For the purposes of this study, zones of influence are-,- lhe heavily urbanized and industrialized regions where mercury emissions resulting from •human activities are likely to occur. It is of course understood that municipal wastewater contributes to the regionalized mercury cycle. 1 Pulp and paper"industries and other industries along the course of the Ottawa River. 2 Chlor-alkali industry; -metallurgical industries; pulp and paper industries; textile industries; chemi cal and pet ro chemi cal industries (Metropolitan Montreal). 3 Chlor-alkali industry; chemical industries (St-Maurice Valley); pulp and paper industries; metallurgical industries. _ 4 Pulp and paper industries (Quebec City urban area). 5 Mining and smiting operations (Murdochvilles); pulp and paper industries. 6 Pulp and paper industries (Sept-Iles). 7 Pulp and paper and other industries (aie-Comeau). 8 Chlor-alkali industry (Jonquière-Arvicla . 9 Pulp and paper, and aluminum industries (Dolbeau area). 10 Mining operations (_Chibougamau-Mistassini). 11 Mining operations (Chibougamau-bistassini). 12 Mining operations (Val-d'Or). 13 Mining and smelting operations (Rouyn-Noranda). 14 Mining operations (Matagami). 1155952 p 13 15 Chlor-alkali industry; pulp and paper indus (Lebel-sur-Quevillon). • 16 J ames Bay hydroelectric developnent (LG-1 to LG-4). - 1 1155952 p 14 9 , A D UNGA VA . . I 0 • u s 0 ORT-CHIMO E 0 LABRADOR J r s LAC VisIvISTASsINI UANKIAJAGAN • , GOLFE LAC ST-JEAN • RENT SAINT - LAU GATINEAU I OUÉBEC " o 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 flhjI NTRÉAL kilomètres ---* - MAP 2 ZONES OF INFLUENCE 1155952 p 15 APPENDIX 3 AQUATI C INVERTEBRATE S t 1155952 p 16 ' 11 ,._FAMILIES OR SPECIES OF RECORDED AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES r - FRENCH NAME ENGLISH NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME Crabe Spider crab Chionoecetes opilio Crevette Shrimp Panda/us borealis Homard American lobster Homarus americanus • Moule bleue Edible Mussel Mytilus edulis Mye de sable Mud clam Mya arenaria Pétoncle Scallop Placopecten magellamicus b Aquatic insects comprising: Gyrinidae, Phryganeidae, Coreidae, Notonectidae, Dytiscidae, dragonfly and Epheuexa larvae, Diptera pupae and larval sheaths. t1.1 1 - ■ ' , 'nalysis Sa lleles anal Analysis results p,m 'lumber, gf Peer-en , Location of Mean Weighted results No (Api- sampling sites 'Description Number min - max mean . 13.5 ppm' dix periods _ 16) (c) • _ (n) (cp)- - - (1) Area between Anse aux 1974-75 Clain 1 0.20 10 Erables and Baie Eternité Clam 3 0.08 10 (2) Area between Anse St-Jean 1974-75 and Anse au Cheval Anse St-Jean « Clam 1 0.14 10 Anse Petit Saguenay Clam 1 0.25 10 Anse Gagnon Clam 3 0.09 10 Anse de llIle St-Louis Clam 1 0.06 10 Anse au Cheval Clam 1 0.08 10 (3) Area between St-Etienne and 1974-75 Anse à la Barque Anse St -Etienné Clam 3 0.12 10 Anse de l'Ile Coquart Clam 3 0.15 10 Anse à la Barque Clam 3 0.07 10 1 i- H' 2 (4)Lake Parent 1971-72 Aquatic insects 4 (0.0l-0.05 ,.0 IV 2 (5) Bell River (upstream) 1971-72 Aquatic insects and 4 0.01 -0.31 -4F--. Gasteropods v 3 71 - '''' \ A.nalysis Samples analysed Analysis results (ppm) •-7.,..,qumber of Refercn Location of Mean Weighted esults. No (Apr , sampling sites Description Number min - Max mean _ • >0.5 ppm dix periodE (c) • _ - 1(, ) (n) en) -- (6) Lake Quévillon 1971-72 Aquatic insects 1 0.03 2 (7) Bell River (downstream) 1971-72 Aquatic insects and 9 0.03-0.49 0.18 2 Gasteropods (8) Lake Matagami 1971-72 Aquatic insects and 3 0.07-0.24 0.13 2 . Gasteropods (9) Lake Matagami 1971-72 Lee ches 1 0.07-0.24 0.64 1 2 (10)Lake Pusticamica 1971-72 Aquatic insects 2 0.01-0.08 0.04 2 (11)Lake Goéland 1971-72 Aquatic insects and 2 0.07-0.11 0.09 2 Gasteropods (12)Lake Chibougamau 1971-72 Aquatic insects 8 0.01-0.13 0.06 2 (13)Lake Evans 19$1-72 Gasteropods 1 0.10 2 (14)Lake Mistassihi 1971-72 Aquatic insects 3 0.01-0.04 0.02 .' 2 .e.
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