Appendix A Constellation Names The list below gives the name of each of the 88 constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the official three-letter designation, and the Latin possessive. Name Abbr Possessive Name Abbr Possessive Andromeda AND Andromedae Circinus CIR Circini Antlia ANT Antliae Columba COL Columbae Apus APS Apodis Coma Berenices COM Comae Berenices Aquarius AQR Aquarii Corona Australis CRA Coronae Australis Aquila AQL Aquilae Corona Borealis CRB Coronae Borealis Ara ARA Arae Corvus CRV Corvi Aries ARI Arietis Crater CRT Crateris Auriga AUR Aurigae Crux CRU Crucis Bootes BOO Bootis Cygnus CYG Cygni Caelum CAE Caeli Delphinus DEL Delphini Camelopardalis CAM Camelopardalis Dorado DOR Doradus Cancer CNC Cancri Draco DRA Draconis Canes Venatici CVN Canum Venaticorum Equuleus EQU Equulei Canis Major CMA Canis Majoris Eridanus ERI Eridani Canis Minor CMI Canis Minoris Fornax FOR Fornacis Capricornus CAP Capricorni Gemini GEM Geminorium Carina CAR Carinae Grus GRU Gruis Cassiopeia CAS Cassiopeiae Hercules HER Herculis Centaurus CEN Centauri Horologium HOR Horologii Cepheus CEP Cephei Hydra HYA Hydrae (continued) © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 243 B.D. Warner, A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32750-1 244 Appendix A (continued) Cetus CET Ceti Hydrus HYI Hydri Chamaeleon CHA Chamaeleontis Indus IND Indi Lacerta LAC Lacertae Piscis Austrinus PSA Piscis Austrini Leo LEO Leonis Puppis PUP Puppis Leo Minor LMI Leonis Minoris Pyxis PYX Pyxidis Lepus LEP Leporis Reticulum RET Reticuli Libra LIB Librae Sagitta SGE Sagittae Lupus LUP Lupi Sagittarius SGR Sagittarii Lynx LYN Lynx Scorpius SCO Scorpii Lyra LYR Lyrae Sculptor SCL Sculptoris Mensa MEN Mensae Scutum SCT Scuti Microscopium MIC Microscopii Serpens SER Serpentis Monoceros MON Monocerotis Sextans SEX Sextantis Musca MUS Muscae Taurus TAU Tauri Norma NOR Normae Telescopium TEL Telescopii Octans OCT Octantis Triangulum TRI Trianguli Ophiuchus OPH Ophiuchi Triangulum TRA Trianguli Australis Australe Orion ORI Orionis Tucana TUC Tucanae Pavo PAV Pavonis Ursa Major UMA Ursae Majoris Pegasus PEG Pegasi Ursa Minor UMI Ursae Minoris Perseus PER Persei Vela VEL Velorum Phoenix PHE Phoenicis Virgo VIR Virginis Pictor PIC Pictoris Volans VOL Volantis Pisces PSC Piscium Vulpecula VUL Vulpeculae Reduction Examples Chapters 6–8 covered the transformation process that converts raw instrumental magnitudes to standard magnitudes. The next few appendices include worked examples of the steps in that process using a spread sheet. The example files, including data, in Microsoft Excel 2010® xlsx format are available in a ZIP file: http://www.MinorPlanetObserver.com/pgbook/PG3_SpreadSheets.zip The examples are provided so that you can understand the data manipulation that is required and how things might go astray. Your software may perform the calcula- tions for you and so be a “black box” that generates results. If using the same data as provided in the spread sheets and you don’t get similar results, then first double- check that you entered or imported the data correctly. If the program has its own worked examples, try those to see how the program data and those in the spread sheets differ in style format. Appendix B Transforms Example © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 245 B.D. Warner, A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32750-1 246 Appendix B Fig. B.1 Spread sheet layout for finding transforms (Microsoft Excel™) This example assumes that the V–R color index is used throughout the reduction process. The overall process is identical if using one of the standard color indexes, e.g., B-V or SG-SR. Spread Sheet Layout Note that there are four pages to the spread sheet. Each of the first three pages holds the data for a given filter. The setup for the filter pages is the same except that the values in Columns D through J have the data for the filter on that page. The discus- sion below describes the setup for the V page. The Hidden Transforms 247 Table B.1 Data layout for V transforms calculation Cell or range Header Purpose A2:A9 Name Arbitrary name assigned to star B2:B9 V Catalog V magnitude C2:C9 R Catalog R Magnitude D2:D9 v1 Instrumental V mag, image 1 E2:E9 v2 Instrumental V mag, image 2 F2:F9 X Air mass of center of field H2:H9 <v> Average of V instrumental mags, AVERAGE(Dx, Ex) x = row number I2:I9 V-<v> Instrumental v-r color index, Bx – Hx x = row number Y-axis values in plot J2:J9 V-R Catalog V-R color index, Bx – Cx x = row number X-axis values in plot The plot is a type “X-Y Scatter.” From the trend line formula, the transform for V would be V = Vo – 0.109 (V–R) + 21.665 where Vo is the exoatmospheric instrumental magnitude. In this example, the first order extinction terms were set to 0.0 and no second order extinction was included. Clear Filter to Standard Magnitude Transforms As discussed in Sect. 6.5, it is possible to transform observations made with a Clear filter to a standard magnitude band, usually Johnson V. While first order extinction terms can be ignored, the second order extinction term should not be when using a Clear filter. The spread sheet example does not include a second order term. Try adding one to the calculations and see what happens. The Hidden Transforms A so-called “hidden transform” (Sect. 8.4) is used to correlate the instrumental color index to the standard color index. This transform allows you to find the stan- dard color index for the comparisons and target as well as the standard magnitude of the comparison stars if not available. These transforms are not used to convert target magnitudes to the standard system. The sample spread sheet provides a fourth page to compute the (V-R) vs. (v-r) hidden transform. 248 Appendix B Fig. B.2 Hidden transforms page (Microsoft Excel™) Table B.2 Data setup for hidden transforms calculation Cell or range Header Purpose A2:A9 Name Arbitrary name assigned to star B2:B9 V Catalog V magnitude C2:C9 R Catalog R Magnitude D2:D9 v1 Instrumental V mag, image 1 E2:E9 v2 Instrumental V mag, image 2 F2:F9 r1 Instrumental R mag, image 1 G2:G9 r2 Instrumental R mag, image 2 I2:I9 <v> Average of V instrumental mags, AVERAGE(Dx,Ex) x = row number 9 J2:I9 <r> Average of R instrumental mags, AVERAGE(Fx,Gx) x = row number K2:K9 <v>-<r> Instrumental v-r color index, Ix – Jx x = row number X-axis values in plot L2:L9 V-R Catalog V-R color index, Bx – Cx x = row number Y-axis values in plot The Hidden Transforms 249 The solution you’re finding converts a given instrumental color index to the standard color index. If you reverse the roles of the two axes, then you won’t find the right color index values for the comparisons and target. From the example above, the formula to convert a v–r instrumental to (V–R) standard magnitude would be (V–R) = 0.977(v–r) + 0.016 The slope should be close to 1.00 (here it’s 0.977), which would indicate a per- fect match of your system to the standard system. If you get something significantly different, check the original data and formulae. If you still have problems, confirm that you were using the V and R as you thought. I once had the filter control soft- ware set up incorrectly and so images were being taken in R instead of V and vice versa. That makes for some very frustrating days and nights! Appendix C First Order (Hardie) Example © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 251 B.D. Warner, A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32750-1 252 Appendix C Fig. C.1 Spread sheet design for first order extinction, Modified Hardie method (Microsoft Excel™) This example shows how to use a spreadsheet to compute the first order extinction in a single filter using the modified Hardie method (see Sect. 8.3.2). Recall that this method requires images from two standard fields, one at low air mass and the other at a high air mass. Spread Sheet Layout 253 Spread Sheet Layout The spreadsheet contains three pages. Each page holds the data for a given filter. Only the V page will be discussed. The other pages are set up identically, save that the instrumental magnitudes and other appropriate substitutions for the given filter are made. Table C.1 Data setup for modified Hardie calculation Cell or range Header Purpose A2:A9 Name Arbitrary name, Fld 1 A13:A24 Arbitrary name, Fie Fld 2 B2:B9 V Catalog V mag, Fld 1 B13:B24 Catalog V mag, Fld 2 C2:C9 R Catalog R mag, Fld 1 C13:C24 Catalog R mag, Fld 2 D2:D9 v1 Instrumental V mag, Fld 1:Img 1 D13:D24 v1 Instrumental V mag, Fld 2:Img 1 E2:E9 v2 Instrumental V mag, Fld 1:Img 2 E13:E24 v2 Instrumental V mag, Fld 2:Img 2 F2:F9 X Air mass, Fld 1 F13:F24 X Air mass, Fld 2 G2:G9 Tv V filter transform G13:G24 H2:H9 <v> Average instrumental v mag, H13:H24 AVERAGE(Dx,Ex) x = row number I2:I9 V-R Catalog V-R color index I13:I24 Bx – Cx x = row number J2:J9 v(adj) Instrumental v-r color index, J13:J24 Bx–Hx – (Ix*Gx) x = row number F10 Mean X Avg air mass, Fld 1 AVERAGE(F2:F9) F25 Avg air mass, Fld 2 AVERAGE(F13:F24) J10 Mean Avg v(adj), Fld 1 AVERAGE(J2:J9) J25 Avg air mass, Fld 2 AVERAGE(J13:J24) J11 S.D.
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