- ' - .. ' - ^ - . - -- n $m . \ *<H >r, t&OHC*tU> V>IV\T \soafe*. tx ISi, -s^ A SUPPLEMENTAEY CATALOGUE OF BENGALI BOOKS\ IN THB LIBRARY OP THE BRITISH MUSEUM ACQrii:Ki> THK YK.*I;S i886-r.m. COMPILED BY J. F. BLrMHARDT, MA. AJO> OJC BIXDI OF HMDCITAXI, UUTCkB* AXD MKOALI AT CKTrKKSITT COIXEOI, LONDON ; AJTD TCACBBB Of CHUALI AT TIB CNIVBUtTT OF OXFORD. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES lonDon : SOLD AT TUB BRITISH MUSEUM; Ar> IT Ac CO.. 39, PATKRXoerai Row; BERNARD QUARITCH, 11, GRAFTO* STRBKT, Niw BOXD W. ; A8HER & BiDromo STBKT, CO., 14, STRMT, Cornrr GAEDKN ; AHD 1IKNRY FROWDE, OXFORD UKIYKMITT PKIM WARKBOUBI, AMEN CORNBR. 1910 [AU rigklt LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, PUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AXD GREAT WINDMILL STRKET, W. PREFACE. THIS Catalogue of the Bengali Printed Books acquired by the Library of tli- I>riti>h Museum during the years 18861910 has been prepared by Mr. Bliimlmnlt as a supple- of ment to the volume compiled l<y him and published by order the Trustees in 1886. In the present catalogue a classified index of titles has been added; in other respects the methods employed in the earlier volume have been closely followed in this work. I. 1'. BARNETT. ' r cf Ori> "''I/ I'rin-- /.' nut .I/NX. ,i-ii MI-KIM, 1910. AUTHOE'S PEEFACE. THIS Catalogue of Bengali liooks acquired during the last 24 years forms a supplement to the Bengali Catalogue published in 1886. It has been prepared on the .same principle-;, and with the same system of transliteration. The editions of the Bible, and portions of the Bible, which are entered in the Catalogue, of 1886 have been embodied in the present volume, in order to make this article quite complete. All the entries under this heading have been carefully revised with the help of the "Historical Catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society," by T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule. As no Subject-Index was prepared for the former catalogue, the titles of all tin- works in that catalogue have been included in the Subject- Index of this volume, thn-e of works entered only in the catalogue of 1886 being indicated by an asterisk, and those of editions of the same work which appear in )><>tli catalogues being marked by a dagg.r The English, or other European, title of a bo k is entered in the (Jeueral Index when it has no Bengali title. Works with both English and Bengali titles are shown under tin- Bengali title only, except newspapers and other periodicals. In the case of a work having an alternative title, both are entered in the (tenend Index, and only tin- principal title in the Subject-Index, with the other printed in brackets. J. F. BLU.MHAUDT. *t 8, 1910. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF ENGALI BOOKS. ABAJi VISHinJ KATHAVATE. Report on the with notes from 'Abd al-HalcE's Persian commen- Mrch for Sanskrit [and Vernacular] manuscripts tary entitled Ashi'at al-lama'at.] [1892, tie.] 8. in the Bombay Presidency during the years 1891- 14123. h. 21. 1 \t I . 'l 1 1 893-94, and 894-90. pp. , 'ABD al-HAKK (ABU MUHAMMAD). See KUR'AX. Bombay, 1901. 8*. 14096. cc. 12. Arabic text of Wl^lf're 'S^t? tlfl^t I [The the a translation ABBAS 'ALL See MnuMMAD 'ABBAS 'Au. Koran, accompanied by Bengali of the Hindustani version, and commentary of Abu iti- i liaU- 'ABD al-AGHFAB. <**! iferi* I [Taraper Muhammad 'Abd al-HakK, entitled TaMr ha. An historical account of Tamp in the Dis- liani.] [1901, tic.] 8. 14507. b. 34. trict of Sylhet.] pp. riii. 111. 4fa*T31 >*!8 'ABD al-HAMID H., Su//an o/ the Turkt. [Calcutta, 1887.] 12*. 14127. a. in honour of the ^f^^t I [Sultan-jubili. A poem al-'AZlZ. al- of Sultan 'Abd 18. 'ABD wmWTWt>! *^* I [Mi<lan jubilee reign al-IIamid.] pp. 'ulurn. A treatise on Mnbammadan social and [Rangoon, 1900.] 12. 14129. a. religions observances. Second edition.] pp. 1 1, 48.(5.) 844, 8. *lfrm n*- [Karalia, 1892.] 8. ABD al HAMID KHAlf . Yi,*nf 14129. d. 30.(2.) " 1 [Cdisi. The Ascetic "; a collection of poem -.] 'ABD al-GEAXL al- T^ VlMtitl'WB I [Asrir Pt. i. pp. xii. xxiv. 4, 504. frlWlt*! "> -3" 1 [Ton- salat. A treatise on in Muhammadan Ben* prayer, yiil, 1901.] 8. 14129. c. 52. gali verse.] pp. 180, 4. V(91 )>9>o [Dacca, 1904.] ABD ShaiM. 14123. h. 34.(2.) al-JABBAR, *fr*-*tf1 ir* \ [Madina-sharifer itihasa. An historical account of - **n nfinr *^t T;I as*? cnn i [Ka- the city of Medina.] pp. xii. 180. w>Hf>W[ raali parir puthi. A lore story in Mnhammadan [Mymentingh, 1907.] 12. 14127. aa. 40. Bengali.] pp. 108. *p1 )-; [Dacca, 1903.] 'ABD 14127. g. 15.(2.) al-KADIE, of Svdampara. See MDHAMMAD Maulavi. KASIM, ^?%f tlt^ I [Bars Pir- ! i - Wf'iWC55 11C''niT Z I [N'i'mat tfH1\ dunya. gnnavalf. Translated by 'Abd al-Kadir from tho Advice on ethics and the observance of religions Hindustani 1'jaz i Ghaujiyah.] [1899.] 8. iluf.e. in Muhammadan verse.] 180, Bengali pp. 14127. bb. 18.(1.) I. *,*, ;:-..[fln-a, 1904.] 8. 14123. h. S4.(L) ABD al-KADIB. ShaiU. See 'UBAID ALLAH ibn ABD Dihlaci. Set HDSAIX ibn i al-HAKK, MAS'UD. TC7 C77TT1 1 [Sharh Wikayah. A Ben- etc. ol-Farrd al-Bagiawi. fffT-^f^Wr I [Mish- gali translation by Shaikh 'Abd al-Kadir.] [1902, kat al-masabifi. Translated into Bengali, together etc.] 8. 14125. a. 30. B -ABU al-HUSAIN 4 8 AI'.Dal-KADIR- See In 35. 'ABD al-KADIR ibn MU8A, JtLini. [Life.] of cholera. Muhammadan Bengali.] pp. 1906.] '8. 14127. bbb. 9. 'Ai.A al-DiN AHMAD, Maulavl. T5 % TW [Calcutta, Pir [1899.] 12. I [Bars Saheb.] 'ABD Shah. <W& T^Jfft C^f I [A- 14127. aa. 17. al-RAHIM, tharva Mahammadi veda. Religious rites of the Maulavi. [Life.] See MUHAMMAD KASIM, Hanafi sect of Muhamrnadans, in verse.] pp. 58. [1899.] 8. 8. 14129. d. 30. (1.) I [Bara Pir-gunavall.] 14127. bb. 18.(1.) [Mahammadi vedatattva. 'ABD al-KARIM, Aisittant Inspector of Schools. See An inquiry into the principles of Muhammadan I [Chhele-bhu- CHHABA. tfrsn^t C*CTHfc*TR **1 Pt. i. ii. 59. belief, inverse. Second edition.] pp. lana chhara. rhymes of Chittagong. Nursery [Calcutta, 1904.] 8. 14123. h. 32. 8. Compiled by 'Abd al-Karim.] [1902-1907.] 14133. f. 18. ' ABD al-RAHIM, ShaiM. tT*rf*r etc. [Islam. A manual of instruction in the observance of - prayers *jTnifanr1 I [Bangala (fWfl^lPnrft^W) and other Muhammadan duties, of 433 religious designed punthir vivarana. A descriptive catalogue use in ii. 116. ^M^t^sl '5^-3 of Cbit- for schools.] pp. manuscripts found in the District Bengali 16. 14123. h. 24. See [Calcutta, 1896.] tagong.] pp. 268. ^>o-^ [1903-05.] etc. Calcutta. Academy of Mosal- ACADEMIES, Bengal 'ABD al-SUBHAN. ft5 CTtlcJTtT I [Hindu 1 [Sahitya-pari- Literature. Tlft^T-ffJR.-*rf3*1 man. An attack against Hindus, and the National nos. Vol. ix., extra number ; x., cites numerous shat-patrika.] Congress, in which the author f. 18. 8 and no. 3. etc.] 8. 14133. the 4; xii., [1894, instances of wrong and injustice caused to Hindu officials.] 3 in Muhammadan community by A History of the Muhammadan Empire 12. 14125. e. 23. pts. TTF*1 tVV* [Dacca, 1889.] India.. Vol.. I.. ... Pts. 2 and 3, in one volume, are of the 2nd edition. itihasa.] ^fs^FS I [Bharatavarshe Musalmanrajatver 8. 14127. bb. 11. pp. iv. 154. Calcutta, 1898. 'ABD al-WAHHAB, Munsht, of Calcutta. See GHU- LAM NAB! ibn '!NAYAT ALLAH. 1^^^ ^t^I^^T 'ABD al-KARIM, Anwara, District Chittagong. of "snft'Sl "PI^^Ttft et''- [Kisas al-anbiya. Trans- See Murshidabad. ^ra*rfa MURTA^A, Saiyid, of lated by 'Abd al-Wahhab and others.] [1902.] on the loves of Radha fo^ 3>fr foranr Jf^l | [Poems 4. 14123. hh. 1. and Krishna. With a life of the author by 'Abd Vaishnava saint. al-Karim.]' [1904.] 8. 14129. cc. 11. ABHIRAMA GOSVAMI, [Life.] ' See RAMADASA, Vaislmava poet. 1 ^fV^flqt^rT^S | 'ABD al-KARiM, of Jaintiapur. [Abhirama-mamrita.] [1891.] 8. 14123. f. 46. [Wajib al-'amal. Muhammadan religious obser- HANIFAH. See NU'MAN ibn SABIT vances, in verse.] pp.168. *fwfa|y* [Gal- ABU (ABU tuttu, 1905.] 8. 14123. h. 36. HAN!FAH). Printed in Sylhet Nagari characters. ABU al-HUSAIN, Saiyid, M.A. ?fa [Jivanta-putula. A romance in verse.] pp. 283. 'ABD al-RAHIM, of Bhaicarkot. .0-58 8. 14128. c. 1. i sketch of the life [Calcutta, 1908.] finil I [Akhlak Alimadlyah. A of Maulana Hafiz Ahmad of In Muham- Jaunpur. - .- madan 68. C^rtl'Tt^ I^So^ [JVbn- Bengali.] pp. [Moslem-pataka. A life of Muhammad.] pp. xi. /;, 1900.] 8. 14127. bb. 18.(2.) 218. *fa*V5\ ->X\r [Calcutta, 1908.] 12. 14127. aaa. 1. 'ABD al-RAHIM, of Galachipa. short ^,fV I [phakar Nawab Saheber puthi. A account in verse of the Nawab of Dacca and his [Yamaja bhagini kavya. An historical novel pedigree, with poems in praise of King Edward relating to Siraj al-Daulah, in verse.] pp. 320. VII. and the Governor-General, and on the spread [Calcutta, 1905.] 12. 14127.ee. 26. ABU MUHAMMAD- -ADVAITACHAXDKA ABU MUHAMMAD MUHYi al-SUNNA. S- - HL=AIN pur branch of the Bengal Academy of Literature. 'J^'JO ibn MAS CD, al-Farrd ttl-Bagti Edited by Pafit-hanana Sarkiir.] 'fa^rsl [Calcutta, 1907, etc.] 8.
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