See Abutilon) 142217 Acacia

See Abutilon) 142217 Acacia

INDEX aali (Dodonaea, D. viscosa) African tulip tree (Spathodea cam- 351, 352, 354, 355, 359, 394, 399, panulata) 212, 316, 318, 547, 401, 402, 403, 559, 564, 585, 627, 559, 566, 618; see also Spathodea 658, 661, 669, 673, 675, 683; see campanulata also Dodonaea, D. viscosa Agavaceae 116,205; see also agave Abelmoschus moschatus 142 agave 116; 487; see also Agavaceae, Abronia 88 Agave americana Abms precatorius 137 Agave americana (century plant) 487, Abutilon grandifolium (hairy 508,514,521; see also agave abutilon) 142,217 Agave sisalana (sisal) 116, 205, Acacia 304,309-310 487,507,508,514,521,538 Acacia confusa (Formosan koa) 137, Ageratina adenophora (Maui pbakani) 487,506,507,508,514,521,538 127, 304, 315, 326-327, 425, 468, Acacia fmesiana (klu) 137,215,538 538, 544, 547, 558, 563, 696; see Acacia koa (koa) 155, 168, 186, also Maui pbakani 271, 274, 304, 363, 394, 399, 532, Ageratina riparia (Hkdcua pbakani) 558,580,667,674; see also koa 127, 327, 411, 425, 426, 432, 434, Acacia memsii (black wattle) 137, 468, 475, 538, 544, 547, 585, 689; 289, 487, 506, 508, 513, 514, 528, see also Hiimiikua phakani 538, 547, 568, 816; see also black Ageratum conyoides 127,327 wattle Ageratum houstonianum 127 Acacia melanoxylon (blackwood acacia) Agonopterir ulicitella 564,580 487,508,513,514 Agraulis vanillae 291 Acalypha indica 136 agriculture 3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 16, 56, Acalypha wilkesiana (beefsteak 70, 73, 76-77, 79, 93, 99, 100, 108, plant) 214 113, 114, 115ff, 189, 249, 271, 317, Acanthaceae (acanthus) 125,209 318, 397, 432, 434, 436, 439, 441, acanthus (Acanthaceae) 125,209 442, 446, 455, 456, 466, 467, 472, Acanthospennum 127 474, 476, 478, 479, 502, 533, 546, Achillea millefolium 70, 71, 72, 554, 559, 577, 591, 602, 618, 708, 81,127 709, 713, 714, 727, 729, 753, 757, Achyranthes aspera 125,210, 613-614 758, 759, 761, 762, 766, 767, 768, Achyranthes atollensis 199, 210 769, 770, 771, 772, 773, 799, 800, Acridotheres tistis (common myna, 824,827 Indian myna) 227,281,412 agromyzid 413; see also Ophiomyia Adelges piceae (balsam wooly aphid) lantanae 20 Agropyron cristatum (bunchgrass) 15; Adiantum jordanii 90 see also bunchgrass 'ae'ae (Bacopa monnieri) 220 Agropyron desertomm (bunchgrass) 35; Aerenicopsis championi 415 see also bunchgrass Aeschynomene virginica 433 Agropyron repens 88 African dropseed (Sporobolus Agropyron spicatum (bunchgrass) 35; africanus) 209, 667; see also see also bunchgrass Sporobolus africanus Agroseris grandiflora 81 Index Agrostis avenacea 119, 629, 630, aloe (Aloe) 205 636,641,647,650,652,672 Aloeaceae 205 Agrosh's sandwicensis 626, 632, 634, Alopex lagopus (arctic fox) 21 636, 639, 640, 641, 646, 647, 650, alpine zone 7, 268, 396, 541, 542, 652,661,662 551,556,626,784,786,7% Agrostis semive~'cillata 88, 119 Abinia 124 Agrostis stolonifera 17,119 Alternanthera (joyweed) 125; see 'ahu'awa (Mariscus javanicus) 101, also joyweed 207; see also Mariscus javanicus Altemanthera tenella (joyweed) 125, Ailanthus altissima 20 210 Aira caryophyllea 119 Altemaria 291 air plant (Kalanchoe pinnata) 214; Altemaria passiflora 278 see also Kalanchoe pinnata Alysicarpus vaginalis 123, 137 Aizoaceae 81, 125, 209; see also 'amakihi (Hemignathus virens) 278 carpetweed, fig-marigold amaranth (Amaranthaceae) 125,210 'iikala (Rubus hawaiiensis) 476; see Amaranthaceae (amaranth) 125,210 also Rubus hawaiiensis Amaranthus brownii 210 'iikepa (Loxops coccineus) 300 Amaranthus dubius (pakai) 125, 210, '&a (Wikstroemia, W. sandwicensis) 555 359, 400, 402; see also Amaranthus hybridus (green amaranth) Wikstroemia 125,210 'akoko (Chamaesyce celastroides Amaranthus lividus 126 var. celastroides) 190,215 Amaranthus spinosus (spiny pigweed) 'iikulikuli (Sesu vium portulacastrum) 126,210,555 209 Amaranthus viridis (slender amaranth) 'alalii (Corvus hawaiiensis, 126,210,555 Hawaiian crow) 282,288 Amaryllidaceae 81,437,508 albatross 201 'ama'u 307, 367, 400, 401, 562; see albizia (Albizia) 487, 508, 513, also Sadleria cyatheoides, S. 514 pallida Albizia julibrissin 20 'ama'uma'u (Sadleria cyatheoides, S. Albizia lebbeck (siris tree) 137, 215 pallida) 348, 363; see also alena (Boerhavia repens) 218 Sadleria cyatheoides Aleurites moluccana (candlenut, Amblyopappus pusillus 70,81 kukui) 102, 136, 214, 607, 729; see Ambrosia artemisiifolia 127 also candlenut Ambrosia chamissonis 81 Aleurodicus dispersus (spiraling American crocodile (Crocodjllus whitefly) 456 acutus) 50,53,55 alfalfa (Medicago sativa) 216; Ammannia 142 see also Medicago sativa Ammophila arenan'a (European beach algae 21,33 grass) 8, 16, 119,208 Alismataceae (water plantain) 116 Amsinckia 72 allamanda (Allamanda cathartica) Amsinckia intennedia 83, 131 210 Amsinckia spectabilis 83 allelopathy 77, 227, 313, 315, 620, Anacardiaceae 81, 126, 210, 493; see 629 also mango Allium cepa (onion) 207 Anacardium occidentale 126 Allium fistulosum (bunch onion) 207 Anagallis arvensis (scarlet pimper- Allium praecox 81 nel) 90, 147; see also scarlet Alocasia cucullata (Chinese taro) pimpernel 205 Ananas comosus (pineapple) 420, 444, Alocasia macrorrhiza 102,116,610 453, 554, 730, 800; see also pineapple industry 'iinaunau (Lepidium bidentatum var. Aphelandra aurantiaca 125 o-waihiense) 190,212 Apiaceae 81, 126, 210; see also anchialine pools 542; see also aquatic carrot, parsley habitat Apiasbum angustifolium 81 Andropogon 34, 35, 399, 401; see Apienulicis 580 also bunchgrass Apion ulicis 475 Andropogon glomeratus. See Schi- Apis mellifea (honeybee) 278 zachyrium condensahtm Apocynaceae 126, 210; see also dog- Andropogon virginicus (broomsedge) bane, periwinkle 119,250, 314, 322, 394, 398, 434, aquatic habitat 6, 9, 17, 18, 20, 21, 486, 487, 538, 547, 552, 563, 689, 32, 52, 59; see also anchialine 734; see also broomsedge pools, riparian habitat Anenome hupehensis 147 aquatic plants 20,30,32,42,52,59 Anethum graveolens 126 Aquifoliaceae (holly) 127 angiosperms 116; see also species Araceae 81,116,205; see also taro listings Araliaceae (ginseng) 127,211,489,510 Annonaceae 126 aramina (Urena lobata) 104 Annona cherimola 126 Araucariaceae (araucaria) 204 annual bluegrass (Poa annua) 209, Araucaria heterophylla (Norfolk 566; see also Poa annua Island pine) 204 Anous minutus melanogenys (black Archlagocheimsfunestus 20,422 noddy) 197 arctic fox (Aloper lagopus) 21 Anredera cordifolia 131 arctic ground squirrel (Citellus Anthemis cotula 127 undulatus) 21 Anthonomus grandis (cotton boll Arctium lappa (gobo) 127,211 weevil) 52 ardisia (Ardisia elliptica) 538; Anthoxanthum odorahrm (sweet vernal- see also Ardisia elliptica grass) 119, 314, 322, 487, 557, Ardisia crenata (Hilo holly) 143, 626, 630, 636, 640, 641, 650, 672, 487,508,514,521 683,732; see also sweet vernalgrass Ardisia elliptica (ardisia) 143, anthropogenic effects 31, 64, 292, 538 394, 395, 397, 398, 400, 403, 404, Ardisia humilis 618 597, 598, 600, 604, 606, 609, 611, Ardisia solanacea (shoebutton 612, 614, 618, 620, 796; see also ardisia) 52,58 human disturbance Arecaceae 81,205; see also palm anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum) Arenan'a se~pyllifolia 133 205,714,716,718 Argemone glauca 647,652 Anthurium andraeanum (anthurium) Argemone mevicuna 145 205,714; see also anthurium Argyroxiph ium sandwicense (silver- Anthurium andreanum cv. 'Marion sword) 267, 637, 640, 642; see also Seefurth' 714 silversword Anthurium andreanum cv. 'Ozaki' Argyroxiphium sandwicense subsp. 714 macrocephalum (Haleakala Antiblemma acclinalis 452, 459, 460, silversword) 556 461 Argyroxiphium sandwicense var. Antidesma 560 sandwicense (Mauna Kea silver- Antigonon leptopus 146 sword) 639; see also Mauna Kea Antirrhinum nuttallianum 91 silversword Antirrhinum orontium 148 Argyroxiphium virescens (green- ants 11,12,766 sword) 6 'ape (Xanthosoma) 205 armyworm 455 Aphanisma blitoides 84 arnotto (Bixaceae) 131 Inda aroids 715 Athyriopsis japonica 321 arrow root (Tacca leontopetaloides) Athyrium 308-310 729; see also Tacca leontopeta- Athynium microphyllum 558 loides Ah-ipla 85 Artemisia califomica (coastal sage) Atipla califomica 71,84 70,72 82 Atipla eardleyae 134 Artemisia pontica 127 Atipla lentifonnis 85,134 Artemisia vulgars 127 Atriplex semibaccata (Australian Arthraxon hispidus 119 saltbush) 72,74,75,76,85,134 arthropods 291,499,601,667 Atriplex suberecta (salt bush) Arthrostema ciliaturn (arthrost ema) 134,213,555 142,487,508,515,521 Australian fern weevil (Syagrius artichoke (Cynara scolymus) 767 fulvitarms) 562 artillery plant (Pilea microphylla) Australian fireweed (Erechtites 21; see also Pilea microphylla glomerata) 76; see also Erech- Artocqus altilis (breadfruit) 102, tites glomerata, fueweed 143,729 Australian pine (Casuarina) 47, 49, Arundina graminifolia (bamboo 52,57,59;see also Casuarina orchid) 119,402 Australian saltbush (Atripla semi- Asclepiadaceae (milkweed) 127 baccata) 75, 76, 78; see also Asclepias curassavica 127 Atnpla semibaccata Asclepias physocarpa (balloon plant) Australian tree fern (Cyathea 127,538 cooperi) 314, 318, 319, 551, 559, ash 532; see also tropical ash 561, 562, 571; see also Cyathea Asiatic butterfly bush (Buddleia cooperi asiatica) 547; see also Avena 21 Buddleia asiatica Avena barbata (slender oats) 73, 77, Asiatic pennywort (Centella 88,119 asiatica) 558; see also Avena fatua (wild oats) 72, 73, 74, Centella asiatica 77,89,119;see also wild oats asparagus fern (Asparagus avian pox 201 setaceus) 207 avocado (Persea americana) 441, Asparagus setaceus (asparagus fern) 455; see also Persea americana 207 'aweoweo (Chenopodium oahuense) aspen (Populus tremuloides) 7 213, 627, 629, 634, 654, 656, 658, Aspidiaceae 81 661;see

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