www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE: • Speech by Borys Tarasyuk at D.C. roundtable – page 6. • Election violations and falsifications in Ukrainr – page 8. • Program in New Jersey recalls “Kozak Glory” – page 13. THEPublished U by theKRAINIAN Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal Wnon-profit associationEEKLY Vol. LXXVIII No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2010 $1/$2 in Ukraine Citizens’ committee launched to ensure Tens of thousands protest proper commemoration of Holodomor Ukraine’s proposed tax code by Zenon Zawada Vasiunyk said at a November 17 press con- Kyiv Press Bureau ference. “To great regret, there isn’t an official KYIV – A citizens’ committee was offi- position from the government regarding the cially launched at the National University of format of commemorating this day after 10 Kyiv Mohyla Academy on November 17 to days,” he said. “We anticipate the govern- organize and make sure that the Victims of ment will publicize its position and publi- the Holodomor and Political Repressions cize those events which the government Remembrance Day will be commemorated plans or doesn’t plan to conduct.” in Kyiv on the last Saturday of November as This year’s events will be held under two per annual tradition. themes: that the tragedy was a genocide, The committee recruited many of which is underpinned by Ukrainian law; and Ukraine’s leading intellectuals (Ivan Drach), that the memory of the Holodomor cannot performers (Nina Matviyenko) philanthro- be erased. pists (Olha Bohomolets) and spiritual lead- The logo of the Citizens’ Committee to ers (Bishop Yevstratii Zoria of the Ukrainian Honor the Memory of the Holodomor- Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate) in Genocide Victims of 1932-1933 in Ukraine planning the day’s events, which had been consists of the Holodomor symbol depicted previously organized by the Presidential at the monument on St. Michael’s Square, to Secretariat under President Viktor the left of large, bold-faced words that Yushchenko. declare, “Holodomor is Genocide ‘32-‘33.” The administration of Viktor Yanukovych Below that is written “27.11.2010 We acknowledged the Holodomor was a trage- Remember.” Olena Bilozerska dy, but denies that it was genocide against President Yanukovych outraged national- More than 30,000 people march in central Kyiv against the tax code drafted by the Ukrainian people, adopting the Kremlin ly conscious Ukrainians when he declared the government of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, which they argue will devas- view that it was a “collective tragedy of the on April 27 at the Parliamentary Assembly tate small businesses in Ukraine. nations of the former Soviet Union” that of the Council of Europe (PACE) in suffered from Stalinist persecution. Strasbourg, France, that the Holodomor by Zenon Zawada than 30,000 small-business people The committee turned to the couldn’t be considered genocide, which led Kyiv Press Bureau descended upon Kyiv from all corners of Yanukovych administration for support in to PACE rejecting a resolution that would Ukraine to voice their opposition to a KYIV – The largest protest against the organizing the events, but had yet to receive have granted recognition. new tax code they claim will ruin busi- a response after 10 days, former Vice Prime government of Prime Minister Mykola ness in Ukraine and devastate the econo- Minister for Humanitarian Affairs Ivan (Continued on page 8) Azarov erupted on November 16 as more my. The tax code will impose new layers of unaffordable regulations and new mounds of unaffordable accounting Patriarch Filaret blesses Holodomor memorial in N.J. paperwork, and will reduce transparency – all of which will enable authorities to CLIFTON, N.J. – Parishioners of Holy demand exorbitant bribes, entrepreneurs Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Church said. Protests were held throughout greeted their primate, Patriarch Filaret of Ukraine, including Kharkiv, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Khmelnytskyi and Poltava. Patriarchate, on Saturday, November 6. “Our oligarchs and their servants, the The hierarch blessed a new memorial, national deputies, divided up all the coun- located on the church grounds, dedicated try’s property and Ukraine into personal to the victims of the Holodomor of 1932- estates,” Oleksander Dudko, president of 1933 in Ukraine. the Union of Entrepreneurs and Following the conclusion of a memori- Employers of Crimea, said at a al service dedicated to the millions of vic- November 16 press conference in Kyiv. tims of the Soviet regime, the patriarch “We won’t let them ruin small busi- made an emotional statement. He under- ness and turn the people into obedient scored that similar monuments that honor slaves, dividing them up like serfs among the memory of the victims of the Famine- each other,” he underscored. Genocide, who were targeted by the The next day, Mr. Dudko threatened an Soviet regime in its campaign to destroy armed uprising should the legislation the Ukrainian people, already stand in pass. Yet, coalition leaders weren’t intim- many countries around the world where idated, leading the Verkhovna Rada to there are Ukrainians. Ukrainians, he said, approve the first and second readings of can be found residing on all continents of the new tax code on November 18 by 253 the world, and the memory of Ukraine’s and 269 votes, respectively, amidst chants largest human tragedy of the 20th century of “Shame” by opposition deputies. is an international tragedy, an unforgetta- The Parliament’s decision to ignore the ble event that should never be allowed to demands of small business could lead to be repeated. the tax protests swelling, which observers Petro Chasto/Svoboda Patriarch Filaret reminded the faithful said pose more of a threat to the authori- Patriarch Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate blesses tarian administration of President Viktor the memorial to victims of the Holodomor erected on the grounds of Holy of the atrocious acts by the Soviet Ascension Church in Clifton, N.J. (Continued on page 17) (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2010 No. 47 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS Russian PM fails to resolve 30,000 protest against new tax code stronghold. (RFE/RL) KYIV – Some 30,000 owners of small Safeguarding religious sites trade differences on Kyiv visit and medium-sized businesses have pro- tested in Kyiv against a new Tax Code KYIV – An official document that being debated in Parliament, RFE/RL’s stresses the role of cooperation between Ukrainian Service reported on November the authorities and religious organizations 16. The protesters’ main objection is an in the preservation of architectural monu- amendment to the simplified tax rate. ments was adopted at an international Small and medium-sized businesses cur- seminar on “The Role of Religious rently pay a flat tax of 200-600 hrv ($20- Communities in the Management of $75) per month, depending on the nature World Heritage Sites,” which was held in and volume of their business. But the Kyiv under the auspices of the United new code incorporates these small busi- Nations Educational, Scientific and nesses into the general tax system, which Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on protesters say opens the door to corrup- November 2-5. At a press conference in tion and manipulation on the part of the on November 15 devoted to the outcome tax authorities. The simplified tax has of the seminar, the director general of the been a big success for small entrepre- Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural neurs. The tax is a onetime monthly pay- Preserve, Maryna Hromova, said the ment that allows business owners to seminar was attended by 40 delegates Official Website of Ukraine’s President avoid dealing with tax officials, many of from 16 countries. Archimandrite The Ukrainian and Russian delegations during Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s whom are corrupt. There are currently Varsonofi of the Kyiv Pecherska Lavra visit to Kyiv on October 27. some 3 million registered small-business said the seminar “received an official owners in Ukraine. Maria Kostecka, the document of UNESCO, which highlights by Pavel Korduban less than Kyiv had hoped for. Only a pro- co-owner of a small accounting firm, told the important role of religious organiza- RFE/RL that the new code would tions in safeguarding architectural monu- Eurasia Daily Monitor tocol of intention was initialed, and Ukrainian Fuel and Energy Minister Yurii increase her taxes to some 50 percent of ments. …Only with joining efforts we Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Boiko said a final agreement should be her profits. Anders Aslund, a fellow at the can at the proper level maintain the mon- Putin’s October 27 visit to Kyiv confirmed signed within a month (UNIAN, October Washington-based Peterson Institute, uments of architecture to convey them to that the honeymoon in bilateral relations, 27). Moscow’s reluctance to provide oil says the proposed Tax Code is “good for the future generations.” According to which followed Viktor Yanukovych’s elec- transit guarantees prompts Ukraine to look big companies, bad for small ones.” Dr. Olena Serdiuk, director of the Institute tion as president last February, is over. for other partners to fill its Odesa-Brody Aslund explained, “A 5 percent dividend for the Protection Cultural Heritage at the It is clear now that members of the rul- pipeline. tax for big companies is a big advantage Ministry of Culture and Tourism of ing elite in Ukraine, although viewed by From the end of November, Ukraine and could lead to Ukraine’s leading com- Ukraine, by the end of 2010 the ministry many as pro-Russian, are tough negotia- will use Odesa-Brody for test pumping panies actually being based in Ukraine will adopt a concept about the general tors for Moscow. Venezuelan oil to Belarus. According to and not in offshore accounts.” He added, development of the territory of the Kyiv For its part, the Kremlin continues to trilateral agreements with Venezuelan “It’s good to reduce the corporate-profit Pecherska Lavra.
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