Tracked Taxa List: Current as of Lichens, Fungi 29-Jan-2021 and Slime Molds This list contains the lichen, fungus and slime mold taxa known by the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre (SKCDC) to occur within Saskatchewan, as of the date provided above. If you notice any errors or omissions, please contact [email protected]. For more information about how the SKCDC generates these lists and what determines when a species is tracked by the SKCDC, visit: http://biodiversity.sk.ca/lists.htm Conservation ranks/status are provided for each species. For details on each, refer to the following resources: ◦ Subnational (S), National (N) and Global (G) Ranks: www.biodiversity.sk.ca/ranking.htm ◦ Government of Saskatchewan Wild Species at Risk Regulations: https://publications.saskatchewan.ca/#/products/1609 ◦ COSEWIC: https://www.cosewic.ca/index.php ◦ SARA; Government of Canada Species at Risk public registry: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/species-risk-public-registry.html SYNONYMS: This list is being provided by the SKCDC as a tool to facilitate users in determining the current, accepted taxonomy. If a name is currently out of use in Saskatchewan, it’s current synonym is provided, indented in the line below the accepted name. In this row, we are unable to distinguish between true synonyms and misapplied names used as synonyms. For example, Cryptantha fendleri is an accepted name for a vascular plant that is currently found in Saskatchewan. This name, however, has also been misapplied to both Cryptantha kelseyana and Cryptantha minima in the past. Therefore, it appears as a synonym to those two species. In addition, there may be more than one current name for any given out-of-date name (e.g., Cryptantha nubigena) if a species had been split, or if a name was misapplied to more than one species in the past. It is up to the user to ensure that the taxon name they choose is the correct one for what they have observed. Tracked Taxa List: Lichens and Fungi ID: Scientific Name: Common Name: G-Rank: N-Rank S-Rank: COSEWIC: Fungi (non-lichenized) 461243 Agaricus abruptibulbus a fungus GNR NNR SU 461178 Agaricus albolutescens a fungus GNR NNR SU 461179 Agaricus arvensis Horse Mushroom GNR NNR SU 461182 Agaricus augustus The Prince GNR NNR S1 415402 Agaricus bitorquis Spring Agaricus GNR N5 SU 461180 Agaricus langei Bleeding Agaricus GNR N5 SU 461181 Agaricus micromegethus a fungus GNR NNR SU 461183 Agaricus moelleri a fungus GNR NNR SU 461185 Agaricus placomyces Flat Top Agaricus GNR NNR SU 461184 Agaricus pocillator a fungus GNR NNR SU 461186 Agaricus semotus Wine Agaricus GNR NNR SU 461188 Agaricus sylvaticus Blushing Wood Mushroom GNR NNR SU 461187 Agaricus sylvicola Wood Agaricus GNR N5 SU 461189 Agrocybe acericola Stump Agrocybe GNR NNR SU 461190 Agrocybe dura Bearded Fieldcap G5 N5 SU 461191 Agrocybe molesta Bearded Fieldcap GNR NNR SU 461192 Agrocybe pediades Plains Agrocybe GNR NNR SU 461193 Agrocybe praecox Spring Agrocybe GNR NNR SU 461194 Albatrellus ovinus Sheep Polypore GNR NNR S3 461196 Aleuria aurantia Orange Peel Fungus GNR NNR S1 461197 Aleurodiscus amorphus a fungus GNR NNR S3 461195 Aleurodiscus cerussatus a fungus GNR NNR SU 461198 Amanita caesarea Ceasar's Mushroom GNR NNR SU 461199 Amanita citrina False Deathcap GNR N3N5 SU 461200 Amanita flavoconia Yellow Patches G5 N5 SU 461201 Amanita fulva Tawny Grisette GNR N4N5 SU 402875 Amanita muscaria Fly Amanita G5 N5 S4 402877 Amanita vaginata Grisette G5 N5 SU 461202 Amphinema byssoides a fungus GNR NNR SU 461203 Amylocystis lapponica a fungus GNR NNR SU 461204 Amyloporia sinuosa a fungus GNR NNR SU 461205 Amylostereum chailletii a fungus GNR NNR SU 461207 Anthoporia albobrunnea a fungus GNR NNR SU 461209 Antrodia albida a fungus GNR NNR SU 461208 Antrodia heteromorpha a fungus GNR NNR SU 461212 Antrodia xantha a fungus GNR NNR S3 461213 Aphroditeola olida a fungus GNR NNR SU 461214 Arachnion album a fungus GNR NNR SU 1/29/2021 This Report may be cited as: Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre. January 2021. Page 2 of 41 Saskatchewan Lichens, Fungi and Slime Molds Tracked Taxa List. Regina, Saskatchewan. Retrieved from www.biodiversity.sk.ca/SppList.htm Tracked Taxa List: Lichens and Fungi ID: Scientific Name: Common Name: G-Rank: N-Rank S-Rank: COSEWIC: 461218 Armillaria calvescens a fungus GNR NNR S2 461216 Armillaria sinapina a fungus GNR NNR S3 415403 Artomyces pyxidatus Crowned Coral GNR NNR S3 461219 Ascocoryne sarcoides Purple Jellydisc GNR NNR S2 461220 Astraeus hygrometricus a fungus G4G5 NNR SU 461222 Atheliachaete sanguinea a fungus GNR NNR SU 461223 Aurantiporus fissilis a fungus GNR NNR SU 461226 Auricularia americana a fungus GNR NNR S2 461224 Auriporia aurea a fungus GNR NNR SU 461225 Auriscalpium vulgare Earspoon Fungus GNR NNR SU 415404 Battarrea phalloides Desert Drumstick GNR NNR SU 461227 Bertia moriformis a fungus GNR NNR SU 461228 Bisporella citrina Minute Lemon Cups G5 N5 SU 461230 Bjerkandera adusta Smoky Bracket GNR NNR S4 461229 Bjerkandera fumosa a fungus GNR NNR SU 461231 Bogbodia uda a fungus GNR NNR SU 461232 Bolbitius titubans Yellow Dung Mushroom GNR NNR SU 461401 Boletinus spectabilis Admirable Bolete GNR NNR SU Fuscoboletinus spectabilis 461233 Boletus edulis King Bolete GNR NNR SU 461235 Boletus pezizoides a fungus GNR NNR SU 461236 Boletus pinophilus Pine Bolete GNR NNR SU 461237 Boletus vermiculosus a fungus GNR NNR SU 461238 Bombardia arachnoidea a fungus GNR NNR SU 461239 Bondarzewia mesenterica Giant Mountain Polypore GNR NNR SU 461240 Boreostereum radiatum a fungus GNR NNR SU 461241 Bovista nigrescens Brown Puffball GNR NNR SU 415405 Bovista pusilla Small Tumbling Puffball GNR NNR SU 461561 Bovistella utriformis Checkered Puffball GNR NNR SU Lycoperdon utriforme 461242 Byssomerulius corium a fungus GNR NNR SU 461244 Caliciopsis arceuthobii a fungus GNR NNR S3 461245 Calocera cornea Small Stagshorn GNR NNR S3 461246 Calocera viscosa Yellow Antlers GNR NNR SU 449072 Calvatia bovista a fungus GNR NNR SU 449073 Calvatia cyathiformis Purple-spored Puffball GNR NNR S4 461247 Cantharellula umbonata Greyling GNR NNR SU 461248 Cantharellus cibarius Golden Chanterelle GNR NNR SU 461249 Cantharellus subalbidus a fungus GNR NNR SU 1/29/2021 This Report may be cited as: Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre. January 2021. Page 3 of 41 Saskatchewan Lichens, Fungi and Slime Molds Tracked Taxa List. Regina, Saskatchewan. Retrieved from www.biodiversity.sk.ca/SppList.htm Tracked Taxa List: Lichens and Fungi ID: Scientific Name: Common Name: G-Rank: N-Rank S-Rank: COSEWIC: 461253 Cerioporus leptocephalus Blackfoot Polypore GNR N5 SU 461250 Cerioporus mollis Common Mazegill GNR NNR SU 461251 Cerioporus stereoides a fungus GNR NNR SU 461252 Cerioporus varius a bracket fungus G5 N5 SU 461254 Ceriporia purpurea a fungus GNR NNR SU 461255 Ceriporia tarda a fungus GNR NNR SU 461256 Cerrena unicolor Grey Polypore GNR NNR S4 461257 Chalciporus piperatus Peppery Bolete GNR NNR SU 461258 Chlorociboria aeruginascens Green Cups GNR NNR S4 461260 Chlorophyllum agaricoides False Puffball GNR NNR S4 461888 Chlorophyllum molybdites False Parasol GNR NNR SU 461262 Chloroscypha sabinae a fungus GNR NNR SU 461263 Chondrostereum purpureum a fungus GNR NNR S3 461264 Chroogomphus vinicolor Pine Spike GNR NNR SU 461266 Ciborinia whetzelii a fungus GNR NNR S4 461267 Clavariadelphus ligula a fungus GNR NNR SU 461268 Clavariadelphus pistillaris Pestle-shaped Coral Fungus GNR NNR SU 461269 Clavariadelphus sachalinensis Strap-shaped Pestle G5 NNR SU 461270 Clavariadelphus truncatus Truncate Club Coral Fungus GNR NNR SU 461271 Clavulina coralloides White-crested Coral Fungus GNR NNR SU 461272 Clitocybe albirhiza a fungus GNR NNR SU 461273 Clitocybe eccentrica a fungus GNR NNR SU 461274 Clitocybe gibba Funnel Cap Mushroom GNR NNR SU 461275 Clitocybe multiceps a fungus GNR NNR SU 461276 Clitocybe nebularis Cloudy Clitocybe GNR NNR SU 461277 Clitocybe odora Blue-green Anise Mushroom GNR NNR SU 461278 Clitocybe praemagna a fungus GNR NNR SU 461279 Clitocybe truncicola Log Clitocybe GNR NNR SU 461280 Collybia alboflavida Yellowish-white Collybia GNR NNR SU 461281 Collybia tuberosa Lentil Shanklet GNR NNR SU 461282 Coltricia cinnamomea a fungus GNR NNR SU 461283 Coltricia montagnei a fungus GNR NNR SU 461284 Coltricia perennis a fungus GNR NNR S3 461285 Conferticium karstenii a fungus GNR NNR SU 461653 Coniferiporia weirii a fungus GNR NNR SU 461286 Coniochaeta pulveracea a fungus GNR NNR SU 461734 Coniolariella limonispora a fungus GNR NNR SU 461287 Coniophora arida a fungus GNR NNR SU 1/29/2021 This Report may be cited as: Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre. January 2021. Page 4 of 41 Saskatchewan Lichens, Fungi and Slime Molds Tracked Taxa List. Regina, Saskatchewan. Retrieved from www.biodiversity.sk.ca/SppList.htm Tracked Taxa List: Lichens and Fungi ID: Scientific Name: Common Name: G-Rank: N-Rank S-Rank: COSEWIC: 461288 Coniophora olivacea a fungus GNR NNR SU 461289 Coniophora puteana a fungus GNR NNR S3 461290 Connopus acervatus Clustered Collybia GNR NNR SU 461291 Conocybe apala White Dunce Cap Mushroom GNR NNR SU 461292 Conocybe siliginea Slim Conocybe GNR NNR SU 461293 Conocybe tenera Brown Dunce Cap Mushroom GNR NNR SU 461294 Conoplea fusca a fungus GNR NNR SU 461295 Conoplea geniculata a fungus GNR NNR SU 461296 Conoplea juniperi a fungus GNR NNR SU 461297 Coprinellus micaceus Glistening Inky Cap GNR N5 SU 415406 Coprinopsis atramentaria Smooth Inky Cap G5 N5 SU 461298 Coprinopsis lagopus Hare's Foot GNR NNR SU 449074 Coprinopsis
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