INDEX Abernethy Lowland 195 Aikins Moraine 160 Abitibi lowlands 518 Alaska 24,40,119,120 Abitibi Upland 215 Alaskan Coastal Plain 129 Acadian Bay Lobe 410,416 Albany River 236 Acton, D.F 669-671,673,675 Alberta Plateau 140 Adam Till 233,236 Albertan Till 43,63,154 Adelaide Peninsula 194,208 Aleutian Trench 26 Adirondack Mountains 322,373 Alexis River 263 Advance Algoma Great Lakes 249 Battle Mountain advance 74 Algonquin Arch 326 Canmore advance 66,68 Algonquin Highlands 373 Crowfoot advance 74 Allan Park kame delta 343 Drystone Creek advance 66 Alle/Ile * see amino acid 235,286 Eisenhower Junction advance 66 Allegheny Basin 326 Labuma advance 152,164 Allerod Interval 368 Late Portage Mountain advance 54,66 Alliston embayment 344 Marquette ice advance 161,162,236,242,349 Amadjuak Lake 184,277 Obed advance 66 America Plate 25 Two Rivers advance 349 Amery Till 228,231 Waconichi ice advance 272 Amherst Silt 412 Waterton I advance 154 Amino acid racemization 5 Waterton II advance 64 Amino acid stratigraphy -definition 235,286,544,545 Waterton IV-Hidden Creek advance 65,66 Amund Ringnes Island 449 Agassiz Ice Cap 454,462,469,470,471,472 Amundsen Glaciation 121 Age Amundsen Gulf 102,127,128,132 10 ka to 8.4 ka 208,240,295,556 Anahim Belt 25,49 11 ka 207,295 Anderson Plain 131 11 ka to 10 ka 208,240,299 Anderson River 102,128,132 8.4 ka 209,297 Anderson, T.W 483-486,498-500,507-508,520-528 Cape Ball 488,491 Andrews, J.T 178-189,235,276-301,543-562 Early Pleistocene 119,152 Ange-Gardien Till 371 Early Wisconsinan 57,61,66,68,125-128,131,155,325,337 Annapolis River 411 344,345,368,410,415,421,423,426,753 Antarctica Ice Sheet 34,185,218 Holocene 52,54,55,70,72-74,76,108,136,146 Antevs, E 4 162,236,242,275,291,292,299,421,431,444,452,457 Antevs Lake 272 459,472,508,512,518,550,552,594,750,756 Anticosti Channel 420 Illinoian 55,57,61,67,125,129,344,410,419,425 Anticosti Island 268,395,403,420,422 507,748,753,761,784 Antifreeze Pond 494 Irvingtonian land mammal age 152 Antigonish Highlands 411 Kansan Age 152,164,504 Antigonish Ice Cap 411 Late Pleistocene 154,550 Appalachian glacier complex 406,582 Late Wisconsinan 48,50,57,68,72,74,79,108,126,127 Appalachian Mountains 321,322 129,131,132,136,157,185,201,204,233,234,275,291 Appalachian Orogen 394,397 346,356,402,405,411,412,415,426,449,459,488,491 Apple River 411 494,497,554,750,767 Aquifers 713-723 Little Ice Age 74,179,214,297,457,472,473,708,811 Arctic Archipelago 119,136-186,445,464,584 Matuyama Reversal Epoch 69,109,119452 Arctic Canada -soils 675-676 Middle Pleistocene 152,154 Arctic Coastal Plain -geology 101,108,120,129,445,582 Middle Wisconsinan ... 48,70,136,146,155,337,338,344,346,369 Arctic Front -bioclimatic boundary 214 407,411,413,426,488,494,496,545,546,573 Arctic Mountains 21,26 Milankovich thermal maximum 136,525,546,767 Arctic Ocean 445,452,464 Miocene 119 Arctic Platform 445,449 Pre-Late Wisconsinan 258 Arctic Red River 130 Pre-Reid 68 Argonaut Plain 66 Pre-Sangamonian 49,66,410,498 Armstrong, J.E 4 Pre-Wisconsinan 119,203,344 Arnott Moraine 244 Sangamon Interglaciation ... 121,125,126,152,202,204,226,230 Aspy Fault 426,427 232,234,236,336,345,356,364,367,412 Assiniboine Valley 157,161,162,240 Sangamonian 289,338,418,425,495,500,753,784 Astrobleme -Charlevoix 351,379 Wisconsinan 155,201,289,668,709 Athabasca Basin 655 Yarmouthian Age 152,164 Athabasca drumlin field 195 Age *see Stade,Interstade,Stage,Interval,Advance,Readvance Athabasca Lake 131 Aggregate resources -Quaternary 684-687 Athabasca River 42,43,65,68,692 Aguanus-Kenamiou Moraine 269 Athabasca Till 65 Agutua Moraine 224,243 823 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3931768/9780813754604_backmatter.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 INDEX Atlantic Appalachian region Belleville phase 373 bedrock geology 394,395 Bengal-Bhutan Asia 487 economics 432,433 Bering land bridge 498 New Brunswick 402 Beringia 121,485,486 Newfoundland 400 Bernard River 104,121 physiography 394-400 Bernard Till 105,116,119 Quaternary history 405 Bessborough Stage 66 soils 674-675 Bessette Sediments 51,57,70 tectonostratigraphy 395 Big Bald Mountain 413 Atlantic region -chronology 500 Big Muddy spillway 160,161 Atlantic uplands 403,410,411 Big River 104,121 Atlin Placers Big Sea Sediments 121 Atmospheric carbon dioxide 484 Big Trout Lake 236 Aulitivik Island 291 Bioclimatic boundary -Arctic Front 214 Avalanche disasters 709,710 Biostratigraphy -Champlain Sea 188,322,349,375 Avalon ice sheet 418 Birch Mountain 141 Avalon Isthmus 418 Blanket aquifer 717 Avalon Peninsula 416,419 Bliss Bugt glaciation 748,767,784 Axel Heiberg Islands . 445,452,453,464,557 Bloor Member 346 Aylen Phase 270 Blow Me Down Highlands 417 Ayr Lake Stade 286,288-290,298 Blow River 125 Babine Lake 52 Bluefish Flat 32,68,69,492 Back Lowland 191,209-210,223 Bog -definition 679 Baffin area 178,186,202,210,276,278,279,283,285,298 Bois Blanc Formation 343 547,553,557,558,744 Bolduc Till 127,459 Baffin Bay Strait 544 Bonavista Bay 399 Baffin Sector Bonavista Peninsula 416 Baffinland Stade 286,289,290,292 Bonnet Plume Depression ... 70 Baie-Trinité Moraine 268 Boothia Peninsula 189,191,194,198,199,200,202,205,214 Baird Inlet Lake ^ 526 245,661 Baker Lake 'tl? Boreal forest -history in Canada 508-512 Baker Till Bostock, H.S 4 Ballycroy Bog °27 Boulter esker 270 Bank Beauge ^ Boutellier Nonglacial Interval 61,72 Banks Glaciation 119,452,459 Bovis, M.J 583-594 Banks Island 100-102,104,108,126,127,134,136 Bow River 65,162,576 Banks Sea Bow Valley Till 68 Barlow-Ojibway Formation Boyko-Diakonow, M 528-530 Barnes Ice Cap 184,276,278,279,287,288,297 Braddock Channel 160 Barrow Strait Bradore Moraine 268 Barrow Surface ' it Bradtville Drift 346 Baseline Till ™ Brampton esker 331,343 Basswood Road Lake Bras d'Or ice mass 411 Bathurst Inlet 126,179,189,208,211 Bras d'Or Lakes 400,410 Bathurst Island 445,457 Braskeruds Plain 454 Bathurst Lowland CEE Breslau Moraine 341 Bathurst Norsemines dispersal train 655 Bridgewater Conglomerate 406,425 Bathurst Peninsula 108,121,126,128,136 British Columbia Battle Mountain advance continental shelf 42 Battleford Formation paleoecology 70-74 Bay d'Espoir 400 Quaternary stratigraphy 48 Bay of Fundy Brock Upland 102,104,121,126,128,132 Bay of Islands 339,400,417,420 Brocket Till 154 Bayfield Valley 339 Bronson Lake Formation 719 Beams Plateau ^ Brooks Range 119 Beauce region «Q2 Broughton Island 286,288 Beauceville ••••••••• °94 Bruce Peninsula 327 Beaufort Formation 101,445,50» Brunhes-Matuyama Boundary 1,120,121,152,567 Beaufort Sea area -geomorphic processes .... 21,108,121,128,547 Brunisolic Turbic Cryosols .... .676 Beaver River Moraine 234 Brunisols 671,672 Beaver River Till 411 Bruun Rule Definition 432 Beaverhouse Moraine 243 Buchans 655 Bécancour Till 366'3®1 Buckland Glaciation ... 125,129,131,136 Bed load 601-602 Buffalo Lake Till 65,68 Bedford Hills-Belair Moraine 239,240 Bugaboo Glacier 74 Bednarski, J 459"464 Bulkley River Valley 54 Belair Moraine 161 Burin Peninsula 398,402,416,418 Belcher Island 185,186,215,237,273 Burntwood-Knife Interlobate Moraine 178,200,204,208,209 Bell Flat 32,68,69,492,493 214,220,225,238,239,241,243 Bell R ••• ^ Byam Martin Island 134,445,449,459 Bensea"'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 209,235,546 Bylot Island 276 Belles-Amours Moraine 268 Cabot Strait 419,420,426 824 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3931768/9780813754604_backmatter.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 INDEX Caledonian Highlands 413,415 Chilcotin Plateau 49 Caledonian Orogeny 744 Chippewyn Lake 204 Cameron Hills 101,141 Chiputneticook Lakes 416 Cameron Ranch Formation 155 Christopher Island Formation 198 Campbell Phase 131 Churchill River Till 204,225,237,238,247,256,263 Canada -natural processes and agents 624-633 Circum Ungava Geosyncline 185 Canada -last glaciation 544 Clague, J.J 17-26,34-74,76-83 Canadian Interior Plains -economic considerations 165-166 Clausen Glaciation 121,125,129 Canadian Shield 175-317 Clay and shale slopes -geomorphic processes 586 Canadian Shield Clayhurst Stage 66 * see Northeastern, Northwestern, Southeastern, Clear Hills 141 Southwestern Canadian Shield Clearwater-Mackenzie drainage 161,162 Canadian Shield -soils 675 Clements Markham Inlet 462,463 Canmore advance 66,68 Climate Canning Till 346 Canada 577-581 Canyon Ranges 130 moisture 578 Cape Adair transgression 292 temperature 577-578 Cape Aston 290 Climate change- general circulation models 484,485 Cape Ball 488,491 Clovis culture 498 Cape Breton Highlands 406,410 Clyde Foreland Formation 262,286,288 Cape Breton Island 399,403,410,500,504,506 Coast Belt 22 Cape Breton Island -paleostratigraphy 506 Coast Mountains 21,26,32,40,54,58 Cape Breton lowlands 411,416 Coats Island 179,198,239 Cape Collinson Interglaciation 119,121 Cobalt Plain 215 Cape Cove Gravel 406,411 Cobequid Highlands 406,411,412,426,427 Cape Dalhousie 129 Coburg Island 452 Cape Dyer 298 Cochrane Formation 208,218,232,234,236,253,265 Cape Hatt 292 Cochrane I & II surge 249,272 Cape Henrietta Maria 290 Cochrane readvance 187,209,210,236,239,244 Cape Henry Kater 247 Cockburn Substage 297 Cape Ray Fault 426,427 Codroy Valley 417 Cape Storm 554 Coenocline -definition 512 Capilano Sediments 54 Coffin Island 421 Carbon dioxide 484 Cold Climate Processes -geomorphic processes 604-611 Carey Islands 526 Cold Lake oil sands 719 Caribou Dome 187 Coleman, A.P 4 Caribou placers 79 Columbia Mountains 26,583 Caribou Plateau 49 Columbia River 26,34 Caribou River 125,131,141,198 Colville Moraines 133 Carson, M.A 583-594 Condie Moraine 161 Cartier-McConnell
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