Copies to go Play ball The new copy center, located in the University Center, is scheduled to open next week. The Outlfield comes to bat at The Hurricane Howl Sunday night on the University Center Patio. News — page 6 Accent — page 10 THE MIAMI Volume 65, Numberr 16 l URRICANE Speaking tests Lecture needed for TAs, Series committee says Students say it's difficult reforms Programs scheduled understanding some teachers for noon hour break By SIIAWNA SERIG required to pass an intensive ByMANlTI PRAVIA Staff Writer English course and retake the ... rltcr exam. If the exam is not passed University of Miami Provost the applicant will not be consid­ I ecture Series, a committee that Luis Glaser has established .1 brings speakers to campus, has language competency committee ered for the TA position. Also, no first year graduate, heen restructured and will resume which has recommended that all this spring with lectures scheduled graduate, research and teaching research or teaching assistants would be allowed to teach. during a nemn break period on assistants pass an oral English 1 uesdays and Thursdays The committee, established examination before being permit­ Lecture Series was dissolved ted to teach a class. three months ago. consists of Tarr Or. David Wilson, dean of the last semester fn Universitv of The committee grew out of an Miami Provost I ms Glaser Now ll experimental English pronouncia­ College of Arts and Sciences and Or. Norman Einspruch, dean of the will he' coordinated by the Office tion class that was offered to of the' vice Provost and the Office teaching assistants last year tei engineering department. Of Public Affairs help improve then oral competen­ The proposals made to the cy, said I)r Dennis Tarr. dean of provost "should help to alleviate During the hour break at m».n. the School of Continuing Studies existing problems and stop any classes will not be scheduled This others from starting," Wilson said. will make' th,. series mur.' access! "We recognized thai there was a He also explained that once Glaser ble to students while attracting problem and wanted to do some­ reviews the proposals, the Aca­ interest from outside the Universi­ thing internally about it, so we demic Dean's Policy Committee ty community started this class and helped the "We wanted to haw seeme time TAs that needed it," he said. must give the final approval. "We should see some action on tee schedule lectures and speakers Many students have expressed of interest at a time people would the need for oral competency this by Eall of 1988." Einspruch said. The policy committee should be free te. attend." Glaser said "If standards bee.use they had diffi­ we dear the class schedule, then culties understanding iheir teach­ not have any problems with the proposals because ' we will clear tunc conflicts, and ers we are moving in the right direction with this" people will be able to attend the Brenda Werllng, a sophomore Dr. Pamela Ferguson, dean of lectures." international finance/marketing the Graduate School, also recog­ According to Dr James Ash major, said she' was enrolled in a nizes the problem "You certainly associate provost, the break period calculus class wnh a graduate can be used by campus organiza­ asNistani who ipoka little Enaliah. hear stories that there are llan- She said steident grades in the »•....,;.'I proMaras ...eel we'i »r-vfn« tions to schedule meetings with no worfics about class conflicts. Class Were relle. live- e.l Ihe I As to cut them off 1., ..... o,v-*J inabiluv lee speak English cornet* escalate Into serious problems." Umversiiy of Miami', schools and she. said. ...ii. ,•< ** ly. "II .lowevd down th. class In a move, to deal with the Tt,,' les-„,r. Maria* at.*., ham a because' lee- alwavs hael te. re'P«-.tl problem, the CJraduate Students new »*«>, ,,,.,, himself." Werling s.ml eiion has established a com­ "The change In the Serin ta "It was ,1 complex subject and mittee tei research language com- suggested by s pattern found at had we understood his English, the petency within the graduate other universities," Ash said. material mav neet have been so school. During their last meeting, "Washington 1 niversity in st difficult.' sle;' saul the committee suggested TAs be has ,1 very popular series Sophomore Frank Wong, an tested for English language com­ whit h is similar in the one v.,' will electrical engineering major sa.d petency, especially < «r.il competen- ha\ e all of his lah Instructors have had I he' new format will consist eef some seirt «>f difficult*) expressing s e.tt Meyer. GSA vice president Informal and formal lecture peri­ themselves en 1 nglish. "it it and chairperson of the committee ods The informal aspet t eef the- especially ditficuit in a lab situ.i said that although all international series, called "1 ectures on the tion." he' said, "because the ses­ students, graduate and undergrad­ Commons," will feature popular sions are timed and. if the TA uate, are required to take the lest IM preefe'sseers discussing current doesn't know the language, adjust­ of English as a Foreign language. issue s eef inteiest W Ittl I lllde'llts ments lia\«' lo be made " "it is a written exam and does nol "Students mav discover that I'M Glaser said the' committee was assess how we'll thev can commu­ professors mav be just as good and researching these problems and nicate the spoken word." nieeri' accessible," said Dave' Kling, "Although the assistants are com­ Meyer said the proposals of the assistant to the Vii e Provosl "It is petent in their field |of study|, that committee appointed by the pro­ Moving art very refreshing In thai respect 1 ni mal lei tures. held during the doesn't mean that they are compe­ vost are good. "It will help artist Hans Haacke, is part of a new tent in English " graduate students get into the "Circles and Waves," a sculpture by German break or at other scheduled times, According tee committee recom- a' ademic swing of things, rather exhibit at the Lowe Art Museum. Story, page 10. Will feature premiiiianl speakers mendatlons, (een ign TAs that can­ than face the burden Of teaching in Please see page 6/LE< UKI not pass the oral exam will be a classroom their first year." Motorcycle thiefs caught by police Police aim to cut crime Prowlers arrested found connected to prior thefts on campus Rising crime makes safety measures neces By PETER VA! DES-DAPENA make' recommendations to Pub­ lic Safety feer I nipree, e'llll'llt s By CINDY SMITH lege. valid reason for being on the man gave the scooter back and Stuff >l Stott Writer The officers arrived at the lot at campus ut that time of the fled Zimmerman said she- became about 1. in a in to find the subjects morning After Friday's arrest. Hudak ran Despite the rising e run.' rate ne el about campus see uri- t \ afte'i hearing Hie- e on< I ms of Universitv of Miami police offi­ Of the complain! having the area Green fit the description Dillari a records check on Green and and budget i utbai ks al the cers arrested two men the morn­ in a brown Ut~h Dodge trmk. The y.i\i- the police Of the man w he) Smith and discovered that Smith department of Public Safe t*.. the was wanted for possesion eef . nts y.ere' asking, T>.n• s ing of < )• 1 22 on a loitering and officers noticed that the- vehicle tried to steal his scooter em (let 16 I niversity of Miami is attempt- cocaine Meanwhile, Whitt ni\ kid lie e ei g gun " " she' said prowling charge, only to discover belonging to Roger Green and Dil'ari called the police alter he to cut crime by identifying searched the truck and discovered butes this to Miami's that they were responsible for at Dion Smith fit ihe description heard noises outside his apartment • i.il crime areas on . a given by Dillari, who was the and went to investigate'. a traffic ticket for a motorcycle and building a wall around the n.itieei. ignized crime leas) two motorcycle tln-fts on violation made out to Will BarkiT. campus. victim of an attempted motorcycle "At first I thought it was a joke Pearson Residential College problem "We want parents t<> According to a police' report theft on Oct. 16 until 1 saw a tall, lanky black man darker, a UM student, had parking leet • the campus is a from the Department of Public Whitt and Hudak followed the in his late- twenties pushing my reported his Honda Elite scooter Student Government Sen sis ure- a Safety, officers Dennis Whitt and truck to the corner of Dickinson Honda Arrow scooter away from steelen from the porch area of the Martha Zimmerman has been Zimmermi idt nt • on the apartment." he said. .emjilex on Oct. 21. E.d Hudak responded to a com­ Drive and Peine e de 1 eon Blvd I he' II tmg teeurs of resld the other hand leel too , ompla- plaint by junior Mike Dillari that UM officers arrested Green and Dillari confronted the man. whei Whitt called Barker tee verify halls on campus ti) identify cent about Campu two men were prowling in the Smith, both of Miami, for loitering said he was picking the' motorcy­ that his scooter had been stolen, specific security problems and I'l. ' KIME parking lots near the apartment und prowling; neither could show cle up for a fnend, und told the and then aske'd Dillari to thi to identify the suspect.
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