-191'8• . ··CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-Ho-uSE. 11635 ·Frederick B. Smith, Milton. HOUSE OF REPRESENTAT-IVES. Augusta .H. Tilden, New Lebanon. •Luther ·Hasbouck, New Paltz: ., THuRsDaY, November ~1, 1918. Erlwat·d S. Moore, Norwich. Ashmer 'R. Collins, Norwood. The Hou e met nt 1.2 o'clock noon. John R. Davis, Oakfield. • The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. ·D., otrered the fol­ Joseph P. Kiernan, ·Pawling. lowing prayer: John E. Walker, Philmont. ,... Our Father in heaven, we -pray that out of the ·fiery fm•nace Lee Van Vredenburgh, Rhinebeck. through which the world 'is pa sing that a larger, purer, nobler Edwin Clute, Schenectady. type of man -shall emerge, with a clearer vision of Thy char- John G. Rose, Sinclairville. acter and Thy purposes. : Verne Seebeo, South Dayton. "And I saw a new heaven ·and a new earth: 'for the first Francis D. Lynch, Stony Point. heaven and the first earth were,passe.d away. .And I, John. saw James H. Burns, Trqy. the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Marion E. Wroten, Trudeau. heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her .husband.'• Edith L. Kent, Tuxedo Park. We-pray that the vision may become· a reality; that men may Peter Marcinkowski, Wallkill. live together in harmony, peace, .and unity; that God shall be Philip J. Smith, Webster. all in all nnd life become a precious thing, to be upheld and ·Mary R. _Newlands, 'Vest 'Point. sustained; and .glory and .honor ·and praise ·be Thine forever. In His name. Amen. NORTH DAKOTA. The Journal of the proceedings of Monday, November 18, John fP. Hardy, Farg<>. 1918, was read and ·approved. Je sie M . .Hamill, Oakes. Thomas F. Cooper, Parshall. SWE.A:RlNG;·INiOF A MEMBER-WILLIAM F. BIRCH. OHTO. lUr. BRO,VNING. 1\Ir. Speaker-- _ Arda 1\I. S. Allensworth, Amsterdam• . The SPEAKER. For whttt purpose does the gentleman rise? Harry H. Maxson, Germantown. · Mr. BROWNING. There is present to-day 'Mr. WILLIAM F. Andrew J. Price, Glouster. BmcH, who was elected to fill the unexpired· term of the late Lee B. Milligan, Lowellville. JoHN H. CAPsTICK, and I ask unanimous consent that he may W-enaell 'E. llrettell, Rock Creek. be sworn in. John L. Carr, South Charleston. The SPEAKER. Did the gentleman receive ·a majority'? .Roy S. Rush, Wickliffe. 1\Ir. BROWNING. There is no contest. and I have a certifi­ TEXAS. cate in my hand, from the county clerk, of his election. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. George W. Morris, New Boston. BROWNING] asks unanimous consent that the successor of Mr. Mae .Murray, Sonora. CAPSTICK be sworn in without his credentials. VERMONT. Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. I understood him to say that 'Frank L. ·Start, Jeffersonville. he had his credentials. WASHlNGTON. Mr. BROWNING. I have a certificate from the county clerk. The State board has not met, and he could not get his :creden­ Inez G. Spencer, Creston. tials from the --secretary of state. Andrew J. Cosser, Port Angeles. Mr. GARUETT of Tennessee. May I ask the gentleman if Gertrude Cosgrove, Sprague. there wos any contest'? Alberta Hough, Valley. 1\Ir. BROWNING. There is none; There is no objection WEST VIRGINIA, whatever. Joseph N. Alderson, Alderson. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the James W. Wilson, Barboursvil1e. gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. BROWNING]? [After a pause.) Burton B. Rohrbough, Belington. The Chair hears none. Leonidas W. Bartlett, Buckhannon. 1\fr. WILLIAM F. BIRCH appeared before the bar of the Hamer H. Berry, Burnsville. - House and took the oath of office prescribed by law. William B. Stewart, Chester. 'Villia.m D. Roush, Clendenin. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. Harry T. Bumgarner, Elizabeth. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Waldorf, its enrolling William W. J obnson, Glenville. clerk, announced that the Senate bad receded from the amend­ John R. Schaeffer, G<>rmania. ment No. 28 to the bill (H. R. 11~45) malripg appropriations Bertha W. Smith, Holden. to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out d~J;ing the Benjamin L. Brown, Kingwood. fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, the purposes of the act entitled H enry L. Bowling, Lewisburg. "An act to provide further for the national security and defense Jo. eph F. Thompson, Martinsburg.· by stimulating agriculture and facilitating the distribution of OliYer A. Locke, Milton. agricultural products, and for other· purpose&'-' Mary E. Davin, Montgomery. The message also announced that the Senate had passed bills ·william S. ·Wray, Northfork. of the following titles, in which the .concurrence of the Hom~e Thomas G. Burk~, Oak Hill. of Representatives was request~d : · William A. Curry, Omar. S. 3944. An act for the relief ·of Emma H. Ridley ; William G. Keyes, Philippi. S. 3986. An act to acquire the manuscript of Charles Chail1e­ 'Villiam B. McNutt. Princeton. Long containing an account of the unveiling of the l\IcCleHan John J. Kerwood, Ripley. statue; · - Charles G. Ogden, Salem. S. 2171. An act to abolish the United States land office at Grover F. Hedges, Spencer. Springfield, Mo. ; Preston H. Kelly, Thurmond. S. 1661. An act for the relief of Albert H. Cr..rnpbell ; Karl G. Davis, Wallace. S. 68. An act to amend section 269 of_chapter 231 of the act of ~ Clelia T. Henritze. War. March ,., 1911, entitled "An act to codifY, revise, and .amend the Lawrence M. Rmvan, White Sulphur Springs. laws relating to the judiciary'.' ; . · WYOMING. S. 427L An act for the relief of the Commis ioner of Internal Elmer H. Schreck, Gillette. Revenue; S. 1590. .An act providing for an increase of salary for the United States marshals and for the United States district ot­ WITHDRAW..ALS. torneys for the western and eastern districts of Louisiana; S. 4178. An act providing additional time fo.r the payment of JfffCecutive norninations toithdra-ton from the Senate 'N01/e111.ber purchase money under homestead entries of lands within the 21, 1918: former Fort .Peck Indian Reservation, Mont.; "POSTMASTERS. S. 4858. An act to provide method of settlement for materials. ~to res, and ·supplies transfer.r;ed between different buren us, de­ John D. Fulton, to 'be postmaster at Lengeloth, Pa. · partments, or agencies of the Government, ai:ul for other pur­ George W. Finley, to be postmaster at Spalding, Nebr. poses; and 11636 CONGRESSIONAL RECOR.D-HOU.SE. Nov"""E1\IBER 21-, S. 4272. An act for the relief of the Commissioner of Internal Members back llere if they want to adjourn this Congress and lle>enue. · leaYe these emergency matters unattended to untn·December 2. 'rhc message also announced that the Senate had passed I am opposed to adjournme·nt, aside from the necessity of con­ without amendment the bill (H. R. 10818) to authorize the sidering the bill I have mentioned. county of Loudon, in the State of Tennessee, to construct a Mr. GILLETT. May I ask the gentleman a question? brid "e across the Tennessee "River near Loudon, Tenn. Mr. WINGO. Yes. · · Tile message also announced that the· Se-nate had passed Mr. GILLETT. Why make su<$ a proposition as be suggests without amendment the bill (H. n. 282) amending the public­ where be says the result will not come before the 1st of .Jan­ buil<lings act appro\ed March 4, 1913, providing for · the pur­ uary? 'Vby c·ould we not do it easily when we meet on the 2d chn ·eo~ a. site for a public building at Nogales, Ariz. of December? ENTIOLLED BILLS SIGNED. · 1\ir. WINGO. For thi reason: When you meet on the 2d of December, then yon will have to get unanimous consent to cou· Mr. LAZARO, from.the committee on Enrolled Bills, reported sider a matter of that kind. that they had exa.mi.ped and found truly enrolled bilLs of the Mr. GILLETT. Of course that would be easier than now. following titles, when the Speaker signed the same: Mr. 'VINGO. No; it would not be easier than now. H. R. 10818. An act to authorize the county of Loudon; in the Mr. GILLETT. Oh, yes-·- · . state of 'renneSsee, to construct a bridge across the Tennessee Mr. WINGO. Let me answer the gentleman as to his sug­ River near Loudon, Tenn. ; and gestion of unanimous consent. · I do not think we could get it H. R. 282. Au act amending the public-buildings act approved through then ; and even if we could get it through the Houge 1\Iarch 4, 1913, providing for the purchase of a site for a public on the 2d day of December it would be impossible to get it to building at Nogales, Ariz. the President before he goes to Europe, because, as I tmderstand, E:\""BOLLED BILLS PRESEXTED TO THE PRESIDE:XT FOR HIS A.PPROV' A.L. he contemplates going to Europe, according to the press reports, 1\lr. LAZARO, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ on December 3. ported that this day they had presented to the President of 1\Ir. GILLETT. Even if that should be true, let me suggest the United States, for his appro>al, the following bills: to the gentleman that if we brought a quorum back for that pur­ H. R. 10818. An act to authorize the county of Loudon, in the po e he would never get unanimous consent from that quorum. State of Tennessee, to construct ·a bridge across the Tennessee Mr. WINGO. Possibly not. lliver near Loudon, Tenn. ; and · · The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the resolu- H. R. 282. An act amending the public-buildings act approved tion. · 1\Iarch 4, 1913, pro>iding for the purcha e of a site for .a public Mr.
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