envlronme enviro me-----­ env·o environm~ envlro• environ env·ron .......... envio e vi~ ..........~ e vi ~ env· e vi ..... n • .....".,................ e en e____ Environment: Teach-In: Outline Wednesday, April 1 April 1 Event: folksinger Don McLean; walk from CMU 9:30- Structural Domes - CMU Mall to DU; domes, 10:00 Folksinger Don McLean - Flagstaff HIli, Pollution Schenley Park Pittsburgh DU, Studom Union Ballroom Speaker: Wilson Talley - Under-Secretary HEW 10:15 Walk-Sweep from Flagstaff Hill to DU Panels: 1. Air 2_ Earth 3. Water - concurrent Open Forum (evening) 1:00 I ntroductory Remarks: Teach-In Father Henry J. McAnulty, President DU Address: Wil son Talley, Under-Secretary, HI::W April 2 Quality of Life & Ecology Pitt, Graduate School of Public Health (GSPH) DU. Studem Union Bailioo 1) Speakers: Stewart Brandborg - Exec<Jtive Director; Wilderness Society 2:00 PolI'ution: Air. Earth. Water April 1-4, 1970 Panel: Roland Clement - V ice-President; National Audubon Society Wilson Talley - Under-Secretary, HEW Place: Anthony Downs - Real Estate Research Corp.; Richard Vaughn - U,S_ Public Health Servi ce (OUt Duquesne University Chicago Myrik Freeman - Resources for the Future (eMU) Carneglu-Mallon Univer~lty Panels : Politics, Environment & Open Space ; Maurice K. Goddard - Pa. Dept. of Forests (P,tl) University of p,tl$burgh Transportation; Stress; Rebuilding for Urban & Waters Topics: L iving; Man & the Biosphere DU, Sludent Union Bililroom Pollution; Quality of Life; Ecology; Population; Resources; Keynote Address 3:00- Air Pollution Technology; Direction & Action 8 00 p.m. Syria Mosque Speakers: Kenneth Boulding - I nst. of 5:30 Lectures & Slides : List of Sponsors: Behavioral Sciences, Univ. of Colorado Pittsburgh: The Way It Was Henry J. McAnulty, President of Duquesne Hon . Robert Packwood - U.S. Senator, Oregon John Grove, Ass!. Dir. Allegheny Conference 0 " University, Honorary Co-chairman Frederick Close - Chairman of the Board, Alcoa Community Development Wesley W. Posvar, President of University of Lecture: Pittsburgh, Honorary Co-chairman April 3 Population & Resources & Technology We Have Just Begun To Fight H . Guyford Stever, President of Carnegie-Mellon CMU, Gymnasium Arnold Kitzes - Group Against Smog & University, Honorary Co-chairman Speakers: Roger Revelle - Population, Harvard Pollution (GASP) Allegheny County Soil· and Water Conservation Hans Landsberg - Resources for the Future Open Mike Discussion District Herbert Simon - CMU Computer Sci. & Panel : Allegheny County Sportsmen's League, Inc. Psychology Effects of Pollution, Medical & Economic American Nature Study Society Panel : Speakers plus S. Fred Singer, Dept. of Moderator: Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania the Interior Marc Hiller - Pitt, Biology Pre-Med Calvary Episcopal Church, Rev. Stewart Pierson Panel : Alternatives to Doomsday - Pitt Common Lester Lave - CMU Economics Carnegie-Mellon University, Student Body Facilities 104 Cyr il Wecht - Allegheny County Coroner Carnegie-Mellon Un iversity YM-YWCA, Direction & Action Jack Schubert - Pitt, GSPH Mr. Thomas Huff, Mrs. Claudia Detwiler PilI, Common Facilities AuditOrium Jack Ochs - Pitt, Economics Chatham College Speakers & Open Forum : Speakers 10 include E. J. Sternglass - Presbyterian Univ. Hospital Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Rep. Gerald Kaufman; Staunton Lynd; Dennis DU. Studenl Union Ballroom Dr. & Mrs_ Remsen Behrer Puleston (Environmental Defense Fund) : 3:00- Duquesne Light Company Harry M. Caudill (author - Night Comes to Earth Pollution Duquesne University, Student Body the Cumberlands); William Garrison, Environ­ 5 :30 Lecture & Panei': Definitions and Problems Falk Medical Fund mental Systems (Pitt) Moderator: Gulf Oil Corporation 4 :00 approx: Sen. Gaylord Nelson Bruce Godwin - Pitt, Geography Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh Richard Vaughn - U.S. Public Health Service Mellon Institute, Dr_ A . Walsh April 4 Continuing Effort Allegheny County Solid Wastes Research Com. Penn's Woods West Chapter, Trout Unlimited CMU & Pill Herbert Cole, Jr. - Penn State, Biology, Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education ad hoc workshops/dialogs ; local environmental Pesticide Research Center Pittsburgh District Director of Christian Concerns, groups to set up stalls DU, Facully Loungp J. Howard Wright Films & Celebration Pittsburgh District United Methodist Church 3:00- Water Pollution PPG Industries 5:30 Lecture & Panel: Definitions and' Problems Planned Parenthood Association Moderator: TB League, Mr. Frank Donahue, Mrs. Marjorie David Arey - Pitt, Geography Michaux, Mr. John Hamm Walter Lyon - Director of Bureau of Sanitary University of Pittsburgh, Student Body Engineering, Pa. D ept. of Public Health University of Pittsburgh, Student Government William Samples - Mellon Institute and OUice of Student Affairs Walter Zabban - ConSUlting Engineer, Chester Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Engi neers Western Pennsylvania Wilderness Council' Charl es Murray - Federal Water Pollution Westinghouse Electric Corp. Con tlul Administration WIXZ, Mr. George Brewer, Miss Dodi Cross World Affairs Council Wednesday, April 1 Wednesday, April 1 Thursday, April 2 Myrik Freeman - Resources for the Future 7 :00 Body Pollution 10:00- Quality of Life & Ecology Frank J. Shean - Executive Director, Allegheny Panel: Food 1 :00 Speakers : County Soil and Water Conservation District Moderator: Anthony Downs - Real Estate Research Corp. Victor Lynch - Lawyer Gary Goldberg - Ecology Action, Pgh . Aristide Esser - Penn. State, Psychiatry Owen Dav,is - Sr. Scientist, Env. Systems, Sigred Deeds - Allegheny County Public Health Hans Harms - MIT, Architecture West. Elec. Corp. Edward Schlesinger - Pitt GSPH Roland Clement - Vice-President National DU, Faculty Dining Room Siamak Adipi - Montefiore Hospital Audubon Society Jack Schubert - Pitt GSPH Stewart Brandborg - Executive Director, 7:00 Air Pollution Problems and Prospects Waldo L. Treutingl - Pitt GSPH Wilderness Society Open Forum DU, Student Unlof'l 609 Chairman: Moderator: Joseph McLean - Pitt GSPIA Herbert Toor - CMU Chemical Engineering 9:00 Panel: Students, Pollution and Environment Pitt, GSPH Auditorium Maurice Louik - Allegheny County Solicitor Moderator: Ralph W. Abele - Pa . Joint Legislative Air & Dave Bramhall - Pitt, Economics; A.S.C.R. Com. 2:00- Panel: Politics & the Environment Water Pollution Control & Conservation Com. Andy Garli/ilg - National Teach-In, Wa sh. D.C. 5:00 Moderator: Ron Davenport - DU, Law School; Pres. - Pgh. Ann Scrivrler - Coordinator, DU Doomsda y William O. Robinson - Mercy Hospital Urban League Symposium David Houston - Pitt, Economics Wayno H. Jukkola - Coordinator of Air and Environment: Pittsburgh, Teach-I n: Stewart Brandborg - Executive Director, Water Quality Programs, Jones and Laughlin Marc Hiller - Pitt, Biology Pre-Med Wilderness Society Steel Corp. Bill Leber ~ CMU Chemistry David L. Marshall - Writer; Chairman, Western. Marco Vestich - Asst. Director of Health & DU, StUdent Union Sallro m Pa. Wilderness Council Safety, United Steelworkers (Pittsburgh) Milton Shapp - Gubernatorial candidate, Michael N. Ivanovich - Contract Analyst for 10:00 Open Mike Discussion State of Pennsylvania United Steelworkers DU Stud Mark Pattock - SI. Louis Botanical Gardens H. W. Szymanowski - Westinghouse Research Paul Jacoby - U.S. Weather Bureau Babysitting available at DU during day. Call Byrd Brown - Attorney ; Presiden't , Pgh . Robert L. Kolek - Trout Unlimited 232·3430 o r 563-2437. Chapter, NAACP Pill, GSPH Auditorium G. L. Barthauer - Dir. of Environmental Quality ContrOl , Consolidation Coal Co. 2 :00- Panel: Quality of Urban Life: Transportation 5 :00 Moderator: OU, Student Union Ballroom Gwen Bell - Pitt GSPIA 7:00 Earth Pollution James Romualdi - CMU; Dir., Transportation. Panel: Problems and Prospects Research Institute Moderator: Stephen Rattein - Pitt GSPH Bill Leber - CMU Chemistry Ervin Romer - CMU Maurice Shapiro - Pitt GSPH Woj,ech uchor;w wski, - Pitt GSPIA Agnes Tuden - League of Women Voters Anthony Downs - Real Estate Research Cor~ . , Joseph James - Pitt Graduate School of Public Ch, ego & International Affairs (GSPIA) Morl< Renard - CMU Applied Space Science Herbert de Melker - Oir. of Public Works for 1'111 GSf'H A 71 the City of Pgh. Head of Allegheny County Solid Wastes Advisory 2:00- Panel : Quality of Urb n Life: tress Committee 5:00 Mod"rator: 'Industry Representatives Emil Trellis - CommLonity Mental Hea lth Cen t r Lloyd Bell -- Pill DU, Faculty Lounge Morton Coleman - Pitt Earle F. Young - Asst. Oir., Technical Services, Joel Goldstein - CMU Psychology Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp. Aristide Esser - Penn. State, Psychi"try DU , Duquesne Room, Stud nl Union George Bugiiarello - Univ. of Illinois, Engineering 7:00 Water Pollution Pill, GSPH 308 Lecture & Panel : Problems and Prospects Moderator: 2:00- Panel: Rebuilding for Urban Living Jack Day - CMU Civil Engineering 5:00 Moderator: Speal<ers: Lester Mitchell - Pitt GSPIA Murray Shellgren - Slippery Rock State College­ Charles Eastman - CMU Architecture Biology Rolf H. von Eckartsberg - DU Psychology Herbert Cole, Jr. - Penn . State University, Earl Onque - Pitt GSPI A Urban Affairs Biology, Pesticide Research Center Troy West - CMU Architecture William Lang - U.S. Weather Bureau, Fl o d Harry Katz - President, Elco Manufacturing Co. Forecasting Hans Harms - MIT Architecture Barbara Walsh - League of Women V oters Ed Krokosky - CMU Civil Engineeri ng Leo Goodman - United Automobil e Workf'r't (Wash. D.C.) P'Il. G I'll JOt) Howard
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