- ^ THE AMERICAN - / 20c*MAY1968 I O Kl LP I I MAGAZINE ^^H^ OUR VERY FIRST AIR MAIL FLIGHT TRIAL BY JURY FUN WITH NUMBERS AND NUMBERS GAMES THE ROYAL SWORD OF THE FIERCE SIKH WARRIORS Forged, Engraved and Tooled Completely by Hand in the Indian State of Punjab . Worn by Maharajahs The Legend of these rare and mag- To this day, the sword remains a nificent swords dates back to the 16th religious fetish and a Sikh may never Centiny and the foiniding of the step out of his house without his Sikh sect by Guru Nanak. Originally sword or a symbol representing it. formed as village groups, the deeply A Sikh who draws his sword from religious Sikhs became more and the scabbard may not sheathe it, more influential as the years went initil it has drawn the blood of an on. In the 17th Century, Guru evil-doer. Sword making in Punjab is a craft carried from father to son. This has been the tradition for centuries and it continues even now. These Sikh swords are completely hand- forged, hand-tooled, and hand-in- scribed under one small roof. The rich, deep velvet scabbard included with each sword, is braided Gobind Singh shook the mighty in gold and may be ordered in your Mughal throne of Delhi, and the choice of Red or Royal Peacock Sikhs making effective use of their Blue. Kirpans (swords) , became military- $20 each, or $35 for any two. minded and feared by all. In the 19th Century, Ranjit Singh, the Order Now. Examine the Sikh great Monarch of Punjab, led his Swords. If you don't share our ex- ferocious Sikhs to victories beyond citement, return them. We will send the Kiiybcr Pa.ss. your money back immediately. Alexander Sales Corp., Dept. AL-5, 4 East 46th Street New York, N. Y. 10017 33" overall length. Gentlemen: Hand-forged Enclosed find $ Please send Sikh swords at $20.00 each and drawn of ( ) or any 2 for $35.00. ALEXANDER SALES pays all postage and handling charges. the finest steel. Check \our clioitc of Scabbards. Q Red Hilt is tooled by liand Royal Peacock Blue in silver plate. Engraved by hand. Velvet scabbard. Name ... Address Cit) .State Zip Code.. ).: The American Volume 84, Number 5 POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to P.O. Box 1954 Indianapolis, Ind. 46206 LEGION The American Legion Magazine Editorial & Advertising Offices 720 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10019 Magazine Publisher, James F. O'Neil Editor Contents for May 1968 Robert B. Pitkin Art Editor Al Marshall TRIAL BY JURY 6 Assistant Editor BY DOROTHY BRANT WARNICK John Andreola Associate Editors Trial by jury has been attacked and defended, studied in depth Roy Miller and taken for granted. Here's a report on this constitutional James S. Swartz right from both sides of the jury box. Assistant Art Editor Walter H. Boll MONTEREY, CALIF., A SEAT OF OLD SPAIN 11 Production Manager BY ALDEN STEVENS Art Bretzfield Copy Editor A travel article for today's motorists on Spanish California's Grail S. Hanford capital of Monterey (1775) and nearby Carmel. Circulation Manager Forty-fifth in the series "Seeing Dean B. Nelson Historic America." Indianapolis, Ind. Advertising Director WHERE DOES BRITAIN'S Robert P. Redden Chicago Sales Office RETREAT FROM THE EAST LEAVE US? 12 David Geller Associates, Inc. Wacker Drive BY GERALD L. STEIBEL 35 East Chicago, 111. 60601 In 1971, Britain will withdraw her Eastern forces from the Pacific 312 CEnlral 6-2101 to Suez. What does her withdrawal mean in terms Advertising Sales Representatives of security in the area? Will we fill JE Publishers Re|)resentive Co, the slack? Can we? 8380 Melrose Avenui^ Los Angeles, California 90069 SHOULD WE CUT BACK U.S. TROOPS IN EUROPE? .18 420 Market Street TWO SIDES OF A NATIONAL QUESTION San Francisco, California 91111 pro: sen. mike MANSFIELD (D.-MONT.) CHANGE OF ADDRESS: con: sen. JACOB K. JAVITS (R-N.Y.) Notify Circulation D.-pt.. P. O. Box 195-1- Indianapolis, Inr*., 46206 using Post Oflicv Form 3578. Attach old address label and THE SOMEWHAT MIXED UP EVENTS OF give old and new addresses with ZIP Code OUR VERY FIRST AIR MAIL FLIGHT 20 number and current menibtTship card nunibei. Also be sure to notify your Post .'\dj utani BY COL. C. V. GLINES, USAF SUBSCRIPTIONS May 15 will mark the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of U.S. NONMEMBER Send name and address, including ZIP num- air mail. The first official route was between Washington ber, witli $2 check or money order to all- and New York. The events of that flight, now Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 195 1, Indian- but-forgotten and overshadowed then by apolis, Ind. 16206. war news, are told here. The American Legion Publications Commission: ( Chainnaii FUN WITH NUMBERS AND NUMBERS GAMES 26 James E. Powers, Macon, Ga. } ; Howard E. Lohman, Moorhead, Minn. ( Vicv BY LEAVITT ASHLEY KNIGHT, JR. Chairman) ; Bob Whittemore, W atertown, S.D. der' s Representative A look at some popular puzzles and tricks, and how people react ( National Co mm an } ; Lang Armstrong, Spokane, If ash.; Charles E. to them. It doesn't really take an Einstein or a math grind Booth, Huntington, /(''. Va.; Adolph F. to solve most of those given here, if you can Bremer, U inona, Minn.; John Cicero. Swoyer- see how to simplify them. ville. Pa.; Clovis Copeland, Little Rock, Ark.; Raymond Fields, Guymon, Okla. ; Chris Her- nandez, Savannah, Ga.; Mylio S. Kraja, "MYSTERIOUS" MARKET 32 Youngstown, Ohio George D. Levy, Sumter, THE LONDON GOLD ; Keokuk, loiva; BY WILL/AM E. GALBRAITH, NATIONAL COMMANDER, THE S.C.; Dr. Charles R. Logan, AMERICAN LEGION Frank C. Love, Syracuse, N.Y.; Morris Meyer, Starkville, Miss.; J. H. Morris, Baton Rouge, The London gold market had the center of the stage in our latest La.; Harry H. Schaffer, Pittsburgh, Pa.: international money crisis. You may better understand what Bradley J. Stephens, Los Altos, Calif.; Wayne L. Talbert, Delphi, Ind.; Cornelius Tromp, happened are the J. and where we now when you see Manhattan, III.; Benjamin B, Truskoski, Bris- workings of that market spelled out. tol, Conn.; Robert H. Wilder, Dadcville, Ala.: E. Meade Wilson, Mulberry, Fla.; Edward Sweeney, New York, .Y ( Consultant Departments Mc N ., The American Legion Magazine is jnihlished LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ...2 LIFE IN THE OUTDOORS 44 monthly at 1100 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. 40201 by The American Legion, Copyriglit EDITOR'S CORNER 4 BOOKS 48 1968 by Tlie American Legion. Second-class DATELINE WASHINGTON 31 PERSONAL 52 postage paid at Louisville, Ky. Price : single copy, 20 cents ; yearly subscription, $2.00. VETERANS NEWSLETTER 33 LEGION SHOPPER 54 Order nonmember subscriptions from the Cir- culation Department of The American Legion, NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION ... 34 PARTING SHOTS 56 P.O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. Editorial advertising offices: 720 5th Ave.. Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons suDmitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, and New York, N.Y. lOOiy. Wholly owned bv stamped enveiooe is inciuaea. This magazine assumes no responsibil ity for unsolicited material. The A niericnn Legion, with National Hea<] - quarters at Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. William E. Galbraith, National Commander. THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • MAY 1968 ; paigns live. I enjoyed it very much. GET 5 FREE However, there is a reference to the LETTERS Battle of Hubbardton that gives an erroneous impression. The Battle of SAMPLES TO THE EDITOR Hubbardton was fought before the Bat- tle of Bennington, not after. The action Letters published do not necessarily ex- of these fine at Hubbardton took place on July 7, 1777, press the policy of The American Legion. Keep letters short. Name and address must and the Continentals (Green Mountain House of Edgeworth be jurnished. Expressions of opinion and Boys) were forced to yield the field requests for personal services are appreci- tobaccos ated, but they cannot be acknowledged or when Hessian reinforcements arrived. answered, due to lack of magazine staff for The Battle of Bennington was not fought these purposes. Requests for personal serv- until ices which may be legitimately asked of August 16, 1777. The American Legion should be made to John A. Eliot your Post Service Officer or your state (Department) American Legion Hq. Send Milford, Conn. letters to the editor to: Letters, The American Legion Magazine, 720 5th Ave- Prof. Clagett agrees and says: "Oops!" nue, New Yorlf, N.Y. 10019. NEW PROGRAMS FOR THE LEGION? THE CRISIS IN MONEY sir: Congratulations to National Com- sir: "What's Happening to Money" mander Galbraith for his March essay 4 (March), the Q&A interview with Dr. "New Programs for the Legion?" Instead Charls E. Walker, was the most inter- of enumerating two or three pet theories esting, lucid and informative I have ever of his own to help solve the "poverty, read on this subject, one in which I, like crime, slum, ghetto" problems, he has 1. every citizen of this country, have an called for a massive input of ideas by Exclusive extremely vital interest. all Americans who wish to see a better Peach J. Wayne Hamilton Brandy America. It is tremendously encouraging flavor. Brookhaven, Pa. to see an open-minded, open-hearted appeal made in behalf of our urban sir: Thank you for the excellent article problems by a man coming from a very on the money crisis. It is the best ex- small town where such problems might planation on the situation that I have never come to exist. It is ironic but true seen—simple, direct and to the point. that those removed from a problem can Dr.
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