Eagle Forum's Mission Is to Enable Conservative and Pro-Family Men

Eagle Forum's Mission Is to Enable Conservative and Pro-Family Men

2015 Eagle Forum’s mission is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policymaking so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty,respect for family integrity, public and private virtue,national independence, constitutional government, and private enterprise.We honor Eagle Forum’s citizen volunteers for their dedicated work at every level of government since 1972. Phyllis Schlafly ALABAMA Tom & Dottie Parker, 1986 Dr. Nicholas Hagan, 1980 Joanne McKinney, 1988 Karen Holgate, 1997 Caroline Aderholt, 1995 Katharine Patton, 2010 Mary Lou Hagen, 1998 Rachel McKinney, 1973 Lucile Hosmer, 1974 ^ Cong. Robert Aderholt, 2004 Hon. Arthur Payne, 1991 Carolyn Hastings, 2002 Margaret Mercer, 2002 Julia Becker Howell, 1983 Yvonne Agee, 1995 Betty Peters, 1999 Cong. J.D. Hayworth, 1995 Mary Ann Miller, 1981 Dorothy Hughes, 1985 Bobbie Ames, 1978 Carolyn Pitman, 1987 Charlie Hendrix, 2007 Rep. Randy Minton, 2000 Sharon Hughes, 2002 Norris Anderson, 1995 Mimi Pruet, 1988 Barbara Jeffries, 1979 Sherrie Mitchell, 1993 Cong. Duncan Hunter, 2007 Vesta Ard, 1988 Dr. Max Rafferty, 1981 ^ Emmy Lou Johnson, 2002 Sen. W. D. Bill Moore, 1982 Dr. David Isaacs, 2001 Sen. Bill Armistead, 1999 Charlotte Railey, 1979 ^ Sen. Karen Johnson, 1988 Maxine Murphy, 1975 Betty Johnson, 1978 Kay Bakke, 1980 Kitty Reickenback, 1977 ^ Rep. Leslie Johnson, 1988 Cecily Norman, 1991 Prof. Phillip E. Johnson, 1999 Gwen Baldwin, 1980 Becky Robertson, 1991 Rep. Lillian Jordan, 1981 ^ Carol O’Dea, 1989 Jacqueline Kasun, 1993 ^ Betsy Bancroft, 1981 Sarah Robertson, 1983 ^ Rep. Sylvia Laughter, 2003 Doris Reed, 2005 Phyllis Ketcham, 1977 Agnes Bazemore, 1978 Dr. Douglas Sager, 1990 Sandy Leonard, 1980 Bob Reely, 1990 Sharon Kientz, 2005 Sen. Scott Beason, 2008 Rep. Allen Sanderson, 1995 Ron Ludders, 2011 Charlann Reely, 1979 Orlean Koehle, 2000 Betty Beck, 1980 Jean Saunders, 1978 ^ Dinah Lundell, 1996 Susan Reynolds, 1984 Gary & Carol Kreep, 1994 Stephanie Bell, 1989 J. Paul Scott, 1995 ^ Linda Mace, 1982 Mary Riley, 1973 Chris & Aimay Krive Family, 2003 Sen. Jack Biddle, 1999 Senator Jeff Sessions, 2006 Tony Mackelprang, 2006 Charlotte Rogers, 2002 Jean Last, 1987 Jan Bolla, 1983 Senator Richard Shelby, 2000 Nina Marlow, 2013 Judy Russell, 2001 Virginia Lavan, 1978 Betty Bostwick, 1980 Cong. Albert Lee Smith, 1982 ^ Naomi Martineau, 1981 Mary Ann Sale, 1987 Randy Lewis, 1997 Jeanne Bradford, 1994 Eunice Smith, 1974 Dinah Monahan, 1979 Dr. George Schroeder, 1980 Mae Lisonbee, 1979 Tom & Mary Anne Bradford, 2007 Olive Spann, 1973 ^ Peter Morgan, 1985 Mary Schroeder, 1979 John B. Lusk, 1983 Craig Branch, 1993 Anna Steele, 1982 Verna Nichols, 1987 Donna Schweider, 1989 Pastor John & Rynner Mann, 2009 Dee Browder, 1990 Mary Carolyn Sullivan, 1990 Pat Oldroyd, 2002 Peggy Scott, 2011 Del McLaughlin, 1985 Margaret Brown, 1992 Pam Thomason, 2003 Dr. Jane Orient, 1993 Ralph Seekins, 2006 Geoff Metcalf, 2001 Traci Brown, 2004 Peggy Tucker, 2001 Joan Payne, 1991 Joanne Siliaereau, 2015 Rita Miller, 1973 Melissa Busbin, 1994 Sen. Jabo Waggoner, 1999 Rep. Russell Pearce, 2001 Marilyn Simmons, 1977 Dr. Stan Monteith, 2010 ^ Hon. Jim Carns, 1991 Stuart Welch, 2015 Betty Perry, 1977 Sandra Singleton, 1988 Barbara Morris, 1975 Cindy Carr, 1991 Frances Wideman, 1976 Sen. Dave Petersen, 2001 Ann Skinner, 1997 Bonnie O’Neil, 1997 Don Casey, 2005 Bebe Williams, 1987 Sherri Pitman, 1979 Robert Snowden, 1975 ^ Carol Pascoe, 2002 Michael Ciamarra, 1994 Lt. Gov. Steve Windom, 1999 Charlie Powell, 2003 Annie Laurie Spencer, 1974 ^ Joan Patton, 1996 Margaret Clarke, 1996 Vickie Winstead, 1990 Cathy Ray, 2000 Steve Stephens, 2008 Roxanne Petteway, 1996 Lisa Claytor, 1991 Audrey Wright, 1981 Cong. Matt Salmon, 1994 Eleanor Sykes, 1978 Judy Plunkett, 1993 Bettye Fine Collins, 1993 Bet Wright, 1982 Rep. David Schweikert, 1994 Sen. Larry Teague, 2012 Georgiana Preskar, 2003 Chris Collins, 1974 ^ Alan Sears, 1986 Drew Terry, 2004 Alice Rampton, 1980 Bob Crittendon, 1995 ALASKA Marian Shumway, 1990 Denise Webb, 1992 Jewett Rankin, 1997 Kay Crosby, 1992 Becky Armstrong, 2002 Nancy Spreen, 1974 ^ Teresa White, 1985 Teri Reisser, 1989 Madeleine Darden, 2001 Bo Armstrong, 2000 Barbara Stailey, 1989 Rev. George Williams, 2003 Elden & Kathy Rice, 2002 Alex Davies, 1995 ^ Cheryl Clementson, 1999 Hon. Lela Steffe, 1987 Nellie Sue Wilson, 1987 Pat Riehle, 1999 Pat Day, 1990 Rep. John Coghill, 2005 Sen. Bess Stinson, 1975 ^ Ray Wilson, 2008 Jane Russell, 2001 ^ Alice DeBardeleben, 1982 ^ Ellen Dempsey, 1981 Susan Stradling, 1986 Earlene Windsor, 1981 Brad Sanborn, 1997 Admiral Jeremiah Denton, 1980 ^ Sen. Fred Dyson, 2003 Ada Thomas, 1983 Patsy Wooton, 1981 Norma Schilling, 1993 Tallie Dillard, 2009 Judy Eledge, 2014 Erleen Tilton, 1996 Julie Wright, 1990 Kristin Fay Schuiteman, 1995 Sen. Larry Dixon, 1999 Kelly Forman, 2010 Sen. Thayer Verschoor, 2004 Frances Scully, 1993 Tom Dorer, 2011 Carolyn Glover, 1980 JoAnn Walker, 1981 CALIFORNIA Eleanor Severance, 1982 Sally Douglas, 1991 Gwen Hall, 2004 Shirley Whitlock, 1979 Barbara Alby, 1989 ^ Amb. Frank Shakespeare, 1987 Claire Downey, 1994 Alyce Hanley, 1988 Wayne Whitlock, 1989 Jo Ellen & Eddie Allen, 1981 Jacqueline Simonds, 1987 Debbie Dupuy, 1990 Barbara Haney, 2015 Karen Winfield, 1980 Dana Alvey, 1992 Amber Singleton, 1989 Johnnie Edwards, 1984 Don Haase, 2009 Claudette Wolfe, 1994 Dr. Melvin Anchell, 1986 Pastor Chuck Smith, 2009 Vernessa Edwards, 1991 Therese Jones, 1986 Dana Womack, 1998 Betty Arras, 1986 Maurine Startup, 1976 ^ Pat Ellis, 2001 Debbie Joslin, 2005 Helen Young, 1981 Angela Azevedo, 2004 Carolyn Steinke, 1992 Margaret Epperson, 1980 Rep. Wes Keller, 2008 Debbie Bacigalupi, 2012 Deborah & Lou Tavares, 2011 Ellie Ficken, 1988 Rep. Mike Kelly, 2007 ARKANSAS Tahnya Ballard, 1999 Patricia Thomas, 1992 Teresa Ferguson, 2014 Joe Miller, 2013 Sen. Denny Altes, 2010 Pamela Barret, 1999 Nancy Thomson, 2000 Diane Fowler, 1990 Sue Miller, 1985 Carole Baker, 1989 Dorothy Bearss, 1984 Rachel Turicchi, 2014 Ken Freeman, 2005 Jim Minnery, 2012 Gertrude Beard, 1998 Sandee Beckers, 1992 Jean Westphal, 1995 Sen. Steve French, 1999 Jewel Nestergard, 1997 Judy Beard, 1996 Gary Bosley, 2009 Natalie Williams, 1998 Rep. Mark Gaines, 1995 Mike Pauley, 2000 Jennie Binger, 1976 Pastor Brian Brodersen, 2009 Woody and Donna Woodrum, 2010 Vivian Garrett, 1993 Virginia Phillips, 1994 Nancy Bingham, 1996 Vicki Brough, 2001 Mary & Dick Wolbert, 2006 Murfee Gewin, 1998 Donna Trontvet, 1983 Cecile Bledsoe, 1993 Alice Breen, 1989 Joan Wonsley, 1993 Anne Gibbons, 1979 Margaret Ward, 2000 Vickey Boozman, 1993 Pam Bryant, 1999 Lorraine Woodwark, 2002 John Giles, 2003 Donald White, 1980 Connie Breeding, 1997 Madelyn Burley-Allen, 1997 Agnes Zepeda, 1986 Ouida Gordon, 1987 Margaret Brogley, 1992 Judi Caler, 2015 Hon. Annette Griswold, 2003 ARIZONA Bobbie Buchman, 1986 Rep. Donna Carlson, 1973 COLORADO Hon. Annie L. Gunter, 1979 ^ Stephanie Abney, 1993 Julie Calhoun, 1998 June Cerruto, 1993 Senator Wayne Allard, 2003 Rev. Bob & Helen Hamilton, 1996 Sylvia Allen, 1982 Rick Calhoun, 2002 Jane Chastain, 1990 Rena Anderson, 1979 Pete M. Hanna, 1992 Vicki Archer, 1997 Tina Chipman, 1978 Beverly Cielnicky, 1988 Jean & Craig Baldwin, 1981 Billie Hanson, 1991 Karlene Bailey, 1979 Jeni Cook, 1990 Elizabeth Crucitt, 1996 Carol Belt, 1992 Lester Hollans, 1995 Pat Barbour, 1976 Rep. Tom Cotton, 2013 Sarah Dawson, 2001 Beverly Berg, 2011 Jim & Melonie Holloway, 1994 Andy Biggs, 2002 Robyn and Gunner DeLay, 2001 Barbara Decker, 2012 Betty Boone, 1979 Ruth Ann Howell, 1979 Kathy Biggs, 1980 Cong. Jay Dickey, 2002 Jennifer Delaney, 2007 Rep. Greg Brophy, 2005 Celeste Johnson, 1989 Kitty Bloomhardt, 1974 ^ Jeannie Earl, 1999 Kathleen Dennis, 1994 Nancy Carrizales, 1978 Eric Johnston, 1997 Barbara Brewster, 1999 Minnie Elkins, 1986 Carol Dorman, 1996 Jerry and Lois Clark, 2000 Joan Kendall, 1985 Debra Brimhall, 1996 Dorothy English, 1979 Cong. Robert Dornan, 1977 Robin Coran, 2012 Dr. Bill Krug, 1996 JuDene Brown, 1993 Phillip English, 1982 Ellen & Tom Dougher, 2008 Carlie Davis, 1982 Dr. Edith Ledbetter, 1981 ^ Sen. Trudy Camping, 1973 ^ Judy Freeman, 1977 Karla Downing, 1984 Sue DeBenedictis, 1990 Sen. Curt Lee, 1999 Sen. Larry Chesley, 1994 Juanita Gibson, 1974 Wendy Dreskin, 1988 Dr. James Dobson, 1986 Reva Lewis, 1980 Polly Clark, 1987 Sen. Bobby Glover, 2009 Lyn Durst, 1998 Ruth Dolan, 1983 Sen. Albert Lipscomb, 1995 Shirley Cole, 1987 Rep. Rick Green, 2007 Vickie Edwards, 1996 Madie Lee Duffield, 1980 ^ Debbie Little, 2012 Marion Daley, 1980 Rep. Dan Greenburg, 2007 Doris Enderle, 1978 Kathy & Gary Ellis, 2006 Elaine Little, 1997 Shellee Day, 1997 Laurie Gross, 1995 Karen England, 2000 Mae Eye, 1985 Frances Little, 1979 Rosemary Edmiston, 1976 ^ Betsy Hagan, 1987 Marguerite Ennis, 1979 Linda Finch, 1982 Virginia Maddox, 1988 Marca Epps, 1982 Calvin E. Hagan, 1999 Marilyn Evans, 1989 Jack Fried, 1996 Hon. Mary Sue McClurkin, 2002 Virginia Evers, 1975 Debe Harman, 2001 Ernie Feeney, 1991 Jo Gordon, 1981 Helen McKnight, 1982 Rep. Eddie Farnsworth, 2001 Rep. Eric Harris, 2007 Nancy Fehrmann, 1992 Georgia Green, 1982 Judy McLemore, 1994 Janet Farnsworth, 2000 Jan Hauer, 2001 Louise Ferraro, 1993 ^ Darlene Gsell, 1981 Sen. Wendell Mitchell, 1992 Cong. Trent Franks, 1999 Mary Sue Hedrick, 1982 Heather Gass, 2012 Anita Hathaway, 1982 Charlene Moe, 1986 Joan Galbasini, 1995 Betty Helveston, 1983 Larry Gipson, 2002 Hon. Donald Hodel, 1987 Pam Moore, 1981 Cong. Paul Gosar, 2015 Sen. Peggy Jeffries, 1994 Jeanne

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