Cameio to challenge Kennedy in Mass. race --story page 11 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY -- see p. 8-9 -- N.Y. high schoolers demand Bill of Rights --story page 6 MEXICAN POLITICAL PRISONERS DEMAND RELEASE OF PANTHERS & CHICAGO 10 OPaN L4r7'u Tt) TA~o ..B~Ac:K I~N7'A14L ikTJI .~;M.O rN .P4t£$/~A/7' OJT 7AIL t/N.ITGD $.?A?~6. /2cN4.6?~ H Ah'A>NJ il.s ;/?~7'/CA~ .PL/6Dif/~L6 .;A/ LJECVII?i!lt£1!~/ P2/­ ~0N ~~ H~~CD c.~,;., WJi ~A'Pi!.J/'66 e:JeJe t:..t:JH~J?/.1!!' .!5f/­ .I:?.Po./!.r .,q,u..o Ja~Uai94/7'JI W/7H ?AIL N.l~.?.rAA/7:S 07 f.H~'...L.-~..w:.c /::;J.NNTNL4. /~b.JI A/IW .M_.;.N& V/C.I~Y A77'Aic~.D., Nv.,_ I.M~b AA/b /N.PLJSI'JN~~~ /N ?AI~ t/AN,~O ..S ?A?IS • 1(/4 P6!-fiii.U? ?Mil' JiCti..DiU/N" ~_,.,OA/.05 ?'0 T.N4 P41?.s/~F o,r THL L/AN71.0 .5rA7~.s. 1'11Z. ~;c.~r~diD H. 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C 0NNt/N4Y ~A.ICIL~df,tl/).5. j Page 2 THE MILITANT Friday, March 6, 1970 • • THE SDS disbands; students 101n YSA MILITANT Bdltor: HARRY RING Managing Bditor: MARY-ALICB WATBP.S Hope to form new local ished. Capitalists, from Nixon to the Business Manager: FLAX HERMES liberals, are increasingly in support of Published weekly by The Militant Publishing in Tallahassee a volunteer army. It is imperative that Ass'n., 873 Broadway, New York, N. Y.10003. we attempt an examination of their mo­ Phone 533-6414. Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: domestic, Tallahassee, Fla. tives and question our own priorities. $4 a year; foreign, $5.50. By first class mail: Well, it's happened again. The SDS Imperialism has required working­ domestic and Canada $13.50, all other coun­ class armies. However, this may not tries, $20.00. Air printed matter: domestic and here at Florida State L.:niversity has Canada, $20.00; Latin America and Eu­ disbanded and some students are join­ be true in the near future for the U. S. rope, $40.00; Africa, Australia, Asia (including ing YSA We hope to form a new local , , --'This .column i$ an: open fQrilm which, because of technology, can rely USSR), $50.00. Write for sealed air postage on a highly mobile, mechanized army. rates. Signed articles by contributors do not here. This will really be a historic event for all viewpoints on .$ubjeets of uecessarily represent The!l.filitant'sviews. These in Tallahassee, one of the most reac­ gen~al .. interest to our, readers.,· Such an army would be an increasing­ are expressed in editorials. tionary areas in the country. The .John Please keep·y.our Itttf.ts;oti~;~ ·· ly smaller percentage of the population, assuming many Vietnams do not erupt Birchers run their own bookstorE' down­ ne£essary they will -•be •· abtilged. Volume 34 Number 8 and destroy the capitalists' plans. Vol­ town which sells all sorts of rightist Writers'·· initials will be used, names . trash, from Masters of Deceit to Amer­ unteers would likely be recruited from being Withheld ~·· au:tliorization the least likely candidates for a revolu­ ica- Love it or Leave it and "God is giyen for use. ":• · , Friday, March 6, 1970 bless Spiro Agnew" bumper stickers! tion, instead of being conscripted from The Leon County sheriff is reputed to those who cannot avoid the draft. Vol­ be a member of this infamous orga­ unteers would provide an excellent force nization. Nevertheless we intend to are here to stay as long as we are hu­ for suppressing revolts, foreign or do­ build an effective organization that will man. mestic, and would doubtfully ever start wake up a lot of people to the truth. Freud, like Darwin and Einstein, in their own revolt. Closing news date- Feb. 27 Brenda Shellman his scientific work did not contradict A drafted army, on the other hand, the laws discovered by Marx- although particularly when drawn from thework­ neither Freud nor Darwin nor Einstein ing class, possesses organizing poten­ "The Freudian Left" review were Marxists. Isn't it stupid to use tial and may not allow itself to be used Long before that action, Goddard had one's knowledge of Marx to make as a suppression tool (especially if do­ functioning SDS and Female Libera­ tion groups. Black groups are also Philadelphia, Pa. judgements about unconscious sexuality mestic revolt spreads to the communi­ active on campus. Lenin never made any judgement or natural selection or the motion of the ties from which the draftees come). A Weatherman collective stayed at about psychoanalysis because he didn't planets? With the recent trend upward in G I HF. organizing, the potential for revolt is the college on their way to Chicago and know anything about it. Trotsky stud­ several Goddard people went with them. ied it a little and limited himself to a becoming a reality. Capitalists are not Black students want ignorant of this trend; many already When a member of the collective was few modest comments. busted to keep him away from Chicago, But your reviewer of "The Freudian to sell The Militant realize a mechanized, mobile and vol­ untary army is within this country's Goddard students put up much of the Lefr does not feel held back by igno­ bail money. rance. He seems to feel that a smatter­ Quincy, Ill. capacity, logistically and economically. While recognizing that there are certain Goddard students have been and are ing of dialectical politics gives him the The Black Students Association of active in SDS, the Peace and Freedom right to comment on any science, even Quincy College feels that your paper obvious gains for the working class, particularly the individual, from mov­ Party, SWP, the Venceremos Brigade, if he knows no more about it than a contains the necessary dynamics to set etc. Many of us were involved in high bright schoolboy. Stalin used to feel a spark to an apathetic populace. We ing to a volunteer army, we must not lose sight of the important negative school movements long before coming the same way. would like to attempt to sell your paper to Goddard. We will be active in po­ aspects mentioned above. It may be in The laws of psychology cannot be in an effort to reach the silent majority litical movements long after we leave. their interest, as well as socialists', to deduced from politics. Sexual repres­ on campus and relate to them the true P.R.J. sion is older and probably more en­ meaning of the Black struggle. oppose initiatives by capitalists to cre­ during than class society. 'Ibe evidence All power to the people. ate an obedient volunteer army and for incest taboos, birth fantasies, castra­ Isaac B. Nicholson Jr. instead spend our energy continuing Seeking ways to educate tion fears, and dream symbolism is Chairman, BSA the development of class consciousness more ancient than the state, private and antiwar feelings among G Is. on women's liberation property, or the family. Walt Snyder Some psychological evils may fade In defense of nonviolence away after a revolution. :\Iany others Toronto, Canada Seeks alternative I would like to extend my apprecia­ ::-.rew Canaan, Conn. tion of recent articles published in The More and more of your readers are APO San Francisco, Calif. Militant on Women's Liberation. This, saying they are turning away from Send me your paper. I'm tired of of course, is an important and key nonviolent methods of protest. I know reading this Army shit. issue of the day and must be publicized these methods are not speedy but they R.Z. as widely as possible. are the only way. If the movement As a member of the League for So­ wants to help man it must consider cialist Action and a Wome.n's Libera­ everyone including the fascists, the Nix­ Urges expanded coverage tion group, I am working in conjunc­ ons, etc.
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