E2028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 14, 2002 CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF LOCAL The Famine was engineered as part of Sta- Gordon devoted his life,both personally and BROADCASTING FOR PUBLIC lin’s genocidal policy toward the Ukrainian professionally, to social and economic justice STATION KVCR people, and resulted in the deaths of at least and equality. His early dedication to social jus- 7 million innocent men, women, and children. tice evolved into a dogged determination to HON. JERRY LEWIS Though these deaths were covered up and work in his own communities for obtainable OF CALIFORNIA denied for decades by the government of the and sustainable political and social change. former Soviet Union, the truth surrounding IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gordon was a tireless petitioner of his local, these tragic events have been documented by State, and Federal Government. He was a fre- Thursday, November 14, 2002 witnesses and survivors, as well as investiga- quent, and always welcome, visitor to my Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, the tive works like Robert Conquest’s Harvest of Santa Cruz office, often dropping by to deliver residents of San Bernardino and Riverside Sorrow and the report of the Congressional mailings, news articles, or simply to make sure Counties in Southern California are in a very Commission on the Ukraine Famine. I was aware of the latest concerns of our local unique position when it comes to television I recently received a letter from Dr. Walter community. His experience as a writer and stations. The Los Angeles broadcasters are Lyzohub from Redford Township, MI. He wrote editor was frequently put to good use, as Gor- close enough to provide all the local coverage to tell me that he was a survivor of the Fam- don was often chosen to pen letters and reso- we can receive. But they consider most of our ine, but that the Famine took the lives of his lutions on behalf of local democratic clubs and news too far away to cover. sister, Wira, as well as his brother, Iwan. His the Santa Cruz County Democratic Central For the past 40 years, the only broadcaster sister and brother were age 10 and 9, respec- Committee. In fact, just weeks before his that has continuously served the people of tively. Dr. Lyzohub also enclosed a family pho- passing, Gordon contributed to a passionately San Bernardino and Riverside counties has tograph taken in 1929, just 3 years before the written resolution condemning the possible been KVCR, the public television station oper- onset of the Famine. war in Iraq. ated by the San Bernardino Valley Community For Dr. Lyzohub and other survivors of the I could always count on Gordon to attend College District. They have provided news, Famine, these tragic events are not just a every town hall and public meeting I held. He focus documentaries, features and creative footnote in history. They are as real as the consistently asked the tough questions, some- programming that have often been the only faces in this photograph of two children who source of local broadcasting for an area that died so needlessly. We honor the memory of times praising his elected representatives, but includes nearly 2 million people. Wira and Iwan Lyzohub, and all the victims of never shy about voicing his concerns. Gor- Forty years of providing the only public the Ukrainian Famine of 1932 and 1933. It is don’s life-long dedication to participating and broadcasting to such a large area would be important that we remember their lives and petitioning his government should be com- worth celebrating even if this was the only their deaths, and work to ensure that food is mended and celebrated. Though I, and count- service provided by KVCR and the community never again used as a weapon. less others, will surely miss Gordon, his un- college district. But the station’s other role Mr. Speaker, as we commemorate the anni- flagging pursuit of justice and equality will be may be even more important: It is an access versary of this man-made tragedy, we join with a lasting tribute to the Santa Cruz community, point to the world of broadcasting for a student Ukrainian-Americans and Ukrainians around and an example for us all. body that is among the most diverse and the world in always remembering the victims Gordon is survived by two children, Guy hard-working in Southern California. The grad- of the Famine. Haskell of Bloomington, IN, and Elisabeth uates of this program have moved on to many f Haskell of Sacramento, CA; 3 stepchildren, of the commercial and cable broadcasters Garry Fathman, Anthony Fathman, and Mary throughout our region and the nation, and they HONORING GORDON HASKELL Fathman-Thomas; 10 grandchildren; 2 great- in turn have served as role models and men- grandchildren; and his wife, Rachel. Mr. tors for other minority communities and other HON. SAM FARR Speaker, it is truly my honor to recognize the cities. OF CALIFORNIA life and accomplishments of Mr. Gordon Has- In fact, Mr. Speaker, KVCR was the first TV IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES kell. station in the nation to be owned and operated Thursday, November 14, 2002 by a public community college, and it has in- f structed tens of thousands of students via Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise educational broadcasts and remains an essen- today to remember a very special man, Mr. IN HONOR OF PROFESSOR DAVID tial component of the college district. The sta- Gordon Haskell, a resident of Santa Cruz, CA, PAGNI FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS tion is a national pioneer in the use of tele- who passed away on October 4, 2002. Gor- AND DEDICATION TO THE STU- vision for direct instruction intended for view- don dedicated his life to community service, DENTS OF ORANGE COUNTY ing in the area’s classrooms, in the workplace, promoting social justice, and advocating for or conveniently in the homes of students. democratic principles. It is my honor to stand Mr. Speaker, KVCR–TV is a vital link in in this House and acknowledge Gordon’s life HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ educating the new and existing workforce for and his legacy to California’s 17th Congres- OF CALIFORNIA tomorrow’s business needs. And it remains sional District. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the only broadcaster providing local news and Mr. Gordon Haskell was born the youngest public interest reports, as well as serving the of 10 children August 15, 1917, in Plovdiv, Thursday, November 14, 2002 diverse needs of our community. I ask you Bulgaria to Edward Haskell, a second genera- Ms. SANCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and my colleagues to join me in congratulating tion American Protestant Missionary, and honor Professor David Pagni from California Elisabeth Frolich Haskell of Enenda, Switzer- General Manager Lew Warren and the San State University, Fullerton. David, a math pro- land. At the age of 16, Gordon settled in Cali- Bernardino Community College District board fessor from Cal State Fullerton received a fornia where he attended Voorhee’s School for for continuing to provide this valuable public grant in the amount of $6.5 million from the Boys, Occidental College, and later graduated service. National Science Foundation. It is the largest from the University of California at Berkeley. f grant ever awarded to a Cal State faculty Gordon worked for 9 years as a locomotive member. COMMEMORATING THE 69TH ANNI- fireman on the Southern Pacific Railroad while VERSARY OF THE UKRAINIAN active as a union organizer in the Independent David will be using the funds from this grant FAMINE Socialist League. He later moved to New York to head a team of professors and teaching to serve as editor of the ISL’s newspaper, coaches to show teachers how to teach ad- HON. SANDER M. LEVIN Labor Action. After a number of years with the vanced math at Orange County high schools and their middle school counterparts over the OF MICHIGAN ISL, Gordon moved on to become Director of next 5 years. The hope is that better math in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES development for the American Civil Liberties Union in New York. In 1969, Gordon met his struction in middle school will better prepare Thursday, November 14, 2002 future wife, Rachel, as she stirred lemonade at students for advanced math classes in high Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to a peace rally in St. Louis. Gordon and Rachel school. commemorate the 69th anniversary of the spent much of their 32 years of marriage in I am very proud of David for his achieve- Ukrainian Famine of 1932 to 1933. Santa Cruz, CA. ment and dedication. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 12:22 Nov 15, 2002 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\CRI\E14NO2.REC pfrm13 PsN: E14NO2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2029 TIM SCHMIG: AN ADVOCATE WITH a performer, business entrepreneur, and civil Studies and was a doctoral candidate in his- INTEGRITY rights activist to break down the color lines of tory. His dream was to continue to research segregation. and write about his native state. HON. JAMES A. BARCIA Born in Clarksdale, Mississippi on January Ray passed away on June 6, 2002 sur- OF MICHIGAN 22, 1931, Sam Cooke was one of eight sons rounded by his loving family. He was pre- of a Baptist minister. As a young teen, Cooke IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceded in death by his father, Alberto Baca and joined the church choir and performed with a sister, Viola Baca, and is survived by his wife Thursday, November 14, 2002 gospel group called the Highway QC’s.
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