I REGD.GOA- 5 1 Panaji, 18th April, 2002 (Chaitra 28, 1924) SERiES III No.3 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA Note:· There is one Supplementary issue to the Official And, whereas the G~vernment proposes to Gazette, Series III, No.2, dated 11·4·2002 namely; Supplement datep 11·4·2002 from pages 25 to 66 constitute the said land as reserved forest under regarding State Lottezy result from Department of Section 3 of the Indian Forest Act, 1927 (Central Act fuanee (Revenue and Expenditure Division). No. 16 of 1927) (hereinafter called as the 'said Act'). GOVERNMENT OF GOA Now, therelore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 4 of the said Act, the Department of Forest Government of Goa hereby declares that it has been decided to constitute the said land as reserved forest and further appoints, under clause (c) of sub-section (1) Notification of Section 4 of the said Act, Shri Netto D. F. Pereira as No. 7-3-90-2001/FD/part/58 the Forest Settlement Officer, to inquire into and determine the existence, nature and extent of any Whereas the forest land as specified in the Schdule rights alleged to exist in favour of any persons in or over appended hereto is the property of the Government any land comprised within such limits or in or over any . and the Government has proprietory rights over it forest produce and to deal with the same as provided (hereinafter called as the "said land"). in Chapter II of the said Act. SCHEDULE District NORTH GOA Forest Division NORTH GOA Taluka PONDA Range PONDA Village BETORA Description of Boundary From Pillars/post Direction in degree Sl. No. of Name of Area of the General Description From To Distance Forward Backward Remarks the forest the forest forest in Ha. Pillar No. Pillar No. in- metres bearing bearing 1 2 3 4. 4b ·4c 4d 4. 41 5 1. Betora-II 71.01 Ha. The area comprises of Survey 1 2 123.00 138.0 318.0 No. 26(p), 27(p),. 33(p), 34(p), 2 3 83.00 111.0 291.0 35(p), 28, 29(p), 82, 83, 84, 85, 3 4 126.50 95.0 275.0 121, 122,123, 124, 125(p). The 4 5 60.50 144.0 324.0 area is having gentle slope. 5 6 120.00 73.0 353.0 The area is covered with Euca- 6 7 108.50 351.0 171.0 iyptus, teak and mixed pianta· 7 8 113.50 353.0 173.0 tions. 8 9 72.00 11.0 '191.0 9 10 43.50 52.0 232.0 10 11 55.00 107.0 287.0 11 12 52.00 148.0 328.0 12 13 21.30 144.0 324.0 13 14 87.00 134.0 314.0 14 15 108.00 133.0 313.0 15 16 23.50 143.0 323.0 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 69 SERIES III No. :3 18TH APRIL, 2002 Department of Panchayat Raj and Name of Block: Bardez Name of District: North Goa . Community Development Sr. Name of the. Panchayat Name ~d address of No. the Co-opted Member Directorate of Panchayat 1 2 3 Notification 1. A1dona Shri Vishnu Sagun Parwar, Podwal, Corjuem, Aldona, Bardez, No. 19/82/DP/PAN/CO-OP/SC/98Nol. II/5462 Goa. In pursuance of second proviso to sub-section (4) of 2. Assagao Shri Narendra Naroji Parsekar, Section 7 of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (Goa Act Assagao, Bardez, Goa. 14 of 1994) read with sub-rule (2) of Rule 14 of the Goa Panchayat Raj (Co-option of Members)'Rules, 1997, it is 3. Bastora Shri Dattaram Mahadev hereby notified for the information of the public that Korgaonkar, Birrilotem, the persons specified in Column No.3 of the Schedule Bastora, Bardez, Goa. appended hereto have been co-opted .as Members belonging to the Scheduled Caste to the Panchayats 4. Calangute Shri Yeshwant V. Sonurlekar, mentioned in corresponding entry' in Column No. 2 in Tiwaiwaddi, Calangute, the Special Meeting held on 15-3-2002. Bardez, Goa. SCHEDULE 5. Candolim Shri Babaji Chandru 'Ibraskar, Dando, Candolim, Bardez, Name of Block: Pernem Name of District: North Goa Goa.· Sr. Name of the Panchayat Name and address of 6. Moira Shri Santosh Anant Jadhav, No. the· "Co-opted Member Calizor, Moira, Bardez, Goa. 1 2 3 7. Penha-de-Ftance Shri Janardhan Arjun 1. Agarwada-Chopdem Shri Babia Navso Agarwadekar, Arnonkar, Alto Porvorim, Rauthwada, Agarwada, Bardez, Goa. Chopdem, Fernem, Goa. 8. Reis Magos Shri Gangaram Shankat 2. Arambol Shri Sunil Babal Rariian, Morajkar, Verem, Betim, Deulwada, Arambal, Pernem, Bardez, Goa. Goa. '.- 9. Revora Shri Nilesh Arjun Harmalkar, 3. Casnem-Amberem­ Shri Ankush Ramchandra Jadhav, Poroscodem Nhaibag. Pernem, Goa. Revora, Bardez, Goa. 4. Corgao Shri Chandrakant S. Korgaonkar, 10. Salvador-do-Mundo Shri Prakash Bablo Gadekar, Pethechawada, Corgao, Goa.:· Paitona, Salvador,do-Mundo, Bardez, Goa.' .,,). 5. Dhargalim ShriSubhash Anand Dhargali\iII, Dhargalim, Pernem, Goa. 11. Sangolda Shri. Hanumant Rama. Parsekar, Liveramentvaddo, 6. Ibrampur Shn;;Ramdas ManohariMahar, Sangolda, Bardez-Goa. Ibrampur, Pernem, Goa. 12. Siolim~Marna Shri Bhanudas Vishram Shri Gangaram Khand()ba 7. Mandrem Pednekar, Tarchibhat, Siolim, Mandhi!kar. Mandre.ni;'.·Pemem; Goa. Bardez, Goa. 13. SocorrO Shri Subhash R. Halarnkar, 8. Parcem Shri Dnyaneshwar Sada Parsekar. Maina, Socorro, Porvorim, Parcem. Pe~em, Goa. Bard~z, Goa. 9. Ouerim-Terekhol Shri Dha:rma Rabhoba Faras, ,G.adachawada, Querim, Goa. 14. Tivim Shri Tulshidas Sonu Dhargalkar, Tivim, Bardez, 10. Thmbcxem-Mopa-Uguem Shri Chandrakant Narayan Goa. Ugvenkar., ,Thmboxem, Pernem, Goa. 15. Verla-Canca Shri Vithu Sukhaji Korgaonkar, 11. 'Ibrxem Shri Rames:h Sakharam Harijan, Afframent Vaddci, Verla, Torxem~ Pem'em; Goa. Bardez, Goa. 70 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 3 18TH APRIL, 2002 Name of Block: Tiswadi Name of District: North Goa 1 2 3 Sr. Name of the Panchayat Name and address of No. the Co-opted Member 3. Panchawadi Shri Datta Shambha Panchwadkar, Panchawadi, 1 2 3 Ponda, Goa. 1. Batim Shri Madeva ToUo Betquecar, 4. Shiroda Shri Harischandra Manu Parwar, Batim; Tiswadi. Goa. Shiroda, Ponda, Goa. 2. Chimbel 8hri B. T. Jagannath Timayya, 5. Usgao~Ganjem . Sl?-ri Sanu Gopi -Parwar, Usgao, Chimbel, Tiswadi, Goa. Ponda, Goa. 3. Curca-Bambolim­ Sho- Laxmikant Atmaram Telaulim Mau1ing~ar, Curca, Tiswadi, Goa. Name of Block: Sakete Name of District: South Goa 4. 'St. Cruz Shri Subhaschandra Darmaji Sr. Name of the Panchayat N arne and address of Nipanikar, St. Cruz, '!'iswadi, Goa. No. the Co-opted MEilmber 1 2 3 Name of Block: Bicholim Name of District: North Goa 1. Davorlim-Dicarpale Shri Vidhyadhar V. Arlekar, Sr. Name of the Panchayat N arne and address of H. N<;>. 54, Zaivaddo, Davorlim, No. the Co-opted Member Salcete, Goa. 1 ,2 3 2. Navelim Shri Nagu Malvonkar, Dongorim, Navelim, Salcete, Goa. 1. Karapur-Sarvan Shri, Suresh Rajaram Parwar, Carapur, Bicholim, Goa. Block: Name District: 2. Latambarceju Shri Rajaram Shankar Parwar. Mame of Mormugao of South Goa Latambarcem, Bicholim. Goa. Sr. Name of the Panchayat Name and address of No. the Co-opted Member 3. Mulgao Shri 'Shivram Babli' Harijan, Mulgao, Bicholim, Goa. 1 2 3 4. Ona-Maulinguem Shri Balaram Laxman Porwar, 1. Chicalim Shri Nitesh Ramdas Halankar, Maulinguem, Bicholim, Goa. Near N. A. D. Chicalim, Goa. ,I I Name of Block: Satari Name of District: North Goa Name of Block: Sanguem Name of District: South Goa I '.~ Sr. Name of the Panchayat N arne and· address' of No. the Co-opted Member Sr. Name of the Panchayat Name and address of No. the Co-opted Member 1 2 3 I 1 2 3 I 1. Dongurlim-Thana Shri Vishwanath Dattaram Parwar, Thane, Satari, Goa. 1. Dharbandora Smt. Ashwini Chandrakant I Parsekar, Gauthan, Pillien, Goa. 2. Cotorem Shri Narayan Sakharam "Harijan, Khadki, Satari, Goa. 2. Kirlapal-Dabal Smt. Usha Ulhas Kudalkar, I 3. Mauxi Shri Rajendra Ramchandra Codli·'!'isk, Kirlapal, Dabal, Goa. ! ! Parwar, Khadki, Shivaji Nagar, i Valpoi. Goa. 1 Panaji, 22nd March, 2002.- The Director, P. M. Borkar. 'I Name of Block: Ponda Name of District: North Goa Sr. Name of the Panchayat Name and address of No. the Co-opted Member Rotification 1 2 3 No. 19/32/DP/PAN/Sarp-Dy. Sarp/98/Vol. III/5459 1. Bandara Shri Taranath Vishnu Parwar, Bandara, Ponda, Goa. In pursuance of sub-section (1) of Section 46 of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (Goa Act 14 of 1994) it is 2. Curti·Khandepar Smt. Diksha Dilip Mangaokar, hereby notified for the information of the public that Curti, Ponda, Goa. the member mentioned in Column No.3 of the Schedule ~'." OFFICIAL GAZETTE- GOVT. OF GOA 71 SERIES III No; 3 18TH APRIL, 2002 herebelow has been elected as Sarpanch to the' case of SC/ST 5 years are Panchayat mentioned in the corresponding entry No.2 relaxable. Persons who have of the said Schedule in the meeting held on 4th April, crossed the age of 35 years 2002. are on the five Register of EmployillentExchange on the SCHEDULE datil of Notification shall be given relaxation of 5 years in Sr. Name of the -Village Name and address of Government. service. No. Panchayat the Sarpanch 1 2 3 Essential for all posts: Knowledge of Konklmi. 1. Village Panchayat, Shri Shrikant Govind Gaonkar, Desirable for all posts: Knowledge of Marathi. Dongurli-Thane, Surla, Thane, Satan, Goa. Satari Block. Applicants should submit their applications giving full bio-data such as: Panaji, 8th April, 2002." The Director, R M. Borkar. 1. Name ........... ,........................ :.................................... --... -- 2. Complete Postal Address ...................................... .. 3. Date of Birth """"'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' """""""" .• Department of Public Health 4.
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