5476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. APRIL 24, By Mr. WILSON of lllinois: A bill (H. R. 15397) granting a. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. pension to Carl Traver-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 15398) to remove the charge of desertion from SUNDAY, .April24, 190.4-. the military record of GeorgeS. Green-to the Committee on Mil­ The House met at 12 o'clock m. itary Affairs. The following prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Rev. H.E..--rn.Y N. COUDEN, D. D.: PETITIONS, ETC. Eternal and everliving God, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for that deep and ever-abiding faith which Thou hast im­ Under clause 1 of Rn1e XXII, the following petitions and papers planted in the hearts of men, and which has inspired the true, the were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: noble, the brave of every age with patriotic zeal and fervor, bring­ By Mr. BRADLEY: Petition of Montgomery Grange, of Mont­ gomery, N.Y., and others, in favor of the passage of bill H. R. ing light out of darkness, order out of chaos, liberty out of bond­ 9302-to the Committee on Ways and Means. age, and thus contributing here a. little, there a. little, to the By Mr. CALDERHEAD: Petition of Lamar Methodist Episco­ splendid civilization of our age. Especially do we thank Thee for pal Church, of Lamar Kans., in favor of the Hepburn-Dolliver that long line of illustrious men who lived and wrought, suffered bill-to the Committee on the Judiciary. • and died that our Republic, with all its sacred institutions, might Also, petition of John Carver and others, of Cloud County, live. And to-day we are reminded of that host of statesmen Kans., in favor of the Hepburn-Dolliver bill-to the Committee whose names have been connected with the Congress of our na­ on the Judiciary. tion, where deeds of heroism have been enacted no less onerous By Mr. CONNELL: Resolution of Admiral Dahlgren Section, than on the field of glory. And, gathered here to-day in memory No. 31, Navy League, of Scranton, Pa.., urging the passage of of those whom their colleagues would immortalize. may the heart bills S. 2990 and 2991, relative to an efficient national naval re­ guide the tongue that truth may live to inspire those who shall serve-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. come after them, and God grant that we may live so pure, so Also, petition of C. L. Homsher and 56 others, of Bridgeport, true, so noble, that men will rise up and call us blessed, and pass· Okla. , protesting against the passage of the bill legalizing the is­ ing on we may find a. glorious reward awaiting us in the realms suance of $22,000 of bonds for the purpose of constructing water­ of eternal day. And preans of praise we will ever give to Thee, works etc.-to the Committee on the Territories. in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. By Mr. CURTIS: Petition of the C. 0. Myers Company, of The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Atchison, Kans., favoring the passage of bill H. R. 9303-to the Mr. GROSVENOR. Mr. Speaker, I offer for adoption the fol· Committee on Ways and Means. lowing resolutions. Also, petition of R. B. Moore and 66 others, of Topeka, Kans., The Clerk read as follows: in favor of the Hepburn-Dolliver bill-to the Committee on the Resolved, Tbatthe business of the House be now suspended that opportunity may be given for paying tribute to the memory of Ron. MARcus A. HANNA., Judiciary. · late a Senator of the United States from th.e State of Ohio. Also, petition of Carbondale (Kans.) Grange, No. 754, in favor Resolt:ed, That as a particular mark of respect to the memory of the de· ceased Senator, and in recognition of his distinguished public career, the of bill H. R. 6273-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign House at the conclusion of the exercises of this da.y shall stand ad.iourned. Commerce. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate. Also, petition of Carbondale (Kans.) Grange, in favor of the R~>.<:ol'I:Pd. That the Clerk send a copy of these resolutions to the family of passage of bill H. R. 10765-tothe Committee on Agriculture. the deceased. By Mr. DINSMORE: Petition of I. A. Gaither and others, of The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the resolutions. Cane Hill, Ark., in favor of the passage of the Hepburn-Dolliver The question was taken, and the resolutions were unanimously bill-to the Committee on the Judiciary. agreed to. By Mr. HARRISON: Petition of Carroll Dunham Smith, in favor of bill H. R. 9303-to the Committee on Ways and Means. :Mr. LONGWORTH. Mr. Speaker, in the very brief period By Mr. HEPBURN: Petition of citizens of Parnassns, Pa., that I shall occupy I shall attempt to do nothing more than favoring the passage of the Hepburn-Dolliver bill-to the Com­ merely to record myself as one of those who have assembled here mittee on the Judiciary. to-day to pay the last tribute of loving respect to the memory of By Mr. KETCHAM: Papers to accompany bill granting an in­ Senator MARcus A. HANNA.. The Senate of the United States crease of pension to William Hall-to the Committee on -Invalid has heretofore met for the same purpose, and has paid affection­ Pensions. ate tribute to the memory of their late comrade. The legislature By Mr. WILLIAM W. KITCHIN: Petition of citizens of Stokes, of the State of Ohio, which so short a. time ago that it seems only N.C., in favor of bill H. R. 3574-to the Committee on Ways and yesterday met to pay to him the highest honor that they ever Means. paid any man in the history of the State of Ohio, have within a. By Mr. KNAPP: Petition of the Austen Manufacturing Com­ few days again met to pay to him the last farewell. The country pany, of Oswego, N.Y., in favor of bill H. R. 9303-to the Com­ has spoken, and there is but little left to say. But upon this sol­ mittee on Ways and Means. emn occasion, when we of the Honse have met to add our voice By Mr. l\IIERS of Indiana: Paper to accompany bill to correct to the voices of those who have spoken with eulogy of MARcus A. the militaryrecordof John Hutchison-tothe CommitteeonMili­ HANNA, I count it as a privilege to be permitted to say one brief tary Affairs. word which, although but too inadequate, as I well realize, is none By Mr. PORTER: Resolution of the District of Columbia So­ the less sincere and heartfelt. • ciety, Sons of theAmericanRevolution,relative to the removal of In all the eulogies that I have read and have heard pronounced­ the remains of Commodore John Paul Jones from Paris to the and they have come from the most eminent men of the country­ United States-to the Committee on the Library. the thing that has most impressed me, what has seemed to me to Also, resolution of the District of Columbia Society, Sons of the be the dominant note, has been that of admiration for Senator American Revolution, relative to the translation into English of Il.A.NNA. not only because he was a great statesman and a great a certain work published by the Government of the Republic of and dominant figure in American business and in American poli­ France-to the Committee on Printing. tics, but an admiration for his qualities as a man; and I know of By Mr. RIDER: Petition of the International Brotherhood of no one in American history who so preeminently combined in his Steam Shovel, Dredge, Firemen, Deck Hands, and Scowmen, pro­ make-up those qualities which the American people call ... manly." testing against the United States Government constructing steam His tremendous popularity among the people is all the more re­ dredges, etc.-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. markable because he was not of a. type that usually make the By Mr. RYAN: Paper to accompany bill H. R. 15350, granting popular idol. He was not a great general, though he served honor­ an increase of pension to George Taylor, alias George Parks-to ably in the Army of his country. He was not a great orator of the Committee on In-valid Pensions. the kind that sway men's souls and passions, though he was a. By Mr. WACHTER: Resolution of Decatur Section, No. 20, speaker of great clearness and of immense force. He was not Navy League of the United States, of Cambridge, M?., favoring the the father of, in the sense of having his name inevitably con­ passage of bills S. 2990 and 2991-to the Comm1ttee on Naval nected with, any great public policy. It was not because of those Affairs. qualities which usually appeal to men's hearts that the American By Mr. WILLIAMS of lllinois: Paperstoaccompanybillgrant­ people loved him. It was because they saw in him the typifica­ lng a pension to Margaret Crisell-to the Committee on Pensions. tion of that simple, honest, energetic American manhood that By Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi (by request): Memorial to has made this country the greatest among the nations of the accompany bill authorizing John Cowdon and James Seldon Cow­ earth. don, at their own expense, to do certain public work, etc.-to the Since the sad day in which this great man passed away men of Committee on Rivers and Harbors.
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