UKRAINIAN LINGUISTIC ELEMENTS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN THE 17-18TH CENTURIES (1680-1760) (Special Reference to the writings of Dimitri Rostovsky, Theofan Prokopovich, Stefan Yavorsky, Sumarokov, Lomonosov) Petro Cymbalistyj Thesis in Slavonic Philology for the Degree of Ph.D. School of Slavonic and East European Studies University of London 1989 1 ProQuest Number: U553823 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a com plete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest U553823 Published by ProQuest LLC(2017). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States C ode Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 Abstract of Thesis Ukrainian linguistic elements in the Russian language in the 17-18th centuries (1680-1760) The object of this work is to ascertain by philological analysis the Ukrainian linguistic contribution to the Russian language in the 17-18th centuries. Reviews of the previous works related to the subject show that, save a couple of relevant articles, no significant linguistic research on the subject has been undertaken. This work, it is hoped, will make a contribution to fill the gap in this area. I. Closer investigation of the Ukrainian-Russian relations, cultural and military, reveals that, owing to a more advanced education and literacy standard in the Ukraine than existed in Russia, cultural relations became in fact a strong cultural and linguistic influence on Muscovy. Moscow, striving to raise its educational level, and admiring the Kiev, European yet Orthodox, type of learning, appealed for help. Kiev, the Church, educational and cultural leaders responded. The Ukrainians - scholars, authors, higher clergy, teachers, preachers, singers, interpreters - invited by the Tsar, introduced to Muscovy Ukrainian /Xj L education, baroque sermon, Kiev part singing, corrected the Moscow Church books, organized schools, reorganized and directed the Moscow Academy and the Russian Church and became factors of considerable cultural and linguistic significance and consequences. II. Findings from detai^linguistic analysis (Part II) confirm (as outlined in Part I) an extensive and varied Ukrainian lexical presence in Russian; they also identify the Ukrainian cultural activities and achievements in Russia as well as the accomp(gl9ying professionals bringing along the necessary terminology as the main agents and exponents of the Ukrainian cultural and linguistic influence on Russian. III. Reviews and examination of our Observations’ results bring to light some outstanding exclusively or characteristically Ukrainian linguistic features in Russian: phonetic: ’§ = 6’, ’6 = I’ (virS, Minsk), foreign ’i > S’ (in spelling) (vgvat- , akGSIo’), widespread rhyming ’6:i:y’ in Russian, widespread pronunciation of T as h’ (boh, boha, holub, Herasim’), notably by the educated classes and clergy; semantic Ukrainianisms (veza, Cas); Ukrainian gender vacillations (perlo, perla, privilie, privilej), also identifying at the same time Ukrainian as a medium for West European and WSI words in Russian. These arguments add to the evidence by which the Ukrainian lexical y contribution, its scope and nature, to the 17-18th centur*ee Russian is ascertained. There are 614 words of several semantic groupings - literary, education, religious, administrative, Cossack military, trade, crafts, 90 words of material culture, distributed almost equally between abstract and concrete groups of vocabulary. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page 1 Abstract 2 Table of Contents 3 1. Definitions 4 2. Bibliography and Abbreviations 4 2.1. Primary Sources 5 2.2. Other and Secondary Sources 8 2.3. Periodicals, Journals, Learned Societies, Collectionof Works 21 2.4. Dictionaries 23 3. Note on Transcriptions, Spelling 24 4. Abbreviations - Languages, Linguistic Terms 25 PART I - INTRODUCTION 27 Section 1: The Object 27 Section 2: The Method and Plan 28 2.1. Method 28 2.2. Plan of the Work 28 Section 3: Previous works on, or related to the subject 29 Section 4: Primary Sources 35 Section 5: Ukrainian Cultural and Linguistic influence 37 on Russia (17-18th centuries) 5.1. List of Ukrainian Singers and Musicians in Muscovy in the 17-18th c. 58 5.2. List of Prefects of Moscow Academy (1700 - 1762) 60 5.3. List of Rectors of Moscow Academy (1700 - 1762) 61 5.4. List of Members of the Holy Synod in 1721 61 5.5. List of Some of the Ukrainian Translators of Posolsky Prikaz 62 5.6. Reference Notes 63 PART II - Ukrainian Linguistic Elements in the Russian Language in the 17-18th centuries 68 PART Ili - Observations and Conclusion 518 1.1.-2. Phonetics 518 2.1.-2. Morphology 523 3.1.-10. Formants, Formative Elements 523 4. Stress 526 5. Semantics 527 6.1-13 Semantic Social and Cultural Classifications 528 Conclusion 534 3 1. Definitions (i) Ukrainian linguistic element here means: a) a lexical element-unit, a word which etymologically, formatively, semantically, or which by its historical usage in a given context, is ascertained and accepted as Ukrainian. b) an exclusively or characteristically Ukrainian phonetic, morphologic, semantic or stress feature. (ii) ORus’ - Old Rusi, a general term, comprising the East Slavonic tribal territories - principalities in the 9-14th centuries which ethnically, culturally and linguistically were the beginnings of the Ukrainian, White Russian and Russian peoples. It is not strictly a political concept and not to be confused with Old Russia. (iii) Kiev(an) Rus\ a political, cultural and linguistic concept - the Kiev Rus’ State of the 10-13th centuries with its church hierarchy, literary and administrative works and documents which, depending on their origin and distinctive features, are, or - in varying degrees - may be, related to OUk, OWR, or Russ. (iv) CDL, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania or its Chancery, administrative language (Olgierd-Sigismund I, 1366-1548-1696) as defined by Stang. Depending on scribes (place and period),the charters can be said to be lexically and phonetically Ukrainian or White Russian. 2. Bibliography and Abbreviations (i) Primary sources L.P.R.S.Y. - Texts (ii) Other and secondary sources Linguistic and non-linguistic works (iii) Periodicals, journals (iv) Dictionaries 4 2.1. Primary Sources Lomonosov, Michail Vasilievid * 8.11.1711 MiSanska derevnja, Kuroostrov. volost', Cholmogory + 4.4.1765, SPb L (l-IV) Polnoe sobranie soQnenij. M.V. Lomonosova, s priobsceniem iizni socinitelja i s pribavleniem mnogich ego Aj#igde esce ne napedatannych tvorenij. Tom l-VI (Tm II, vtoro izd) IAN, SPb, 1784- 87, 1794. L Filos Lomonosov, M.V., Izbrannye Filosofskie Proizvedenija (Red. G.S. Vaseckij), Moskva, 1950. L Gram Rossijskaja Grammatika M. Lomonosova, IAN, SPb, 1755. L Let Lomonosov, M.V., Kratkoj Rossijskoj LStopisec s rodosloviem, SPb, 1760. L MSS Rukopisi Lomonosova v ANSSSR. Nau£noe opisanie (L.B. Modzalevskij). ANSSSR (Trudy Archiva vyp. 3) Prilozenle II (Neopublikovannye teksty Lomonova), Leningrad-Moskva, 1937. L Ps Pis’ma Lomonosova i Sumarokova k 1.1. Suvalovu. (Materialy dlja istor. Russk. obrazovanija. izd. Ja. K. Grot) Zaps IAN I. Priloienija, No. 1, SPb, 1862. L Slo (Poch PV) Slovo Pochvalmoe ... gosud. Imper. Petru Velikomu v torzestv. przdn. koro^vanija eja Imp. Vel. Gos. Imperatricy Elizavety Petrovny ... govorennoe M. Lomonosovym Apr£lja 26 dnja 1755p, SPb, 1755. L Stich Socinenija M.V. Lomonosova v stichach ( Red. A.I. Vvedenskij), SPb, 1893. Chapters III (Nadpisi), IV (Satirifceskija i polemiceskija / stichotvorenija), X, (Primary i otr^ki). / y ©eofan Prokopovic - Archiepiskop Novgoroda I Velikich Luk. * 9.7.1681 + 1736. 1707 Prefekt, 1711 Rektor KMA. 1716 in SPb. Vice-Prezident Sv. Sinoda. P Doklad Ego carskomu svja§£enn6js6mu velicestm v doklad o seminarii, t.e. o ualis£nom dom§ otro£eskom (0. Prokopovic), SPb, 1721. (Pek NiL I, Prilozenija VII, 561-4). P DR Duchovnyi Reglament' (izd. 10 toe), Moskva 1794 (written in SPb before 14.2.1721, first published 7.2.1722 in Moscow) (stress indie). (P) Istgr. Kniga istoriografija, SPb, 20.8.1722 (translated from Italian by Sawa Vladislavii 1714. Red. ©. Prokopovid). P 1st PV Istorija Imperatora Petra Velikago ot roidenija ego do Poltavskoj batalii ... soc F. Prokopovicem (1713-1722), SPb, 1773. POsm Pov 0. Prokopovid, O smerti Petra Velikago Imperatora Rossijskago, Kratkaja Povest. SPb, 1726 (stress). P Poch v Pam Slovo na pochvalu ... pamjati Petra Velikago, Imperat. propovedannoe v Sankt Peterburge ©eofanom ..., SPb 17.7.1725 (stress). P Pogr Slovo na pogrebenie ... Petra Velikago ... propovedannoe v sanktpeterburgl, 10.3.1725. SPb 14.3.1725 (stress). P PsA Pis’mo Feofana Prokopovica Cemigovskomu Archiepiskogu Irodionu Zurakovskomu (1728). Obn 11/1, Moskva, 1949. P Ps B Prokopovic, 0., Pisimo k pridvomomu lieu imperatora Petra II (1730), Obn 11/1, M. 1949. P Ps 6 (Pisimo 0. Prokopovica). Cistovic, I.A. ©eofan Prokopovic ego vremja (SORJaS, IV), SPb, 1868. P PVM F. Prokopovid, PRAVDA voli MonarSej ... sego 1722 godu., Moskva, 1722. 5 P SIR ©eofana Prokopovica Archiepiskopa Novagrada i Velikich Luk. SvjatCjSago Sinoda Viceprezidenta a potom pervenstvujuscago Ciena. Slova i RCCi, pouCitel’nyja, pochvalnyja, vtorym tisnemiem, a drugija vnovi napeCatannyja, I, II, SPb, 1760-1761. P (Soc) (Stich) Feofan ProkopoviC, Socinenija, (Red. I.P. Eremin) ANSSSR (Inst. RL), M.-L., 1961 (stichotvorenija 209-226) St. Dimitri Rostovsky, Metropolitan of Rostov (formerly Dimitri SavyC Tuptalo) *1651 - + 1709. (1751 canonized officially). R CM Rostovskij, D. Cetii Minei (iitie sv Vasilija Novago) 17-18 st. BilChr (516-522). R CM Busl Rostovskij, D. Cetii Minei (Zitie sv Georgija) 17-18 st. Busl (1306- 7). R Diar DariuS GreSnago ieromonacha Dimijjfia (1681-1709) (Dnevnija zapiski sv Dimitrija, Mitrop. Rostovskago s sobstvennoruCho pisannoj im knigi). DRV, XVII (vtor. izd.), Moskva, 1791. R Kom Rostovskij, D. “Komedija na Rozdestvo Christovo" 1701-3, Tich.
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