Today 21,850 •? S». tUmanwr, partly p> with a. chance of tetttarad tbow- en, hlihuvtbe 7te. See wtatiier, DIAL SH 1-0010 page! . Trlday. Oil85, RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, MAY 13, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE JReri Bank Fire Probed RED BANK — A fire and ex- on his back that required eight Two blast casualties were the companies were there, the street She said that when she entered plosion, both of undetermined stitches; Philip Martinez, with a hook and ladder truck and the was full of glass and flames were the store with firemen to take origin, injured eight firemen Sat- bruised and abraded leg and Liberty pumper, dented and bursting through the roof. It out the accounts Saturday night urday night and badly damaged a bead; William Carlone, who was scratched by flying debris. was marvelous that they were during the conflagration, a small two-story building at Broad St. temporarily blinded and received Those on the scene had great able to put it out so quickly and fire was starting in one corner, and Linden PI. several cuts, and Con Verry with praise for the well-organized save the nearby buildings." nearest to the burning building, Stanley Moore of the Hook and cut on the hand, in addition to speed with which firefighting ef- Mrs. Alida Soons, owner of the and was quickly extinguished. Ladder Company is in Riverview Mr. Moore. All except Mr. Moore forts by the volunteers continued book shop, said she plans to open Police evacuated Mrs. Blanche Hospital- with a depressed; skull were treated and released. in spite of the mass injuries. for business today. Antonides and her brother, John fracture, suffered when the ex- William Clayton of Liberty Hose "The firemen were absolutely "We have a phone, but no White, from an apartment above plosion blew him to the ground at Company, John Caviness and wonderful," Mrs. Leland Crafts electricity and no heat," she the drug store. Sgt. Albert New- 10: IS p.m. He expects to undergo Chief Knoll were cut by flying of the Red Bank Book Shop said. said. "Most of the stock was man, Patrolman Franklin White surgery tomorrow or Wednesday. glass and treated at the scene "When we got there, soon after damaged by water, but we hope and fireman James Schmidt led The Chester W. Chatman photo by the Red Bank First Aid Squad. the alarm sounded, all the fire to be able to save some of it." '(See FIRE, Page 3) shop, on the second story of the .-•,,.-. , . building was completely wiped MORNING APTSR — Churchgoers pause-to sea damaged .shops at Broad St. and out by the flames. The vacant Linden Pi. The Family Pharmacy and its next-door neighbor, Flora's dreis shop, were store below the photo shop lost all damaged by flames. Tha Red Bank Book Shop at 6 Linden PI. suffered extensive water ^^SX ftV damage.. Nothing at all remains of Chester W. Chatman's photo shop, in the gutted mysterious explosion. second story, except the advertising sign seen above. Extensive Damage U.S. Troops Poised The rear portion of the Family Drug Store and Flora's dress shop each received extensive fire damage, chiefly in the rear of Fireman Credits Helmet; the Shops, and smoke and water damage throughout. The ceiling of the dress shop fell and is on the Near Birmingham floor today. He Says It Saved His Life Firemen from all Red Bank BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)-| RED BANK—Stanley Moore, day night knocked him to the "Fortunately I had my helmet companies were able to confine Federal troops were poised today 143 McLaren St., lieutenant in ground, and also injured other on when whatever it was hit the fire to those shops. Shrews- to move into this tension-charged -the Hook & Ladder Fire Com- firemen. me. They teH me the back of bury sent Its new aerial ladder city as 1,200 police officers pany, yesterday gave the credit He expects to go to Monmouth my helmet is all cut, probably truck to aid, and Red Bank's old clamped virtual martial law on for saving his life to his fire- Medical Center tomorrow for by flying glass. If I nadn't aerial truck was pressed into a wide section, scarred by riot- man's helmet. surgery. had it on I suppose I would service for the second time to ing and night bombings. work beside its new one. Mr. Moore is in Riverview "I have always advised young be dead." President Kennedy sent Army Hospital with a depressed skull firemen never, never to go near ' He was cheerful and grateful troops to two Alabama bases fracture, sustained when an ex- a fire without their equipment," for his life as he awaited the Other Photos Page II with a grim warning that they plosion in the burning Broad St. he said from his hospital bed surgery that may, he said, leave would move into Birmingham if and Linden PI. building Satur- yesterday. ' . new violence erupts, Thousands him with a silver plate in the The. Red Bank Book Store at 6 front of his skull. of Negroes rioted early. Sunday Linden PI.. and, to a lesser ex- after bombs blasted a Negro min- Slight Headache teat, the Birnn candy' store at 91 ister's home and a motel. He said he had a slight head- Broad St. received water damage Challenges Kennedy ache and his left hand, where Fire Chief Charles Knoll said he Gov. George C. Wallace, arch- a cut had to be dosed with would inspect the damaged build- segregationist who once defied four stitches, is a little stiff. ings today with S. M. Hoffman federal authorities over voter reg- "I was standing beside the building inspector; members of istration records, challenged the truck getting into my equip- the Fire Prevention Bureau, and President's right to send m fed' a representative of the Public ment," he said. "The next eral troops. He insisted state and thing I remember, I was wak- Utilities Commission, in an at- local officers could preserve law ing up under the truck. I put tempt to determine the cause of and order. - fire and blast. my hand to my head and I was City officials and Negro leaders surprised to see it covered with "We are assuming at present,' issued strong appeal for law and blood, Then they brought me he said, "that the fire started in order. -Birmingham, like a city here.' a rear storage room of the drug under siege, lay uneasily quiet store. Firefighting was made after Mother's Day dawned with CHURCH DAMAGE — The Christian Reformed Church, Wanamatsa, was a shambles Mr. Moore was the most more difficult by the complicated seriously injured of eight fire- smoke and fire from rioting and after vandals went on a two-day rampage of destruction. At left is interior of church architecture of the building, bombing.. • men hurt by .the. blast and the Which was built around a former kitchen. At right, Daniel Smith, church custodian, looks at paint splattered over floor Helmeted state troopers, city broken glass it showered over residence to the rear." - the area. policemen and officers from num- andi books.- ' . The fire was discovered at erous- surrounding counties- and Bendix Employee . 10:12 p.m. Just as the audience towns patrolled the cordoned area He has been a fireman for 11 was leaving a ministref show at In shifts. About SO persons, includ- years, and, he said, this is the the auditorium of the Red Bank ing police officers, were injured TheyTurn theOtherCheek first time he has sustained more Catholic High School. in the rioting. OCEAN TOWNSHIP-Worshipers at the than a minor injury at a fire. The explosion, about six mih- S-Pronged Action Police said an investigation indicates only Christian Reformed Church, Wickapecko Dr., Mr. Moore is employed by the utes, later blew out plate glass The President's action was the two youtlis.are responsible. BRAVE FIREMAN — Stanley Moore in Riverview Hos- Bendix Aviation Corp. He Is with great force and knocked and their pastor, Rev. James O. Handley, got '. "No part of the - building was spared in three-pronged: through yesterday's.services literally turning pital, with his wife beside him, is grateful to be alive, married and has four sons, down several members of thi —Secretary of Defense Robert the mess," Mr. Handley reported after the aged nine, eight and seven Hook and Ladder Company, and the' other cheek. | second assault. he says. He has a skull fracture, sustained in the course S. McNamara was ordered to All about them were the cleaned-up signs years, and nine months. Chief Knoll. alert riot-trained Army units and He listed these incidents: of duty at Saturday night's Broad St. fire, when an ex- Flying glass showered the area of.vandalism wrought Thursday and Friday, Fire Chief Charles Knoll said to deploy them in Alabama U. S. and church flags were turned by injured six, and filled the streel and in their minds were the two young cul- plosion within tha burning building blew out glass and yesterday that a fund is being Troops moved into Maxwell Air spewed mimeograph ink; the Paschal pul- started to aid his family while with shards. prits police have accused of causing the knocked him under the Hook and Ladder truck with great Force Base at Montgomery, 80 mess. pit drapery, church bulletins, the organ key- their breadwinner is in the hos- Taken to Riverview Hospital miles to the south, and at Ft. Mc- board and,piano, hymn.books, official rec- force.
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