328 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1939. DONATIONS TO AND PURCHASES FOR THE MUSEUM. Decembero t From y Ma 1938 Donations. (1) Relics from cairns on Eday and Calf of Eday, Orkney (see vol. Ixxii. 193-216)pp . Presente y Majob d r HARR . HEBDENH Y , M.C., Eday, Orkney. (2) Peat Spade of pinewood, found at a depth of 8 feet while digging the foundations of the Power House'of the British Aluminium Company t Fora t William. Presente y ROBERb d . MACARTHURC T 2 Broomsid2 , e Terrace, Edinburgh. (3) Cross Hea bluf do e slate, incomplete inche9 , 9y ^sb inches, bearing e Crucifixioa th figur f o e n rudely carved, from lona. Presentey b d WILLIAM WALKER, Mount Devon House, Dollar. (4) Four Cinerary Urns: fig. 1 (1) of light red clay, 12 inches in height, encircled by a raised moulding 4^ inches below the rim; fig. 1 (2) of en- crusted type made of yellow-brown clay, 16|- inches in height; the neck is concav d divideean d partinto a raise y tw ob sd moulding e uppeth , r part consisting of rectangular panels separated by vertical bars, and the lower havin gchevroa n decoration encrustef o ; ) fig(3 1 . d typ madd ean e of yellowish brown clay, 17^ inches in height; fig. 1 (4) of brown clay, base awanting, 13f inche diameten i se mouth—alth t a r l fro e Hilmth l of Foulzie, King Edward, Aberdeenshire. (See also Transactions of the Banffshire Field Club, 1901-1902 . 33-45.pp , ) Presente TOWE TH N y b d COUNCI BANFFF O L . (5 )e ChiefFlath f f Clago o s n Macfarlane flage f cream-coloureTh o , . d silk, measures 6 feet 8 inches by 5 feet 9 inches. In the centre is the painted figure of a naked man with curling hair, beard, and moustache, standin a creste n o g d e righwreathth tn I han. e grasph d a sshea f o f arrows, the left rests on his thigh. Above is an escroll with tasselled ends and the motto "THIS . I'LL . DEFEND." In the upper right-hand corner t Andrew'S isa s Cros blun si e silkbelowrightd e th an , crowna n , e o , Th . t Arrochaa s flagwa r House, Loch Long, Dunbartonshire, till about 1784, when the estates were sold by William, 22nd Chief of the Clan. Presented by The Rev. ANDREW MACFARLANE, D.D., 17 Lockharton Avenue, Edinburgh. (6) Whetstone of jasper 3^- inches by Iff inch by ^f inch. Found at Ardelve, Lochalsh. Presented by Dr J. J. GALBRAITH, F.S.A.Scot. (7) Hand Turnip Cutter. COWIEPresenteM . A , y M.B.b d , C.M., F.S.A.Scot. (8) Bible Box, havin e followinth g d insidli ge eth inscription : "This is made of part of the oak belonging to the Palace and Church of Mary of Guise, erecteCastle Th n ed o Hill , Edinburgh 154n i , broked 1an n down DONATIONS TO AND PURCHASES FOR THE MUSEUM. 329 Fig . Cinerar1 . y Urns from Hil Foulzief lo , King Edward, Aberdeenshire. 330 PROCEEDING S E SOCIETYOTH F , 1939. in 1845. The Bight Hon. Adam Black, M.P., Lord Provost." Presented by Messrs A. & C. BLACK, LTD., 4-6 Soho Square, London. (9) Iron-bound Box of Oak with three locks, numbered 1, 2, and 3, measurin foog1 t 6jj inchesinche0 0 1 1 y y b b s, from Cupar, Fife. Presented by CHARLES WELCH, Cupar, Fife. (10) Iron Pot Suspender, with hook and chain. Presented by JAMES S. RICHARDSON, F.S.A.Scot. (11) Cream Coggie with four handles, from Grange, Banffshire. Presente . NEAVESH y db Ingli4 1 , s Road, Invergordon, Ross-shire. hundre(12x Si ) nineteed dan n Communion Tokens, fro collectioe mth n e lat . oMcVitieth fR e , Edinburgh. Presente s daughterhi . F y s b d Mr , WESTON, Whitelea, Selborne Road, Croydon, Surrey. (13) Button Moul f clao d y slate, measurin incheg3 y !•§b s• incy b h IYQ inch, havin o circulagtw rf whico matrice e facee on hon , n bearo s s the letters A C. The other three faces bear, respectively, a rudely incised cross a roughl, y carved a boreheart d dan , hole. Presente y SIMOb d N BREMNER, Corresponding Member. (14) Beaker Urn, foun cisa t Thorntonn a tdi , Innerwick, East Lothian (see . Not318)p n o e. Presente y THdb E DEPARTMEN AGRICULTURP TO E FOR SCOTLAND. (15) Graver of jasper, from the main midden, Gullane Links. Presented by R. A. MILNE, 37 Springvalley Terrace, Edinburgh. (16) Fragment of a carinated undecorated vessel of dark brown clay and "Neolithic" aspect, \ inc thicknessn hi , pierced wit smalha l hole •§• inch belo e carinationwth ; three fragment vessea f o sf dar o l k brown steatitic clay bearing finger-nail impressions; scrape f daro r k yellow d flinan t fragments of large vessel of steatitic clay, from the Beni or "Bunyie Hoose," Pettigarthsfield, Whalsay, Shetland. Fragment a vesse f o sf o l dark brown clay, showing marks of grass tempering, from Vatsford, Traewick, Whalsay. Presente y JOHb d N STEWART 6 Seafiel14 , d Road, Aberdeen. (17) Section of Oak Wall Panelling, from the Castle of Killochan, near Girvan, Ayrshire (see Note on p. 324). Scottish Claymore or Two- handed Sworlate th e f dfifteento earlr o h y sixteenth century (Plat. 4) , eC Thi probabls si earnese yth t surviving exampl kinds it f eo , sinc pommee eth l ie mediaevas th stil f o l s droopinl ha type t I . g quillons which terminate in quatrefoil f opeo s n distinctioe handle circlesth th s d eha an , f havinno g retained its original leather grip. The total length of the sword is 4 feet 10^ inches, the blade being 3 feet 8 inches. Presented by THE NATIONAL ART COLLECTIONS FUND, purchased out of the "London Scot" bequest. (18) Bore f greo r y flint founa garde n i dt a Nethervien w Road, Rejifrewshire. Presented by R. MCALLISTER, 14 Netherview Road, Netherlee, Glasgow. DONATION PURCHASED E MUSEUMAN TH O T S1 R 33 FO S. (19) Whetston f quartzito e e foun n Dunphaio d l Estate, Morayshire. Presented by THOMAS SKINNER, Inverness. (20) Pointed cylindrical club-like Stone, with handle, found at Bixter, Shetland. Presente ROBERy db T SMITH, Scalloway, Shetland. (21) Advocate's Gown worn by Sir Walter Scott. Presented by W. G. AITCHISON ROBERTSON, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P.E., F.S.A.Scot. (22) Circular Bon e sid) havin2 en inciseon a e, PlaquC n o g dL (P e drawing of a man, habited in late sixteenth-century costume, seated on a galloping horse. Found at Salamander Street, Leith, about 8 feet below the surface. Presented by R. CRAWFORD, Craigview, Kinellan Road, Edinburgh. Purchases. Hair Shackl sheepr efo , from Shetland. Socketed Bronze Axe (PL C, 1), 2f inches long and If inch across the cutting edge. Found between Loans and Troon, at the Muirhead Housing Scheme. Food-vessel Urn of light red clay (PI. C, 3), measuring 5-j inches in height, 6 inches in external diameter at the mouth, 6 inches at the shoulder, and 3 inches at the base. The upper part of the vessel is decorated with a double row of impressions made by a pointed implement; the shoulder is bordered abov belod ean paralley wb lornamentes i lined san d partly impressione th y b triangulaa f so r point edge partlflad a th f an t,eo y yb tool, the lower part of the body being filled with a herring-bone band made by a rectangular stamp. Found in a short cist with the skeleton of a young woman, near Belmont Castle, Meigle, Perthshire, in 1859. January 1939. Donations. (1) Cinerary Urn, together with part of a flint knife, a bone object, and urn of unusual form, found together in an old gravel pit at Outerston Hill, near Temple, Midlothian. (See communication by R. B. K. Stevenson, p. 229.) Presented by THE TRUSTEES OP THE ARNISTON ESTATE. February 1939. Donations. (1) The Montrose Panels, being eighteen carved oak panels as described in Note by J. S. Richardson, p. 325. Presented by THE NATIONAL ART COLLECTIONS FUND throug e "Londohth n Scot" Bequest. (2) Model of Mould for a socketed bronze axe. Presented by ALEXANDER O. CURLE, C.V.O., LL.D., F.S.A.Scot. (3) Matrix of a Seal, of Bloodstone, mounted in a wooden handle, bearing the coats of Macdonald of Clanranald and Stewart of Allanton, borne per pale, presumably the arms of husband and wife. The seal may 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1939. have belonged to Reginald Macdonald, M.P., who matriculated his arms as Chief in 1810. Presented by THOMAS YULE, W.S., F.S.A.Scot. (4) Eight Worked Flints, from north sitn Blackdowno e , Sussex. Presented by Miss PHOEBE A. M. KEEP, F.S.A.Scot. (5) Beaker Urn, found in a cist with two skeletons at West (Little) Pinkerton, Dunbar, East Lothian. (See communicatio . KB . R y b n Stevenson, p. 231.) Presented by His GRACE THE DUKE OP ROXBURGHE. (6) Fragment of a Cinerary Urn, 8^- inches by 6 inches, diameter at mouth about 12 inches. The portion shows the remains of two cordons linead an r decoratio impressen i d cord. Foun Berwickshiren di . Presented . SCOTTJy C .b , Broomlands, Kelso. (7) Barbed Poin f Deeo t r Antler from Shewalton Moor, Ayrshire. (See communication by A. D. Lacaille, p. 48.) Presented by W. A. ABEECROMBIE, jun.
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