1602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 28 PUERTO RICO Hugh A. Storrow Carson R. Jones legislative committees of this body to Junot Franco Soto, Sabana Grande, P. R., Clarence T. McGraw Donald L. Taker examine into the necessity for and pro­ in place of M. A. Franco Soto, retired. To be senior assistant dentaZ surgeons. priety of this curtailment. The Ameri-· effective date of acceptance SOUTH CAROLINA can people, now obliged to pay increased Orin H. Garner, Jonesville, S. C., in place of Lewis V. Lortz, Jr. rates for mail service totaling an esti­ I. S. Littlejohn, retired. Russell S. Wright mated $250,000 annually, ought to be POSTMASTERS receiving in return the services which TENNESSEE they had received prior to the Post­ Arthur C. Puckett, Jr., La Vergne, Tenn., IDAHO Wilburn J. Adams, Rockland. master General's April 18, 1950, order. in place of P. P. Howse, retired. Instead we are faced with deficit for Francis E. Durrett, White House, Tenn., in NEW YORK place of M. B. Baggett, retired. 1952 estimated by the Postmaster Gen­ Louis C. Nielsen, Amagansett. eral to be $768,008,261, an increase of TEXAS Rene J. Panuska, East Islip. some $217,000,000 from the 1951 year, Helen K. Humphries, Balmorhea, Tex., in Charles E. Statia, Granville. place of T. M. Delaney, retired. Hewlett H. Davis, Miller Place. and no idea of restoring services. Joel Parker Carroll, Bryan, Tex., in place Victor Rowe, Ontario Center. The New York World-Telegram and of Wilwn Bradley, retired. • Walter G. Kluge, Orient. Sun, in an editorial climaxing a series Gurley N. Sellers, Coolidge, Tex., in place John A. McGarr, Oyster Bay. of five articles-which are inserted in of T. L. Satterwhite, resigned. Mary B. Bunnell, Scio. the Appendix-surveying the poor con­ Thomas L. Ch eatham, Edgewood, Tex., in NORTH DAKOTA dition of our postal service·, puts some place of A. B. Hobbs, deceased. LeRoy A. Anderson, Binford. Floyd S. May, Iowa Park, Tex., in place of blame on the Congress for tying the Herbert W. Booth, Towner. E. E. Wallis, transferred. hands of the Postmaster General and Paul D. Cauley, Sr., Kingsville, Tex., in PENNSYLVANIA also forcing the hiring of temporary place of J. D. Gibbs, deceased. Lawrence W. Nees, Geistown. employees. Almer D. Woods, Jr., Marquez, Tex., in Thomas J. Cavanaugh, Nanty Glo. These articles point out two major place of A. D. Woods, retired. WASHINGTON defects and make one important com­ Roy L. McGuire, Seymour, Tex., in place of parison. They raise the whole ques­ Otis Avery, transferred. William K. Wuesthoff, Davenport. Donald J . Auvil, Entiat. tion of political influence in the person­ VERMONT Vincent B. White, Okanogan. nel system of the Post Office, a political Frederick R. Rousseau, North Hero, Vt., in Troy T. Dean, Otis Orchards. influence which is admitted. This is a place of K. A. Tudhope, transferred. serious blight on the whole system and VIRGINIA very serious to the career employees. It Marion Irene Davenport, Lancaster, Va., in harms the efficiency of the system. It place of G. P. Gresham, retired. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES often causes the career employees to be Robert E. Booker, Jr., Lottsburg, Va., in saddled by the public with blame for place of G. C. Watkins, retired. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1952 conditions for whi~h they are certainly Rolla Wallace Rosen, Staunton, Va., in ; place of R. E. Fifer, retired. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. not responsible. Secondly, the articles point up inefficient methods, archaic, WASHINGTON The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., offered the following prayer: old-fashioned-which do not belong to­ Elmer F. Pardee, Lake Stevens, Wash., in day. Finally, tt_ey show that mail serv­ place of E. A. Kinney, retired. O Thou Eternal Spirit, we pray that J ames S. Wise, Lebam, Wash., in place of ice in London and Paris which are com­ G. W. Adams retired. this day may be blessed and crowned parable cities to New York is so much Velma I. Jennings, Spangle, Wash., in place with the wonder and glory of a God­ better than our own that it must be hard of F. I. Jennings, retired. illumined vision of life's moral and reading for every American. And these William C. Manly, Jr., White Salmon, spiritual values. are the countries which have deep eco­ Wash ., in place of B. B. Pollard, resigned. We humbly acknowledge that it is nomic troubles as compared with our WISCONSIN becoming increasingly clear that we can­ own relative prosperity. Vernette M. Means, Rothschild, Wis., in not meet and master our human prob­ The Hoover Commission reports show place of A. K. Means, retired. lems without the comradeship and con­ how the Post Office could be run effici­ Harry Gelb, White Lake, Wis., in place of solation, the inspiration and strength ently. What has happened about rec­ W. R. Collins, resigned. of these sacred spiritual realities. ommendations of the Hoover Commis­ Grant that they may m~ver be obscured sion is summarized in excerpts from the CONFffiMATIONS and supplanted by habits of character address of Mr. Walter D. Fuller, chair­ and conduct that are unworthy of the man of the board, Curtis Publishing Co., Executive nominations confirmed by sons of God. at the Second National Reorganization the Senate February 28 (legislative day To Thy name we shall ascribe all the Conference of the Citizens Committee for of February 25 ) , 1952: praise. Amen. the Hoover report held in Washington PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE on February 18, which is also set forth The following-named candidates for ap­ The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and approved. in the Appendix. pointment in the Regular Corps of the Pub­ The Congress has within its power the lic Health Service: restoration of services to the previous To be senior assistant sanitary engineer, THE POSTAL SERVICE-NEED FOR state of dependability. Further in­ effective date of acceptance BETTER SERVJ CE creases in rates, especially in other than Zadok D. Harrison Mr. JAVITS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ first-class mail and post cards may need To be senior assistant surgeons, effective date to be considered. Efficiency in operation of acceptance imous consent to extend my remarks at t his point in the RECORD. and personnel policies need to be dealt Norman B. Atkins Allan B. Carter The SPEAKER. Is there objection to with. Members cannot really complain Edward L. Burwell Harry Y. Spence unless the Congress exercises this power Mitch ell R. Zavon John P. Fort, Jr. the request of the gentleman from New Mario Stefanini Charles L. Hoffman York? to do all that Congress can do to change John T . Gentry John L. Grow There was no objection. conditions and then sees that the execu­ Harvey A. Itano George L. Gee, Jr. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. Speaker, I am to­ tive department does the rest. Alexis I. Shelokov Lance S. Wright day requesting in a letter to the Honor­ It is well that the joint committee of Seymour M. Perry Robert K. Williams able TOM MURRAY, chairman of the the House and Senate, authorized in the Calvin R. MacKay Alfred S. Ketcham last session to conduct a thorough study !'avid M. Fried George W. West House Committee on Post Office and Robert W. Summers Nicholas C. Leone Civil Service, prompt hearings on my and investigation in respect to the gen­ David S. Howell Walter P. Scott bill-House Resolution 58-and other eral operations of the postal service, will William J. Browne measures to bring about rescission of the shortly begin to function. In the mean­ To be assistant surgeons, effective date of order of the Postmaster General curtail­ time, American families and American acceptance ing postal services. My bill also calls businesses should not be made to suffer Laurens P. White Walter T. Snow for an investigation of this curtailment because of curtailed mail deliveries, post Alan S. Rabson Marlin D. Greenhalgh and calls on the appropriate standing office office hours and similar incomren- 1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 1603 iences. Postal services should be re­ man's statement, I am placed in some­ further mark o! respect to the memories o! stored now. Progress, not retrogression, what of an embarrassing position. the deceased he shall declare the House ad­ should be the keynote of our postal serv­ Mr. McCORMACK. I am norry for journed. The necessary expenses connected ice. the embarrassment of the gentleman, with such memorial services shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House but there is nothing about what the upon vouchers signed by the chairman of CHANGE IN PROGRAM gentleman from Massachusetts has said the Committee on House Administration and but what is consistent with time-honored approved by such committee. Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, a par­ custom. There is no change in the pro­ liamentary inquiry. gram. There is a variance and the vari­ The resolution was agreed to. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will ation is to bring up an important ap­ A motion to reconsider was lai6 on state it. propriation bill. the table. Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, did I The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks understand the Chair to say that no one that the parliamentary inquiry has been NATIONAL SECURITY TRAINING CORPS will be recognized for 1 minute this answered. morning? ACT The SPEAKER. Yes. Mr. VI~SON. Mr. Speaker, I move Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, in view CALL OF THE HOUSE that the House resolve itself into the of that fact I wonder if it would be a Mr. BOLLING. Mr. Speaker, I make Committee of the Whole House on the proper parliamentary inquiry to inquire the point of order that a quorum is not State of the Union for the further con­ of the majority leader as to the action present.
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