ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC 1 2 ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC TABLE OF CONTENTS Letters of Welcome ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Past Presidents of AAM and Past Conference Locations ........................................................................... 12 Officers of AAM ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Maps and Directions .................................................................................................................................... 19 Sunday .......................................................................................................................................................... 28 Monday ......................................................................................................................................................... 36 Tuesday ......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Wednesday .................................................................................................................................................... 84 Thursday ..................................................................................................................................................... 115 Professional Development Offerings ......................................................................................................... 134 Biographies ................................................................................................................................................. 138 Ensembles ................................................................................................................................................... 160 Venues ........................................................................................................................................................ 163 Organ Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 176 Exhibitors.................................................................................................................................................... 184 Advertisers. ................................................................................................................................................. 186 DC Conference Planning Committee ....................................................................................................... 187 Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................................................... 188 ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC 3 A WELCOME FROM THE CONFERENCE PLANNING COMMITTEE Welcome to the 2014 Washington, DC, Conference of the Association of AnGlican Musicians and a warm welcome to RXUQDWLRQ¶VFDSLWDO:KLOHWKH'LVWULFWRI&ROXPELDLVDKLJK- powered, hot seat of national and international politics, it is also much more. The Washington, DC, metropolitan area is one of the ten larGest in the country. WashinGton, DC, itself is home to a plethora of renowned museums, historic build- inGs, and beautiful avenues, makinG the capital city a real siGht to behold. While there is not much free time durinG this back (left to right): Michael Lodico, Brandon Straub, Ben Hutto, Benja- min Straley, Sonya Sutton, Ben Hutchens, Tad Cavuoti, Peter Crisafulli; busy conference, perhaps you will have opportunities before middle (left to right): Jason Abel, Jeff Kempskie, Tom Smith, Robert RUDIWHUWKHZHHN¶VHYHQWVWRH[SORUHWKLVZRQGHUIXOFLW\'XU McCormick, Gregory Hooker, Sam Carabetta, Mike Menne; front (left to right): Barbara Collins, Ben Keseley, Jane Bourdow, Kyle Babin, Judy inG the week, we will be visitinG many landmark sites of the Dodge, David Hoover, William Bradley Roberts District of Columbia and surroundinG area. <HWWKLVZHHN¶VFRQIHUHQFHLVQRWMXVWDERXW:DVKLQJWRQ'&2Q:HGQHVGD\ZHZLOOMRXUQH\WRKLVWRULF$OH[DQ GULD9LUJLQLDQRWDEO\WRWKHQDWLRQ¶VVHFRQGROGHVWDQGODUJHVW(SLVFRSDOVHPLQDU\²VirGinia TheoloGical Semi- nary²as well as to the colonial locus of Old Town. Moreover, our conference planninG committee is comprised of members from Baltimore to Richmond and from three Episcopal dioceses: the Dioceses of WashinGton, Virginia, and Maryland, comprisinG nearly 126,200 Episcopalians. Thus, this 2014 conference is much larGer than Wash- inGton, DC. 2XUFRQIHUHQFHWKHPH³+HDUWDQG9RLFH8QLWLQJ´H[SUHVVHVKRZZH as church musicians and ministers of music, view our vital and sacred role in the liturgy. We will explore many facets of this theme durinG WKHZHHNLQFOXGLQJD³&OHUJ\'D\´RQ:HGQHVGD\LQZKLFKZHZLOO join our own hearts and voices with those of our brother and sister clerGy²LQERWKZRUVKLSVRQJDQGGLVFXVVLRQ³+HDUWDQG9RLFH8QLW LQJ´ LV WDNHQ IURP WKH H[TXLVLWH K\PQ E\ -RKQ ( %RZHUV ³:H WKH /RUG¶V SHRSOH KHDUW DQG YRLFH XQLWLQJ´ 7KLV K\PQ ZKLFK ZH VKDOO sinG durinG the conference, was set to music by a key WashinGton musi- cal fiGure, the late Richard Wayne Dirksen. And so, the music of many local musicians and composers, both livinG and dead, will be represented during the various worship services this week. Finally, the liturgies of this conference encompass a ranGe of styles and forms, but undergirdinG them all is the desire to be true²as much as possi- ble²to the manner of worship normally found in the different host churches. We on the conference committee have Greatly enjoyed the fellowship shared during our planninG meetinGs for the past two years, and hope you will enjoy your stay in WashinGton, in addition to reunitinG with friends and col- leagues. May God bless you during this week and bless the work, mission, and ministry of the Association of AnGlican Musicians! 4 ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC 5 6 ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC 7 8 ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC 9 10 ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC 11 PAST PRESIDENTS OF AAM 1968-69 James Litton 1985-86 Geoffrey Butcher 1969-70 Raymond Glover 1986-87 David Lowry 1970-71 Gerre Hancock 1987-88 Betty Jean Bartholomew 1971-72 Elwyn Davis 1988-89 Benjamin Hutto 1972-73 Ronald Arnatt 1989-91 Sam Batt Owens 1973-74 Robert Quade 1991-93 Richard Webster 1974-75 David Farr 1993-95 Judith (Breneman) Dodge 1975-76 Arthur Rhea 1995-97 Thom Robertson 1976-77 EdGar Billups 1997-99 John Hooker 1977-78 Frederick DeHaven 1999-2001 Carolyn Darr 1978-79 Donald Wilkins 2001-03 Dale Adelmann 1979-80 Marilyn Keiser 2003-05 Jack Burnam 1980-81 Frederick BurGomaster 2005-07 Martha Johnson 1981-82 Charles RiGsby 2007-09 Michael Messina 1982-83 Carol Doran 2009-11 Bryan Mock 1983-84 Thomas Foster 2011-13 David Shuler 1984-85 Carol Doran PAST CONFERENCE LOCATIONS 1966 Indianapolis 1990 Charleston-Savannah 1967 WashinGton, DC 1991 Minnesota 1968 Detroit 1992 Seattle-Portland 1969 Spokane 1993 Princeton, NJ 1970 Cincinnati 1994 Hampton Roads, VA 1971 Los AnGeles 1995 San DieGo-Los AnGeles 1972 St. Louis 1996 WashinGton, DC 1973 New York City 1997 London-Oxford (UK) 1974 Louisville 1998 San Francisco 1975 San Francisco 1999 Boston 1976 WashinGton, DC 2000 Palm Beach, FL 1977 Grosse Pointe, MI 2001 New York City 1978 Croydon (UK) 2002 Jackson-Natchez, MS 1979 New York City 2003 Atlanta 1980 Pittsburgh 2004 Cincinnati-LexinGton 1981 Charlotte-Asheville 2005 Baltimore 1982 Memphis 2006 Indianapolis 1983 Toronto 2007 Durham (UK) 1984 Los AnGeles 2008 Houston 1985 North Texas (Dallas) 2009 Los AnGeles 1986 Atlanta 2010 Hartford 1987 London (UK) 2011 The Carolinas 1988 New Haven, CT 2012 Philadelphia 1989 Chicago 2013 Denver 12 ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS 2014 CONFERENCE :ASHINGTON, DC OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ANGLICAN MUSICIANS Executive Board Anglican Musicians Foundation Officers Alan Lewis, Ph.D., President David Shuler, President ¶ David Shuler, Past-President G. Ernest Plunkett, Treasurer ¶ Margaret E. Marshall, Secretary Jack Warren Burnam, Secretary ¶ George A. Emblom, Treasurer Michael Smith, Director-at-Large Anglican Musicians Foundation Board Linda MorGan Stowe, Director-at-Large 'DOH$GHOPDQQ3K' ¶ 0LFKDHO(+XQWHU ¶ Appointed Officers 0DUWKD1-RKQVRQ'0 ¶ Alan C. Reed, Archivist /LQGD3LWWPDQ.HOO\ ¶ William P. Saviers, Jr., Esq., Chancellor 6RQ\D1.HQQHG\ ¶ 7KH5W5HY¶G.HLWK:KLWPRUHChaplain 0\URQ3DWWHUVRQ'60 ¶ Brian S. Driscoll, D.M.A., Communications Advisor Paul M. Ellison, Ph.D., Editor, The Journal Anglican Musicians Foundation Appointees Michael S. Burnette, D.M.A., Placement Advisor 7KH5HY¶G7KRPDV0F&DUW3K'Investment David Perry Ouzts, D.S.M., Professional Concerns Committee Chair & Development Chair William P. Saviers, Jr., Esq., Chancellor Region Chairs The Journal Editorial Board ReGion 1: Peter Berton
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