flandersfocus on THE DUTCH SPEAKING PART OF BELGIUM press review weekly, does not appear in July • number 2 • 11 January – 17 January 2003 INTRODUCTION fla r la ndr Jobcard for Flemish su e • s f n 17 December the Fed- u o c c o u eral Parliament’s Trade f s O • o n n and Companies Committee school-leavers r f e l a d n unanimously approved the n d a l e f r f s u bill on the introduction of a a • it guarantees school-leavers below the age of 25 who have been unemployed f o s k for six months a month’s practical training with an employer u fixed book price. The bill, which was tabled by the Greens (Agalev, Ecolo), the Francophone Social- ists (PS) and the Christian Democrats, headed for etween 2000 and 2002 the number PETER RASKING • HET NIEUWSBLAD • an overwhelming majority in the Parliament, be- B of unemployed young people aged 17 JANUARY cause only the Flemish Liberals were strongly below 25 in Flanders rose by 32% to against it. Supporters argue that a fixed price will 58,000, while total unemployment What is striking is that the rise can also benefit smaller, independent bookshops and al- only rose by 17%. Today they represent be seen among the highly qualified. In low the decrease in the diversity of book titles to 23% of all unemployed. Flemish Em- October 2000, 2,322 university gradu- be stopped. They see the larger book chains (Standaard Boekhandel and Fnac) and depart- ployment Minister Landuyt concludes ates below the age of 25 were unem- ment stores, which give discounts and are main- that they are the first victims of the eco- ployed. In October 2002 this figure was ly interested in offering a smaller range of best- nomic malaise. He does not want to 3,382, an increase of 46%. In addition sellers, as the main villains of the piece. The launch new job plans, but does feel that to structural measures, such as the Flemish Liberals announced they would vote the existing policy, with its first-time first-time jobs and integration via against the bill, not only through their liberal jobs, training and work experience pro- temping work, economic measures are aversion to price agreements, but also out of a fear that a fixed book price will make books more jects, must concentrate on young peo- now being introduced to tackle the expensive. Although the SP.A voted in favour of ple. For the 4,500 school-leavers who sharp rise. The JOB card is a striking the fixed book price on the 17 December, the have already been without a job for six new addition. It guarantees school- party recently announced, entirely unexpectedly, months he is launching the job card leavers below the age of 25 who have that it would vote against it. According to SP.A (FF). been unemployed for six months a Chairman Janssens (De Standaard, 17 January), a month’s practical training with an em- fixed price does not so much disadvantage less well-off readers as those who are less well-edu- ployer. As compensation, the employer cated culturally, who mainly read bestsellers and receives a saving of up to 45% of the never visit bookshops. According to former Cul- CONTENTS wage bill from the government. Renaat ture Minister, Bert Anciaux, who it should be not- Landuyt: ‘These are not artificial new ed is going to the elections on a joint list with the Politics jobs. The starting point is a genuine va- SP.A, the SP.A is erring. In his view a fixed book 18 May: what will the next cancy. We are encouraging businesses price contributes to the wealth of titles and the government look like? 2 to give priority to young school-leavers chances of survival of independent book shops. He is supported in his criticism by the association Leo Goovaerts resigns from the VLD 2 when recruiting. We estimate that this of the book trade, boek.be, which suspects elec- will give some 4,500 young people a toral opportunism in the SP.A’s change of course Environment chance on the shop floor. If companies (De Morgen, 14 January) and by the employers’ Noise pollution: Dua wants rid of abuse this system we will remove them federation, Unizo. Janssens does not deny that federal airport agreement 3 from the list and they will lose their the independent book shops are going through wage bill benefits.’ difficult times, but wants to develop other in- Mobility struments to support them. Despite the opposi- Dedecker’s campaign against road tion of Flemish Liberals and Socialists, the bill ap- safety act diverted 4 pears to be heading for a changing majority with the support of the opposition, although the vote on 16 January has been postponed. After all, the Economy Francophone Liberals are prepared to approve Textile group Sofitex bankrupt 5 the bill, but have submitted an amendment. Telenet increases cable TV They want an exception to be made for comic subscription 5 strips. Meanwhile, Janssens is encountering op- Koramic sells roof tiles division 6 position not only from his alliance partners but also from within his party. Many mandataries are Justice: Genocide act amended 7 hoping that the party leaders will use the post- ponement of the vote to adjust their standpoint Culture: decree must keep art (De Morgen, 16 January). collections in Flanders 7 Frank Vandecaveye | editor in chief focus on FLANDERS •11 January -17 January 2003 • Number 2 2 POLITICS ELECTIONS PARTIES 18 May: what will the next Leo Goovaerts resigns government look like? from the VLD A coalition between liberals and christian democrats ll is not well with the VLD in the is given little chance A run-up to the elections. The party is not only having to deal with loners such as senator Jean-Marie Dedecker, it here is already plenty of specula- Opinion is also having to suffer yet again the T tion in the press about the possible negative publicity of a former senator coalition that will take over the helm RIK VAN CAUWELAERT • KNACK • who claims he still has a score to settle after 18 May. Premier Verhofstadt 15 JANUARY with his party. Leo Goovaerts says he is (VLD) has no intention of basing the resigning from the party off his own bat elections on a chancellor’s duel be- With the direction indicated by De and wants to participate in the elec- tween himself and CD&V Chairman Gucht the only choice open to the VLD tions with a ‘genuine Flemish, Liberal Stefaan De Clerck, as his party Chair- is to continue the current Purple-Green and Democratic party’. On 13 January man Karel De Gucht announced some coalition. At least if the voter leaves Goovaerts was brought before the par- weeks ago at a VLD conference. The this option open and if the Socialists do ty’s Statutory Committee following a Premier wants the present coalition to not admit to their increasing aversion complaint by VLD Chairman Karel De continue, ‘if the voter allows’. But if to their Liberal partners. Should the Gucht (FF). Purple-Green I was centred on the ac- participation of the CD&V in the next tive welfare state, Purple-Green II will government still become an option, MARK DEWEERDT • DE FINANCIEEL- be centred on ‘the responsible welfare then several elements are stacked ECONOMISCHE TIJD • 14 JANUARY state’, with the emphasis on the ethics against the Flemish Christian Democ- of ‘rights and duties’. That is under- rats. To begin with, the Royal en- In connection with De Gucht’s com- standable, says De Morgen (11 Janu- tourage, which has a firm finger in the plaint, Goovaerts explained to the ary). The economic adagio to activate pie during the information round, will Statutory Committee why in his eyes the welfare state – by allowing more not allow an asymmetrical govern- the VLD no longer complied with the people, mainly the over-55s, back into ment (different coalitions in Flanders contract that was concluded in 1992, work – has failed. With the current poor and Francophone Belgium, ed). This is when the party was formed, with the economic climate it no longer appears because, they argue, such asymmetry members of the PVV (the VLD’s prede- viable to activate the welfare state at means the end of Federal Belgium, be- cessor) and why the party was not ful- all. Voices within the CD&V are call- cause then the centrifugal forces al- filling various points of 1992’s Declara- ing for a coalition with the VLD. Better ready emanating from communities tion of Principles. He confirmed he to join a coalition with Verhofstadt as and regions will become even greater. would be setting up a new party based Prime Minister than remain in opposi- The CD&V can no longer guarantee on the original VLD manifesto and re- tion for another four years, says the that the Federal government will re- turned his party card to the Statutory éminence grise of the CD&V, Mark main symmetrical because its Fran- Committee. By resigning himself, Eyskens. cophone counterpart, the CDH, no Goovaerts anticipated his expected ex- In Het Laatste Nieuws (14 January) he longer has any political relevance. And clusion from the VLD. This was also is therefore calling on dissatisfied VLD then there is the confederal position of announced later on the same day by voters to vote CD&V at the elections, the CD&V of Stefaan De Clerck. If po- Party Chairman Karel de Gucht.
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