Exchanges with the Soviet Union Hearing

Exchanges with the Soviet Union Hearing

V 4 • F W > UNITED STA TES SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ^ l 2 -2 - EXCHANGES WITH THE SOVIET UNION n government . Storage H E A R I N G BEFO RE TH E SU BC OM MITTE ES ON IN TERN A TIO N A L SE CURIT Y AND SC IE N TIF IC A FFA IR S AND IN TERN A TIO N A L OPE RATI ONS OF TH E COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINE TY -SI XT H CONGRESS SECOND SESSION H.J. Res. 534 i J H MAY 20, 1980 m rn oc <■ Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs oc r □CO :i 3 1 ' □ itCO = - IT H H □ C U M E N T S < JUL 2 1 1 9 8 0 - a R R E L L L IB R A R Y ‘ KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITX U.S. GO VE RN MEN T PR IN TIN G OFFIC E 63-521 O WAS HI NG TO N : 19 80 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS CL EM EN T J. ZA BL OC KI, W isc onsin , Ch airm an L. H. FO UN TA IN , N or th Car ol in a W IL LI AM S. BR OO MFIEL D, Michiga n DA NT E B. FA SC EL L, Flo ri da ED WAR D J. DER W IN SK I, Il lino is CH ARL ES C. D IGGS, J r., M ichiga n PA UL F IN DL EY , Il linoi s BE NJA M IN S. RO SE NT HA L, New York JO HN H. BUCHANAN, J r., A laba ma LEE H. HA MILT ON , In dia na LA RRY WI NN , JR., K an sa s LESTER L. W OLF F, New Y ork BEN JA M IN A. GIL MA N, New York JO NA TH AN B. BING HA M, New Y ork TE NN YS ON G UYER, Ohio GUS YATRON, Pen ns yl va ni a RO BE RT J. LAGOMA RSINO , Cal ifor ni a CA RD ISS CO LL INS, Il lino is WILLIAM F. GOODLIN G, Pen ns yl va ni a STEPH EN J. SOL ARZ, New Y ork JO EL PRI TC HA RD , W as hi ng to n DON B ON KE R, W as hi ng to n M IL LI CE NT FE NW IC K, New Je rs ey GE RR Y E. STUD DS, M as sa ch use tts DAN QUAYL E, In dia na ANDY IREL AN D, Flo rida DONALD J . PE ASE , Ohio DAN M ICA , Flo rida MICHAE L D. BA RN ES , M arylan d W IL LIAM H. GRAY III, Pen nsy lv an ia TONY P. HA LL , Ohio HO WA RD WOL PE , Michig an DA VID R. BO WE N, Missis sip pi FLOY D J. FIT H IA N , In dia na J oh n J. B rady, J r. , Ch ief of S ta ff J o seph in e Web er , Sta ff A ss is ta nt Susan McCartan, S ta ff A ss is ta nt Subcommittee on I nternational Security and Scien tific Affairs CL EM EN T J. ZA BL OC KI, W isc onsin , Ch airm an L. H. FO UN TA IN , N orth Car ol in a WILLIAM S. BR OO MFIEL D, Mi chiga n LEE H. HA MILT ON , In dia na LARRY WI NN , J r., K an sa s LES TE R L. WOL FF , New Y ork DAN QUAYLE, In dia na JO NA TH AN B. BING HA M, New Y ork Iv o J. Spa la tin, Su bc om m itte e Sta ff D irec tor Wil liam H. F it e, M in ori ty S ta ff C on su ltan t T on i J . Grant, Su bc om m itte e Sta ff A ssoc ia te Subcommittee on I nternational Operations DA NT E B. FA SC EL L, Flo rida , Ch airm an ANDY IR EL AN D, Flo rida JO HN H. BUCHANAN, J r., Al ab am a DAN MICA, Flo ri da ED WAR D J. DERW IN SK I, Illino is WILLIAM H. GRAY III , Pen nsy lv ania JO EL PR IT CHARD , W as hi ng to n DAVJD R. BO WE N, M issis sip pi R. Mic hael F in ley , Subc om m itte e Sta ff D irec tor J anean Man n, M in ori ty Sta ff C on su lta nt Virg inia Sch lu nd t, Su bc om m itte e Sta ff A ssoc ia te K aren B re nn an , Su bco m m itte e Sta ff Assoc ia te CONTENTS WITNE SSES Hon. Thomas R. Pickering, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Oceans and Intern ational Environmen tal and Scientific Affairs, Department of P a &e State ______________________ ___________________________________ 2 William D. Carey, executive officer, American Association for the Ad­ vancement of Science___________________________________________ 4 Max Gottesman, Ph. D., cochairman, Committee of Concerned S cientists. 6 AP PEND IXES 1. Text of House Joint Resolution 534______________________________ 23 2. Statem ent submitted for the record by Hon. Donald J. Pease________ 29 3. Letter from Philip Handler, president, National Academy of Sciences, with attach ed statem ent for the record_________________________ 31 4. Letter to Hon. George E. Brown from Hon. J. Brian Atwood, Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations with State Depart­ ment comments on the legislation______________________________ 46 5. Letter from Max Gottesman and Mark Kac, cochairmen, Comm ittee of Concerned Scientists, with comments on the legislation_________ 48 6. Article from Technology Review, December/Janua ry 1980, entitled “Science and Hum an Rights,” by Earl Callen, Bernard R. Cooper, and John Parmentola________________________________________ 49 (in ) UNITE D STA TES SCIEN TIFIC AND TECH NICAL EXCHANGES WIT H THE SOVIET UNION TUESD AY, M AY 20 , 19 80 H ouse or R ep re se nt at iv es , C om mit te e on F or eig n A ff air s , S ub co mmitte es on I nt er na tion al S ec ur it y an d S cie n tif ic A ff ai rs an d I nt er nati onal O pe ra tion s , ashington^ D.G. The subcommittees met at 1 0:30 a.m. in room 2200, Ra yb urn House Office B uilding , Hon. Clem ent J. Zablocki (ch airm an) pre siding . Ch air ma n Zab lo ck i . The subcom mittees will please come to order. We meet today to conside r House Jo in t Resolutio n 534 which deals with U.S . policies affecting scientific and technical exch anges with the Soviet Un ion . 1 House Jo in t Resolution 534 was introd uced by Re pre sen tative George Brown, a mem ber of the Com mittee on Science and Technology. Represe nta tiv e Brow n ha d hop ed to join us tod ay, bu t due to a death in his fam ily , he will not be able to attend toda y’s hearing. Repre sen tative Don Pease was to rep res ent the Com mittee on Sci­ ence and Techno logy, however, since he too is unable to be here , I have been asked to enter int o the record the rem ark s of our fellow colleague, Don Pease, who reflects Con gressman Br ow n’s thinking on this subject. W ith ou t objection, the sta tem ent of Hon. Donal d J. Pease will be ins ert ed in the record. If there is no objectio n, it is so ord ere d. 2 Before we he ar from our dis tin gu ish ed witnesses, I would like to briefly sum marize the resolu tion as repo rte d from the Com mittee on Science and Technology on Apr il 22. Th e resolution does the follo wing: (1) Dec lare s a ha lt to official tra ve l rel ate d to scientific and tec h­ nological coo peratio n wi th the Soviet Un ion fo r a minim um of 6 months unless the tra ve l is of direct an d very substan tial benefit to the Un ite d States; (2) Recomm ends th at nonofficial tra veler s—that is, agencies of State and local gov ernment, private agencies and org aniza tions, pr o­ fessional societies, as well as scientists, scholars, and technolo gists— defer tra ve l relate d to scientific and technical coo peratio n to the Soviet Un ion fo r a minim um of 6 mo nth s unless otherw ise dictated by ex trao rdinary circum stan ces or indiv idual conscience; 1 See text of H.J. Res. 534, app. 1 on p. 23. 2 See statement of R epresentative Pease in app. 2 on p. 29. (1) (3) Direc ts the Presiden t to repo rt to Congress on domestic and foreign policies which should be insti tuted to fu rthe r the purposes of the reso lutio n; and (4) Urges the impleme ntation of non gov ernmental as well as Government sta nd ards and policies fo r the cond uct of intern ational cooperativ e rese arch and fo r the pro tec tion of human righ ts and fundam ental freedom s of all scientists, scho lars, and technologists.

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