BERITA BIOLOGI 2(2) Mi 1977 25 MOSQUITOES OF THE BOGOR BOTANICAL GARDENS SOENARTONO ADISOEMARTO Museum Zoologi Bogor - LBN, Bogor INTRODUCTION Various types of plant communities in bo- collected rain water for the mosquitoes to breed. tanical gardens provide surroundings for animal Four bamboo poles were erected in each of the life. In addition to their main role in botany, 14 habitats (Table I) to provide the breeding the botanical gardens provide aspects for zoo- sites for the mosquitoes. In so doing, the methods logical investigations as well (Adisoemarto 1974) . applied were not designed for quantitative ana- The Bogor Botanical Gardens provide most of lyses. all possible types of environments for the develop- ment and construction of mosquito population. Table I. Habitats in the Bogor Botanical Gardens To develop the study of some ecological aspects selected to trap mosquitoes from their of the mosquitoes, the availability of qualitative surroundings. data is very much desired. For this purpose, observations on mosquito fauna have been carried Plot out in the Bogor Botanical Gardens and the Habitat Condition results are presented in this paper. no. 1 Rattan and other palm species Secluded, dark MATERIALS AND METHODS 2 Bamboo grove Secluded, dark The Bogor Botanical Gardens, which are 200 3 Tree legumes with no acres, are divided into roughly 20 sections, each undergrowths Almost bright of which is assigned for certain plant communities, 4 Pandans Bright such as the bamboo groves, the palms, the pandans, the legumes and the dipterocarps. Scattered in 5 Rubiaceae Half-opened, these gardens are complexes of housing and office somewhat dark buildings, inhabited by 150 permanent residents 6 Guttiferae Half-secluded, and about 200 people in the office buildings dark during the working days between 7 a.m. and 2 7 Climbers with under- Half-opened, p.m. Approximately, 300 more people work out- growths partially dark doors from 7 a.m. to noon. Thousands of visitors 8 Shrubs, near dwellings Open, bright wander around the gardens on Sundays and ho- 9 Bananas and shrubs Open, bright lidays. These gardens are traversed by a natural river (Ciliwung) and two small creeks. There are 10 Dipterocarpaceae Half-opened, also six artificial ponds and other types of water partially dark bodies scattered in these gardens. Almost all major 11 Mixed forest Secluded, dark groups of animals are represented in these gardens. 12 Clear shaded area Half-opened, Mosquitoes for this study were collected from partially dark July to December 1973 by the conventional 13 Extension of Dip- Half-opened, sweeping method and by trapping. Sweeping was terocarpaceae dark done in all available habitats by using ordinary 14 Palmae Open, bright insect nets and aspirators. This activity was carried out from time to time, so that each habitat was The selection of these habitats was done in visited at various times from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. such a way that the surroundings represented as Trapping was done by using bamboo poles which many as possible sections of the gardens, ranging 26 BERITA BIOLOGI 2(2) Mi 1977 from an open bright site without undergrowths Table II. List of mosquito species recorded from to a miniature forest. the Bogor Botanical Gardens Examination of poles was done daily to check the appearance of the larvae in the poles. If the Methods of collecting Man pole water was positive with larvae, it was then Species transfered into jars and kept in a laboratory Trapping Sweeping biting under room conditions to rear the larvae until females their emergence. Larvae population from each different plot was reared separately. However, Culicinae mixing pole water from different poles of the Aedes (Stegomyia) same plot collected on the same day, was oc- aegypti + casionally practiced. The time of emergence of Aedes (Stegomyia) the adult mosquitoes was noted. albopictus + Aedes (Stegomyia) annandalei + RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Armigeres (Armigeres) A total of 12 species of mosquitoes have been malayi collected from the Bogor Botanical Gardens during Armigeres (Armigeres) the observation period (Table II). These were subalbatus + Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti L., A. (S.j albopictus Armigeres (Leicesteria) Skuse, A. (S.) annandalei Theobald, Armigeres digitatus (Armigeresj malayi Theobald, A. (A.) subalbatus Culex (Culex) bitae- Coquillett, A. (LeicesteriaJ digitatus Edwards, Cu- niorhynchus lex (Culex) bitaeniorhynchus Giles, C. (C.) quin - Culex (Culex) quin- quefasciatus Say, Culex (Culiciomyia) fragilis Lud- quefasciatus + low, Tripteroides aranoides Theobald T. coeruleo- Culex (Culiciomyia) cephala Leicester and Anopheles (Anopheles) fragilis roperi Reid. In addition, Toxorhynchites splendens Wiedemann, a larvivorous species of Culicidae, Tripteroides ara- was also collected. noides + Tripteroides coe- Aedes aegypti appeared in two localities, with • ".Hi one specimen in each of the localities, namely in ruleocephala + the partially dark dipterocarp section and a some- Anophelinae what dark half-opened plot of Rubiaceae. The Anopheles (Anopheles) larvae of this species were found together with roperi those of Aedes albopictus and Armigeres subal- batus. However, A. aegypti was apparently the + present + biting loser in the competition. This situation explain Armigeres subalbatus, Culex quinquefasciatus and why this species was not encountered in the Tripteroides aranoides, although the coexistence sweeping method. The occurrence of this species of these six species at the same time was never in bamboo stumps is unusual, since the common encountered. The sweeping method has also proven habitats for this species are artificial collections that this species was the most commonly found of water near human habitations (Barraud 1934, and ubiquitous in the gardens. Aedes albopictus Mattingly 1965). This species has been known to has also been known to be responsible for the bite man and is also reputed to be the principal transmission of dengue haemorrhagic fever in vector of dengue haemorrhagic fever in many other parts of Southeast Asia. The larvae are parts of Southeast Asia. usually found in tree-holes, bamboo and leaf axils, The most commonly found and ubiquitous while the adults prefer a dark, cool and humid mosquitoes in the Bogor Botanical Gardens were environment. Aedes albopictus. This species has been found The adults of Aedes annandalei were collected living together with Aedes aegypti, 'A. annandalei. by tearing the larvae from water trapped in a BERITA BIOLOGI 2(2) Juli 1977 secluded bamboo grove and in another floristic ever, unlike Aedes albopictus, the pattern of dis- community of the gardens with dark and damp tribution of this species coincided with the location surroundings. The larvae could live in coexistence of ponds, creeks, river and other bodies of water with Aedes albopictus and Armigeres subalbatus. in the gardens. This is due to the fact that these Random sweeping infrequently collected this mos- water bodies are the breeding sites of the larvae. quito, which was caught in partially dark or They live amongst green algae in open weedy pools. shaded areas of the gardens. In one locality the However, this species has been known to be highly adults of this species were collected together with variable and have diversified feeding habits (Siri- Aedes albopictus, Armigeres subalbatus, A. digi- vanakarn 1973). The adult females have been tatus, Culex bitaeniorhynchus and C. fragilis. This known to bite man. species was never encountered to bite man during The adults of Culex quinquefasciatus were re- the observation, but it was formerly stated that latively rare in the Bogor Botanic Gardens. A small A. annandalei was commonly taken biting under number of the adult mosquitoes reared from larvae trees outside, shortly after sunset (Bonne-Wpster & was found together with Aedes albopictus, A. an- Brug 1932), or bite man readily in the shade nandalei, Armigeres subalbatus, Tripteroides ara- (Mattingly 1965). noides and T. coeruleocepkala in a secluded dark Armigeres subalbatus was trapped from all and humid environment. Sweeping in a somewhat localities, but it was not as common as Aedes dark environment near an artificial pond also col- albopictus. These two species can live in co- lected a small number of the adults together with existence. The larvae have been found in bamboo Aedes albopictus and Culex bitaeniorhynchus. The stumps and coconut shells. On a separate occasion, larvae have been known to breed in domestic this species has been observed breeding in a septic collections of water, in overflow waters from tank within the housing complex of the gardens. houses, kitchens, etc., in foul ground pool, ditches, The adults were caught together with Aedes cesspools and large artificial containers, but rarely albopictus, A. annandalei and Anopheles roperi in in tree-holes or bamboos. The lack of these pre- a rather densely vegetated environment. Armigeres ferred breeding sites, combined with a tendency of subalbatus has been encountered indoors and is the gradual replacement of C. quinquefasciatus known to bite man. by Aedes albopictus, may explain the rareness of During this study, Armigeres malayi was col- this species in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. lected only by sweeping. Although the larvae have C. quinquefasciatus is a potential vector of Wuche- been reported to occupy the same breeding sites reria bancrofti, the causal agent of filariasis. as those of A. subalbatus, no adult mosquitoes The non-human-biting Culex fragilis was rarely were ever collected by the trapping method during found in shaded areas of the Bogor Botanical the study. There is no available explanation for Gardens, together with Aedes albopictus, A. annan- its absence from the bamboo pole traps. However, dalei and Culex bitaeniorhynchus. The larvae of on a separate occasion, larvae of Armigeres malayi this species have been known to breed in artificial were collected from coconut shells found in the containers, coconut shells, ground pools and tree- Bogor Botanical Gardens and reared to adult stage. holes, but trapping by bamboo poles did not collect Nothing is known of the female biting habits the adults.
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