Name of School Type of School Name of Admissions Contact Person Alexander Robertson School JK-5, co-ed Joan Harrison Brooklyn Heights Montessori School N-8, co-ed Elise Mattia Calhoun School N-12, co-ed Andrew Hume Central Park Montessori/Twin Parks Montessori Early Childhood Carrie Berger Rosenthal Chelsea Day School Early Childhood Debbie Mounsey City and Country School N-8, co-ed Elise Bauer Corlears School N-5, co-ed Linda K. Talton Epiphany Community Nursery School Early Childhood Wendy Levey Friends Seminary K-12, co-ed Harriet Burnett Grace Church School JK-12, co-ed Camilla Campbell Hackley School K-12, co-ed Chris McColl Hannah Senesh Community Day School K-8, co-ed Jessica Robins International School of Brooklyn N-8, co-ed Rotana Suy Kaplan Nursery School Early Childhood Lindsay Bennett La Scuola d'Italia N-12, co-ed Maria de Gennaro LREI N-12, co-ed Mary Young Marble Hill Nursery School Early Childhood Karen Worchel Merricat's Castle School Early Childhood Mimi Broner Metropolitan Montessori School N-6, co-ed Marielle Lopez Montclare Children's School Early Childhood Ashley Warren Park Avenue Methodist Day School Early Childhood Molly DeGesero Park Childten’s Day School Early Childhood Patti Horstmann Park West Montessori School Early Childhood Jessica Anub Professional Children's School 6-12, co-ed Shari Honig Purple Circle Early Childhood Elaine Karas Riverdale N-12, co-ed Jenna King Rodeph Sholom School N-8, co-ed Leslie Silverstein Rudolf Steiner School N-12, co-ed Sam Margles Sacred Heart N-12, girls Liz Santini Saint Ann's N-12, co-ed Molly Sissors Saint David's School N-8, boys Allison Vella Spence K-12, girls Susan Parker St. Bart's Preschool Early Childhood Mary Ponce St. Hilda's & St. Hugh's N-8, co-ed Kate Dworkoski St. Luke's School N-8, co-ed Susan Harriot Name of School Type of School Name of Admissions Contact Person Temple Israel Early Childhood Learning Center Early Childhood Lisa Samick The Allen-Stevenson School K-9, boys Susan Etess The Beekman School 9-12, co-ed George Higgins Vanessa C. Prescott (MS/US Director of Admissions) & The Berkeley Carroll School N-12, co-ed Beverly Reese (LS Director of Admissions) The Birch Wathen Lenox School K-12, co-ed Billie Williams, admissions coordinator The Brearley School K-12, girls Brittany Weinstein The Brick Church School Early Childhood Kathy Flintoft The Browning School K-12, boys Kelly West The Cathedral School K-8, co-ed Christine Rogers Dianne Williams (LS Director of Admissions) & Xiomara The Chapin School K-12, girls Hall (MS/US Director of Admissions) The Dalton School K-12, co-ed Judy Calixto The Elisabeth Morrow School N-6, co-ed Kathleen Visconti The Family Annex Nursery School Early Childhood Nancy Drescher The Harvey School 4-12, co-ed Stephanie McCaine The Hewitt School K-12, girls Amy Jablonski The IDEAL School of a Manhattan K-12 Lori Murphy The International Preschools Early Childhood Martha Smeaton or Cathleen Vasserman The Jack and Jill School at St. George's Church Early Childhood Mary Carroll French, Director The Mandell School Early Childhood Adriana Payne The Nightingale-Bamford School K-12, girls Kathy Kim, Jennifer Brodsky The Saul and Carole Zabar Nursery School at JCC Manhattan Early Childhood Tara Ekelman The Town School N-8, co-ed Linda Shuffman The Weekday School Early Childhood Carla Buranelli-Secor Third Street Preschool Early Childhood Kirstin Aadahl Sarah Lafferty - Lower School (N-5) Karyn Delay - Trevor Day School N-12, co-ed Middle & Upper School (6-12) United Nations International School PK-12, co-ed John Nichols Village Community School K-8, co-ed Esther Lee, Director of Admissions West End Day School Ages 5-12, co-ed Jennifer G Susser Winston Preparatory School Ages 12-18, co-ed Elise Radford York Avenue Preschool Early Childhood Nancy Baldaro York Prep 6-12, co-ed Brinton Parsons Phone Number Email 212-663-2844 jharrison@alexanderrobertson.org 718-858-5100 x111 emattia@bhmsny.org 212-497-6511 Andrew.hume@calhoun.org 212 595-2000 ennroll@twinparks.org 212-675-8541 deb@chelseadayschool.org 212-506-5943 eliseb@cityandcountry.org 212.741.2800 lindat@corlearsschool.org 212-737-2977 wlevey@ecns.org 646.979.5040 hburnett@friendsseminary.org 212-475-5610 ccampbell@gcschool.org 914-366-2640 cmccoll@hackleyschool.org 718-858-8663 (ext. 0) jrobins@hannahsenesh.org 718-369-3023 rsuy@isbrooklyn.org 212-826-6204 lbennett@spsnyc.org pcorbet@spsnyc.org 212-369-3290 mdegennaro@lascuoladitalia.org 212-477-5316 Myoung@lrei.org 718-562-7055 marblehill5470@aol.com 212-534-3656 mbmerricats@nyc.rr.com 212-579-5525 x116 mlopez@mmsny.org (212) 865-4020 awarren@montclareschool.org 212-289-6997 mmdegesero@pamdayschool.org 212-288-3247 Phorstmann@parkchildrensdayschool.org 212-678-6072 pwadmissions@twinparks.org 212-582-3116 shonig@pcs-nyc.org 2128669193 elaine@purple-circle.org 718-519-2717 jrking@riverdale.edu 646-438-8600 lsilverstein@rssnyc.org 347-289-7565 smargles@steiner.edu 212 722 4745 ext 110 esantini@cshnyc.org 718-511-1660 x313 msissors@saintannsny.org 212-369-0058 ext 401 avella@saintdavids.org 212-710-8140 sparker@spenceschool.org 212-378-0238 Ponce@stbarts.org 212-932-1980 x325 kdworkoski@sthildas.org sharriot@stlukeschool.org Phone Number Email 212-249-5001 lsamick@templeisraelnyc.org 212-288-6710 setess@allen-stevenson.org (212) 755-6666 georgeh@beekmanschool.org msusadmissions@berkeleycarroll.org 718-534-6527 - MS/US 718-534-6608 - LS lsadmissions@berkeleycarroll.org 212 861 0404 x135 Admissions@bwl.org 212-570-8600 admission@brearley.org 212-289-5683 kflintoft@brickchurch.org 212-838-6280 x 1140 kwest@browning.edu 212-316-7513 crogers@cathedralnyc.org 212-570-4951 212-570-4940 dwilliams@chapin.edu xhall@chapin.edu 212 423-5262 mshsadmiss@dalton.org (201) 568-5566 ext. 7211 kvisconti@elisabethmorrow.org 212-749-3271 info@familyannex.org 914.232.3161 x 144 smccaine@harveyschool.org 212-994-2599 ajablonski@hewittschool.org 212-769-1699 ext. 10105 lmurphy@theidealschool.org 212-371-8604 ext 1112 or 1115 Msmeaton@ipsnyc.org Cvassermn@ipsnyc.org 212-475-0855 mcarrollfrench@thejackandjillschool.org 212-222-2925 adriana.payne@mandellschool.org 212-933-6515 admissions@nightingale.org (646) 505-4465 tekelman@jccmanhattan.org 212-288-6395 lshuffman@townschool.org 212.870.6767 cburanelli-secor@wdsnyc.org 212.777.3240, ext. 48 kaadahl@thirdstreetmusicschool.org Sarah Lafferty: 212.426.3355 Karyn Delay: Sarah Lafferty: slafferty@trevor.org Karyn Delay: 212.426.3396 kdelay@trevor.org (212) 584-3071 admissions@unis.org 212.691.5146 elee@vcs-nyc.org 212-873-5708 jsusser@westenddayschool.org 646-638-2705 x635 eradford@winstonprep.edu 212-734-0922 admissions@yorkavenuepreschool.org 212 362 0400 bparsons@yorkprep.org.
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