- O N A ^ VOLUME 11 \ 1934 ^ NUMBER 221 * ÜNlTtO ^ Washington, Wednesday, November 13, 1946 The President the Stabilization Act of 1942, as CONTENTS amended, and for the purpose of fur­ ther effecting an orderly transition from THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 9799 war to a peace-time economy, it is E xecutive O rders: Pa§e hereby ordered as follows: Hoffman, Mrs. Mary L., authori­ Authorizing the S ecretary of S tate T o All controls heretofore in effect stabi­ zation of appointment to E xercise the Authority of the P r esi­ lizing wages and salaries pursuant to civilian position at Naval dent To Cla ssify P ositions O ccupied the provisions of the Stabilization Act of Powder Factory, In d ia n by Ch iefs of M issio n 1942, as amended, including any Execu­ Head, Md., without compli­ tive order or regulation issued there­ ance with Civil Service By virtue of the authority vested in me under, are hereby terminated; except^ Rules ____________________ 13435 by section 303 of the Foreign Service Act that as to offenses committed, br rights Positions occupied by chiefs of of 1946, approved August 13,1946 (Public or liabilities incurred, prior to the date Law 724, 79th Congress), and section 202 mission; authorization of hereof, the provisions of such Executive Secretary of State to exer­ of the Revised Statutes (5 U. S. C. 156), orders and regulations shall be treated and as President of the United States, I cise authority of President as still remaining in force for the pur­ to classify________________ 13435 hereby authorize and direct the Secre­ pose of sustaining any proper suit, ac­ Wage and salary controls tary of State, in the interest of the in­ tion, or prosecution with respect to any adopted pursuant to Stabili­ ternal management of the Government, such right, liability, or offense. to exercise the authority vested in the zation Act, removal______ 13435 President by section 411 of the Foreign Harry S. T ruman REGULATIONS AND NOTICES Service Act of 1946 to classify into four T he W h ite House, classes the positions which are to be oc­ November 9,1946. Agriculture D epartment: cupied by chiefs of mission. Removal of wage and salary [F. R. Doc. 46-20338; Filed, Nov. 12, 1946; controls__________________ 13443 This order shall,become effective on 10:33 a. m.] Alien P roperty, Offic e o f : November 13, 1946. Vesting orders, etc.: Harry S. T ruman Baade, Ernest P. George____ 13444 Regulations Boger, Mrs. Emilie__________ 13444 T he W h ite House, Brakhage, Kathrina, et al__ 13445 November 8, 1946. Chikuma & Co., Ltd_________ 13445 [P. R. Doc. 46-20312; Piled, Nov. 8 , 1946;. Furuta, Frank S ____________ 13446 4:29 p. m.] w TITLE 5—ADMINISTRATIVE Hansen, Augusta, et al_____ 13443 PERSONNEL King, Elizabeth P___ _______ 13446 Civ il Aeronautics Administration : Chapter I—Civil Service Commission Aircraft registration certifi­ EXECUTIVE ORDER 9800 P art 60—Organization and Official cates; scope___________ 13437 Dealers registration certifi­ uthorizing the ppointment of rs R ecords of the Co m m issio n 1 A A M . c a te s ,______________ 13437 Mary L. Hoffman to a Civilian P o si­ INSPECTION DIVISION Procedure; aircraft registration tion at the Naval P owder F actory, certificates____________ 13438 I ndian Head, M aryland, W ithout Section 60.14a is added to this part as Civ il Aeronautics B oard: Compliance W ith the Civ il S ervice follows : Hearings,, etc.: R ules § 60.14a Inspection Division. The In­ Braniff Airways, Inc. et al___ 13447 No te: Executive Order 9800, dated spection Division has been established to Cincinnati case_,__________ 13446 November 8, 1946, was filed with the perform the following functions: To in­ Civ il S ervice Co m m issio n : Division of the Federal Register as Fed­ spect and review in the offices of the va­ Organization and' official rec­ eral Register Document No. 46-15750 rious agencies the carrying out of the va­ ords; inspection division__ 13435 (NP), on November 8,1946, at 4:29 p. m. rious personnel operations that have Civilian P roduction Administra­ been delegated and to secure adherence tio n : to the required standards and proce­ Priorities system operation (PR dures; to assist departments and agen­ 33, Sch. B ) _________ 1____ 13439 EXECUTIVE ORDER 9£01 cies in adhering to the policies, standards C ommodity E xchange Au th o rity: Trading, daily, and net positions R emoving W age and S alary Controls and procedures prescribed by the Com­ in cotton futures, reduction Adopted P ursuant to the S tabiliza­ mission for the administration of dele­ tion Act of 1942 gated authority; to inspect and review of limits; proposed rules__ 13438, 13446 By virtue of the authority vested in E conomic S tabilization, Of fic e o f: 1 11 F. R. 177A-362. we by the Constitution and statutes of Removal of wage and salary ine United States, and particularly by (Continued on p. 13437) controls__________________ 13443 13435 13436 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, November 13, 1946 CONTENTS—Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE—Continued F ederal P ower Com m issio n : Page T it l e 3—T he P resident— Con. Page FEDEMLPjtEGISTER Hearings^ etc.: Chapter II—Executive Orders— 'V, 1934 Connecticut Light and Power Continued. Co_____________________ 13452 9620 1-------------------------- 13435 Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line 96511--------------------------------- 13435 Co-------------------------------- 13452 9656 1--------------------------------- 13435 1 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, F ederal P ublic Housing Au ­ 9672 1--------------------------------- 13435 and days following legal holidays, by the t h o r ity : 96971--------------------------------- 13435 Division of the Federal Register, the National Low-rent housing and slum 96991__------------------------------ 13435 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained clearance program; proce­ 97371--------------------------------- 13435 in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, dures and requirements: 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ,9762 1--------------------------------- 13435 ch. 8B ), under regulations prescribed by the Completion of developments 79799----------------------------------- 13435 Administrative Committee, approved by the and project as whole___ 13439 49800----------------------------------- 13435 President. Distribution is made only by the Dwelling units, utilization for J 9801 ______________ ;_____ _ 13435 Superintendent of Documents, Government nondwelling purposes__ 13439 T itle 5— Administrative P er­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. I nternal R evenue Commissioner : sonnel: The regulatory material appearing herein is Removal of wage and salary Chapter I—Civil Service Com- keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, controls________ -________ 13443 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant i mission: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as I nterstate Commerce Commission : ^ Part 60—Organization and amended June 19, 1937. Coal, unloading at Port Arthur, official records_________ 13435 The F ederal Register will be furnished by Tex____________ 13452 Title 14—Civil Aviation: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 National W age S tabilization Chapter II—Administrator of per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ B oard: j Civil Aeronautics: vance. The charge for individual copies Removal of wage and salary J Part 501—Aircraft registra­ (minimum 15$) varies in proportion to the controls__________________ 13443 size of the issue. Remit check or money tion certificates_________ 13437 order, made payable to the Superintendent P rice Administration, O ffic e o f : ^ Part 502—Dealers’ registra­ of Documents, directly to the Government Preservation of records (SO 189, tion certificates________ 13437' Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Am. 1 )_________________-v 13442 v Part 651—Procedure_______ 13438 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Rice, finished, and rice milling Title 17—Commodity and Secur­ tion of material appearing in the F ederal byproducts (2d Rev. MPR ities Exchanges: Register. 150, Am. 19)_____________ , 13442 Chapter I—Commodity Ex­ Produced in South (2d Rev. change Authority: MPR 150, Order 3 )_____ 13453 Part 150—Orders of Coni-f NOW AVAILABLE R eciprocity I nformation Com­ modity Exchange Com-^ m itt e e: mission__________ 13438, 13446 Code of Federal Regulations Trade agreement negotiations Title 22—F oreign Relations: 1945 Supplement (2 documents)____________ 13447 Chapter I—Department of S ecu rities and E xchange C om­ I State: Book 1: Titles 1 through 9, in­ m issio n : .j i .’ - Part 1—Organization______ 13438 cluding, in Title 3, Presidential doc­ Hearings, etc.: •• * Part 2—Functions-_________ 13438 uments in full text with appropriate Hoar, Samuel, and Edward R. Title 24—Housing Credit: reference tables. Langenbach____________ 13453 J Chapter VI—Federal Public Southern Natural Gas Co. and Housing Authority: Book 2: Titles 10 through 14. Birmingham Gas Co____ 13454 * Part 610—Low-rent housing Book 3: Titles 15 through 32. Toledo Edison Co. and Cities and slum clearance pro­ Book 4: Titles 33 through 50. Service Co__ ___________ 13455 gram: procedures v (2 S tate D epartment. See also Reci­ These books may be obtained from the documents)_______ 13439 Superintendent of Documents, Government procity Information Com­ Title 29—Labor: Printing Office, at $3 each. mittee. Chapter VI—National Wage Functions; Foreign Service j - Stabilization Board___ ___ 13443 A limited sales stock of the 1944 Supple­ Boards___________________ 13438 ^. Chapter VHI—Commissioner of ment (3 books) is still available
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