Uniwersytet Warszawski Wydział Neofilologii ACTA PHILOLOGICA 39 Warszawa 2011 Komisja Wydawnicza Wydziału Neofilologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego: prof. dr hab. Barbara Kowalik (przewodnicząca) prof. dr hab. Bożenna Bojar dr Jolanta Dygul dr Anna Górajek dr Łukasz Grützmacher dr Joanna Żurowska dr hab. Marek Paryż Redaktorzy tomu: prof. dr hab. Barbara Kowalik dr hab. Marek Paryż ISSN 0065–1525 © Wydział Neofilologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego Wydanie I, nakład: 200 egz. Łamanie: Bartosz Mierzyński Dystrybucja: CHZ Ars Polona S.A. ul. Obrońców 25 03-933 Warszawa tel. 22 509 86 43 fax 22 509 86 40 Druk i oprawa: Sowa – Druk na życzenie www.sowadruk.pl tel. 22 431 81 40 Spis treści *** Sylwia Grądzielewska The Fall of the Princes of the Church. A Decline of the Authority of the Papacy at the Dawn of the Reformation ....................................................... 7 Bartłomiej Błaszkiewicz Motyw ukrzyżowania w średnioangielskich lirykach maryjnych .......................... 15 Katarzyna Pytel The Organisation of Meaning in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess .................. 22 Barbara Bienias Virgins or Whores? The Image of a Renaissance Woman in Parlour Games in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Othello .............................................. 29 Katarzyna Blacharska Satan’s Prayer: The First Soliloquy of John Milton’s Fallen Angel from the Perspective of Paul Ricoeur’s Notion of Lamentation as Prayer ........................... 37 Adam Zdrodowski Defending the Other. The American Indian in Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia ...................................................................... 45 Małgorzata Łuczyńska-Hołdys Man in His Spectre’s Power: William Blake’s Concept of the Selfhood ..................... 52 Alicja Bratkowska Geraldine from Coleridge’s Christabel as an Image of an Early Vampire ................... 59 Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko The Company of Angels: Heavenly Guides and Comforters in Victorian Children Deathbed Scenes ..................................................................... 68 Ewa Młynarczyk Exploring New Ways of Poetic Expression in Alfred Tennyson’s “Ulysses” ................. 76 Justyna Włodarczyk The Governess’s Correspondence: Letters in Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw .......... 81 Maciej Gałązka The Themes of Faery in The Man Who Dreamed of Faeryland by William Butler Yeats ...... 86 Zofia Janowska Similarity, Mirror Image or Complement? The Relationship between Septimus Warren Smith and Clarissa Dalloway in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway ................... 92 Maciej Reda The Literary Aspects of Gilbert Keith Chesterton’s Autobiography ......................... 98 Piotr Olański Isherwood’s Camera. Traces of Cinematic Narrative in Prater Violet and A Single Man ...... 105 Anna Wortman “An American province in the Soviet world empire.” J. Edgar Hoover’s Vision of the Communist United States of America ............................................ 113 Agnieszka Kotwasińska Searching for Material Clues: Hunter S. Thompson’s Rise and Fall ........................ 121 Marta Werbanowska Gone Down the American River: Resonances of Ginsberg’s Poetry in Saul Williams’ Poem , said the shotgun to the head. .................................................... 129 Bartłomiej Biegajło Three Different Versions of A Clockwork Orange in the Polish Cultural Milieu ............. 136 Marcin Gołąb The Internet Reception of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake and the Laws of the Hypertext ..... 143 Maciej Sulmicki Why Do We Need Neo-Victorian Fiction? A Survey of the Functions Served by British Novels Looking Back to the Nineteenth Century ................................. 150 Ewa Szymańska-Sabala Ali Smith and the Peripheries of Scottish Identity ....................................... 157 Dominika Oramus “Whatever there is of transcendence.” Metaphysics in William Gibson’s Cyberpunk Trilogy ................................................................... 164 Joanna Szwed-Śliwowska Nieustannie poszukując średniowiecza ................................................. 172 The Fall of the Princes of the Church… 5 *** Krzysztof Tkaczyk Johann Elias Schlegel. Przyjemność głównym celem sztuk pięknych ...................... 179 Michał Fijałkowski Inez de Castro. Drama historyczna Juliusa von Sodena i jej sukces na scenach polskich ..... 187 Joanna Godlewicz-Adamiec Die Suche nach der Ebenbürtigkeit und Verwandtschaft in der Liebe. Zwischen Inzest und Geschwisterliebe in der deutschsprachigen Literatur (am Beispiel von „Gregorius“ Hartmanns von Aue, „Isis und Osiris“, „Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften“ Robert Musils, „Bekenntnissen des Hochstaplers Felix Krull“, „Wälsungenblut“ und dem „Erwählten“ von Thomas Mann) ....................................................................... 196 Michał Jamiołkowski Czy Kurt Schwitters był dadaistą, cz. II ................................................. 203 Łukasz Gomułka Wspólnik Friedricha Dürrenmatta – rozważania w kontekście sztuki Samuela Becketta Końcówka ................................................................... 203 Wolfgang Brylla Ein Mosaik des Verbrechens. Narrative Konstruktion des Mordes im Krimiroman Tannöd von Andrea Maria Schenkel ........................................................... 213 Magdalena Daroch Literatura niemiecka a Holokaust w świetle opowiadania Maxima Billera Jak Cramer stał się przyzwoity ..................................................................... 229 Eliza Szymańska Nuran David Calis Frühlings Erwachen! im Vergleich mit seiner literarischen Vorlage ....... 225 *** Małgorzata Anna Jabłońska Quo vadis, Italia? Su alcuni paradossi e stereotipi dell’Italia e degli italiani a 150 anni dall’unitŕ ............................................................................. 243 Dominika Lipszyc Labor Racketeering ................................................................... 254 Dario Prola Fenoglio scrittore urbano: alcune considerazioni a margine del Partigiano Johnny .......... 260 6 Sylwia GRądzielewska Izabela Napiórkowska I megalomani della carta, i nativi digitali e i loro libri .................................... 268 Łukasz Jan Berezowski Quando la realtŕ diventa piů strana della fiction... Il fenomeno di fantapolitica sull’esempio delle opere di Agente Italiano: Il Broglio (2006) e Pronto, chi spia? Il libro nero delle intercettazioni (2006) ........................................................ 272 *** Marta Piłat Zuzankiewicz Francisco de Quevedo ante el origen y límites del poder temporal y espiritual. Consideraciones en torno a la aparición del Estado moderno ............................ 279 Karolina Kumor Entre repetición y diferencia: en torno a la reescritura del género del auto sacramental en Quién te ha visto y te ve y sombra de lo que eras, de Miguel Hernández ................. 286 Anna Kalewska A Loja do Ourives de Andrzej Jawień (Karol Wojtyła) – o drama filosófico sobre o amor humano na traduçăo e realidade cultural portuguesas ................................... 294 *** Monika Malinowska Motyw żywiołu w powieści Madeleine de Scudéry Klelia, historia rzymska (1654-1660) .... 302 Małgorzata Szymańska Jacques Chessex, écrivain vaudois ...................................................... 308 *** Elżbieta Szawerdo Utracjusze, łowcy posagów, małżeństwa dla pieniędzy – obraz XIX-wiecznej szlachty węgierskiej i polskiej arystokracji (na przykładzie powieści Lalka Bolesława Prusa i Jak się młody Nosty żenił Kálmána Mikszátha) .......................................... 315 Magdalena Roguska Kobieca tożsamość a gatunek. A kígyó árnyéka [Cień węża] Zsuzsy Rakovszky jako przykład tak zwanej powieści kobiecej .................................................. 322 The Fall of the Princes of the Church… 7 Sylwia Grądzielewska The Fall of the Princes of the Church. A Decline of the Authority of the Papacy at the Dawn of the Reformation Émile Durkheim, in his work The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life [1912], observed that “the profane could in no way enter into relations with the sacred” (2008: 40). That rule of the mutual exclusion of the sacred and the profane appeared to be the motto of the pontificates of such renowned Popes of the Middle Ages as Gregory the Great (590-604), Nicholas I (858-867), Gregory VII (1073-1085), and Innocent III (1198-1216). They reasserted the primacy and universality of the Papacy which they perceived as a duty based on humility and service, and remained truly devoted to the idea of preaching genuine faith by suppressing heresy and eliminating bribery and corruption from the Church. However, at the end of the 13th century, the Popes began to misconceive the actual significance of their office which, in their view, no longer served purely spiritual ends but became a mere means of the realization of their political and economic ambitions. The first serious signs of the decadence of the papal prestige emerged during the pontificate of Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303). He earned the reputation of a proud, unscrupulous, pretentious, implacable man, overcome by worldliness and the lust for power. Despite his spiritual leadership, he engaged in a war against Frederic of Sicily, conducted a personal vendetta against the Colonna family and enriched his relatives, particularly his nephew Peter, son of the Count of Caserta, at the expense of the Church. His announcement of the Holy Year in 1300, which granted a plenary indulgence to all pilgrims to Rome, initiated a series of jubilees that became the source of immense profit and unprecedented scandal
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