t the heart of the Syharhalna, a people has dedicated its existence to studying ADarkness, according to the precepts of Maldegen Dirz. These scientists use technomancy, a path that combines magic and alchemy, in order to create monsters. The creatures of Dirz serve the Syharhalna, helping the technomancers impose their vision of the world on Creation. Thanks to these creatures the Scorpion keeps its deadly sting of Darkness pointed ARMY BOOK • CREATURES OF DIRZ at its enemies. Burning in fi re and drowning in blood, Aarklash will soon witness the dawning of a new era: the alchemical age. “BREAK THE CODE TO MAKE THE POWER OF CREATION YOURS.” – Maldegen Dirz Th e Army Book: Creatures of Dirz is a supplement for Confrontation: the Age of the Rag’narok. It contains everything you need to play with or battle against the alchemical laboratories (Scorpion): • Exclusive information about the history of Maldegen Dirz and his most ingenious disciples; • Th e army rules for the four most famous laboratories on Aarklash; • Th e story and rules of many Incarnates, CREATURES OF including exclusive characters; • Th e game rules for the creatures grown in the alchemical laboratories and the clones of Dirz themselves, as well as generic artifacts, miracles and spells; • New distinctive features and trades for the tactical role playing game Cadwallon. DIRZ ARMY BOOK Confrontation: the Age of the Rag’narok is Editor price: 15 € / $ 15 necessary to use the rules found in this book. ISBN : 978-2-915556-84-1 Miniatures, terrain elements, dice, tape measure and template sold separately. www.rackham.fr www.confrontation.fr DDirz_Couv_UK.inddirz_Couv_UK.indd 1 114/03/084/03/08 113:57:203:57:20 EDITORIAL AND ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Jean Bey STUDIO DIRECTOR Philippe Chartier EDITORIAL MANAGER Sébastien Célerin DESIGNERS-WRITERS Arnaud Cuidet, Collin Kelly, Jean-Baptiste Lullien TABLE OF CONTENT and Nicolas Raoult INTRODUCTION . 2 EDITION SECRETARY PART I: UNIVERSE . 3 Collin Kelly Th e Alchemical laboratories. .4 GRAPHIC ARTISTS Th e Fate of Maldegen Dirz . .10 TABLE OF CONTENT Mathieu Harlaut PART II: TECHNOMANCERS . 21 ILLUSTRATORS Raising an army . .22 1 Paul Bonner, Nicolas Fructus, Kheris – clone 66U184 . .24 SO 150: Shamir. .26 Édouard Guiton, Florent Maudoux, SO 38: Th eben. .30 Paolo Parente, Didier Poli. SO 78: Eclipse . .34 SCULPTORS SO 58: Cadwallon . .38 Yannick Fusier, Sébastien Labro, Clones . .42 Stéphane N’Guyen Van Gioi, Crossbowmen . .43 Elfried Perochon, Stéphane Simon Hybrids alpha . 44 and Rafal Zelazo. Sentinels . .45 Skorizes . 46 MINIATURES PAINTERS Phemera alpha . .47 Vincent Fontaine Phemera omega . .48 PHOTOGRAPHER Syhar sighthounds . .49 Jean-Baptiste Guiton Dasyatis evolution . .50 Nemesis evolution . .51 TRANSLATOR Aberration prime . .52 Collin Kelly Dasyatis prime . .53 Nefarius prime . .54 SPECIAL THANKS TO Scorpio . .55 Jez Fairclough, Jon Finn Cloning tank . .56 and Grant Hill. PARTIE III: APPENDIXES. 57 Travel Journal . .58 Cadwallon . .61 Laboratories of Dirz company sheet . .www.confrontation.fr Th e miniatures have been created by RACKHAM®. Th ey are issued from the universe of Confrontation: Th e Age of the Rag’narok®, a game published by RACKHAM®. Confrontation: Th e Age of the Rag’narok®, CRY HAVOC® and RACKHAM® are RACKHAM® trademarks. Copyright © 1996-2008 RACKHAM®. All rights reserved. All the illustrations, pictures, miniatures and miniatures names are exclusive creations owned by RACKHAM®. RACKHAM® miniatures are not toys. It is dangerous to put them in your mouth or to swallow them. RACKHAM® miniatures are not suitable for children under 3 years old. Confrontation: Th e Age of the Rag’narok® miniatures are made in China. RACKHAM 44, rue de Lagny. 93100 MONTREUIL-SOUS-BOIS. Tel. + 33. (0) 1.55 86 89 20. Fax : + 33. (0) 1.55 86 89 25 www.rackham.fr - www.confrontation.com - www.rackham-store.com © Copyright RACKHAM®, 1996-2008. All right reserved. COPYRIGHT REGISTRATION: March 2008 ISBN : 978-2-915556-84-1 Confrontation: Th e Age of the Rag’narok® is published by Rackham S.A. with a capital of 321 589,20 € RCS Bobigny B 414 947 887 Legal representative: Jean Bey Printed in China AAB_DIRZ_ppB_DIRZ_pp 001-021-02 UK.inddUK.indd 1 114/03/084/03/08 114:03:024:03:02 INTRODUCTION “Th e source is the code. Th e code generates the stems. Th is publication contains every element you will need to From the stems, shoot the branches. Cut the branches to play an army of the creatures of Dirz. reveal the stems. Investigate the stem to collect the code. Universe explains how the laboratories understand the Break the code to make the power of creation yours.” Rag’narok. You will also fi nd a short summary of the history – Maldegen Dirz of this army as well as a presentation of its specialties in terms of creatures. Th e Troops chapter presents all the fi ghters available, from the modest clone trooper to the most monstrous creatures ever created, without forgetting the war machines and titans. Armies of the Rag’narok presents the factions of the labo- 2 ratories of Dirz, their forces, their weaknesses, their omni- mancers and their favorite clones. Th is section also describes the Incarnates of the laboratories of Dirz: their characteristics, their story, their special abilities and their artifacts. Travel journal is a collection of rituals and communions shared by Incarnates as well as artifacts famous across Cre- ation. Finally, the Cadwallon section describes in detail the cul- ture of the Scorpion: new distinctive features, new cultural INTRODUCTION profi les, new trades and so on for the tactical role playing game Cadwallon. At the heart of the Syharhalna live the alchemists who have dedicated their existence to studying the Principle of Dark- THE LABORATORIES OF DIRZ ness. Th ey live according to the precepts of Maldegen Dirz, a genius originally from Akkylannie who was outcast by his kin. Encircled by their enemies and devoid of any kind of conscience, these scientists use the secrets of technomancy, a mystical discipline combining magic and alchemy, to spawn monstrous creatures. Th e Rag’narok is raging and Arh-Tolth, god of pain and knowledge, is commanding them to conquer Aarklash. Th e Headquarters: None. ORIGINS creatures of Dirz serve the Empire of the Syharhalna to help Each laboratory works on Country of origin: their masters impose their vision of Creation. Th eir emblem is its own. Syharhalna (Empire of). the Scorpion, crouched in the desert, pointing its deadly ven- Leader: Th e Emperor is Language: Syhar. omous sting at its enemy. A sting called alchemy. dead. Each omnimancer Th e four main laboratories of the Syharhalna are pursuing a is sole master inside his COMPANIES secret goal: conquering the process of evolution to create the laboratory. Gift of the Scorpion: perfect being that will lead to the return of Maldegen Dirz. Totem: Scorpion. Each unit can use the gift Each laboratory is in possession of a fragment of the gigan- Alliance or alignment: of the Scorpion once per tic research project. Each one has its specialty and its favor- Th e Meanders of Dark- round, before any charac- ite creatures. Each one is managed by an Omnimancer who, ness. teristic test. Th e chosen since the death of Maldegen Dirz, has absolute power over his Factions: Laboratory of test is resolved rolling as laboratory. Cadwallon, laboratory of many additional dice as Th e creatures of Dirz are currently sowing terror across the Shamir, laboratory of Th e- the unit’s Rank. Th ese dice eastern parts of Aarklash and their advance seems unstop- ben and Eclipse laboratory. are not bonus dice, so they pable. Th ey are supported by technomancy and by their faith Mortal enemies: Th e can be re-rolled. in Arh-Tolth. Th ey are led into combat by Incarnates, cham- Empire of Akkylannie, the Primary element of the pions of the gods: some are genius technomancers, some are Republic of Tir-Nâ-Bor, magicians: Darkness. exceptional warriors and some of them are even glory seeking the Clans of the Tree- Cult of the faithful: clones. Burning with fi re and drenched in blood, Aarklash will Spirit. Arh-Tolth. soon witness the dawning of a new era: the alchemical age. AAB_DIRZ_ppB_DIRZ_pp 001-021-02 UK.inddUK.indd 2 114/03/084/03/08 114:03:154:03:15 FIRST PART UNIVERSE THE LABORATORIES THE 3 AAB_DIRZ_ppB_DIRZ_pp 003-093-09 UK.inddUK.indd 3 114/03/084/03/08 114:11:584:11:58 THE LABORATORIES 4 UNIVERSE Th ousands of individuals are born every day in the cities of Th e vast desert of the Syharhalna is certainly not poor the Syharhalna. Th e overwhelming majority is composed of and barren. Th e experimental farms of the new Shamir and clones created by technomancers; the others are true-born, the cutting-edge agricultural industries of Tenseth eff ort- children born through the biological reproduction process lessly produce food to feed the entire empire. Th e mines of destined to form a caste of Scorpion leaders. Kraken Mountains extract ores of a great variety of metals. Immediately after they are born the fully grown clones are Th e technomancers turn them into complex alloys that allow sent to large crèches, where they receive the elementary les- the clones to wield the most ingenious weapons available on sons that will make them worthwhile members of the most Aarklash, such as the dreaded sword-axe. sophisticated civilization of Aarklash. Th ey are taught to read All these resources fuel the laboratories and their armies of and write. Th ey are given an understanding of science and a creatures. Born from the brilliant minds of the technomanc- sense of duty. Th ey learn to respect their masters and more ers, these creatures are designed to join the Scorpion’s unstop- importantly to revere the true-born.
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