July 2017 Information from the Diocese of Charleston IMPORTANT: Event dates and times are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information regarding the events listed, please refer to the corresponding diocesan office or diocesan calendar at www.themiscellany.org. Second collections Bulletin Enclosures A letter from Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone concerning Office of Continuing Education for Priests upcoming collections in the diocese is attached. Please Msgr. Edward Lofton, Director encourage your parishioners to be as generous as possible. Sept. 9-25—Fifteen-Day Catholic Tour of India Aug. 13—Archdiocese for the Military Services [Enclosed: flyer (2 pages)] Send collections to the Office of Finance, 901 Orange Grove Nov. 13-17—Toolbox for Pastoral Management workshop Road, Charleston, SC 29407. [Enclosed: letter, brochure (2 pages), registration form] [Enclosed: letter] Office of Ethnic Ministries Enclosures from the Bishop Kathleen Merritt, Director Word of Life series July 15—Feast Day Celebration of St. Kateri Tekakwitha [Enclosed: postcard invitation] The Word of Life series is a monthly newsletter resource for dioceses and parishes that is available in both English Office of Family Life and Spanish. Please click the following link to view the Kathy Schmugge, Director Word of Life series or view the attached enclosure. http://www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/word-of- Aug. 4-6—Journey of Hope Conference for Divorce life/index.cfm Recovery [Enclosed: newsletter (3 pages)] [Enclosed: flyer] Aug. 11-12—2017 Family Honor Presenter Retreat Calendars [Enclosed: flyer/schedule] Aug. 13—Marian Year Pilgrimage Apostolate of Prayer for Priests Calendar [Enclosed: flyer] Sisters of the Precious Blood Office of Hispanic Ministry Aug. 2017 Gustavo Valdez, Director [Enclosed: calendar] July 20—Concierto de La Voz Del Desierto Diocesan Calendar [Enclosed: flyer] Aug. 2017 Aug. 4-5—Ultimate Happiness Vocations Retreat Please send items for future calendars to Kelly Hargett, [Enclosed: flyer] Office of Publications and Information at Aug. 12—Diocesan V Encuentro & School of Faith [email protected]. Conference [Enclosed: calendar] [Enclosed: flyer] Mark Your Calendar Office of Youth and Young Adults Ministry Jerry White, Director Sept. 17-20—International Catholic Stewardship Council’s Aug. 1—New Youth Minister 1-day Boot Camp th 55 Annual Conference [Enclosed: brochure (2 pages)] Jan. 8-11, 2018—Priest Convocation Aug. 4-6—The Mission of Young Adult Ministry Aug. 20-22, 2018—Provincial Meeting of Bishops and [Enclosed: brochure] Priests for the Atlanta Province Aug. 18-20—CORE Retreat [Enclosed: brochure (2 pages)] Announcements & general Seminar & webinar offerings information Loaves and Fishes Stewardship Webcast Series th Office of Stewardship and Mission Advancement Diocese of Charleston 200 Anniversary Rome Carrie Mummert, Director pilgrimages [Enclosed: memo, schedule] Office of Youth and Young Adults Ministry Jerry White, Director Diocese of Charleston Creighton Model [Enclosed: letter (2 pages), Adult pilgrimage information Practitioner Education Program and registration (4 pages), Family/youth pilgrimage Office of Family Life information and registration (4 pages)] Kelli Ball, NFP Coordinator [Enclosed: flyer] Formation for Mission and Ministry Year III Office of Pastoral Formation Sister Kathy Adamski, OSF [Enclosed: informational letter and schedule (3 pages)] International Catholic Stewardship Council’s Conference Office of Stewardship and Mission Advancement Carrie Mummert, Director The International Catholic Stewardship Conference will be held in Atlanta from Sept. 17-20, 2017. Offering ideas on best practices, proven strategies and plenty of inspiration, it’s not to be missed! This is the closest this conference will ever be to South Carolina. If your parish wishes to send a representative but funding is an issue, please contact Anne Durney in the Office of Stewardship and Mission Advancement at [email protected] or (843) 261- 0437 to discuss options. [Enclosed: registration information (8 pages)] World Youth Day 2019 Office of Youth and Young Adults Ministry Lexie Segrest, Associate Director to Young Adults Ministry [Enclosed: letter, brochure (2 pages)] r-\ ROMAN CATHOLIC L'IOCESE OFCHARLESTON OFFICE OFTHE BISHOP July 2017 DearBrothers and Sistersin Christ, Now is a time of greattransition for our Catholicbrothers and sisters serving in the United StatesArmed Forces.While manyare home with their familiesin the wakeof troop withdrawalsfrom the Middle East,others remain on the front linesto facea scatteredbut determinedenemy. Those still deployedendure ongoing adversity, sacrifice and danger. Those back home confront major life adjustments- alwaysaware they couldbe calledback to actionat anytime, asare others who have yet to experiencecombat. Facing so manykinds of hardship,these Catholics in uniformrely on the priestswho serveas military chaplainsfor spiritualsupport, guidance in faith andaccess to the sacraments. How canwe, as witnessesto the Gospel,be there for our fellow Catholicswho put so much on the line to defendour Country? In 2013,the United StatesConference of CatholicBishops approved a new national collectionto be takenup onceevery three years to supportthe Archdiocesefor the Military Services- the only arm of the Churchresponsible for priestswho serveas chaplains in the U.S. Military around theworld. This collectionoffers each of us a substantialway to "servethose who serve."Funds will helpthe Archdiocesefor the Military Servicesand its endorsedpriests bring the Church'sfull range of pastoralservices to the menand women in uniform,as well astheir familiesand patients in the nation'sVeteran Affairs medicalcenters. They will supportreligious education in remotelocations, priestlyformation of new chaplainsat a time of criticalshortage, and financial planning to meetthe challengesof shepherdinga globalarchdiocese that is presentwherever U.S. military personnelare stationed. The Archdiocesefor the Military Servicesreceives no governmentfunding. Please be generouswith your gift that helpsassure a priestlypresence for our menand women in uniform. ln the Lord's Peace, Qa*s^L,^ MostReverend Robert E.6uslielmone Bishopof Charleston The collectiondate for the Dioceseof Charlestonis August13,2017. 9or OrangeGrove Road . Charleston,SC 29407 . f4g) zz5-Zg+9 . Fax:(849) 804-9463 . www.sccatholic.org WORD OF LIFE: AUGUST 2017 Intercessions for Life August 6th The Transfiguration of the Lord For members of the Church: May God open our eyes to his gift of life and move our hearts with compassion to protect and care for it; We pray to the Lord: August 13th Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the times we fear sharing our pro-life convictions: May the Lord strengthen our faith and grant us courage to follow him; We pray to the Lord: August 20th Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time For our country: May the Lord, the giver of life, grant that respect for each person shapes our law and way of life; We pray to the Lord: August 27th Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time For those working in post-abortion healing ministries: May the Holy Spirit work through them to bring healing, freedom, and peace to all wounded by abortion; We pray to the Lord: View, download, and order the 2016–2017 Respect Life Program materials! www.usccb.org/respectlife Copyright © 2017, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. WORD OF LIFE – August 2017 Bulletin Briefs Recommended dates are provided, but you are welcome to use these quotes at any time. The QR codes to the right of each quote can be used in bulletins, newsletters, etc. When scanned with a smartphone, the QR codes will direct to the webpage where the referenced resource is located. August 6th “By opening our hearts to his love and mercy, we let Christ dwell in us and we see more deeply the intricate and unique beauty of each person.” Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Chairman USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities 2013 Respect Life Month Statement, https://goo.gl/sLEXYo. August 13th “God loves us, treats us with respect, and asks us to do the same with others. … No one should ever be treated callously or carelessly— everyone should be cherished and protected!” Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Chairman USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities 2016 Respect Life Month Statement, https://goo.gl/sAeD1G. August 20th “The effectiveness of our commitment to peace depends on our understanding of human life. If we want peace, let us defend life!” Pope Benedict XVI, Morning Address, September 15, 2012, Apostolic Journey to Lebanon © 2012 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. https://goo.gl/hjJiNo. August 27th “May the infinite depth and breadth of Christ’s Divine Mercy remind us that no wound is too great for God to heal.” Pray for Life: April 2016, https://goo.gl/rgX7jH. USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Sign up for monthly reflections at www.usccb.org/prayforlife! View, download, and order the 2016–2017 Respect Life Program materials! www.usccb.org/respectlife Copyright © 2017, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. WORD OF LIFE – August 2017 Bulletin Art Recommended dates are provided, but you are welcome to use these images at any time. However, please do not alter the images in any way, other than the size. Thank you! Sunday, August 13th, 2017 Download Sunday, August 27th, 2017 Download View, download, and order the 2016–2017 Respect Life Program materials! www.usccb.org/respectlife
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