29780 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 10, 1976 tion to Federal agencies. Provides criminal the Aged and Other Social Security Bene­ for telephone exchange service. Requires the and civil penalties for violations of this Act. ficiaries designed to reflect the relevant price Federal Communications Commission to H.R. 15178. August 10, 1976. Merchant Ma­ information for individuals, as a group, who make specific findings in connection with rine and Fisheries. Authorizes the Secretary are 65 years of age or older or are otherwise Commission actions authorizing specialized of the Army to oversee the work necessary to entitled to monthly benefits under the pro­ carriers. increase the capacity and improve the op­ gram of Old-Age, Survivors; and Disability H.R. 15186. August 10, 1976. Ways and erations of the Panama Canal through the Insurance of the Socia-I Security Act. Means. Amends the Social Security Act by adaptation of the Third Locks project. Es­ H.R. 15183. August 10, 1976. Public Works removing the limitation upon the amount of tablishes the Panama Canal Advisory and In­ and Transportation. Amends the Federal Avi­ outside income which an individual may spection Board to study and review all plans ation Act of 1958 to allow air carriers to of­ earn while receiving Old-Age, Survivors, and and designs for the Third Locks project. Re­ fer reduced-rate transportation on a space­ Disability Insurance benefits. quires the Board to report to the Governor available basis to persons who are 65 years H.R. 15187. August 10, 1976. Interstate and of the Canal Zone, the President, and the of age or older or 21 years of age or younger, Foreign Commerce. Specifies the minimum Congress. to handicapped persons, and to an attendant annual rate of basic pay for the Assistant H.R. 15179. August 10, 1976. Interstate and of such a handicapped person. Secretary for Health of the Department of Foreign Commerce. Eliminates the require­ H .R. 15184. August 10, 1976. Interstate and Health, Education, and Welfare, the Director ment, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Foreign Commerce. Amends the Public of the National Institutes of Health, and Cosmetic Act, that new drugs will be regu­ Health Service Act to make the United States the Director of each institute within the lated according to their effectiveness. States liable for claims for personal injury or death National Institutes of Health. that such drugs will be regulated solely to resulting from the administration of vaccine H.R. 15188. August 10, 1976. Post Office and assure their safety. under the national swine flu innoculation Civil Service. Provides, under the Legislative Reorganization Act, that pay adjustments H.R. 15180. August 10, 1976. Interstate and program where such claims are based upon the act or omission of a program participant for Members of Congress may take effect no Foreign Commerce. Eliminates the require­ earlier than the beginning of the Congress ment, under the Federal Food, Drug, and (except in cases of negligence) . Establishes procedures for bringing sudh next following the Congress in which they Cosmetics Act, that new drugs will be regu­ are approved. lated according to their effectiveness. States actions. Makes the remedy accorded by this Act the exclusive legal remedy. H.R. 15189. August 10, 1979. Post Office and that such drugs will be regulated solely to Civil Service. Provides, under the Legislative assure their safety. H.R.·15185. August 10, 1976. Interstate and Reorganization Act, that pay adjustments for H.R. 15181. August 10, 1976. Ways and Foreign Commerce. Reaffirms the intent of Members of Congress may •take effect no Means. Authorizes semiannual computation Congress with respect to the structure of the earlier than the beginning of the Congress of cost-of-living increases in Old Age, Sur­ common carrier telecommunications indus­ next following the Congress in which they vivors and Disability Insurance benefits un­ try rendering services in interstate and for­ are approved. eign commerce. Grants additional author­ der the Social Security Act. H.R. 15190. August 10, 1979. Judiciary. Di­ H.R. 15182. August 10, 1976. Ways and ity to the Federal Communications Com­ rects the Secretary of the Treasury to pay a Means. Authorizes and directs the Secretary mission to authorize mergers of carriers specified sum to a certain individual in full of Labor, through the Bureau of Labor Sta­ when deemed to be in the public interest. settlement of such individual's claims against tistics, to prepare, as part of the Consumer Reaffirms the authority of the States to reg­ the United States arising from his evacuation Price Index, the Consumer Price Index for ulate terminal and station equipment used from Saigon, Vietnam, in April, 1975. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS JASON JAY MEADOWS CALLED FOR thoughts. I ask unanimous consent that erance toward another's viewpoint without A DECLARATION OF SELF­ excerpts from his prepared remarks be any smugness about your own view." An­ DEPENDENCE IN AN UNDELIV­ printed in the RECORD. other reply was: "Giving of one's self or There being no objection, the excerpts means without any thought of reward or of ERED SPEECH recognition." A third was "Refusal to judge were ordered to be printed in the RECORD ~ another's actions or motives without first HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH as follows: knowing what lies behind them." The fourth Mr. Commander, Guests, Members: person said: "Forgiving wrongs done us with OF WEST VIRGINIA . You all know that I hold your invitation to no thought of recrimination or retaliation." IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES be here as a distinct honor and privilege as As the talk went round the table, it came you bring to a conclusion the week's observ­ Friday, September 10, i976 to me that most of the people were naming ation that included the worthy and signifi­ some aspect of the noblest and rarest of all Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, last cant objectives: Religious Freedom, Honor human graces: forgiving loyalty; magnan­ April a cherished friend, Jason Jay America, Community Services Day, Educa­ imity; rising above pettiness or meanness; Meadows, from my hometown of Elkins, tion Day, Help the Needy Day, Uniformed generosity, a major virtue which at any level Services Day, and Loyalty Day. My invitation sweetens life, and at the highest level, glori­ had prepared a speech for Loyalty Day was to attend to Loyalty, defined by the fies it. ceremonies at the Tygart Valley Post dictionary as: Now that we agree what we are talking 3647 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. "Faithful to love, promise, or duty, as a about, let me invite you to consider how our Jason was a former Randolph County faithful husband; Faithful to one's country nation came to be, back there in the early Superintendent of Schools. The speech or government, ·as a loyal citizen; Charac­ 1770's. Bear in mind that the colonists at he was to have delivered contained an terized by showing faithfulness to obliga­ first did not intend to revolt; there was no excellent assessment of moral and hu­ tions, duties, contracts; One who is true, planned revolution. All those good men man qualities. He had given more than devoted, constant." wanted to do was to get their mother coun­ Now, to men who have demonstrated try to treat them fairly, justly, honestly. King 42 years of service to public education, loyalty beyond that of other veterans, the George's stupid stubbornness, his unin­ starting as a teacher in a one-room Veterans of Foreign Wars, attention to this formed advisors, their harsh and tyrannical schoolhouse. He became Superintendent quality, this trait of genuine character, may replies to the entreaties of the colonists­ of Schools for Randolph County, of come belatedly, many, many years belatedly. all this encouraged, indeed, formed the idea which Elkins is the county seat, in 1971. This may be exemplified by asking you to re­ of separating from England. This resulted in Under his leadership the county realized call, in the early 1940's, your first Sunday the formation of the Continental Congress real progress in replacing outmoded aboard ship on the way to wherever you were to consider what should be done. These men facilities with new buildings, including a destined. Remember? A fellow viewed things decided after long and thorough debate to quite differently, I daresay. I surely did! separate from England, their country. much needed vocational center. The ad­ Recently at a Davis and Elkins College Each time we review history we are more dress Jay Meadows was to have given gathering for foreign students (D. & E. has and more impressed with the amazing bril­ stressed the character traits of our now enrolled some 84 students from twenty­ liance of the minds of these men, the clarity Founding Fathers, and called for a four foreign nations), a fellow at our table of their perception, and the thoroughness ot declaration of self-dependence for told us of a device he had: throwing out a their understanding. During the long, hot Americans. challenge topic to get the conversation going summer, every aspect of the action was According to his wife, Margaret, he when there were people present who had analyzed with the risks involved. The risks never met before. His device was very clever, were enormous. These men were risking gave of 'himself in the pre parati on of his yet very simple. It was to throw out a topic, everything, as they said when they signed address. In the early morning of May 1, social, political, or philosophical, and invite the Declaration of Independence, and "to this of the day he was to speak, our friend each guest to air his opinion.
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