European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences 2013; www.european-science.com vol.2, No.2, pp.279-287 ISSN 1805-3602 The study of development degree among the cities of Sistan and Baluchistan province Naser Dahani Department of Accounting, Iranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iranshahr, Iran Received for publication: 21 January 2013. Accepted for publication: 01 May 2013. Abstract the issues that always has engaged the minds of re- searchers, economists, decision makers and pro- The first step in regional development planning gram planners at the regional level. Need for more is to identify the current status of the area in which attention to the less developed and undeveloped re- the identification is required for the analysis of var- gions for optimal use of the capabilities and the fa- ious sections including economic, social and cul- cilities of these regions requires the existence of tural ones. In order to allocate funds and resources scientific, accurate and reasonable knowledge of among different regions, identifying their position having and lacking dimensions in different regions. in the relevant section and rank them in terms of Further, recognizing and understanding the development potentials is necessary. There are dif- differences between different regions in order to ferent methods to rank economic, social and cultur- balance the level of regional development through al sections that necessarily do not lead to the same the provision of economic and social programs to answers. Among these methods, taxonomy analysis suit the characteristics of each region has high im- by combining the different indices of development, portance. Economic and industrial development determines the development degree of the regions. revolves around productivity; therefore, it may pro- The present study is ranking 10 cities of Sistan and voke disparities and lack of coordination between Balochestan province according to several indica- different national territory areas, especially in de- tors such as education, health, agriculture, indus- veloped countries. Indeed, in development pro- try and mining, culture, population, and housing in grams, the space as a determining variable is of- separate and combined form in terms of develop- ten forgotten and they want to develop as quickly as ment during the years 1996-2006 using 70 common possible to mobilize the national capital, assistance indices. In 1996, Zahedan was the most developed from abroad and become industrial and by reading city and Nikshahr was the least developed city while rewarding statistics they provide planning results. in 2006, Zahedan again was the most developed city But, economic balance and harmony between the in province and Sarbaz was the least developed city regions does not exist and even the regional dichot- due to its newly established. omy has intensified. Inequality in creating oppor- tunities and facilities for the development in differ- Keywords: development, regional development, ent areas has caused imbalance growth. taxonomic analysis, education, health. For resource allocation among different areas, the position of each section should be identified in Introduction the area on one hand and different sections in dif- ferent areas should be identified and prioritized in The study of economic imbalances and dis- order to specify this position, on the other hand. parities between regions can be regarded as one of Therefore, in this paper, we will prioritize cities in Corresponding author: Naser Dahani, Department of Accounting, Iranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iranshahr, Iran. E-mail: [email protected]. Copyright © Naser Dahani, 2013 European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences; vol.2, No. 2, pp. 279-287 279 Social science section Sistan and Baluchistan province in terms of devel- istan province. The cities included in this province opment by using development criteria, taxonomy are Iranshahr, Chabahar, Khash, Delgan, Zabol, methods and factor analysis. Zaboli, Zahedan, Zahak, Saravan, Sarbaz, Sib and Sooran, Konarak, Nikshahr, Hirmand. Research background According to the history and culture of this area, Toosi-Hakim’s in Shahnameh expressed that In determining the level of areas’ development Sistan is the eleventh territory which Ahura Mazda and studying inequality between them, different re- has created. search has been done inside and outside of Iran. Re- Historians have attributed the Sistan building to garding international studies, we can refer to the Garshasb descendant of Kiomars. The Sistan land research done in India and Portugal. Inequality be- was flourishing at the time of the Achaemenids. tween India’s states was done by Nourbakhsh (2002, According to what was found by Inscription of Bi- as cited in Salimifar, 2003) as human development setoon and Persepolis, Sistan has mentioned as one and regional differences in India. Also, Batya-Ray of the Dariush eastern country. At that time, Sis- (2004, as cited in Ahangari & Dalvand, 2005) us- tan was one of the allies of Sasanian’s government ing 23 indicators including 12 agricultural indica- and then conquered by the Muslims. After Saffa- tors and 11 infrastructure indicators with numerical rids, Ghaznavids, Seljuk, Mongols, Timurids, Safa- taxonomy methods to determine the level of agri- vids and Afsharian and the rest had ruled the Sistan. cultural development of 380 blocks in 32 districts The oldest name is given to the land of Balo- of India. Joe - Maria (2001, as cited in Ahangari & chistan is Makamy. Also, in Dariush’s inscriptions Dalvand, 2005 ), based on factor analysis method, it was called Makya. But, the word of Balochistan ranked continental regions of Portugal during the added to the name of the area when the Baloch years 1991 - 1995 in terms of development. people were dwelling there, the area where the na- Some studies were done within the country in tives were living in it. terms of development level, ranking, and dispari- Balochistan is a land of history to 3000 BC. It ties between them such as Khezri’s (1997) Kurdis- is obvious that Cyrus has occupied Makran during tan province cities, Borzouei’s (1995) study in Ma- the Indian campaign. Ferdowsi has spoken of bal- zandaran province, Habibi and others’ (1999, as uch and migration battalion. During the caliphate cited in Salimifar, 2003) study in Qazvin province of the second Caliph, the land was occupied by the in both general and partial with methods of factor Arabs. Then, Saffarids, Daylamyan, Seljuks and analysis and numerical taxonomy. others have reigned over the land. During the reign Further, Bakhtiari (2001) has ranked all Iran’s of Muhammad Shah, Iranshahr area was captured provinces in terms of industrial development by us- and then gradually other areas of Balochistan were ing the above-mentioned method. Islami (1993) has under the control of central government. also studied the level of development and inequali- The province has about 1100 km common bor- ty between rural areas of the country. Ahangari and der with Afghanistan and Pakistan and around Dalvand (2005) specified the development level in a 300 kilometers maritime boundary on the north- general study during the years 1994 and 2003 in Lo- ern coast of the Oman Sea. It has a dry climate, the restan province, in which the cities of the province province is arid and low rainfall and mean annual were ranked in terms of development degree. precipitation is about 100 mm. This minimal rain- fall suddenly falls and causes flood and destruction. Methodology The difference between the minimum and maxi- mum temperature is over 40 °C. The mean maxi- Study area mum is 32 °C above zero and the mean minimum Sistan and Baluchistan province with an area of temperature is 14.7 °C. approximately 187,502 square kilometers has allo- cated 11.5% of the country’s total area. According Data analysis method to the latest divisions of the country, the province In order to analyze the data collected for the has 14 city, 36 urban centers, 40 districts, 102 rural purpose of this study, factor analysis was utilized. district and 8,167 villages with inhabitants. It is a general term for a number of different but re- Zahedan is the capital of Sistan and Baluch- lated mathematical and statistical techniques in or- Openly accessible at http://www.european-science.com 280 Social science section der to investigate the nature of the relationships be- 1963 and in 1968 as a means for categorizing and tween variables in a given set. This method was first International development was used by Professor introduced by Pearson in 1901 and then it was de- Helving from economics college at UNESCO. In veloped by Hatling in 1922. this method, in order to determine the units or dif- Harman and Hatling in 1941 (as cited in Wil- ferent homogeneous topics in a three-dimensional liamson, 2000) developed circulation procedure in vector space and without using of regression, vari- order to create core components. It is most used to ance and correlation analysis will be able to divide determine the degree of relative development. Fac- one series into more or less homogeneous series. tor analysis is a technique in which the reduction Therefore, this method can be used as the criterion of many interrelated variables will be possible into for recognizing a range of regional, social and eco- a smaller number of hidden dimensions. The main nomic development. Numerical taxonomy changes objective is the economy principle observance and the variables into a standard form. Then, in order to saving by applying the smallest explanatory con- calculate the distance between all cities based on all cepts in order to explain the maximum amount of variables, the most similar city is specified in order common variance in correlation matrix. to the shortest distance. In the next stage, hetero- Therefore, when a group of variables are highly geneous cities will be specified and selected for fur- correlated and or variables in other groups may have ther analysis.
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