DOCUMENT RES ED 239'863' .SE 043 778 TITLF. Records of Achievemnt. NASA Special Publications.. INSTITUTION National*, AeronaUtic and Space Administration, "WaqhingtOn, REPORT NO NASA-SP-470 PUB DE NOTE ". 143p. AVAILABLE F'-ROM National Technical Information Service, '52.85 Port Royal Rd.., Springfield, VA 22161. ) PUB_TYPE Reference Materia;S - Bibliographies (131)- ) tDRS'PRICE MF01/PC.06 lus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Aerospace Technology; Biology; Chemistry; Cdmputer eScience; * deference Proceedings; Engineeting; `Engines; G blogy; Mathematics; *PubliCations; *ScientifiCReseatch; Social Sciences; *Space - Exploration; *Space Sciences IDENTIFIERS- *National!Aeronautics And Space Administration ABSTRACT 1 ighen Congress created the- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). 25 years ago, it directed that information derived frOm the agency's pursuit ofJcaowledge th'tough space explotation and1 aeronautical research be made available to all Americans. This has been accomplished through a series of )scientific and technical publications. One series, NASA Special Publications, includes' missidn't,70orts, aerodynamic treatises, structural analyses, planetary atlases,/conferenceproceedings, extensive referenpe .s materials, and other material whose scope and significance outgrewf the 'bounds of customary research reports and journal a'rticles:,This, document Trovides-lists of all Special Publications that NASA, has published since/the series began in 1961. Entries are presented under the followng categories: general publications; handbooks and data compilations; technology utilization; management .ebaluation and analysis standards; bibliographies; space vehicle design criteria; specification's; reference publications; and conference publications.; Each entry includes title, author(s), publication date and number, /number of pages, ,original sales source', and (when appropriate) a brief annotation. Entries are also listedi-by document number in a subject index. Subject index categories include: aeronautics; astronautics; chemistry and materials; engineering; geosciences; life sciences,' mathematical and computer sciences; physics; sodial sciences; andspace. sciences. (JN) A */****-************************4*************************************. , Reprbdutions supplied by EDRS are the best that can -be made If' * froM the original document. ******************************************i***********'*****A*********** 1` NASA P-470 iE NiiiiiiSiteeiallpobi 'cations ,.. , ,e, . '' ""4\_k_ ,. 'Iak, / U.S. DEPARTMENTOF EDUCATION iNATIp NAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION sz EDUCMIONALARESOURCES INFORMATION / CENTER (ERIC) ki This doitiment ., has boon reproducedas . received from theperson or organization originating it. El Minor changes have been made to'Improv'ir.. reproduftian quality. q Peirithi viow or opinions stated in this rneRt do not necessarily docu: represent official NIE position or pdlidc. .7 t 6. , t7 .\\ ra 25th Anniversary NatronalAAeron utics and-SPace AdministrStioAb 1958-1983 NASASpecipl.Publications a ...4ti sale 1;1 tile National -all Information Service, Seringfi4d, 'Virginia 22161 Tor Foreword Lwhen qpiagres,cr6ated .NASA 25 years ago, it directed that theinform' anon derived W from the agenCy's pursuit of knowledge through ,spire exploration and aeronautical esearch be made available to all Americans. one way of making these research results available has been through a series ofscientifi'c Ind tey*linical publications., One series!, purposely Labeled !'special," presents material vhosekcope and significance:siMply outgreW the.bounds of customary research reports'and OurnalarticleS. In fact, gt)Me of the rriore'preStigious Special Publications. have exceeded he bounds of skre science andengineering, satisfying as well the interests of a more . 4eneral audience.. The Special Publications prOduced by NASA since, the :early 1960's have enjoyCci world - ude recognition, They. report on the research 'and Ziesvelopment in communications, ;:nergy,.matedals pri5cessing; planetology, and astronomy,sas well as in aeronautics `aria aerospace. Miny vf these' publications posSess uncommonvalnesdiat.will.enduirfor ides to -come. ftis appropriate to list them now as a convenient reference of .past accomplishments on the occasiotOf NASA's twenty -fifth anniversary. ° it. 1 fames W. Beggs, Administrator solo National. Aeronauticsand Space Administiation D r -t r Preface. ,... i . ), , . .., , Iliw.ptorpok, 61 this bookIct ,ito list an the §pccial room:mons tittle NASA hies pub- lisbcd Since the 'scries'bega& in 1961. Tbc series has included isorne of NASA'sJinost ,ambitions scienti f) c ,andtechnitial books, and includes it broad range Of topics that covers NASA"s work ii,16 csearch and development, Since this eclitiond the list will be:'publisfiOil kaiak NASA:s twenty-filth anniversary, alspecial section has been included'whicliclaies" the Special Publications series to some of NA/Vs.achicyements. ,.. ' ' .: f i ' PIN, .SPecild.PublicatiPns were creatcclas NASA:began to produce information\ iti,a format , 'that did' not quite fa the pattern of technical reports; NASA had caught the public's :men- ,tion ,witli its beginning steps in space exploration; and needed a vel*le that presented a total picture to those outside particular areas of "Expertise. There were cnany'subjecti that an increasingly calcined puiblie wanted to knew about. 'I'lley_found a niche in the Special Publicationsi'scries,- Tlte, 'Special Publications series bloomed with mission' reports, aerodynamic treatises, Stiictua' analyses, planetary atlases, conferencer proceedings, and extenSid 'reference mate ial. By the midseventies, it becaine obvious that the latter two neededseParakserieS, and so Conference Publilations and Reference Publications were created, All arc listed. here. ' ' 'When particular books were being created, it was obvious that they would bebest sellers. Sure en-ouglii, Exploring" Space with a Camera, which gave the public aearly look at the . Earth photographed from space; solid 124,000 copies .before it was all wed to go out of r print. Photographic techniques We -c improving, and the, images in latbooks were far 0 better. Alo,ng 4me This Island Ea-th; it is 12 years old'and is mill selling "well (71,800 copies). Apollo Expeditions To ThMoon has sold:,46,000 copies. Still moving quickly off .the bookstore shelves arc Mission to Earth: Landiat Views the World, the Skylab Series, The Martian 'Landscape, Voyage to Jupiter, and Voyages to Saturn. There were some surprises, however; *ho would have forseen the success, of such unassunnifig titles as clarity in T;.ch- .7nical Reporting' Or.Soldering Electrical Connections? ° .Although the ISOoks with space imagery sell best, other. Special Publications arc of wide interest for either the, scientist or the educated public, tindqhese ire also printed and sold, ,' through the Government Printing Office. Some of the ,technical subjects are presented with 'the layperson, in mind, ,while others are deemed classics for ieterenee in particular disciplines. Still others; just'as important, but not generating interesoutsidea narrow area of expertise, .are printednd made available from. the National chnical Information e3. Service. Photocopies of'bks no longervailable through GPO are a o available at NTIS.' In the list of publications that follows, a brief description is given togetlieith the origi- - hat sales source and the publication date. the prices are not listed because they chart' e: Phone Or 'write GPO or NTIS for prices of publications that interest yiou. GPO will want to knoW the NASA SP -nunober; NTIS will want to know:the seven -digit NASA accession number. When yoli find an attractive title, take care to notice the date ofublicatiin., Many books are ait of date, and are of'historical value only For" example soe books' on ), MarS predate the 1976 Vikingmission. -' s ,This account of the growth of Special. Publications does not tell of the work abd-W try that,igo into the research, writing, and piduttion of hooks. But as you look through e list and find titles that interest. you think of the curiosity and diligence that,result iad-- vances -in science andftechnolpe and the subsequent clean and/care that prOdUce the "i recork 'N ( t \ -1 Kay E. Voglewede 4.-Scientific and Technical Iffarmation Branch 4 Addresses for ordering publica'tions GPO: Superintendent of Documents U.S. GoVernme.ht Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 ' 202)783-3238(or(202) 783-'3238 Pc,i'C'e informatioir;orders National Technical In(ormation Service 5285 Port, Royal Rd. Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487r4780 Information or d&cument accession number (70,9 487,,4650 Sales Desk; price information (703) 487-4630./ Subscription information for bibliographies (SP-7000 series) COSb: mputcr SoftwareManagement and Information,Center ' Barrows. Hall University of Georgia Athens; GA 30601 a \4* Foreword III Prefacc , t ' vl,. i. ,. NASA: 1958 - 1983 . 1 ); kil' SpecialPublicatiOns r Cenetal . 4`; l' i e Hartdbooks and Data Compilations . 41 :,° . Historics and Chronologies . :51 Technology Utilization i. Managcment Evaluation and Analysis Standardi..: fi 71''' 'BibliographiCs 1 , 73 Space Vchicle Dcsign Criteria, 77 , Specifications , , .1 ,85. .% Reference Publications k87. Confercnce Publkations 97, - Index 121 111 1' z .11;1E-0' View of Earth from the Mood 9 NASA: 1958-1983 A ' inCe eti11 SPedal .4/th CdAlk if being publilha (luting NASA '.r 'we ly JO ,nillirervq; we are wing the 0ccasi011 10include 41 shot./ natnnire of .tome of ''1VA
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