UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 30 Date 14/06/2006 Time 9:23:22 AM S-0899-0003-11-00001 Expanded Number S-0899-0003-11 -00001 Title items-in-Middle East - peacekeeping operations and other missions - UNEF II Date Created 27/01/1975 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0899-0003: Peacekeeping - Middle East 1945-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit Note for the file On Friday, 26 December 1975, Ambassador Malik of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics called to request that the Secretary-General be informed that his Government had decided to remit $5,996,014 for its contribution towards UNEF for the period 25 April 24 October 1975 and an additional contribution for the first year of operation of UNEF, amounting to $2,968,027. He wished to emphasize his Government's view that in expending these resources maximum efficiency and economy will be exercised, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council. The Permanent Representative of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Ambassador Tchernouchtchenko, called a little later to inform that his Government had decided to pay an amount of $184,OOO for the period 25 April-24 October 1975 and $91,080 for the first year of operation of UNEF. Shortly thereafter, the Permanent Representative of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Ambassador Martynenko, gave the corresponding figures of $684,OOO and $338,580 for his Government. I assured the three Ambassadors that the information provided by them would be promptly communicated to the Secretary-General, which I did on Saturday, 27 December. I also informed Mr. Davidson on 29 December. He had received intimation of the payments from the Office of Financial Services and told me that now the three Governments had paid all the outstanding dues under this account. Rafeeuddin Ahmed 0 2O October 1975 Notes for the Meeting of UNEF Troop contributing Countries The report on UNEF was circulated last Friday evening as Document S/11849. The most important recent development is the conclusion of a new interim agreement between Egypt and Israel. 2. in the conclusion of the report, the Secretary-General has recommended a further extension of the UNEF mandate. In so doing, he has referred to the relevant provisions of the new agreement. Those provisions are contained in article 5 of the Agreement, which reads "UNEF is essential and shall continue its functions, and its mandate shall be extended annually". -7 in the report, *i*»*> jg^y-gj-aTy-rigngigai hal/^outlined the functions entrusted to UNEF by the new agreement and the additional UNEF personnel required in this connexion. In addition to limited increases of the Canadian and Polish logistics contingents, some 75O all ranks would be required. After careful study, it is considered that the best way of achieving this increase is to reinforce^by one_ company___each of the present non-logistic contingents of UNEF. Naturally, this would require the agreement of each of the contributing countries concerned and, if necessary, ..alternative arrangements would be considered. <3*&e^ Soorotagy XlcnaggjL-will , of course, approach formally the Missions concerned on this matter as soon as the Security council has taken a decision on the mandate of UNEF. 4 . ^^T|te--Seeyefeary»G9ner alr-may-w4sh-;feo- ask General Koho to show the map the areas of operations and the redeployment of UNEF which would be required under the new agreement. 5. The implementation of the new agreement would also entail additional expenditures. The— Soar Gtary-Conoral may ^i-mb~"~y , feyi ask the Controller, Mr. Debatin, to comment on this matter. _ 0 20 October 1975 I hiwe Ituttt &RMB SECRETARY-GENERAL'S MEETING WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF COUNTRIES CONTRIBUTING CONTINGENTS TO Tuesday, 21 October 1975 9:3O a.m. Secretary-General»s Conference Room CANADA Ambassador Rae and Col. Gallagher FINLAND Ambassador Karhilo and counsellor Talvitie GHANA Ambassador Boaten or Deputy Perm. Rep. Sam INDONESIA Ambassador Anwar Sani and counsellor Singgih i POLAND Minister Czarkowski SENEGAL Counsellor Djigo and Mr. Ba SWEDEN Ambassador Rydbeck or Ambassador Sundberg and Col. Waldenstrom SECRETARIAT The Secretary-General Mr. Guyer Mr. Urquhart Mr. Shevchenko Mr. Suy Mr. Davidson Mr. Debatin Mr. Lansky (Kr. Ryan - away) Mr. Liu Mr. Sherry General Koho Col. Dibuama DRAFT Distr. GENERAL .. October 1975 ORIGINAL: ENGL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE (for the period 15 July 1975 to .. October 1975) CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. COMPOSITION AND DEPLOYMENT OF THE FORCE A. Composition and command B. Deployment C. /-Rotation II. ACCOMMODATIONS AND LOGISTICS A. Accommodations B. Logistics III. ACTIVITIES OF THE FORCE A. Functions and guidelines B. Freedom of movement C. Personnel matters D. Observance of the cease-fire and implementation of the Disengagement Agreement of 18 January 197^ IV. HUMANITARIAN ACTIVITIES AND CO-OPERATION WITH THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS (ICRC) V. DEVELOPMENTS RELATING TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN EGYPT AND ISRAEL OF SEPTEMBER 1975 VI. FINANCIAL ASPECTS VII. IMPLEMENTATION OF SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 338 (1973) VIII. OBSERVATIONS MAP. UNEF DEPLOYMENT AS OF 1 OCTOBER 1975. BEU:tab 16 October 1S7S Dear Mr. Ambassador, I would be most grateful if you could forward the attached message to Foreign Minister Fahrny as soon as possible. With kind regards, Tours sincarsly, Kurt His Excellency Dr. Misted Esmat afodel Meguid Permanent: SespreseKtative of the arab Meptablic of Egypt to th© United As you know, I have to submit a report to the Security Council very shortly in preparation for its debate on the extension of the mandate of UNEF, In order that the Members of the Security Council may study the report over the forthcoming weekend, I hope to circulate the report at the latest during the day of Friday, 17 October. In the concluding observations, I am intending to include the following two sentences in relation to the extension of the mandate of UNEF: "Both parties have requested that the mandate of UNEF be extended for a period of one year. I there- fore recommend that the Security Council extend the mandate of UNEF for the period indicated." Before circulating this report, I should be most grateful to have a confirmation from you that this formulation is acceptable. With warm regards, Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General 16 October 1975 UNITED NATIONS Distr. S ECURITfa J&** • a P^L • "•• Y% B jtfp^f^^--~T'^y^c\vS\t. LiiirJ lijixAJj COUNCIL 19 August 19T5 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH NOTE BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL 1. On k August 1975, the President of the Security Council received a communication from the Secretary-General, which read as follows: "I should like to inform the members of the Council of my thinking as regards the future co-ordination of peace-keeping operations in the Middle East. "There are at present three peace-keeping operations of different kinds in the Middle East area, namely, UWTSO, UNEF and UNDOF, which deal with related problems and share certain common services. There would be, I believe, great advantage in establishing a co-ordinating mechanism for their activities and administration. Since the constitutional origins and the mandates and functions of these three operations are different, it is obviously not possible to unify them, and they will maintain their operational identity. However, I believe that it would be of advantage to all concerned, including the parties themselves, the countries providing contingents and also the United Nations, if a greater degree of co-ordination among the three operations could be established. Such an arrangement should also make it possible to some extent to streamline the administrative and logistical set-up. "In the light of the above, I propose to appoint Lieutenant-General Ensio Siilasvuo, who is currently the Commander of UNEF, as the Chief "Co-ordinator of UNTSO, UNEF and UNDOF operations in the Middle East. It is also my intention, if the Council so consents, to appoint Major-General Bengt Liljestrand, who is at present Chief of Staff of UNTSO, as Commander of UNEF. As the Council is already aware, Major-General Hannes Philipp has been appointed as Commander of UNDOF. For the time being, in view of the somewhat restricted nature of its current activities, I believe that UNTSO could be run adequately by the existing staff in Jerusalem. General Siilasvuo and his small staff would utilize the existing accommodation, communications and facilities of the headquarters of UNTSO. General Siilasvuo would continue as necessary to discharge his functions in relation to the Military Working Group of the Geneva Peace Conference on the Middle East and would be responsible for liaison and contact with the parties on important substantive matters relating to peace-keeping in the Middle East. "Should the Council be agreeable to the above proposals, my intention would be to put them into force as soon as possible." 75-16226 /... The Security Council Recalling its resolutions 358 (1973), 3^0 (1973), ^ (1973),, 3^6 (197*0 > 362 U97*0 and 368 (1975) Taking into account the letter dated lU July 1975 addressed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Secretary-General (S/11757), Bearing in mind the appeal addressed by the President of the Security Council to the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt on 21 July 1975 (S/11771) and expressing satisfaction tgl^h the reply of the Government of the Republic of Egypt thereto. Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) of 16 July 1975 (S/11753), Expressing concern at the continued state of tension in the area and the lack of progress towards the achievement of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, 1.
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