Page 1 of 1 Tolbert, Michael From: Tolbert, Michael Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 10:21 AM To: '[email protected]' Cc: Peuler, Elizabeth; Hill, Chiquita; Wetzel, Nick; Saucier, Michael Subject: Supplemental Exploration Plan S-7445 for Lease OCS-G 7493 (GB 427) This email is to notify you that the following Supplemental Exploration Plan received October 28, 2010, amended November 19 and 30, December 3 and 9, 2010, and January 6, 21, and 27, 2011, has been deemed submitted in accordance with 30 CFR 250.231(a) and 232(d) as of January 28, 2011: Control Number - S-7445 Type - Supplemental Exploration Plan Operator – Shell Offshore Inc. Lease(s) - OCS-G 7493 (Block 427, Garden Banks Area) Activities Proposed – Add Wells O, P, and Q Michael Tolbert Petroleum Engineer Office of Field Operations, Plans Section Phone: (504) 736-2867 email: [email protected] 1/28/2011 Shell Offshore Inc P. O. Box 61933 New Orleans, LA 70161-1933 United States of America Tel +1 504 728 7215 Fax +1 504 728 6747 Email [email protected] January 26, 2011 Office of Field Operations Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation & Enforcement 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70123-2394 Attn: Mike Tolbert Plans Group MS 5321 SUBJECT: Supplemental Exploration Plan OCS-G 7493, Garden Banks Block 427 Garden Banks 471 Unit Offshore, Louisiana S- 07445 In response to your information requests for subject plan received January 11, 2011 and January 18, 2011 concerning days required to drill a relief well, the following is furnished to the BOEM for public information: Relief well operations will immediately take priority and displace any activity from Shell’s contracted rig fleet. The dynamically positioned rig, Noble Danny Adkins, which is currently under contract to Shell, will be the preferred rig for blowout intervention work. It is expected to take an average of 14 days to safely secure the well that the rig is working on, up to the point the rig departs location, and a further estimated 3 days transit to mobilize to the relief well site. Additionally, in the event of a blowout, there is the distinct possibility that other non-Shell contracted rigs in the GOM could be utilized whether for increased expediency or better suitability. The worst case discharge scenario is based upon an 11 ¾” liner with ~4000’ of open hole to the top of the reservoir. The time to drill the relief well is approximately 71 days and an additional estimated 21 days to maneuver the relief well through precision ranging to intersect the well that has blown out. Therefore the total time to mobilize, transit and drill a relief well for Cardamom is 109 days. Should you require additional information, please contact me as indicated above. Kind regards Sylvia A. Bellone U. S. Department of the Interior OMB Control Number: 1010-0051 Minerals Management Service OMB Approval Expires: 12/31/2011 OCS PLAN INFORMATION FORM General Information Type of OCS Plan: X Exploration Plan (EP) Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) Company Name: Shell Offshore Inc. MMS Operator Number: 0689 Address: P. O. Box 61933 Contact Person: Sylvia Bellone New Orleans, LA 70161-1933 Phone Number: (504) 728-7215 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Lease(s): OCS-G 7493 Area: Garden Banks Block(s): 427 Project Name (If Applicable): NA Objective(s): X Oil Gas Sulphur Salt Onshore Base: Fourchon & Amelia Distance to Closest Land (Miles): 130 Description of Proposed Activities (Mark all that apply) X Exploration drilling Development drilling Well completion Installation of production platform Well test flaring (for more than 48 hours) Installation of production facilities Installation of caisson or platform as well protection structure Installation of satellite structure Installation of subsea wellheads and/or manifolds Commence production Installation of lease term pipelines Other (Specify and describe) Have you submitted or do you plan to submit a Conservation Information Document to accompany this plan? Yes X No Do you propose to use new or unusual technology to conduct your activities? Yes X No Do you propose any facility that will serve as a host facility for deepwater subsea development? Yes X No Do you propose any activities that may disturb an MMS-designated high-probability archaeological area? X Yes No Have all of the surface locations of your proposed activities been previously reviewed and approved by MMS? Yes X No Tentative Schedule of Proposed Activities Proposed Activity Start Date End Date No. of Days Preset anchors 12/01/10 12/31/10 30 Drill O 01/01/11 06/11/11 160 Drill P 01/01/12 06/10/12 160 Drill Q 01/01/13 06/13/13 160 Description of Drilling Rig Description of Production Platform Jackup Drillship Caisson Tension leg platform Gorilla Jackup Platform rig Well protector Compliant tower X Semisubmersible Submersible Fixed platform Guyed tower DP Semisubmersible Other (Attach Description) Subsea manifold Floating production system Drilling Rig Name (If Known): Noble Jim Thompson Spar Other (Attach Description) Description of Lease Term Pipelines From (Facility/Area/Block) To (Facility/Area/Block) Diameter (Inches) Length (Feet) N/A Form MMS-137 (December 2008 – Supersedes all previous editions of form MMS=137 which may not be used.) Page 1 of 4 OCS PLAN INFORMATION FORM (CONTINUED) Include one copy of this page for each proposed well/structure Proposed Well/Structure Location Well or Structure Name/Number (If renaming well or structure, reference previous name): O Subsea Completion Anchor Radius (if applicable) in feet: 14500’ X Yes No Surface Location Bottom-Hole Location (For Wells) Lease No. OCS-G 7493 Area Name Garden Banks Block No. 427 Blockline N/S Departure: 5965' FNL Departures (in feet) E/W Departure: 1400' FEL Lambert X-Y X: 1,836,040 coordinates Y: 10,004,915 Latitude/ Latitude Longitude 27.56962046 Longitude -92.39596682 TVD (Feet): MD (Feet): Water Depth (Feet): 2721’ Anchor Locations for Drilling Rig or Construction Barge (If anchor radius supplied above, not necessary) Anchor Name Area Block X Coordinate Y Coordinate Length of Anchor or No. Chain on Seafloor Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Statement: The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires us to inform you that MMS collects this information as part of an applicant’s Exploration Plan or Development Operations Coordination Document submitted for MMS approval. We use the information to facilitate our review and data entry for OCS plans. We will protect proprietary data according to the Freedom of Information Act and 30 CFR 250.196. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget Control Number. The use of this form is voluntary. The public reporting burden for this form is included in the burden for preparing Exploration Plans and Development Operations Coordination Documents. We estimate that burden to average 580 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, Mail Stop 4230, Minerals Management Service, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20240. Form MMS-137 (December 2008 – Supersedes all previous editions of form MMS=137 which may not be used.) Page 2 of 4 OCS PLAN INFORMATION FORM (CONTINUED) Include one copy of this page for each proposed well/structure Proposed Well/Structure Location Well or Structure Name/Number (If renaming well or structure, reference previous name): P Subsea Completion Anchor Radius (if applicable) in feet: 14500’ X Yes No Surface Location Bottom-Hole Location (For Wells) Lease No. OCS-G 7493 Area Name Garden Banks Block No. 427 Blockline N/S Departure: 5470' FNL Departures (in feet) E/W Departure: 1920' FEL Lambert X-Y X: 1,835,520 coordinates Y: 10,005,410 Latitude/ Latitude Longitude 27.57098950 Longitude -92.39756494 TVD (Feet): MD (Feet): Water Depth (Feet): 2721’ Anchor Locations for Drilling Rig or Construction Barge (If anchor radius supplied above, not necessary) Anchor Name Area Block X Coordinate Y Coordinate Length of Anchor or No. Chain on Seafloor Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Statement: The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires us to inform you that MMS collects this information as part of an applicant’s Exploration Plan or Development Operations Coordination Document submitted for MMS approval. We use the information to facilitate our review and data entry for OCS plans. We will protect proprietary data according to the Freedom of Information Act and 30 CFR 250.196. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget Control Number. The use of this form is voluntary. The public reporting burden for this form is included in the burden for preparing Exploration Plans and Development Operations Coordination Documents. We estimate that burden to average 580 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, Mail Stop 4230, Minerals Management Service, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20240. Form MMS-137 (December 2008 – Supersedes all previous editions of form MMS=137 which may not be used.) Page 3 of 4 OCS PLAN INFORMATION FORM (CONTINUED) Include one copy of this page for each proposed well/structure Proposed Well/Structure Location Well or Structure Name/Number (If renaming well or structure, reference previous name): Q Subsea Completion Anchor Radius (if applicable) in feet: 14500’ X Yes No Surface Location Bottom-Hole Location (For Wells) Lease No.
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