ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Braueria Jahr/Year: 2012 Band/Volume: 39 Autor(en)/Author(s): Anonymus Artikel/Article: Trichopterological literature 58-67 58 Trichopterological literature 2007 1997 Craig, Jaquelyn M.; Chriscinske, Margaret A. 2007 First record of Ithytrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in Michigan, Bienkowski, A.O.; Orlova-Bienkowskaya.M.Ya. 1997 USA. - Entomological News 118:313-314. Fauna and biotopic distribution of Trichoptera in Lake Glubokoe and ist neighborhood. - Trudy Gidrobiol.stanzii na Glubokom osere, tomHoughton, David C. 2007 7:47-55, Moscow. [Russian] The effect of landscape-level disturbance on the composition of Minnesota caddisfly (Insecta: Trichoptera) trophic functional groups: 2000 evidence for ecosystem homogenization. - Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 135:253-264. 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Guide entomologique de pecheur ä la mouche. Traduit de l'Allemand par M. Hivet. La vie du rail, Collection Peches Sportives, Cuk, Renata; Vuckovic, Ivan 2009 367 pp. First record of caddisfly Rhyacophila laevis Pictet, 1834 (Insecta, Trichoptera) in Croatia. - Natura Croatica 18:449-453. Robertson, Desiree R.; Holzenthal, Ralph W. 2008 Two new species and a new record of Protoptila from BoliviaGail, B.G.; Brodie, E.D.Jr. 2009 (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae). - Ann. EntomoI.Soc.Behavioral avoidance of injured conspecific and predatory chemical America 101:465-473. Stimuli by larvae of the aquatic caddisfly Hesperophylax occidentalis. - Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:1009-1015. Sipahiler, Füsun 2008 The larva of Anabolia anatolica Sipahiler, 2001 (Trichoptera, Houghton, David C.; Lux, Christine; Spahr, Megan 2009 Limnephilidae). - Entomol. romanica 12:91-94. Demonstration of sex pheromones in Molanna uniophila (Trichoptera: Molannidae), Platycentropus radiatus, Pycnopsyche Wallace, John R.; Merritt, Richard W.; Kimbirauskas, Ryan; indiana, and P. subfasciata (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), with an Benbow, M.Eric; Mclntosh, Mollie 2008 assessment of interspecific attraction between four sympatric Caddisflies assist with homicide case: determining a postmortem Pycnopsyche species. - Great Lakes Entomol. 42:72-79. submersion interval using aquatic insects. - Journal of Forensic Sciences 53:219-221. Howard, Lynda C.; Wood, Paul J.; Greenwood, Malcolm T.; Rendell, Helen M. 2009 Watanabe, Kozo; Monaghan, Michael T.; Omura, Tatsuo 2008 Reconstructing riverine paleo-flow regimes using subfossil insects Longitudinal patterns of genetic diversity and larval density of the (Coleoptera and Trichoptera); the application of the LIFE riverine caddisfly Hydropsyche orientalis (Trichoptera). - Aquatic methodology to paleochannel sediments. - Journal of Sciences 70:377-387. Paleolimnology 42:453-466. Watanabe, Kozo; Monaghan, Michael T.; Takemon, Yasuhiro; Huang, Di-ying; Wu, Hao; Dong, Fa-bing 2009 Omura, Tatsuo 2008 The discover and priliminary sydy of fossil caddis case in China. - Dispersal ability determines the genetic effects of habitat Acta Paleontologica Sinica 48:646-653. [Chinese] fragmentation in three species of aquatic insect. - Aquatic Conservation 20:574-579. 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