Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 23 AUGUST 1910 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 524 Correction in "Hansard." [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. LONGREACH SCHOOL OF ARTS LAND SALE BILL. REPORT OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Mr. PAYNE (Mitchell), as chairman, brought up the report of the Select Committee on the Longreach School of Arts Land Sale· Bill. Ordered to be printed. The second reading of the Bill was made an Order of the Day for Thursday, 1st Septem­ ber. QUESTIONS. MEAT AND DAIRY PRODUCE ENCOURAGEMENT FuND. Mr. FOX (Normanby) asked the Secretary· for Agriculture- 1. What are the amounts to the credit of each division under the Meat and Dairy Produce En­ couragement Act of 1893-- (a) By way of principal; (b) By way of interest? 2. Is it intended to pay to the certificate holders· under the Meat and Dairy Produce Encouragement Act of 1893 the accrued interest received from the mortgagors, less the cost of management and other expenses; if so, when is it intended to make the first payment in respect to any one of the divisions, LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. or how is it intended to dispose of the said interest? The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE (Hon. W. T. Paget, Mackay) .replied- TUESDAY, 23 AUGUST, 1\)10. 1. (a and b.) BALANCE, The DEPUTY SPEAKER (W. D. Armstrono-, - Meat Fund. Dairy Fund. Esq., Lockyer) took the chair at half-past 0 3 o'clock. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK Southern ... ... ... 10.183 19 0 1,848 911 Central ... ... ... 10,8J9 0 9 525 14 4 REPORT. Northern ... ... 4,773 17 5 1,823 8 9 The DEPUTY SPEAKER reported that Carpentaria· ... ... 355 15 4 444 19 2' he had received from the Auditor-General a letter, dated 19th instant, covering his re­ 2. The assessment under the meat fund hss been port on the balance-sheet of the Queensland repaid in full to all who have applied. A Bill has been National Bank, as laid before the share­ prepared for presentation to Parliament dealing with holders in general meeting on the 18th in­ the balances in the interests of the contributors. stant. Ordered to be printed. ROUTES FROM SOUTH COAST LINE TO CANUNGERA. PAPERS. -Mr. S'l'ODART (Logan) asked the Secretary The following paper, laid on the table, was for Railways- ordered to be printed :-Report, dated 6th !. Is it the intention of the Railway Department Jul:v, 1910, from the Agent-General on the to cause a full repoTt to be made on the three pro­ subject of Savings Bank securities held in jected railway routes from the South Coast line to· London. Oanungera before a trial survey is made to that The following papers were laid on the centre? table:- 2. lf so, when will an officer be available to make­ Return to an Order, made by the House, such reports and survey? on motion of Mr. Coyne, on the The SECRETARY FO.R RAILWAYS: 16th instant, relative to the recent (Hon. W. T. Paget, Mackay) replied- stealing case at Hutton's Zillmere Factory 1. 'l1he officer in charge of surveys has already inspected and reported upon the var~ous proposed Return to an Order, made by the House, routes to Canungera, and it is upon his recom~ on motion of Mr. Coyne, on the 4th mendation that it has been decided to complete the instant, relative to the conduct of a trial survey ( co·mmenced some years ago) from police sergeant at Beaudesert. Logan Village. On completion of the trial survey the matter of route will be further considered. CORRECTION IN HANSARD. 2. In about three months. Mr. FERRICKS (Bowen) : I wish to correct PRICES OF LAND ON MARYVALE. the report of an interjection which appears on page 295 of H ansard. During the speech of Mr. MULLA::>! (Charttrs Tower§), for Mr. the hon. member for Gympie I am reported to Alien, asked the Secretary for Public Lands- have interjepted, "We can have a second What was the object of the Lands Department in charging the selectors on Maryvale £113,470 17s. Sd. referendum." What I said was-and that is for land purchased for about £87,906 14s. 6d., being how I would like it to read-" We do not want au advance of nearly 30 per ceut., when the Land a second referendum." Act provides for au increase of only 10 per cent.? [Hon. T. O'Sullivan. Questions. [23 Auausr.] Questions. 525 The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC LANDS ment and resignation of Mr. Sydney Dodd, vete­ (Hon. D. F. Denharn, Oxley) replied- rinary surgeon? The M aryvale Estate was opened on valuations The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE :furn'ished in .the us~al way by responsible officers, ancl the readmess w1th which the land was selected replied- is evidence that it was not overvalued for selection. Yes. I now beg to la.y on the table all papers The Act provides a minimum advance, not a maxi­ and correspondence referred to. mum.. The department is improving the estate by erecting certain bridges and culverts which other­ wise could not have been done had values not ex­ TOTALISATOR LICENSES. ·Ceeded 10 per cent. Mr. CO'l'TELL (Toowong) asked the Chief Secretary, for the Attorney-General- TEA SUPPLIED AT PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. 1. What number of totalisator licenses have been Mr. MULLAN, for Mr. Alien, asked the issued during the past three years- Home Secretary- ( a) To bond fide racing clubs? 1. Is it a fact that numerous complaints an; being (b) To proprietary racing clubs? made by the inmates of the public institutions 2. What amount of tax ha-s been received from under the control of his department about the poor each club during the said three years? 1JUality of the tea supplied? 2. Is it a fact that in some of those institutions The PREMIER (Hon. W. Kidston, Rock­ tea has had to be bought outside the contract in order to get quality fit to drink? hampton) replied- This information is in course of preparation, and 3. In reference to tende1•s called for on 3rd Feb­ will be supplied as soon as possible. ruary, 1910, for the supply of 1,500 lb. of tea to be ·delivered on 18th May, 1910- (a) Was the tea supplied up to the standard? BREACH OF FACTORIES AND SHOPS ACT. (b) Was there any dispute as to quality between the storekeeper and the contractors? Mr. BARBER asked the Secretary for (c) Was the tea ultimately taken. delivery of? Public Works- (d) Were the contractors paid the original price 1. What is the number of employees at Bundaberg tendered at? who were, according to the lady inspector for fac­ tories and shops, paid a less wage than that pre­ {e) Have the Government any officers in their scribed by the Factories and Shops Act? employ capable of distinguishing between the tea actually supplied and the standard 2. Has the balance of the said wages been paid upon which the contract is based? up yet? (f) Can that officer tell the difference of, say, 3. If the employers refuse to pay the back wages, ~d. or ·~d. per lb. in tea? what action does the Government intend to take·? (g) At what price was the above contract accepted? The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC WORKS (h) Do the Government expect to get tea fit to (Hon. W. H. Barnes, Bulimba) replied- drink at this price? 1. Seven. 2. Arrears due have been paid in three cases, and The HOME SECRETARY (Hon. J. G. receipts are held by local inspector . .Appel, .Albert) replied- 3. Employers will be prosecuted on receipt of 1. No. eTidence of refusal to pay arrears. 2. No . .3. (a) Yes. \b) There was a difference of opinion between RETURNS UNDER THE 'rRADES UNIONS ACT. the Government Storekeeper and the con­ Mr. MAOARTNEY (Brisbane North) asked tractor with reference to three chests, which were rcj ected. the Chief Secretary, for the Attorney­ (c) Yes, except the three chests mentioned in General- (o). 1. What trade unions (if any) required to trans­ (d) Yes. nli.t returns to the registrar under section 20 of the ~e) An independent expert is employed by the Trades Unions Act, 1886, prior to the first day of Government Storekeeper to test tea for the February, 1910, have failed to transmit such returns? public service. He b not an officer of the 2. Has any action been taken in respect thereof, public service. against. whom, and with what result? (f) Yes. 3. Are the powers of the registrar in regard to \V) 6td. per lb. compelling the delivery of such returns, and in (lt) The tea supplied has always been satisfac­ respect to ordering audits, considered sufficient? . tory so far as is known. When landed it is carefully tested against the standard by a The PREMIER (Hon. W. Kidston, Rock­ qualified expert, whose certificate is ao· cepted. I mig·ht state that the contractor h.ampton) replied- landed a quantity of the same tea over and 1. (a) The Brisbane United Coal Workers' and above the quantity specified in the contract. Lightermen's Union. This surplus they were able to dispose of to (b) The Toowoomba Bread Carters' Union. the local trade at prices ranging from td. (c) The Western Workers' Asaociation. to 1d. per lb. more than the price specified in their contract with the Government. I 2. Proceedings taken ag-ainst Doyle, the secretary might also mention that the Government of (a) on 1st August, who was fined £1, with 3s. 6d. recently raised the standard of tea. Under costs of court, and £2 2s.
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