1999. The Journal of Arachnology 27:481±488 PARAPHYLY OF THE ENOPLOGNATHA OVATA GROUP (ARANEAE, THERIDIIDAE) BASED ON DNA SEQUENCES A.-M. Tan1, R.G. Gillespie1 and G.S. Oxford2: 1Center for Conservation Research and Training, University of Hawaii, 3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 409, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA; 2Department of Biology, University of York, P.O. Box 373, York YO1 5YW, UK ABSTRACT: Five species of Enoplognatha Pavesi 1880 were recently recognized as a monophyletic Enoplognatha ovata group based on morphological data. We analyzed the E. ovata clade for monophyly using four species in the E. ovata group (E. ovata (Clerck 1757), E. latimana Hippa & Oksala 1982, E. margarita Yaginuma 1964 and E. afrodite Hippa & Oksala 1983) and three other closely related taxa (E. japonica BoÈsenberg & Strand 1906, E. thoracica (Hahn 1833), and E. intrepida Sùrensen 1898). Two species of the presumed sister genus (Steatoda Sundevall 1833) were employed as outgroups. The results indicate that the ``E. ovata clade'' is not monophyletic. The genus Enoplognatha Pavesi 1880 is (Hippa & Oksala 1979, 1981; Oxford 1983, characterized by the presence of a large col- 1985, 1989, 1991, 1992; Oxford & Reillo ulus, a plesiomorphic character for the family; 1993; Reillo & Wise 1988a, b). Consistent and accordingly, the genus is generally con- with most invertebrate color polymorphisms sidered one of the more primitive groups in (Haldane 1939) the dominance hierarchy of the Theridiidae. The spiders are medium-to- the expression of morphs in E. ovata follows large sized with a subspherical abdomen. Fe- the inverse of morph frequencies in nature, males have a tooth on the posterior margin of i.e., the least dominant (or most recessive) al- the chelicerae; males usually have enlarged lele is most frequent; the most dominant is the chelicerae, with enlarged teeth on the poste- rarest. For the mode of inheritance of the rior margin, and have the paracymbium on the polymorphism in E. ovata, Oxford (1983) has margin of the cymbium. The genus is very proposed a two locus model: one locus is con- close to Steatoda Sundevall 1833, medium-to- cerned with pattern and color, the other with large sized spiders, again characterized by a the regulation of this color locus during de- very large colulus (Levi 1962; Levy & Amitai velopment. When red-pigmented alleles are 1981). The chelicerae are often enlarged in linked to the late developing allele, the color males, and have one or more teeth on the an- morphs are sex-limited: males are lineata no terior margin, none on the posterior margin. matter which allele they carry. Enoplognatha Enoplognatha is well known because of the latimana Hippa & Oksala 1982 shares color, striking color and pattern polymorphism ex- regulatory, and black spotting polymorphisms hibited by representative species in the genus, with E. ovata (Oxford 1992), although E. la- which has been most intensively studied in E. timana lacks the ovata color morph. ovata (Clerck 1757). Three distinct morphs In the 1980s Hippa & Oksala (1982) erect- have been described in E. ovata (Locket & ed the E. ovata group to include E. ovata sen- Millidge 1951; Hippa & Oksala 1979; Oxford su stricto, E. latimana, and E. penelope Hippa 1976): lineata (all yellow), redimita (yellow & Oksala 1982. Members of the group share with two dorsolateral carmine stripes on the the following characters: trichobothrium on abdomen), and ovata (yellow with a solid the ®rst metatarsus subapical; elongated, shield of carmine on the dorsal surface of the sclerotized and subtubular tip of conductor in abdomen). The color pattern variation in E. male palp; female vulva with massive copu- ovata is genetically determined, and has been latory pockets and abdomen with sharply de- the subject of numerous studies on the genet- limited dorsolateral black spots (Hippa & ics and evolution of the color polymorphism Oksala 1982). Further examination of material 481 482 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY from Europe and Japan added another two METHODS species to the E. ovata group (Hippa & Oksala Spiders sequenced.ÐEnoplognatha: E. 1983): E. afrodite Hippa & Oksala 1983 and ovata, two individuals from two localities: E. margarita Yaginuma 1964. E. margarita Grimes Graves, Norfolk, U.K., collected by shares the subapical trichobothria and sclero- G.S. Oxford, June 1991; and Berceto, Italy, tized subtubular tip of the conductor with E. collected by G.S. Oxford & P.R. Reillo, Au- ovata, E. latimana and E. penelope. However, gust 1991. E. latimana, one individual: it lacks the massive copulatory pockets. Con- Grimes Graves, Norfolk, U.K., collected by sidering all of these characters as synapomor- G.S. Oxford, June 1991. E. afrodite, one in- phies, Hippa & Oksala (1983) hypothesized dividual: near Carcassonne, S. France, col- that E. margarita was the closest sister to (E. lected by S. Peet, July 1988. E. margarita, one ovata 1 E. latimana 1 E. penelope). Eno- individual: Nukabira, Kamishihoro-cho, Hok- plognatha afrodite has a similar body shape, kaido, Japan, collected by M. Matsuda, Au- ground color and spotting pattern to (E. ovata gust 1992. Other Enoplognatha species ex- 1 E. latimana 1 E. margarita) but lacks these amined: E. japonica, one individual: synapomorphies. Accordingly, Hippa & Oks- Hokkaido, Japan, collected by M. Matsuda, ala considered E. afrodite as the most ances- July 1989; E. thoracica, one individual: Flat- tral species in the group. ford Mill, Suffolk, U.K., collected by C.J. More recently, Oxford & Reillo (1994) questioned the phylogeny of the E. ovata Smith, May 1978; E. intrepida, one individ- group proposed by Hippa & Oksala. Their ual: Third Hill Mountain, Berkeley County, concern arose because E. ovata, E. latimana, West Virginia, USA, collected by P.J. Martin- E. penelope and E. afrodite all have European at, May 1986 (det. D.T. Jennings, deposited in distributions (although the former two have Smithsonian, Museum of Natural History). been introduced into North America). All oc- We also extracted DNA from E. penelope, one cur in the Mediterranean region; but only E. individual: Sami, Kefallinia, Greece, collected latimana and E. ovata occur further north, by J. Murphy, May 1987. However, we were with E. ovata alone extending well into north- not successful in amplifying the product. Out- ern Europe. Based on this distributional infor- groups: We used two species of Steatoda as mation, Oxford & Reillo hypothesized a pos- the outgroup: Steatoda grossa: Molokai, Ha- sible Mediterranean origin of the E. ovata waii, collected by A.-M. Tan & G.S. Oxford group, suggesting that the Asian E. margarita October 1993 and S. bipunctata: Yorkshire, may have been phylogenetically misplaced by U.K., collected by G.S. Oxford, January 1994. Hippa & Oksala. Indeed, the phylogeny pre- Voucher specimens for all species used are at sented by Hippa & Oksala was open to criti- the Center for Conservation Research and cism because of the lack of a suitable out- Training, University of Hawaii. group for character polarization, few (only DNA extraction and sequencing.ÐDNA nine) characters used, and because there was samples were prepared by the conventional no quantitative assessment of phylogeny. SDS-NaCl-Ethanol method (Medrano et al. In the current study we examined four spe- 1990; Tan & Orrego 1992). Tissues from the cies in the E. ovata group, and three other legs or prosoma were placed in a 1.5 ml tube species of Enoplognatha: E. japonica BoÈsen- and ground with a pipette tip. After adding 15 berg & Strand 1906 from Japan, E. thoracica ml of proteinase K, the tissues were incubated (Hahn 1833) from England, and E. intrepida at 55 8C overnight. Proteins were removed by Sùrensen 1898 from North America. As out- salt precipitation. DNA was precipitated, groups in the analysis we used two species of washed in alcohol and preserved in 13 TE Steatoda: S. grossa (C.L. Koch 1838) and S. buffer (pH 8.0). bipunctata (Linnaeus 1758). We examined the For both double and single stranded PCR pattern of sequence evolution in the E. ovata ampli®cation we used the following primers group to ascertain the monophyly of the clade. (Table 1): E and B2 for the less variable re- In this way we can evaluate the hypothesis gion of the 18S sequence; B and P for the that the Mediterranean served as the center of more variable region of the 18S sequence; A origin for the group as suggested by Oxford and B2 for the 16S sequence. PCR ampli®- & Reillo (1994). cation of double-stranded products was per- TAN ET AL.ÐPARAPHYLY OF ENOPLOGNATHA OVATA GROUP 483 Table 1.ÐPrimers used. Position obtained refers to Drosophila (Clary & Wolstenholme 1985). Gene Primer sequence in Position # Base primer Drosophila obtained pairs Reference 18S E CTGGTTGATCCTGCCAGTAG 24±553 529 modi®ed from 18S B2 GCTGGCACCAGACTTGCCCTCC Hillis & Dixon 1991 18S B TTCCAGCTCCAATAGCGTAT 606±916 325 W.C. Wheeler & C. Hayashi, 18S P GTCTTGCGACGGTCCAAGA pers. comm. 16S A CGCCTGTTTATCAAAAACAT 12864±13417 450 S.R. Palumbi & T. Hsiao, 16S B2 CTCCGGTTTGAACTCAGATCA pers. comm. formed in 12.5 ml volume with 38 cycles us- hood (ML) in PHYLIP (version 3.5c, Felsen- ing Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase stein 1993), using a generalized Jukes & Can- (Saiki et al. 1985). Ampli®cation was done tor (1969) model to allow for unequal base with the following pro®le: 93 8C, 50 8C and frequencies (Felsenstein 1981) as well as dif- 72 8C each for 30 seconds. Single strand prod- ferent rates of transitions and transversions. ucts were prepared by asymmetric PCR (Gyl- Sequences were also analyzed by Maximum lensten & Erlich 1988) with 1:50 primer ratios Parsimony (MP) in PAUP (version 3.1.1, in 50 ml volumes and the same reaction pro- Swofford 1993). In both analyses gaps were ®les as above. The products were assessed by treated as missing data. Bootstrap analyses mini-gel electrophoresis using 5 ml aliquots, (Felsenstein 1985) were used to estimate the and washed in sterilized distilled water with statistical con®dence of the different nodes in three cycles of dialysis using Millipore MC the trees.
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