United States Patent (19) (11) 4,062,341 Panzarella 45) Dec. 13, 1977 (54) PATIO wok STOVE Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Howard Alan Taishoff 76 Inventor: John M. Panzarella, 91 E. Jerge 57 ABSTRACT Drive, Elma, N.Y. 14059 A portable, gas fired Wok stove adapted particularly 21 Appl. No.: 717,899 for outdoor cooking includes a vertically mounted outer cylinder. A heating chamber is suspended within 22 Filed: Aug. 26, 1976 the interior of the outer cylinder. One end of the heating chamber is open. A burner is carried in the other end of 51) Int. Cl........................... A47J 37/00; F24C3/00 the heating chamber in substantial alignment with the 52 U.S. C. ................................ 126/41 R; 126/25 R heating chamber open end. A fuel system is carried in 58 Field of Search ...................... 126/41, 25, 9, 275 the interior of the outer cylinder nestled underneath the (56) References Cited heating chamber. The Wok is supported in confronting alignment with the heating chamber open end such that U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS the flow of high temperature gas exiting therethrough 2,154,491 4/1939 Chambers .......................... 126/41 R impinges on the Wok bottom evenly heating same. The 3,789,822 2/1974 Schantz ............................. 126/4. R outer cylinder and internally carried heating chamber 3,868,943 3/975 Hottenroth et al................ 26/25 R 3,964,463 6/1976 Dailey ................................ 126/41 R coact to make the stove relatively insensitive to wind. Primary Examiner-Edward G. Favors 18 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 1977 4,062,341 76 Figure 2 4,062,341 1. 2 from the flame front with the stove of simplified con PATIO WOK STOVE struction allowing same to be dismantled easily for cleaning or repair. This invention relates to a portable cooking unit and, It is a still further object of the present invention to more particularly, the present invention relates to a 5 provide a self-contained gas fired Wok stove which is portable Wok stove. moved easily, allowing cooking to take place outdoors There are several portable cooking devices or porta or on a patio, and which has a modern, attractive ap ble barbecue assemblies available. These devices, while pearance. adequate for conventional barbecuing, leave room for Other objects and features of the present invention improvement when used as stoves or as heat sources for 10 will become apparent from the following detailed de the preparation of oriental dishes. Many of these orien scription considered in connection with the accompa tal dishes are prepared in a large, essentially semispheri nying drawings. It is to be understood, however, that cal cooking pan. This pan is referred to as a Wok. Be the drawings are designed for purposes of illustration cause Woks are relatively large when compared to only and not as a definition of the limits of the invention conventional cooking pans, Wok cooking requires a 15 for which reference should be made to the appended relatively large heat input. For best results it is pre claims. ferred that the Wok bottom experience as even heating. In the drawings, wherein the same reference numeral Moreover, in an outdoor environment wind gusts are denotes the same element throughout the several views: apt to "push' or displace an exposed flame front to such FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the portable Wok a degree as to make cooking difficult. Thus, with con 20 stove with parts broken away; and ventional barbecue apparatus the heat input may be too FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a grill for use with the low or the amount of wind shielding insufficient, or stove of FIG. 1, the grill is used when heating a conven both. Then, too, some of the conventional apparatus tional pan or the like, the pan not shown. require covers or tops for efficient operation. A cover More particularly now and referring to the drawings, requirement for a Wok stove would tend to make the 25 FIG. 1 shows the portable Wok stove of the present apparatus unduly large. And further, the cover would invention with same being indicated generally by refer make the apparatus cumbersome to use owing to the ence numeral 10. Stove 10 comprises a relatively large fact that that which is cooked in the Wok usually re outer cylinder or cylindrically shaped closure 12. Upper quires constant attention. cylinder end 12a is open. Lower cylinder end 12b is In general, the present invention comprises a porta 30 closed. A plurality or array of ventilation holes 14 and ble, gas fired Wok stove wherein the Wok bottom is 16 are formed in cylinder 12 and perimetrically spaced spaced from the flame front and is subjected to an even adjacent their respective ends 12a and 12b as shown. An flow of high temperature gas. An outer closure or cylin annular ring or collar 18 is sized and flanged to detach der is vertically oriented with the upper end of the ably mount or seat on the open end of the cylinder, cylinder open. An annular collar formed with a central 35 namely end 12a, Collar 18 is formed with an outboard opening or aperture mounts detachably on the open end planar shelf 20 through which is disposed an array of of the cylinder. A heating chamber, generally of cylin ventilation ports 22. Collar shelf 20 is formed with a drical shape, has one open. The open end of the heating relatively large central aperture or opening 24 defined chamber is sized to fit about or generally cover the by an annular perimetric rim or lip 18.a. A means for collar aperture. The open end of the heating chamber is supporting the Wok in confronting alignment with ap positioned against the collar aperture and is attached erture 24 and slightly therein includes a plurality of thereto. The heating chamber depends from the annular support fingers 26. Each finger 26 extends a short dis collar in axial alignment with the collar aperture. The tance into collar aperture 24. During operation of the other end of the heating chamber extends into the inter stove as will be described below, perimetric portions of ior of the outer cylinder. A burner or gas manifold is 45 the Wok bottom rest on fingers 26 thereby to define an carried in this other end of the heating chamber such annular or circumferential space 24a between the Wok that the burner head is spaced from the collar aperture and aperture-defing lip 18a, and is in confronting alignment therewith. Means sup A cylindrical heating chamber 28 has one end, end ports the Wok in confronting alignment with the collar 28a, open. Chamber end 28a is sized to fit the outside aperture such that the Wok bottom is placed slightly 50 periphery of lip 18a and it is demountably held thereon therein and spaced therefrom. A fuel system is sized to by means of a plurality of circumferentially spaced fit or nestle in the interior of the outer cylinder under pinch screws 30. As shown, pinch screws 30 thread into neath the heating chamber. The high temperature gas and through the upper rim region of chamber 28 that impinging on the Wok bottom evenly heats the same. defines chamber end 28a. End 28a is placed and locked The outer cylinder and internally mounted heating 55 on lip 18a in such manner as to position end 28a substan chamber coact, to shield the flame from wind. tially in the plane of collar shelf 20 or slightly therebe It is therefore an object of the present invention to low. The aforesaid positioning of chamber end 28a provide a portable Wok stove having a large heat input causes chamber 28 to depend or extend from collar 18 wherein a heating chamber is suspended within an outer into the interior of cylinder 12. The other end of cham closure making the flame relatively insensitive to wind. 60 ber 28, that is, end 28b, is adapted to carry or to fixedly It is another object of the present invention to pro receive a gas manifold or burner 32 as shown. A plural vide a portable gas fired Wok stove that is generally of ity of ventilation holes or apertures 34 are formed in the cylindrical shape wherein many of the elements thereof cylindrical wall of chamber 28 and they are disposed in are substantially "in-line' with space being provided for a spaced array about the circumference thereof. carrying a source of fuel. 65 Burner 32 is of conventional design and it includes an It is a further object of the present invention to pro elbow 32a having one end threaded into burner 32. The vide a portable Wok stove adapted particularly for other end of the elbow flares to form a fuel-air mixing outdoor cooking wherein the Wok bottom is spaced chamber 32b. As in common with such mixing cham 4,062,341 3. 4. bers, an adjustable shutter 36 covers the open end by the high temperature gas impinging thereon and thereof. Shutter 36 manually pivots about a fuel input exiting chamber 28. -orifice 38 into which is threaded the output port of a In addition to being used as a stove for heating a fuel or gas control unit 40. A control shaft 42 extends Wok, the inventive apparatus can be used as a stove or from control unit 40. A hole 44 is formed in cylinder 12 as heat source for heating conventional cooking imple with the hole aligned to provide access to shaft 42.
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