THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. IS 3E IE & IT A TX CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE JUBILEE FUND. £ s. d. Page 108, under Donations, insert— Ilankey, W. A . Esq., for Missionary Vessel. 2 2 0 Page 119, under Newcastle, Tuthill Stairs, insert— Angas, Mr. J. L., for Missionary Vessel .... 5 0 0 Page 120, under Bridgnorth— Sing, Joshua, Esq., for ¿£10, read....................... 12 0 0 Page 120, under Oswestry— Cards, for £S Gs , rea d .............................................. 9 3 0 THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE O F T H E BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH THE THIRTY-FIRST, M.DCCC.XLIII. WITH A LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS; BEING A CONTINUATION OP THE PERIODICAL ACCOUNTS. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. HADDON, CASTLE STREET, FINSBURY. SO LD AT TH E SOCIETY'S ROOMS, FEN COURT, FENCHURCH STREET; JLXD B Y HOULSTON AND STONEMAN, PATERNOSTER ROW: WILLIAM INNES, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 1843. FOB XHE PLAN AND REGULATIONS OF THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY, SEE RESOLUTIONS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING, PAGE IX. CONTENTS. TAOS. NOTrCE RESPECTING BEQUESTS . yi CO M M ITTEE FO R 1 8 4 3 . - . V ii WEST INDIES. RESOLUTIONS OF THE FIFTY-FIRST MEET­ JAMAICA. ING AT EXETER HALL . Viii SUMMARY ....................................................................................3 8 DITTO, AT FINSBURY CHAPEL Xi THE PECUNIARY INDEPENDENCE OF THE LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS TO MISSIONARIES Xli CHU RCHES...... 40 REPORT. S T A T I S T I C S ........................................................................4 2 DEATH OF REV. R. GIBSON AND VY. T. BAHAMA ISLANDS. BEEBY, ESQ. 2 SUMMARY .................................................................................... 4 4 MISSIONARIES RETURNKD AND SENT OUT. 2 NEW PROVIDENCE, &C. 11 TURK'S ISLAND . .... 4 5 EAST INDIES. STATISTICS . 46 TRINIDAD. TRANSLATIONS.—SANSKRIT BIBLE . 3 NEW STATION.—PROSPECTS . 47 GENERAL SUMMARY OF SCHOOLS . 6 HAYTI. CHURCHES .......................................................................................7 SERAMPORE COLLEGE . 7 NEW STATION .............................................................. ................ BENGAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION . 8 C L A IM S .... 4 9 WEAKNESS OF STATIONS IN NORTHERN INDIA ...................................................................................... 9 AMERICA. I. CALCUTTA. HONDURAS. SUMMARY ................................................................................... 1 0 SU M M A R Y ...... 5 0 DISTRIBUTION OF MISSION STRENGTH . 10 TRANSLATIONS . .5 1 PREACHING TO THE NATIVES . 11 APPEAL ON BEHALF OF BARBADOES . 51 CHURCHES. CIRCULAR ROAD— LAL BAZAR 12 CANADA. COLINGA, INTALLY, HOWRAH, NARSING- THE TUSCABORA INDIANS . 52 DARCHOKE .................................................. 1 3 I.UCKYANTTPUR, KHARI .... 1 4 EDUCATION.— THE BENEVOLENT INSTITU­ HOME PROCEEDINGS. TION . .14 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE THE NATIVE INSTITUTION . 10 SOCIETY .................................................... 5 3 THE NATIVE CHRISTIAN INSTITUTION . 17 FEMALE D ITTO ........................................................................1 8 THE COLONIES, &C., INCLUDED . 53 TH E V I L L A G E S .................................................................18 THE JUBILEE FUND .... 5 4 TRANSLATIONS.—HINDUSTANI . 18 APPROPRIATION OF DITTO . 56 BENGALI, HINDU!, PERSIAN, SANSKRIT 19 WORKS IN PROGRESS.— ARMENIAN, BENGA­ PRAYER NECESSARY . • . 58 LI, HINDUSTANI, HINDUI, SANSKRIT . 20 CHRISTIAN UNITY .... 5 9 DEPOSITORY .............................................................................2 1 TAHITI, (fee. <10 II. NORTHERN INDIA. FUNDS go SUMMARY .................................................................................... 2 1 DONATIONS ........................................... 6 0 CUTWA, BIRBHUM ................................................................ 2 2 GRANTS FROM SOCIETIES 60 MONGHIR, P A T N A ............................................................2 3 SUMMARY ....................................................61 BENARAS, CHUNAR, ALLAHABAD . 24 AGRA, D E L H I ....................................................................... 2 5 NEW MISSIONARIES WANTED . 61 JESSORE, BARISAL, DACCA . 26 AGENCY AND AU X IL IA R IE S . 63 DINAJAPUR AND SADAMAHL, CHITTAGONG 28 INCREASED EFFORTS . 64 III. ASIATIC ISLANDS. APPE N D IX 1....................................................... 65 SUMMARY .................................................................................... 2 8 STATISTICS OF CHURCHES . 66 C E Y L O N .— COLOMBO, &C. 2 8 SCHOOLS . 6 6 KANDY—JAVA ........................................................................3 2 TRANSLATIONS 6 8 SUMATRA ............................................................................. 3 4 A PPE N D IX II. CONTRIBUTIONS . 73 LEGACIES ......................................................102 AFRICA. CONTRIBUTIONS TO JUBILEE FUND ,_107 SU M M A R Y .... 3 4 FROM SUNDAY SCHOOLS 127 F E R N A N D O P O .................................................................3 5 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF ACXIL- GRAHAM’S T O W N .......................................................... 3 7 IARIES ......................................................129 b NOTICE RESPECTING BEQUESTS TO THE SOCIETY. A n Act o f Parliament “ for the Amendment of the Laws with respect to Wills ” having been passed on the 3rd day of July, 1837; which Act came into operation on the 1st day o f January, 1838; the attention of all persons, who may contemplate making bequests to the Baptist Missionary Society, is respectfully called to the follow­ ing Section:— “ 1 V ictobi.*:, cap. 26, sec. 9. “ And be it further enacted, That no W ill shall be valid, unless it shall be in -writing, and exe­ cuted in manner hereinafter mentioned ; (that is to say I it shall be signed at the foot or end thereof by the Testator, or by some other person in his presence and by his direction ; and such signature shall be made or acknowledged by the Testator in the presence o f two or more Witnesses present at the same tim e; and such Witnesses siiall attest and shall subscribe the Will in the presence o f the Testator; but no Form of Attestation shall be necessary.” N. B.—Wills executed prior to the first day of January, 1838, are not affected by the New A c t; but any alteration therein, or Codicil thereto, must be executed in the manner btfore mentioned. The Committee embrace this opportunity of introducing the following extract from a work recently published, entitled, “ Plain Directions for making Wills, & c.; by J. C. Hudson, Esq., of the Legacy Duty Office,” as worthy o f particular attention. “ The Statute of 9 Geo. II. c. 36, called the Mortmain Act, is not repealed or altered by the 1 V ic to r le , c. 26; and therefore legacies to charities out of real estate will still be void. If a Tes­ tator desire to leave legacies to charities, he must take care to make them payable, either expressly or by ordinary course of law, out of such personal estate as may be applied for that purpose. A bequest to a charity for a term of years, or leasehold property; or of money to arise from, or be pro­ duced by, the sale of land; or by the rents, profits, or other interest arising from land; or a bequest of money, to be laid out in land; or a bequest of money secured by mortgage; or a bequest of annuities charged on land, or rather rent charges; or a bequest of money, with a direction to apply it in paying off mortgages on schools or chapels; or a bequest of money secured on parochial rates, or county rates, or turnpike tolls—is, in each case, void; and even where no particular fund is pointed out in the W ill, for the payment of charitable legacies, and they are consequently a charge on the residue, and the residue consists, in part, of property of all or either of the kinds above specified, so much of the legacies will becomc void as shall bear the same proportion to the entire legacies as the exempted property bears to the entire residue.” In all bequests of Stock there should be superadded, in case there should not be any or sufficient money in the Stock named in the W ill or Codicil to pay the legacy, that the same may be paid out o f the Residue o f the Testator’s personal estate. FORM OF A BEQUEST TO THE SOCIETY. I give and bequeath to “ The Baptist Missionary Society,” the sum o f Pounds Sterling, to be raised and paid, fo r the purposes o f the said Institution, out o f such part only o f my personal estate as shall not consist o f chattels real, or money secured on mortgage of Lands or Tenements, or in any other manner affecting Lands or Tenements ; fo r which Legacy the receipt o f the Treasurer fo r the time being o f the said Institution shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors. Those friends who wish to promote the^ Translation of the Scriptures, or the exten­ sion of Native Schools, may, by stating their desire, secure the application of their Contributions or Bequests to that specific object. COMMITTEE AND OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY, MDCCCXLIII. treasurer, WILLIAM BRODIE GURNEY, E sq. Secretarg, R ev. JOSEPH ANGUS, M.A. &u&ttors, M e s s r s . CHARLES BURLS, WILLS KITSON, a n d GEORGE T. KEMP. Central Committee, R ev. CALEB E. BIRT, M.A. Bristol. R e v . ROBERT ROFF Cambridge SAMUEL BRAWN Loughton. JOSHUA RUSSELL . Melksham. WILLIAM BROCK . Norwich. JAMES SPRIGG, M.A. Ipswich. FREDERICK A. COX, D.D., LL.D London. ISRAEL M. SOULE . London. JOHN M. CRAMP . Hastings. EDWARD STEANE, D.D. London. BENJAMIN GODWIN, D.D. Oxford. WILLIAM UPTON . St. Albans. WILLIAM GRAY Northampton. M e s
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