STATE OF CALIFORNIA • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE formats. For alternate format information, contact the Forms Management Unit TR0003 (REV 10/98) at (916) 445-1233, TTY 711, or write to Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814. 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION NUMBER 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER CA15-2631 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. REPORT DATE July 2015 6. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION CODE 7. AUTHOR 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NO. MTI Report 12-47 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. WORK UNIT NUMBER Mineta Transportation Institute College of Business San José State University 11. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER San José, CA 95192-0219 DTRT12-G-UTC21 12. SPONSORING AGENCY AND ADDRESS 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED California Department of Transportation Final Report Division of Research, Innovation and System Information PO Box 942873 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE Sacramento, CA 94273-0001 U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology= University Transportation Centers Program 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 15. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 16. ABSTRACT High-speed rail (HSR) has emerged as one of the most revolutionary and transformative transportation technologies, having a profound impact on urban- regional accessibility and inter-city travel across Europe, Japan, and more recently China and other Asian countries. One of HSR’s biggest advantages over air travel is that it offers passengers a one-seat ride into the center of major cities, eliminating time-consuming airport transfers and wait times, and providing ample opportunities for intermodal transfers at these locales. Thus, HSR passengers are typically able to arrive at stations that are only a short walk away from central business districts and major tourist attractions, without experiencing any of the stress that car drivers often experience in negotiating such highly congested environments. Such an approach requires a high level of coordination and planning of the infrastructural and spatial aspects of the HSR service, and a high degree of intermodal connectivity. But what key elements can help the US high-speed rail system blend successfully with other existing rail and transit services? That question is critically important now that high-speed rail is under construction in California. The study seeks to understand the requirements for high levels of connectivity and spatial and operational integration of HSR stations and offer recommendations for seamless, and convenient integrated service in California intercity rail/HSR stations. The study draws data from a review of the literature on the connectivity, intermodality, and spatial and operational integration of transit systems; a survey of 26 high-speed rail experts from six different European countries; and an in-depth look of the German and Spanish HSR systems and some of their stations, which are deemed as exemplary models of station connectivity.The study offers recommendations on how to enhance both the spatial and the operational connectivity of high-speed rail systems giving emphasis on four spatial zones: the station, the station neighborhood, the municipality at large, and the region. 17. KEY WORDS 18. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT High-speed rail; Blended systems; Intermodal connectivity No restrictions. This document is available to the public through The National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION (of this report) 20. NUMBER OF PAGES 21. COST OF REPORT CHARGED Unclassified 223 Reproduction of completed page authorized. DISCLAIMER STATEMENT This document is disseminated in the interest of information exchange. The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the State of California or the Federal Highway Administration. This publication does not constitute a standard, specification or regulation. This report does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of any product described herein. For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information, call (916) 654-8899, TTY 711, or write to California Department of Transportation, Division of Research, Innovation and System Information, MS-83, P.O. Box 942873, Sacramento, CA 94273-0001. MTI Funded by U.S. Department of Services Transit Census California of Water 2012 Transportation and California Promoting Intermodal Department of Transportation Connectivity at California’s High-Speed Rail Stations MTI ReportMTI 12-02 MTI Report 12-47 December 2012 MINETA TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE MTI FOUNDER Hon. Norman Y. Mineta The Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) was established by Congress in 1991 as part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Equity Act (ISTEA) and was reauthorized under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st century (TEA-21). MTI then successfully MTI BOARD OF TRUSTEES competed to be named a Tier 1 Center in 2002 and 2006 in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Most recently, MTI successfully competed in the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011 to Founder, Honorable Norman Joseph Boardman (Ex-Officio Diane Woodend Jones (TE 2016) Michael Townes* (TE 2017) be named a Tier 1 Transit-Focused University Transportation Center. The Institute is funded by Congress through the United States Mineta (Ex-Officio Chief Executive Office Principal and Chair of Board Senior Vice President Department of Transportation’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R), University Transportation Secretary (ret.), US Department of Amtrak Lea+Elliot, Inc. Transit Sector, HNTB Transportation Centers Program, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and by private grants and donations. Vice Chair Anne Canby (TE 2017) Will Kempton (TE 2016) Bud Wright (Ex-Officio Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Director Executive Director Executive Director OneRail Coalition Transportation California American Association of State The Institute receives oversight from an internationally respected Board of Trustees whose members represent all major surface Honorary Chair, Honorable Bill Highway and Transportation Officials transportation modes. MTI’s focus on policy and management resulted from a Board assessment of the industry’s unmet needs Shuster (Ex-Officio Donna DeMartino (TE 2018) Art Leahy (TE 2018) (AASHTO) Chair General Manager and CEO CEO and led directly to the choice of the San José State University College of Business as the Institute’s home. The Board provides House Transportation and San Joaquin Regional Transit District Metrolink Edward Wytkind (Ex-Officio policy direction, assists with needs assessment, and connects the Institute and its programs with the international transportation Infrastructure Committee President United States House of William Dorey (TE 2017) Jean-Pierre Loubinoux (Ex-Officio Transportation Trades Dept., community. Representatives Board of Directors Director General AFL-CIO Granite Construction, Inc. International Union of Railways Honorary Co-Chair, Honorable (UIC) MTI’s transportation policy work is centered on three primary responsibilities: Peter DeFazio (Ex-Officio Malcolm Dougherty (Ex-Officio (TE) = Term Expiration or Ex-Offici Vice Chair Director Michael Melaniphy (Ex-Officio * = Past Chair, Board of Trustee House Transportation and California Department of President and CEO Research Infrastructure Committee Transportation American Public Transportation MTI works to provide policy-oriented research for all levels of Department of Transportation, MTI delivers its classes over United States House of Association (APTA) Representatives Mortimer Downey* (TE 2018) government and the private sector to foster the development a state-of-the-art videoconference network throughout President Abbas Mohaddes (TE 2018) of optimum surface transportation systems. Research areas in- the state of California and via webcasting beyond, allowing Chair, Nuria Fernandez Mort Downey Consulting, LLC CEO clude: transportation security; planning and policy development; (TE 2017) The Mohaddes Group working transportation professionals to pursue an advanced General Manager and CEO Rose Guilbault (TE 2017) interrelationships among transportation, land use, and the degree regardless of their location. To meet the needs of Valley Transportation Board Member Jeff Morales (TE 2016) environment; transportation finance; and collaborative labor- employers seeking a diverse workforce, MTI’s education Authority Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers CEO Board (Caltrain) California High-Speed Rail Authority management relations. Certified Research Associates conduct program promotes enrollment to under-represented groups. Vice Chair, Grace Crunican the research. Certification requires an advanced degree, gener- (TE 2016) Ed Hamberger (Ex-Officio David Steele, Ph.D. (Ex-Officio General Manager President/CEO Dean, College of Business ally a Ph.D., a record of academic publications, and profession- Information and Technology Transfer Bay Area Rapid Transit District Association of American Railroads San José State University al references. Research projects culminate in a peer-reviewed MTI promotes
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