Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 24 NOVEMBER 1960 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions [24 NOVEMBER] Questions 1747 THURSDAY, 24 NOVEMBER, 1960 Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer) replied- " As I mentioned in my reply to the Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Honourable Member on March 2, 1960, Murrumba) took the chair at 11 a.m. the question of effecting improvements to the Parcels Office at Townsville is associated with proposals embraced by the QUESTIONS Mt. Isa Railway Project. The prepara­ HAYLES MAGNETIC IsLAND BOAT SERVICE tion of plans and the calling of tenders for much of the project work are now Mr. AIKENS (Town5viJ!c South) asked the well under way, but so far the plans for Minister for Transport- building alterations at Townsville have not "Is it proposed to bring the operations been completed. However, alterations to of Hayles Magnetic Island boat servke the Parcels Office are embodied in the under the Transport Act and, if not why overall work and will receive attention in not?" the order of priority, having due regard for the necessity to firstly put track and Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer) replied- bridge work in hand." "The authority contained in "The State Transport Facilities Acts" to control under license the carriage of passengers or goods LIBRARY RooM, RAILWAY EsTATE STATE upon the inland or coastal waters of this ScHooL, TowNsvrLLE State has never been implemented. Within Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) asked the my term as Minister a set of circumstances Minister for Public Works and Local Govern­ to warrant such implementation has not ment- been brought to my notice but if the Honourable Member desires to furnish me "In view of the fact that over 1,000 with any information which could have a books are at present housed in almost bearing on the necessity for implementation every room at the school, can he give then I shall have such information any estimate as to the date of the com­ examined." mencement of construction of the proposed library room at the Railway Estate State School?" OPERATIONS OF COMALCO AT WEIPA Mr. LLOYD (Kedron) asked the Minister Hon. L H. S. ROBERTS (Whitsunday) for Development, Mines, Main Roads and replied- Electricity- "In view of the necessity to direct the "(1) What progress has been made by services of the Architectural Staff of my Comalco in constructing (a) the Harbour Department to the planning of urgently at Weipa and (b) the alumina factory?" needed classroom accommodation at schools throughout the State, it has not yet been "(2) Has Comalco yet fulfilled its under­ possible to prepare plans for the provision taking given in 1957 to surrender an area of a library room at the Railway Estate of approximately seventy-five acres to be State School. No advice as to the prob­ reserved for the exclusive use of aborigines able date of commencement of construction on Weipa Mission Station?" of the room can be given at present." Hon. E. EVANS (Mirani) replied- "(!) Important discussions with Comalco SEPTIC SYSTEM, WULGURU STATE SCHOOL by the Premier and myself have been proceeding and a statement will be made Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) asked the tomorrow." Minister for Public Works and Local Govern­ ment- "(2) Comalco actually surrendered a "In view of the improbability of a sewer­ much larger area (about 390 acres) sur­ age system in the area in the foreseeable rounding the Weipa Native Village for future, will he consider the installation of this purpose. That surrender was accepted a septic system at the proposed Wulguru on June 27, 1958." State School, as has been done by the Housing Commission with regard to its NEW PARCELS OFFICE, TOWNSVILLE RAILWAY houses in the same area?" STATION Hon. L. H. S. ROBERTS (Whitsunday) Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) asked the replied- Minister for Transport- "The installation of a septic system at "With reference to his answer to my the proposed Wulguru State School is question on March 2, 1960, on the subject, receiving consideration and the necessary can he given any estimate of the date of investigations are being made although I commencement of construction of the new am informed it is unlikely that the site parcels office at the Townsville railway will be suitable for a septic system as station?" water lies on it for very long periods." 1748 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions TIMBER AREAS, QUEENSLAND FORESTS LTD. the demand for tarpaulins during the wet season. The existing repair capacity is Mr. TUCKER (Townsville North) asked the ample and there is no intention of re­ Minister for Agriculture and Forestry- opening the tarpaulin shop at Townsville." "(1) Are any areas of standing timber in North Queensland still held by the firm, CONSTRUCTION OF BULK SUGAR TERMINALS Queensland Forests Ltd.?" Mr. BYRNE (Mourilyan) asked the "(2) Does the Company maintain offices Treasurer and Minister for Housing- in Queensland and, if so, where?" "(1) As it would appear from the answer Hon. 0. 0. MADSEN (Warwick) replied­ to Question 10, part (1), on November 17 that there are agreements for service with "(!) The Forestry Department has no Messrs. Macdonald, Wagner and Priddle record of the ownership of private forests." covering the construction of each Bulk "(2) The Department is not aware of Terminal and that such service agreements any office maintained in Queensland by provide that Messrs. Macdonald, Wagncr Queensland Forests Ltd. The Company and Priddle have the right to select and is reported to maintain an Office at 8-14 instruct consultants, who were the consult­ Bond Street, Sydney." ants so selected and instructed and in respect of what works and services?" "(2) Upon what sums of money and in RAILWAY TARPAULINS, TOWNSVILLE respect of what services and in respect Mr. TUCKER (Townsville North) asked the of which selected and constructed con~ult· Minister for Transport- ants have Messrs. Macdonald, Wagner imd Priddle proved when establishing entitle­ "(!) Is he aware than (a) some goods ment to the co-ordinating fee of one per wagons had to be left at Townsville on last centum of the cost of the work in respect of Thursday evening, November 17, because of which the special consultants were retained, a shortage of covers and (b) because of the in pursuance of the several service arrange­ state of disrepair of tarpaulins, up to four ments mentioned in his reply to me on have to be used to cover one wagon?" November 17?" "(2) Will he have the situation remedied "(3) (a) What were and are the arrange­ before the onset of the wet season and give ments made and existing between the Sugar serious consideration to the re-opening of Board and the C.S.R. Co. Ltd., whereunder the tarpaulin shop at Townsville?" and in consequence whereof the C.S.R. Co. Ltd. set up a bulk Raw Sugar Section, Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer) (b) what moneys and in respect of what replied- services, have been paid under the arrange­ " (I) (a) I am not aware of such a hap­ ment between the Sugar Board and the pe?ing on Thursday, November 17, but on C.S.R. Co. Ltd. meaning and including Fnday, November 18, three wagons which 'salaries of the staff of the particular section had been loaded at Townsville that day (meaning the Bulk Raw Sugar Section) and were left unsheeted and were placed under portion of the salaries of officers of other cover in No. 2 shed. Had the employee sections called upon from time to time for responsible for the sheeting of these advice, etc., (c) what do the words 'other wagons drawn the attention of the Station sections' refer to, (d) what moneys have Master or the Wagons Clerk to the matter, been paid and in respect of whom 'for tarpaulins which arrived at Townsville that travelling expenses and fares of officers day could have been utilised to cover tht> engaged on the work,' (e) as his answer wagons. However, now that the Honour­ to part (6) on November 17 says 'the charge able Member has drawn my attention to for the service covers the actual cost of this matter I am taking steps to see that the service plus an element of profit,' will suitable action is taken with the employee he advise of 'the actual cost and particulars concerned to ensure that there is no recur­ of the service' and also 'of the element rence. (b) Although instances may occur, of profit,' (f) will he explain the reference when the demand for tarpaulins is heavy, to the Refining Agreement and of the of defective tarpaulins being used these relevance of the reference and (g) if !he would be only isolated cases. Tarpaulins, reference is relevant to the agreem~nts generally speaking, are in good condition between the Sugar Board and the C.S.R. and there is a continuous repair programme Co. Ltd. herein referred to, is expenditure at Ipswich Shops." thereunder subject to the same conditions of audit as apply to the Refining Agree­ "(2) There has been no shortage of ment?" tarpaulins in the Townsville District. This "(4) Would it have been possible for is borne out by the fact that on Thursday, services to have been paid for by Messrs. November 17, 31 surplus tarpaulins Macdonald, Wagner and Priddle under the gathered at stations after the close of busi­ answer to part (1) and the same services ness that day were forwarded to Brisbane to have been paid for under the arrange­ and on Friday, November 18, 33 spare ments between the Sugar Board and the tarpaulins were sent to Brisbane.
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