Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84050-7 — Negotiating the Paris Agreement Edited by Henrik Jepsen , Magnus Lundgren , Kai Monheim , Hayley Walker Index More Information Index Accountability, 311 establishment of, 31–32, 72 ACT. See Agreement for Climate legitimacy and, 89 Transformation (ACT) Lima Call for Climate Action and, Adaptation 36–37, 38 generally, 39 meetings of, 32–33 Adaptation Committee, 31 Paris Conference and, 39–40, 41 Adaptation Global Goal, 174 “party-driven process” and, 72 addressing at Paris Conference, 84 scheduling and, 75 African Adaptation Initiative, 188–189 transition to COP at Paris Conference, African Group of Negotiators perspective 82–83 on, 174–175, 177 Adoption of Paris Agreement Agreement for Climate Transformation generally, 1, 20, 95–96, 106 and, 252–253 implementation versus, 339–340 capacity building and, 177 statements of support, 93 European Union perspective on, 131 ADP. See Ad Hoc Working Group on the finance and, 177 Durban Platform for Enhanced Geneva negotiations and, 39 Action (ADP) Global Commission on Adaptation, 131 African Adaptation Initiative (AAI), 188–189 G77+China on, 177 African Group of Negotiators (AGN). See also High Ambition Coalition perspective specific country on, 223 on adaptation, 174–175, 177 Like-Minded Developing Countries African Adaptation Initiative, 188–189 Group perspective on, 165–166, African Renewable Energy Initiative, 188 176–178, 296 coalition building and, 300 loss and damage versus, 165–166, insider accounts, 3 203–204 on nationally determined mitigation versus, 296 contributions, 125 National Adaptation Plans, 165–166 Paris Agreement and, 53–54 Obama on, 296 on “principles and provisions” of Small Island Developing States UNFCCC, 174–175 perspective on, 204 African Renewable Energy Initiative technology transfer and, 177 (AREI), 188 text of Paris Agreement, 349–351 Agnefjäll, Peter, 274 Adding negotiating issues with opposite Agreement for Climate distributional implications, 296 Transformation (ACT) Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban adaptation and, 252–253 Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) analysis and informal diplomacy, ambition and, 41 250–254 closing plenary, 38 China and, 250 drafting of Paris Agreement and, creation of, 299 88–89 European Union and, 250 383 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84050-7 — Negotiating the Paris Agreement Edited by Henrik Jepsen , Magnus Lundgren , Kai Monheim , Hayley Walker Index More Information 384 index (ACT) (cont.) United States perspective on, 139, global stocktake and, 252 156–157 Long-Term Goals and, 252, 253 “We Mean Business” Coalition and, Mexico and, 250 277–278 mitigation and, 252–253 Amendments, text of Paris Agreement, 363 overview, 246 Angola, Informal Ministerial Group (IMG) Philippines and, 250 and, 228 “thought sessions,” 250–251, 252 Annexes United States and, 250 Annex I countries, 23–26, 28, 140, ALBA countries, Like-Minded Developing 145, 223 Countries (LMDC) Group and, 161, text of Paris Agreement, 363 162, 168, 180. See also specific country Anthony, Kenny, 205 Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) AOSIS. See Alliance of Small Island States Cartagena Dialogue and, 220 (AOSIS) emergence of, 119 Apple Computers, 274, 298 High Ambition Coalition and, 206–207, Argentina on Long-Term Goals, 208 222–223, 236–237 Arrhenius, Svante, 20–21 Informal Ministerial Group and, 228 Australia on Long-Term Goals, 231 carbon emissions by, 223–224 Small Island Developing States and, 119, Cartagena Dialogue and, 119–120 208–209, 217, 218–219 climate denial in, 242 Ambiguity, 195–196 common but differentiated Ambition responsibilities and respective generally, 39 capabilities and, 219 ADP and, 41 High Ambition Coalition and, 207 Ban Ki-moon and, 80 Informal Ministerial Group and, 230 Brazil and, 319 on Long-Term Goals, 259 business community and, 266 Authentication of Paris Agreement China–France Joint Statement and, 99–100 generally, 95–96 China–United States Joint Statement on text of Paris Agreement, 364 Climate Change and, 35–36 Avaaz (NGO), 224, 225, 232, 257, 260 civil society and, 320 Copenhagen Accord and, 116 Baker, Anne, 267 countries falling short of, 339–340 Balakrishnan, Vivian, 37 European Union and, 115, 136, 137 Bali Conference (COP 18) (2007) French Presidency and, 49–50 Bali Road Map, 26–27, 140–141, future success, keys to, 340–341 219 global stocktake and, 61 (See also Global perceived failure of, 277 stocktake) Bangladesh, Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) High Ambition Coalition (See High and, 236 Ambition Coalition (HAC)) Ban Ki-moon informal consultations and, 84, 103 ambition and, 80 Kyoto Protocol and, 196 on business community, 274 Long-Term Goals and, 157 Climate Action Summit (2014) and, mitigation and, 124–127 34–35, 80, 257, 298, 319–320 Paris Agreement as standard for, 1 diplomatic activities of, 106 Small Island Developing States informal consultations and, 29, 42–43 perspective on, 207–209, 211, 212, Informal Ministerial Group and, 229 214–215 on Long-Term Goals, 78 UNFCCC Secretariat and, 78–79 mobilizing support by, 27 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84050-7 — Negotiating the Paris Agreement Edited by Henrik Jepsen , Magnus Lundgren , Kai Monheim , Hayley Walker Index More Information index 385 Nicaragua and, 309 common but differentiated on Paris Agreement, 1, 44 responsibilities and respective at Paris Conference, 101, 105 capabilities and, 141–142 Bank of England, 303 Fabius and, 302 Barbados, Small Island Developing States “Friends of Rules” Group and, 130–131 (SIDS) and, 204, 205 High Ambition Coalition and, 135, 237 Barlett, Nicky, 232 Mission: Innovation and, 304 Bartholomew, Patriarch, 55–56 nationally determined contributions BASIC countries. See also specific country and, 125 China and, 104, 106–107 populist nationalism in, 318–319 coalition building and, 300 Breakthrough Energy Coalition, 304 Copenhagen Accord and, 115–116 Brexit, 2, 318–319, 333 economic growth in, 316 Brin, Sergei, 268 European Union and, 119 British Petroleum (BP), 268, 272 High Ambition Coalition and, 236–237 Brokering balance, 191–193 nationally determined contributions and, Brown, Gordon, 115, 119 156–157 Brown, Jerry, 277 on rules, 130 Browne, John, 268, 272 Beckett, Margaret, 267 BSR, 273 Berlin Conference (COP 1) (1995), 140, B-Team (NGO), 232, 259, 273 142 Burden sharing, 60–61, 269, 275 Betts, Pete, 9–10, 13, 228, 315–316 Bush, George W., 23, 27, 114–115, 140, 318 Bialek, Dean, 221–222, 232–233, Business community. See also Non-state 236–237, 240 actors (NSAs) Biden, Joe, 243, 318 ambition and, 266 Biniaz, Susan Ban Ki-moon on, 274 generally, 9–10, 13–14 in California, 267–268 China–United States Joint Statement on “carbon-dependent” businesses, 271–272 Climate Change and, 148–149, 150, “carbon-intensive” businesses, 271–272 156, 316 changes in, 281 High Ambition Coalition and, 221, civil society and, 262–263 232, 233 “climate-solutions” businesses, 271–272 Informal Ministerial Group and, on Copenhagen Accord, 268–270 229 European Union and, 136 legally binding instrument, Paris future steps, 283 Agreement not seen as, 52 G8 and, 266 at Paris Conference, 123 insider accounts, 3 Blair, Tony, 266, 268 Kyoto Protocol and, 273 Bloomberg, Mike, 274 overview of perspective, 17–18, 265–266 Bolivia public education and awareness in, Copenhagen Accord and, 29 282–283 Like-Minded Developing Countries role in success of Paris Conference, Group and, 162, 300 292–293, 298, 311–312 Bolsonaro, Jair, 318–319 solar energy and, 282 Bottoms, Isabel, 224, 238 technological development and, 282 Branson, Richard, 268 transparency and, 281–282 Brazil types of businesses, 271–272 ambition and, 319 “unconstrained” businesses, 271–272 China, joint statement with, 100 in United Kingdom, 266–267 coalition building and, 300 voluntary actions by, 281 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84050-7 — Negotiating the Paris Agreement Edited by Henrik Jepsen , Magnus Lundgren , Kai Monheim , Hayley Walker Index More Information 386 index Business community (cont.) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for “We Mean Business” Coalition (See International Aviation “We Mean Business” Coalition) (CORSIA), 158 Caribbean Community (CARICOM), 198, California 200, 202, 204, 206–207 business community in, 267–268 Caribbean Community Climate Change Environmental Protection Agency Center (CCCCC), 200, 201–202 (Cal-EPA), 267–268 Caribbean Development Bank, 201–202 Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 Caribbean Youth Environment Network (AB 32), 267–268 (CYEN), 201, 215 mitigation efforts in, 158–159 Carney, Mark, 58, 303 Callendar, Guy, 20–21 Cartagena Dialogue (CD) Cameron, Ed, 278 Alliance of Small Island States and, 220 Canada Colombia and, 119–120 backsliding by, 286–287 European Union and, 227 common but differentiated High Ambition Coalition and, 16 responsibilities and respective informal consultations and, 328 capabilities and, 219 informal process of, 13 High Ambition Coalition and, 207 Least Developed Countries and, 220 Kyoto Protocol and, 23, 32 overview, 119–120, 220–221 on Long-Term Goals, 259, 260 preparing ground for Paris Cancún Conference (COP 16) (2010) Conference, 325 Cancún Agreements, 30–31, 78, 79 transparency and, 226–227 informal consultations at, 184 United Kingdom and, 119–120 Cañete, Miguel Arias, 104–105, 114, 222, Cavalier, Isabel, 225 237 CBDR/RC. See Common but differentiated Capacity building
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