US008761513B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,761,513 B1 Rogowski et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 24, 2014 (54) SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR DISPLAYING (56) References Cited FOREIGN CHARACTER SETS AND THEIR |U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS TRANSLATIONS IN REAL TIME ON -- - RESOURCE-CONSTRAINED MOBILE 5,875,421 A 2/1999 Takeuchi DEVICES D453,766 S 2/2002 Grandcolas et al. (71) Applicants: Ryan Leon Rogowski, Naperville, IL (Continued) º FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP 2587389 A1 5/2013 (72) Inventors: Ryan Leon Rogowski, Naperville, IL WO 2013040 107 A1 3/2013 (US); Huan-Yu Wu, Taipei (TW); Kevin WO 2013,134090 A1 9/2013 Anthony Clark, Warwick, RI (US) WO 201400 1937 A1 1/2014 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: Translate Abroad, Inc., Providence, RI (US) Quest Visual Inc, “Word Lens,” Quest Visual website, available at http://questvisual.com/us/Accessed on Jan. 11, 2014. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Continued patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued) U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Primary Examiner – Ruiping Li - (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm – American Patent Agency (21) Appl. No.: 14/207,155 PC; Daniar Hussain; Karl Dresdner (22) Filed: Mar 12, 2014 (57) ABSTRACT The present invention is related to systems and methods for Related U.S. Application Data translating language text on a mobile camera device offline e K_f e without access to the Internet. More specifically, the present (60) Provisional application No. 61/791,584, filed on Mar. invention relates to systems and methods for displaying text 15, 2013. of a first language and a translation of the first language text into a second language text which is displayed in real time in (51) Int. Cl. augmented reality on the mobile device. The processing can G{}6K 9/00 (2006.01) use a single line or a multiline algorithm designed with a G06F H 7/28 (2006.01) plurality of processing innovations to insure accurate real (52) U.S. CI. time translations without motion jitter. The invention may be CPC .................................... Goof 17289 (2013.01) used to help travelers in a foreign country with difficulties in USPC 382/181: 382/182: 382/135: 382/187 reading and understanding text written in the local language 58) Field foi - - - - - .ficati s h s s of that country. The present invention may be utilized with (58) º O º º . º 9/4638: G06K 9/18: wearable computers or glasses, producing seamless aug mented reality foreign language translations. Some embodi G06K 9/222; G07D 7/20: G07D 7/12: H04M ments are particularly useful in translations from Asian lan 1/72522; HO4M 1/72527 guages to English. 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Google Glass, “Google Glass Translation App,” available at http:// att.com/gen/press-room?pid=22626 Accessed on Jan. 11, 2014. www.mediabistro.com/appmewser/word-lens-brings-real-time Babelshot, “Babelshot Photo Translator App,” available https:// translation-app-to-google-glass bºº?8 Accessed on Jan. 11, 2014. itunes.apple.com/us/app/babelshot-photo-translator/ id334194705?mt=8 Accessed on Jan. 11, 2014. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 1 of 22 US 8,761,513 B1 Fig. 1A 150 START SINGLE LINEA_GORITHM ~... 100 ºvers |S NO FOCUSED2 2^ {DETERM #NES S No |MULTELINEALGORITHM SINGLELINE2. (SEE FIG 3) - CROP MAGE FROM BOUND}NG BOX \,...} 08 PRE-PROCESSING (CHARACTER L-110 DETECTION) REFERENCE (SEE FIG. 2A) 144 YES > TEXT . ... 112 PRECURSORT 2. (No --- 2-116 SHOW “TRY TO CHARACTER SEGMENT ZOOM IN RECOGNITION OR GET (SEE FIG 2B) CLOSER” 2118 AVERAGE CHARACTER ~SIZE SMALL is NO U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 2 of 22 US 8,761,513 B1 | Fig. 1B 122 FILTER OUT A NON-CHINESE CHARACTERS SHOW “HMAGE 1...N -124 UNCLEAR” YES Bl_ANK ºf OR “USE ~, STRENGT’ Fi_ASHLHGHT” ^. \-126 NO VARANT -130 CONVERSHON 2–132 TRANSLATION ...” CHECK IF STAYING L-134 AS SAME TEXT 2- 136 SHOW PREVIOUS RESULT IF TEXT {S STAYING AND PREVIOUS RESULT HAS A BETTER TRANSLATION SCORE, OTHERWISE, SHOW CURRENT RESULT U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 3 of 22 US 8,761,513 B1 Fig. 2A 200 START PRE-PROCESS|NG _-202 UPSAMPLENG THE CROPPED 2-206 GRAY |MAGE TO A FIXED SIZE DECIDE THRESHOLD TYPE IN 2-208 BINARIZATION: ADAPTIVE B?NARIZATION CONNECTED COMPONENT 2–210 ANALYSIS (CCA) DENO{SE END _-214 (GO TO 112 FIG 1A) U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 4 of 22 US 8,761,513 B1 Fig. 2B 200 216 - START CHARACTER SEGMENT RECOGNITION 218 - STORE TEXT PRECURSOR NFORMATION 220 -s, VERTICAL MERGE 222 --> REMOVE TEXT PRECURSORS OUTS?DE REGION EXTENDED FROM CENTER HOREZONTAL L; NE 224 – SORT TEXT PRECURSORS |N LEFT TO RIGHT ORDER END CHARACTER SEGMENT AVERAGE CHARACTER RECOGNITION S{ZE SMALL (GO TO 120) 230 - HORIZONTAL MERGE WITH RECOGNITION FEEDBACK (SEE FIG. 2C) ~ END (GO TO 122) U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 5 of 22 US 8,761,513 B1 START B?NARY _2~234 CHARACTER RECOGNITION SET REGION OF 2-238 |NTEREST ON THE _2^ B|NARY |MAGE ----_-240 NORMALIZATION FEATURE 2- 242 EXTRACTION D?MENSIONALTY 2- 244 REDUCTION - 246 CLASS|F}CATHON W?TH C# USTER?NG END BINARY CHARACTER … 248 RECOGNITION (RETURN 2’ RESULTS TO 230) U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 6 of 22 US 8,761,513 B1 Fig. 3A 300 starTMULTILINETL 302 OVERALL FLOWCHART SUB-SAMPLE L-304 #MAGE SAVE THE YES HMAGE - PAUSE PRESSED?. 2-312 DO TRACKING ON RESIZED PREV. MAGE AND : CURRENT IMAGE 2- 314 EXAMINE VECTOR RESULTS 2 316 VECTORS >< CONSISTENT2 º 348 AND X, Y ACCUMULATED SHIFT DIDN'T CHANGE TOO MUCH SINCE .
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