THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964: EFFECTS ON THE HYDROLOGIC REGIMEN Effects of the March 1964 Alaska Earthquake On the Hydrology Of the Anchorage Area By ROGER M. WALLER A description and analysis of temporary and lasting eflects of the earthquake on surface and ground water in the Anchorage area GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 544-B UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1966 -- - - For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 60 cents (paper cover) THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE SERIES The U.S. Geological Survey is publishing the results of investigations of the earthquake in a series of six Professional Papers. Professional Paper 544 describes the effects on the hydrology. Other Pro- fessional Papers describe the effects of the earth- quake on communities; the regional effects of the earthquake; the effects on transportation, communi- cations, and utilities; and the history of the field investigations and the reconstruction effort. CONTENTS Abstract_------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in the hydrologic system ......................................... ---- Streams-_---__-------------------------------------------------------- Lakes_---___---------------------------------------------------------- Groundwater---------------------------------------------------------- Waterwells__-__--------------------------------------------------- Response of the shallow water table___---____-_-_--------------------- Artesian-aquifer response- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Piezometric levels._---_-__------------------------------------------ Causes of residual changes- - _---------------- ........................ Discharge zones-------------------------------------------------------- Chemicalqualit~i------------------------------------------------------- Ground water in the Bootlegger Cove Clay ..................................... Subsidence.---_----_----.---------------------------------------------------- Conclusions--_-----_-------------------------------------------------------- References cited-____------------------------------------------------------- ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE In 1. Map of Anchorage showing effects of earthquake on water levels in wells- - _ - - - - - - porket FIGURES 1-5. H y drographs: Page 1. Anchorage streams--______------~--------------- B3 2. Well Anc 316B_-______-----__~~---~---------6 3. Five Anchorage-area wells- - _ _ _ _ __-___ __------------ ---- - --------- 7 4. Two wells east of Anchorage and graph of city pumpage ___----____--- 8 5. A well near Anchorage in Tertiary strata-- - -_-----..-_--------------10 6. Map showing artesian-pressure changes at Anchorage __-___-----____--..-------11 7. Knik Arm bottom changes--- .......................................... 12 8. Hydrographs of pore pressures versus water levels----------..----------------- 14 9. Hydrographs of piezometer observations- - - ................................. 15 10. Map showing relative subsidence at Anchorage ........................... -16 THE ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27,1964: EFFECTS ON THE HYDROLOGIC REGIMEN EFFECTS OF THE MARCH 1964 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE ON THE HYDROLOGY OF THE ANCHORAGE AREA, ALASKA By Roger M. Waller ABSTRACT The Anchorage hydrologic system Water supplies were disrupted tem- slides. Measurements after the earth- was greatly affected by the seismic porarily by snowslides on streams and quake indicate that most pore pressures shock. Immediate but temporary ef- by sanding or turbidity in wells. Salt- are declining, whereas some remain fects included increased stream dis- water encroachment to wells on Fire high or are increasing. charge, seiche action on lakes, and Island seems to have increased. The Subsidence in the area was caused fluctuations in ground-water levels. approximate 3.7-foot lowering of land principally by tectonic readjustment, Generally, ground-water levels were level and the diminished artesian but differential compaction within the residually lowered after the initial head may permit further salt-water Bootlegger Cove Chy contributed to period of fluctuation. This lowering is encroachment. subsidences estimated to be as much as attributed either to changes in the dis- Increased pore pressure in the Pleis- 0.6 foot beneath Anchorage. charge zones offshore or to a change in tocene Bootlegger Cove Clay led to the permeability of the aquifers by liquefaction in silt and sand lenses that seismically induced strain. 'contributed to the disastrous bluff land- INTRODUCTION The earthquake occurred at been conducting water-resources Bootlegger Cove Clay, of Pleis- 5 :36 p.m. Alaska standard time studies in the Anchorage area for tocene age, \\-ere initiated by and lasted about 6 minutes; the about 15 years. A network of ob- Shannon and Wilson and were epicenter was located in Prince servation wells and stream-gaging continued by the Geological Sur- William Sound. The main shock stations provided preearthquake vey. The writer is indebted to the was of Richter magnitude 8.4-8.6. control for assessing the effects of District Engineer, U.S. Army During the main shock, and pos- the earthquake. The number and Corps of Engineers, for coopera- sibly during some of the earlier frequency of observations were tion in making those further aftershocks, about 40,000 square increased for a time after the studies possible. The well-dam- miles of land, including the earthquake. Anchorage area, was lowered from Information on hydrologic con- age and water-loss data were col- a fraction of a foot to as much as ditions in and near the disastrous lected by L. L. Dearborn; his 8 feet, and about 25,000 square landslides along the Anchorage results and interpretations are in- miles of land was raised from a bluffs was obtained during a soils corporated in a following sec- fraction of a foot to as much as study reported by Shannon and tion. A description of the general 33 feet (Plafker, 1965). Wilson, Inc. (1964). Measure- earthquake effects at Anchorage The Geological Survey has ments of pore pressures in the was given by Hansen (1965). B1 ALASKA EARTHQUAKE, MARCH 27, 1964 CHANGES IN THE HYDROLOGIC SYSTEM STREAMS creased abruptly and reached a Ground water in glacial deposits, The Anchorage streams were in plateau at about 50 cfs. This rate as well as in the bedrock, provides their annual period of low flow of flow was maintained for about the base flow for the streams and were ice covered at the time 6 weeks, and then discharge in- throughout most of the winter. of the earthquake. The ground creased normally as a result of 'l'he intense ground movement waves and the oscillations of water increasing snowmelt in the moun- probably fractured the frost cover in the shallow streams broke the tains. The earthquake therefore and compacted streambeds, and ice cover. Water and sediment temporarily increased the rate of thereby released ground water to were ejected at some places, par- discharge by about 200 percent the streams. Similar increases ticularly along the tidal reach of until the normal discharge pattern were noted in streams draining each stream, as the confined water was resumed. areas affected by an underground was subjected to pulsating seismic Discharge records of the South nuclear detonation in Mississippi waves. Fork Campbell Creek show nearly (C. P. Humphreys, Jr., and R. E. Snow and rock avalanches oc- the same pattern (fig. 1) as that Taylor, written commun., 1965). curred in the headwaters of each for Ship Creek. Preearthquake The major cause of increased dis- stream rising in the Chugach discharge records for South Fork charge in both places probably is Mountains, but only one slide is Campbell Creek are not as de- compaction of near-surface sedi- known to have affected the stream- pendable as those for Ship Creek, ments which releases water from flow. A snowslide on Ship Creek but the increased flow related to the unconfined aquifer. about 3 miles upstream from the the earthquake apparently was be- Chester Creek, a stream that lowland temporarily dammed the tween 20 and 25 cfs. The plateau rises in the lowland (fig. 6), dis- stream. In a short time the stream on the discharge hydrograph is played a postearthquake discharge had cut through the slide, but the similar to that of Ship Creek, and pattern somewhat different from temporary stoppage of flow had was maintained for about 6 weeks that of Ship and Campbell Creeks. depleted the reservoir at the diver- until snowmelt greatly increased The preearthquake discharge had sion dam downstream (fig. 6). the discharge. Differences be- been about 12 cfs for more than a Within a few hours after the tween the Campbell Creek and month; on March 31, when the earthquake, all the water behind Ship Creek hydrographs probably first information was obtained the dam was diverted to the mili- are dependent, at least in part, after the earthquake, the flow was tary and city distribution systems. upon locations of the gaging sta- 4 cfs but apparently was increas- Because of this complete diversion, tions (pl. 1). The South Fork ing. The stream either lost water no water flowed over the diversion Campbell Creek gage is more than from its channel after the earth- dam until the afternoon of March 2 miles from the mountains, and quake,
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